How does John Cena spend the year?

i think it depends on the draft. if it's coming up soon then it might be someone new like del rio but if not i think hell just fight random wrestlers till someone try's to make a name for them selfs thats how most his fueds start anyway
omg another ****** wants cena to turn heel so all we have for faces are orton and....jomo? HA.
They need more heels to turn face not the other way around. Punk or Shamous could turn face eventually and maybe face miz but for now its cena and mi going to continue there fued.

Miz and cena are advertised at the arena for extreme rules btw :)
The Rock is most likely going to disappear for awhile, and in a few months he'll pop back up. During The Rock's absence, Cena will probably gain his fan base back now that there is no one there to turn the entire WWE Universe against him, people might actually realize that Cena is here to stay, while The Rock promotes his new movie ;) But he'll probably get revenge against The Miz, as far as Cena winning the title, I can't really see it, and if he does I doubt it'll last long since he has The Rock to focus on next year, unless that turns into a title match. Who to feud with? As of right now, it looks like The Corre, but in all honesty, I have no idea what the WWE will do with John Cena, all I want is for his fans to stop being so fake and stick with him, every Superstar deserves a strong fan base, and his fans shouldn't have walked away just because The Rock showed up for a few shows.
If the feud is ended, which I dont think it is. It would be a waste of the feud and the Elimination Chamber.. The match had a crappy ending and The Miz got a fluke win with help from The Rock.
John Morrison could feud with Miz but I dont see it happening as I see a Ziggler vs Morrison feud.

Also, Cena posted this on his twitter:
CeNation. Well rock. U got a year to get ready. Me...ill be in bridgeport mon with my sights set back on the Miz. I can not wait
15 hours ago
They won't make Rock/Cena a title match because that limits the marketability of the card by putting too many eggs in one basket. Plus the match itself will be similar to Rock/Hogan, not a technical classic but a spectacle worth the price of admission.

Cena will probably be a corny bastard the whole year and show grit and determination and more passion in one week than the Rock shows in a year. Probably win and then lose the title. Still not get any respect by moves marks or Rock marks, still be loved and adored by his fans. Probably won't get injured, and if he does he'll fight through it. He'll make hundreds of radio and autograph appearances. He'll talk to kids with cancer. He'll take awkward bumps that hurt him more because naturally he doesn't wanna land on his neck after breaking it.
For now Cena will continue his feud with Miz. Who knows what'll happen after that. The draft should be coming up soon, so that'll switch things up and provide new opportunities for different feuds. Personally, I'd love to see a Cena/Del Rio feud. A feud between Cena and Ziggler might also be interesting.

I doubt we see much of the Rock for awhile. He'll pop in occasionally throughout the year, but I doubt he'll appear regularly until 2012 rolls around.

Unlike Hogan/Rock, where the audience was split about 50/50 or 60/40, I think almost everyone will be in the Rock's corner when he goes against Cena. To make their match and feud REALLY interesting next year, I think they should turn Cena heel at some point later this year. It makes all the sense in the world. Cena's loyal to the WWE, says he'll never leave them, etc., yet they boo him in favor of the Rock, who hasn't been around in years. Just that right there is enough motivation for him to make the switch. Of course, as someone else pointed out, the WWE is running low on faces right now, so we'll have to see some current heels also make the switch to balance things out.

I highly doubt the Cena/Rock match next year will be for a title. This is probably going to be one-and-only deal for The Rock. And besides, the match will be big enough as it is. The WWE Championship can be used in a different match to give the rest of the card more weight.
I can easily see a Cena heel turn within the next few PPV's. I'd love to see it in fact. I think it would really generate some good interest. Of course, we need a face for him to feud with for a bit. Miz is out. I don't think he will ever make an effective face. Maybe it would be a good way for someone like Morrison to break out of the mid-card slump.

Y2J? Not a bad idea. He's been away for a while, fans would easily get behind him for a run against Evil Cena. Maybe Jericho comes back and swipes the title from under Cena's nose and that starts it?

