Desmond Wolfe

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His segment tonight was good, as was the entire brawl with Angle, but he really needs to quit the "wolf" references. They just kill anything else he says, and stick out more than anything he does in, or in this case, out, of the ring.

His work with Angle can definitely push him to the main event, but he needs to prove there's legs to his character. He can't "blow his load" here, and have nothing new for whoever is next.
Very true NSL, as good as his feud with Angle may end up being he is going to have to prove in his next feud that the magic works with anybody and that he isnt just a one hit wonder. I think he will be fine though, he seems to have all the ingrdients of a top notch talent. Boy did Vince miss the boat on this one it would appear.
Vince didn't miss the boat. This guy would feuding with goldust or tatsu at the bottom of ECW for months, if not years if he signed with the WWE. I've been impressed so far, and while Angle is selling this feud well, he could have a big future, and as long as they play their cards right, so does TNA.
Well if Vince had done that to Wolfe then he still would have missed the boat. The guy is to good to be doing anything other then feuding with top talent, that is clear as day. I am actually happy Vince didnt sign for that sole reason. If he knew what he could potentially have had then maybe he would book him right but we wont knw anytime soon. All in all Wolfe has be awesome so far and I hope it continues.
I think the whole program of Angle-Wolfe has been perfectly executed. It has done three things: turned Angle into a huge face practically overnight; established Wolfe as a huge heel right out of the starting block; and established Wolfe as also a main event-caliber player for a good while.

The segment between the two tonight was awesome...the two rivals going at it while the video played in the background made it surreal and legitimate at the same time. I think TNA is becoming better and better at suspending disbelief. Sometimes it's obvious that video segments are mostly pre-taped, and TNA took that conception and ran with it...pretty good in my opinion.

I think once this program is done (which hopefully isn't for a while, as I think it has some serious legs), Wolfe will have been established as a main-event player in TNA. Whatever feuds he has will have big-time feel to them, since he came in on the plateau of feuding with Kurt Angle.
Yes, I completely agree that Wolfe entering TNA and immediately targeting Angle has effectively established him out-of-the-chutes as a main-event caliber wrestler. It is the WWE equivalent of having a newcomer walk into a program with -- and own -- Triple-H from Day 1. If TNA is smart, they will milk this one for the next three PPV broadcasts, giving different stips to each of the matches, ultimately culminating in a 6-sides of steel showdown. It would definitely be worth watching!
Suprisingly I actually like this dude. I don't watch ROH or the Indy's so I had no past knowledge of this guy, and had no personal expectations for him. I thought he'd be stuck in a shitty feud with Mick Foley or Scott Steiner, but am impressed that TNA put him up with Angle, there big dog.

People argue that TNA doesn't make new stars anymore and are only worried about pushing so called rejects, so it's nice to see a new guy get a big push and rub from Angle, and it's nice so that the TNA haters have to shut up for a minute.

The guy is solid on the mic, seems good in the ring, and with him going against Angle first thing, it establishes him as a big player in TNA. He seemsl like someone who could be a legit top heel for the company and I'm geniunely excited to see where the feud goes.

Not too mention the accent is sexy, and he's a decent looker to boot.
See, I want to get excited about this rivalry. And a few weeks ago, I was. But think about it real quick, once Hogan finally takes over, that's the complete end of this storyline.

Angle and Wolfe are pulling off an excellent storyline, as are AJ-Joe-Daniels. But I bet you, some how, they will be squashed in comparison to "Hulk Hogan comes to TNA."
i was curiuos to see what all the buzz was about wolf when he first signed and i have too say he is almost edgeing out super mex as my favorite at the moment his promos skills are on par with dare i say "The Instant Classic" just more evil and his matches are more than what i expected and i cant wait to see where the fued with angle goes and we all know angle can always put on the match of the night
I think Wolfe's debut has been the strongest in either TNA or WWE for a long time. The great thing is that since both he and Angle can work, TNA can draw out this feud for months without it getting stale, old-school style. Unlike Cena/Orton which got pretty old, pretty quickly.

I wouldn't worry too much about where Desmond goes after his feud with Angle because the TNA roster is full of guys who he could work with or has worked with previously in ROH. He could have great matches with Daniels, Joe or AJ, who are all at the top of the card in TNA. There's is no way he would be in the ring with any of the top of the card guys on Raw or Smackdown. He would languish on ECW for months after months down in FCW learning the WWE style.
First I want to say that I didn't know this guy when he was in ROH or the Indy's. All I knew about him, was that the indy fans hyped the fuck out of him. So when I heard he had signed with TNA, I really didn't care or think much of it.

So I'm watching TNA, and all of a sudden someone attacks Angle. Again I had no idea what Nigel McGuinness looked like, so at first I had no idea who it was. I finally hear that Desmond Wolfe=Nigel McGuiness and I was surprised that the ROH hype seemed to be legit. I was even more surprised that TNA was actually making a worth while debut for this guy, and instantly made him seem legit.

So over the past few weeks, I actually care about this feud. I'm really diggin "Wolfe"(doesn't hurt that he's cute and that accent is sexy) and I'm really digging the interaction between him and Angle.

For once TNA has done something smart. This guy seems to have legit overall talent, and if Dixie and Company countinues to let him shine, I can see big things from him. But again this is TNA we are talking about. In a year or two I could see Wolfe jobbing to Nash and wearing a chicken suit, wouldn't surprise me a bit.
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