Desmond Wolfe

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YES!!!! I loved him as Nigel Mcguiness. I really really hope that he maintains a main event push in TNA. He has only appeared on Impact 3 times and is already the best part of the show. I think giving him a lengthy run with the Global Championship will both legitimize him and global title. When I say lenghty I mean at least 6 months with alot of title defenses. Kind of like When Bret Hart won his first world title. He was defending it every week against everyone from Shawn Michaels to Brian Knobs to Rick Martel.

Any thoughts.
I don't think he needs the Global Title. I mean he comes in as a virtual unknown and gets put into a major program with Kurt Angle and has laid him out twice in the past 2 weeks to end Impact. That's pretty huge for a new guy. The nice thing is that they both can work and if done right, this is a fued that could last months without people rolling their eyes, a la Cena/Orton.

The Global title should be used to help elevate a wrestler, like an Eric Young or a Hernandez. It should be used to build wrestlers up to main event status, like the IC belt and the US title used to. Let EY hold the belt for awhile then give Hernandez a run to see how he does as a singles champion before pushing him into the World Championship picture.
Desmond Wolfe is an instant classic. Everything from the man's appearance, personality, character and intensity is great. His name absolutely fits him as well and I like it. The guy comes in and absolutely sets the bar for any newcomer dominance and is definitely a great presence in TNA. TNA should use this guy correctly, he's good, plays the heel nicely, certainly looks like a star...Jason Statham? Some resemblance.
Nothing but impressed by this guy. I was never fortunate enough to catch any ROH stuff but know him by his reputation and I must say I've been absolutely blown away by him. Not many new stars can just step in and be thrust into such a high profile program and thrive like he has. Big things coming for Mr. Wolf........or just Wolf to his friends.......
As much as everyone is heaping praises on Desmond Wolf, I think he's looked "OK" to date. The person who deserves a significant portion of the credit for him, of course, is Kurt Angle.

Angle sold Wolf's backstage attack really well last week, despite the fact that -- in my opinion -- it looked really, really weak. Their in-ring encounters have been significantly better, but even getting me to believe that Wolf's lariat last night incapacitated Angle is stretching things for me. I mean, the guy can get suplexed and thrown all over the place but a clothesline is going to knock him out cold? Questionable.

Still, Wolf is being booked extremely strong for a debuting newcomer, stronger than anyone short of a returning WWE superstar has been by TNA. It's clear they see tremendous things for his future, and I think the fans are being drawn in by his character very quickly as well. He definitely has the ring and mic skills to support the push he's receiving.

It can only mean good things ahead for him.
Angle sold Wolf's backstage attack really well last week, despite the fact that -- in my opinion -- it looked really, really weak. Their in-ring encounters have been significantly better, but even getting me to believe that Wolf's lariat last night incapacitated Angle is stretching things for me. I mean, the guy can get suplexed and thrown all over the place but a clothesline is going to knock him out cold? Questionable.

In case you didn't know, Desmond Wolfe had 2 torn biceps in the past in ROH, so if his hits look "weak" (for example: a European Uppercut), then his past injuries on his arms have to be a factor as to why you think they look weak. His hits look pretty effective to me.

And BTW, his lariat on Kurt Angle was brutal and with force, especially since Kurt has a history of neck injuries. Try getting clotheslined by someone like him with a bad neck..
In case you didn't know, Desmond Wolfe had 2 torn biceps in the past in ROH, so if his hits look "weak" (for example: a European Uppercut), then his past injuries on his arms have to be a factor as to why you think they look weak. His hits look pretty effective to me.

And BTW, his lariat on Kurt Angle was brutal and with force, especially since Kurt has a history of neck injuries. Try getting clotheslined by someone like him with a bad neck..

I know your instinct here is to protect and defend Desmond Wolfe, but the fact remains that -- in my eyes -- those European upper-cuts looked weak. Past injuries aside, if he is unable to properly deliver an effective-looking forearm shot, perhaps they could have booked him to use something else. Besides, in an actual match, an European upper-cut would have barely knocked Angle back into the corner, much less incapacitated him momentarily. In this instance, a great chair shot could have easily laid Angle out, and, in my book, looked more impactful.

As for the lariat, it DID look intense. Yet I'm still saying I question whether or not a clothesline would be enough to knock a multiple-time World champion like Angle unconscious.

