Dear John Cena: I'm Sorry

I strayed from the path recently because I hadn't heard The Rock's catchphrases regularly in seven years. That said, the magic is gone. Rock and I will always have the good times from the turn of the decade but after his underwhelming appearances at WrestleMania and last night's Raw, I can't in good faith continue to be a member of Team Bring It. Your fantastic performance against The Miz last night showed The Rock up and proved once again why you're the current face of professional wrestling. Here's hoping you whoop that candy ass at WrestleMania 28.

I love you, Cena. Never. Give. Up.

I think you're ready...

Dear John Cena: I still find you moderately entertaining.

Anyone else see the irony in someones anticlimactic and repetitive behavior making you like Cena more?
Welcome? I was leading the charge while you were still sucking on your mother's tit.

I know this reference... I KNOW I know this reference... fuck.

And I'm glad to see you've come back to the light side of the force, Coco. I'd say it's an Anakin Skywalker like transformation, but you were never played by a horrible child actor, and then another terrible actor.

Eat your heart out Rock, it's all about John fucking Cena. I think he could feud with The Miz forever and I'd never get bored.

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