Desmond Wolfe. Holy Crap!

I love Wolfe, but I think the guy with the most talent is AJ Styles, however Bischoff and Hogan aren't helping with showcasing that. I hope that a storyline happens where AJ turns back into himself, whether he ends up as a heel in the end or a babyface because he doesn't reach his full potential being thrown in as a Ric Flair wannabe. No offense to Flair but Styles is better without his new persona.
id have to say wolfe,angle,styles andddddddddddddddddd KENTA(u know the guy cm punk took half his moveset from)

the one thing thats hurt styles is , he or tna i dont know which has changed his moveset and now it has become generic.....aj was 10x more exciting at the start of tna where he varied his moves to know wheres its springboard elbow,stylzclash, spring board 450....... as said in another thread......aj's doing this heel gimmick wrong..... its coming off dorky... hes not rick flair 2.0. he needs to go back to his orginal heel where the phenomonial gimmick came from....... he was so much better as the "im better than you and ill prove it"
i think the best wrestler in the business today has got to be kurt angle. credentials, mic skill and variety of moves put him at the best in the world in my opinion. the closest wwe has is y2j, and dont get me wrong i think he is great, but nearly a whole year of this boring tag team angle has really thrown his momentum. tna as a company may suck, but they have the wrestling talent.
The best? No where near it.

Hasn't he only been the Wolfe character for a few months? What has he done? Who has he fought against? Angle? Is that it? He had some great matches with Angle, don't get me wrong. But thats more of a credit to Angle than Wolfe. And what exactly is his character anyway? A Pommy who wears black shades and a black jacket and has a no nonsense attitude? Thats hardly a charcter....more of an image really. Maybe he has the best "look" in the industry today. But being the best is more than an image. In fact, it's about more than being "technical" in the ring. What makes Angle nearer to the best isn't just his look or that he can get "technical" in the ring. Same with Jericho. It's EVERYTHING bundled into one neat little package. It's the entrance, combined with the ring work and promo abiltiy, and finally topped off with the one thing that one can never make nor create for themselves.....charisma. Angle has it. Jericho has it. Styles has it. Wolfe does not. Not yet anyway. He is, afterall, still new to the "big time" style of wrestling. In Ring of Honour doing a bunch of armbars and fancy looking mat wrestling around the ring is really all you need to impress the "smart marks" that more than anything want to believe that what they are watching is real. For Desmond Wolfe to really become the the best in the industry he has to stop being such a wrestler and become an entertainer. Jericho did it. As did Angle. And Flair. Even the Iron Sheik managed to do it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but rather something a wrestler must embrace if he wishes to really become the best. Perhaps one day Desmond Wolfe will be spoken about in the same breath as the many legends that paved the way for him to be where he is....but that that day is still far away.

Maybe "The Pope" will get there first?
I like the potential of Wolfe. He was one of the few ROH guys that could tell a story in the ring without resorting to pure spot monkey wrestling. He has a good look, has the moves, and so far has been "good enough" on the mic. Lots of potential, but he isn't there yet.

Kurt Angle is, in my opinion, way overhyped. His in ring ability is good, no doubt, but I can't stand his non comedic promos. He seems to be the center of the current IWC circle jerk, so I expect him to get lots of votes.

The best in the industry today is John Cena. He's stale as hell, his promos are boring and routine, his 5 wrestling moves are well documented, and his love/hate relationship with the crowd is well documented. But, he still sells boatloads of merchandise, gets by far the biggest crowd reactions of any wrestler in either of the big North American promotions, is consistently at the top of the card, and has the largest media crossover appeal of any active wrestler. In my opinion, being the top bread winner makes Cena the best in the industry. Even if I do think he is in desperate need of re-packaging.
Not the best across the board, but damn, he is good. He was tremendous during his time in ROH and has done nothing but exceed all expectations since his move to TNA. He still has that Nigel McGuinness swagger but has done a great job of tweaking his new gimmick- although I can't bring myself to call him Desmond Wolfe yet. His promos have been magnificent (anyone else notice that Christy Hemme gets giddy when she interviews this guy), he has had great matches, and most of all TNA has given him the opportunity to be a main event guy from the start. TNA obviously knows the talent that they have on their hands with this guy. I hope we see a world title run from him in 2010.
Best overall talent in NA is none other than Chris Jericho. Whether he loses or wins his matches are stellar. He rarely wrestles the same match and really tries to outdo himself. He brings instant crediblity to any title he holds and is a true professional in the ring.

He has the ability to be one of the very best faces or heels depending on what the industry needs from him. His feuds and rivalries are historic and classics (Rock, Benoit, Malenko, Cena, HHH, HBK, Rey, Juvi etc.)

Worldwide, as in Mexico and Japan hands down is KENTA. The man can flat out go. KENTA is not afraid to outdo himself no matter how big or small the arena. KENTA is one of the most influential workers in the business as guys from NA are biting his stlye. (CM Punk, Berreta)
I honestly didn't know much about him coming into TNA, and I was pleasantly surprised. He's old school, and revels in it. He'll fight anyone, can cut a decent promo, and has shown the ability to work a main event-level feud.

I'm hoping he does well in the tournament Sunday, because he'd be a great opponent to a face Samoa Joe, or a freshly turned AJ Styles. He is truly a part of the "future" of TNA.
He's very good. Wolfe is a guy that can just flat out go in the ring and at the end of the day that's what matters. His look and I guess you would say character are perfectly. I'd like to see them get into a straight feud rather than just have random matches but that's TNA for you. He's a great find for TNA and someone that could help them out tremendously for years to come.

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