All the while, Rock shows up every 3-6 weeks and gets involved in a match, even if it's just to walk down the ramp and "screw" Cena.
I think Cena spends this year doing the same thing he's done the past 7 or so years. cut promos, sell merch, wave his hand in front his face, do his 5 favorite moves, piss off everybody in the wwe universe thats over 14, kick ass, change the color of his shirts to other kid friendly colors, pick up his check, and be richer and more famous than the people who hate him. then next year he'll do it again. somewhere in between there he'll win and lose some more titles and sell more colorful shirts.

Basically, he'll be better than everybody, and everybody will hate him for it.
Not having Cena and Rock fight until WM28 is a brilliant idea. It's something that will keep us guessing throughout the year, yet it will always be in the background until they start promoting "The Road to Wrestlemania."

In the meantime, what Cena will be doing during the year probably hasn't been decided yet. Creative will be gauging the fans' reaction to him as time goes on, but there's going to be a subtle altering of perception about Cena since fans know he's going to be facing one of the legendary heroes of WWE. When Cena adjusted Rock's attitude right before WM, I thought we were going to see him change to heel right then and there. On reflection, though, it's premature to presume that fans will turn on Cena if he opposes the Rock. He is the present; Rock is the past...... and the company is (hopefully) smart enough to write the storyline to reflect this; not simply cater to the Rock.

The company wrote a temporary face change a few years ago when Shawn Michaels turned bad only long enough to fight Hulk Hogan, remember? Right after the match, HBK went back to being a face. I thought the whole thing was kind of forced and awkward. With Cena, I think they'll do it better. What happens during the coming year will determine whether Cena goes heel; it won't be determined solely by his upcoming match with the Rock.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Cena go bad; I think he'd make a terrific heel. There's plenty of reason for it to happen too...... it would be believable if Cena started mocking the fans by saying: "You keep booing me? Fine, now I'll give you something to boo about!"

Maybe this will finally be the year we hear a wrestler on the air say "F--- You" to the fans. (goodbye, PG rating!)

It 's going to be an exciting year.
Cena is going to feud with other people for the WWE title probably. there is no way that the rock has time to do a year long feud, not with all the movies and other stuff he is doing. I can see Cena defending/competing for the title at royal rumble or elimination chamber and the rock interferes and then their feud statrs from there. another idea is have the rock be a surprise entrant in the royal rumble and have him eliminate cena.
i wouldn't mind seeing cena turn heel and injure the rock long term and move on to another feud and make a different match for wrestlemania, only to have rock return at wrestlemania and demand cena to honor the match they had made.
I honestly won't be watching any of Cena's feuds this year. I'm sorry, but seeing John Cena overcome all odds and come back from the most hopeless situations again and again and again and again is getting OLD AS HELL!!! Let's look at all he's done over the past years... he came back from an injury into the Rumble and beat a healthy Triple H. He was the first person to beat Umaga, he overcame Nexus, he won the Elimination Chamber match which he had been unconscious in for half the time. And those are just to name a few. The list goes on and on.

And it's not really 100% the excessive winning that bugs me, it's how emotional he gets also. I hate it when he's talking normal then all of a sudden he just starts yelling like he's getting shot at. Bipooooooolar. And of course, all of his kid fans. I'm all for setting a good example for kids, and apparrently so is he. But he ALWAYS wins! He teaches kids how to win, but not how to lose. The point he's sending across is ALWAYS win. He has never taught an example of how to lose. I'm just sick of his character all together.
Because Cena's facing Rocky at mania next year im assuming he wont be participating in the Royal Rumbe, Elimination Chamber and any other PPV fighting for the title. Because of the match already comfimed for mania 28 i dont see the point and in Cena fighting for the any title, am i right?

Also im am wondering how they are going to build this fued without it getting stale and boring. What? Rocky makes a few apperances here and there, not even that, Rocky comes back after next years EC to build the fued with Cena? I hope it wont be like this but for some reason i think it will :(
What if Cena gets to have two matches at wrestlemania? One for the championship (assuming he holds it at the time or is #1 contender) and the obvious Rock main event. Has anyone ever had two matches in one WM before? I assume not, so this could be a new experiment to try.
I would like to see him feud with Morrison once his program is done with Miz.