Ultimately, the lariat is less the problem than the weak upper-cuts. Those looked shoddy at best. Thankfully, they're now two weeks gone and everyone can simply forget about how this feud started and focus on where it leads instead.
I thought that he cut a pretty damn good promo, but I haven't really seen much in the ring to be overly impressed with. I'm don't necessarily put a lot of stock in first impressions much of the time so I'm hoping I'll be more impressed as things go along.

The IWC has hyped the crap out of this guy for quite a while off and on, at least for the 6 months or so I've been posting in this forum. In the ring with Angle, I wasn't all that impressed with what I saw. But, I'm willing to keep an open mind about that. As I said earlier, I did enjoy the promo and when you put his work on the mic, the attitude coupled with his ring work, I might be able to get into him with a little time. As of right now, he's looked good but the performance hasn't matched up with the hype.
Love him in tna so far. He was great in ROH and really went from the literal bottom of ROH and rose to the top. He really wasnt anything special when he first came to ring of honor but went against that and over the years became a huge star.

I was really happy that they really didnt change much character and style wise about nigel when he made the switch to tna. They had him keep his persona and character style in tna and his in ring style from what i can see is the same with the same finishing moves. I was a bit worried because few people in big time wrestling get away with a lariat or closeline for a finish besides JBL. Some have wicked looking ones but never finishers so kinda was hoping nigel could keep his. He even did the rope motion even though he missed it. Tazz even mentioned last week he was known as nigel mcguiness so that was cool to. I see him doing good in tna. Alot more then i could picture him in wwe. They in my opinion would probably change his character,his moveset and conform him to more of the wwe style(not saying its a bad style)
I actually was impressed with Wolf. But there's one problem I have with him working with Angle first. And that's after the feud is over, whose going to make Wolf look as good as Angle did? Don't get me wrong, Wolf is good, but Angle is making him look like the next 10 time World Champion. What happens when Wolf works with somebody who doesn't put him over like Angle does. Can he carry multiple people on a national level?

And I agree I thought his uppercuts were horrible, but even a good uppercut, like Regals, doesn't ever really draw big pops. I want to see this kid against a Jay Lethal, a Lashley, a Morgan. Guys who really don't tell a great story, just relies on great wrestling, or size.

On a side note, I think Angle is top 3 greatest wrestlers who make other wrestlers look incredible. Flair had it. HBK has it, Angle has it. Those three, in prime, even out of prime, could take a NOBODY and turn them into a somebody. Or take a somebody and turn them into a Icon.
Loving Desmond. I have to be honest, never watched ROH, I heard whispers of how good this guy was and have seen bits and pieces. I love the way he debuted, I love the promo he cut last week. I love his match with Angle. Think about it man, they just threw this guy in here in a program with arguably the biggest star TNA has [minus Hogan now] and one of the best wrestlers in wrestling, period. This is a serious sink or swim situation for him. I pray that they keep this guy's push going, keep him in the main event, I BEG YOU TNA! I really don't wanna see the same ol guys. Lashley, Angle, Nash, anybody over 40. Not cool. I'd love to see this guy wrestle and dominate TNA. I don't want him with a belt, keep him strapless right now. This guy has the potential to do something big, and i've never watched a match of his until last week. It's a great way to debut, great all around character. Loving it. Keep it up TNA.
From what I've seen, I'm really impressed with Desmond Wolfe/Nigel Mcguiness, he seems like a great in ring performer and he's got a lot of personality. However, I'm a bit old my opinion, he needs to earn his stripes in the company before getting thrown into a main event feud with Angle let alone getting anywhere near a title....
I'm very impressed. He cut an awesome promo on his debut night and has done well so far. I don't think I've ever seen anyone dominate Kurt like that in a long time. They are really pushing this guy and I don't blame them. From what I've seen said about him on these forums he is amazing in the ring. It will be interesting to see how this goes. Hopefully they don't give him any titles soon. He should have a few important feuds with non title holders after Kurt to help really establish him. I believe part of the reason this feud is having Wolfe so dominate is because they need to establish Kurt as a face again and what better way then to have him have his ass handed to him by some random new heel.
OMFG I love this guy, he called the crowds wanker's haha, I found is so amusing, he is getting off to a good start, hopefully he'll a bright future in TNA.
Angle has been instrumental in helping push Desmond Wolfe's character over.

The one thing I think I'm most thankful for with this is the fact that he debuted solo, and not as a part of the World Elite or British Invasion.

When EY spoke about having "earth-shattering news" or whatever it was regarding changing the Legends title to the Global title, I was just hoping that it wasn't going to mean the debut of McGuinness as yet another part of the World Elite.
Angle has been instrumental in helping push Desmond Wolfe's character over.

The one thing I think I'm most thankful for with this is the fact that he debuted solo, and not as a part of the World Elite or British Invasion.

When EY spoke about having "earth-shattering news" or whatever it was regarding changing the Legends title to the Global title, I was just hoping that it wasn't going to mean the debut of McGuinness as yet another part of the World Elite.

I couldn't agree more with this entire post. First of all, I have to give alot of credit to Kurt Angle. His willingness to give an inch here has made McGuiness look amazingly strong. Hell, Angle sold the shit out of the lariat like no one else ever has. While I'm sure Angle will come out on top in this fued, it certainly looks like a win-win situation for Angle and McGuiness.

I love this idea of McGuiness coming in on his own. He has cut some great promos and has created a ton of heat thus far with the crowd. While being a part of the British Invasion would have been the obvious fit, TNA chose to go a different direction and I'm thrilled with that. I hope Nigel continues to be pushed as a main event guy. He definately has the ability to be a star in this company.
Wolfe's two finger salute is going to catch on quick, too. It's the British version of the finger, and I absolutely love the cheap heat he gets with it when he salutes it to the crowd. I also love that he calls him "Mr. Angle", and not Kurt.

Wolfe is a prime example of yet another thing TNA is doing correctly right now.
I'm still sort of on the fence when it comes to him. He seems to be pretty good overall, but he hasn't shown me that he's THAT good yet. I'm sure he's more than capable in the ring, I just wish he had a better finisher. I'm not really buying into the clothesline thing really. He just doesn't have the size to pull that off for me, but I do kind of dig that his finisher isn't all flashy or anything.

His promo tonight...ehh, kinda made me cringe a little. All the wolf references like "hungry like a wolf" or in the "jaws of the wolf" just struck me as a little corny.
He does have another finisher. He did it the week before to Angle at the end of the episode that he debuted at. The stiff clothesline is only another one of his finishers.
He does have another finisher. He did it the week before to Angle at the end of the episode that he debuted at. The stiff clothesline is only another one of his finishers.

He uses both the lariat as well as the hangman's 'stunner' off the top rope.

I don't really like how they used Angle on the phone in the middle of his match tonight, but I loved Wolfe's heel promo at the end of his match.

Another victim in the fangs of the Wolfe!
"mr. mangled"...Wolfe has really made an impact (no pun intended) his match tonight was great he ran through someone then called out angle and the crowd is eating it up as i am

cannot wait for turning point
:lol: I don't really see what you guys see in that guy? He seems like a normal TNA Long stick joker. I mean his walking style and talking style make me laugh. I hate to say it but i know TNA too well to even take it seriously. I guess its just me i just cant see it as a "main thing" of wrestling.
He's been impressive so far, there is no question of that, but my worry is that he's going to end up being stuck with the World Elite because, obviously, everyone who isn't American would stick together. Another worry is that there was obviously some reason that he failed his entry test into the WWE, and the fact that he did so would lead me to believe that there is some sort of underlying injury issue which may hold him back. I'm not a big ROH fan, and I've only really watched matches on youtube, so I have to say I'm pleasantly suprised with his promo delivery skills.
I think Wolfe is fuckin awesome, easily one of the best parts of Impact last night. They must have a lot of faith in him making him look great against Angle for 2 straight weeks and having him completely destory Deaner. I really liked his promo as well. It was a bit corny and over the top, but it made me chuckle. Wolfe's whole persona and attitude is just awesome, I can't get enough from him.

Now Angle will likely get the better of Wolfe in this current feud, but I still think Desmond will go on to big things in TNA. Him getting involved with either Morgan or Hernandez in the future would be pretty awesome and could catapult him even further into the main event picture.
I am really digging this Desmond Wolfe fellow. I know its Nigel McGuiness and I was really impressed by him a couple years ago when he wrestled that dark match for, I think it was Bound For Glory 1. He is really good in the ring but I have never heard him talk before. I gotta say hes pretty good on the stick as well. I see this guy going far and bringing TNA with him. Hes probably the only reason I will be watching TNA from now on.
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