Morrison's Heel turn is so simple and the parts are already in place. Simply have him attack John Cena from behind and have Melina by his side. There is real life heat on Morrison and Melina to base this off of, so the timing involved with this is just perfect.

Melina is not doing much regarding the Divas Division, and she was a damn fine Manager for MNM and Morrison when he was Nitro.

For the other 5-6 months he will need to be kept busy. He will be in some cluster Title Match at Night of Champions. He will be on a team at Survivor Series, and will probably have a few mini-feuds and likely a Title Match mixed in.

So essentially, I see him having one or two meaningful feuds, and being an added attraction to some matches to be put on PPV Cards
Nothing is confirmed just yet, but many are assuming last Monday is the last time we'll see the Rock before he returns to battle John Cena next year. As much as it sucks that he's leaving again, and it would be really cool to have him's probably for the best. If know he's coming back in 10 months or so, it's going to start getting exciting the closer we get to it. It'll make the feud more important if it's the only one he has. BUT, what if John Cena took the year off? I know it's never going to happen, but what if neither of them showed up until next February? What if last week was the last time we see John Cena in 2011?

Do you think it would better the Cena/Rock feud going into WrestleMania 28?
Do you think it would better the WWE product not having him in the main event scene for a full year?
Would you like a full year without John Cena on Monday Night Raw?
Just NO!!!! At least one of them has to be making regular appearances to help keep the fued in peoples minds and to keep it relevent.

The Rock will make appearances over the year, and Cena will constantly reference him during promos etc.

Having them both off TV just to turn up in February to fued til Mania would be like having Goldberg and Kevin Nash turn up in February and try to hype a Mania match between the two of them. Would seem far too random.
cena need to be wwe champ then or world champ so it could be a title match but then i think the rock loses because he cant stay around defending it
If there were another person ready to step up and take the throne of top babyface and overall face of the company I would have no problem with Cena taking the better part of the year off, I think he has earned it.

That being said though there is no one ready to take his spot right. Miz probably the next most over guy on either roster right now and he is clearly best used as the top heel in the business and I want to see more of his feud with John Cena. Randy Orton is a douchebag and should not be playing a face, he needs to go back to being a heel. I lost all respect for John Morrison lately and frankly would not mind seeing him released sooner than later, so he definitely can't fill Cena's spot. I think I would like to see Sheamus given the chance to be the top face at some point but right now is not his time either.

So in other words I think that RAW and the WWE as a whole would be lost without John Cena right now.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3020412 said:
Nothing is confirmed just yet, but many are assuming last Monday is the last time we'll see the Rock before he returns to battle John Cena next year. As much as it sucks that he's leaving again, and it would be really cool to have him's probably for the best. If know he's coming back in 10 months or so, it's going to start getting exciting the closer we get to it. It'll make the feud more important if it's the only one he has. BUT, what if John Cena took the year off? I know it's never going to happen, but what if neither of them showed up until next February? What if last week was the last time we see John Cena in 2011?

Do you think it would better the Cena/Rock feud going into WrestleMania 28?
Do you think it would better the WWE product not having him in the main event scene for a full year?
Would you like a full year without John Cena on Monday Night Raw?

By god yes i would love it but its never going to happen.:disappointed: Remember when Cena was "Fired" by Barrett? WWE still had him appear on every Raw in a mask pretending he was his "cousin".:banghead: No chance in hell of him taking a year off even a month off and Vince Mcmahon would have a heart attack because he would lose alot of money. The only way i could see it happening is if he was legit injured, and even then he would still pollute my tv/computer screen.
Cena, aside from being the biggest draw in WWE, is also one of the best wrestlers. So no, I would not want to see him taken off of TV.

It wouldn't change the feud going into WrestleMania as I doubt anything will happen between them from now until the end of the year. There may be the occasional mention but Cena will be in an angle and Rock will be doing movies and stuff. Then they will come together around Royal Rumble time (or Elimination Chamber depending on where the angle goes and how much money Vince wants to fork out) and gradually build.

I think it's time for Cena to go to SmackDown, though. It won't happen, but a big change in the draft would freshen things up on both brands for the better.

So I'd like Cena to stay on WWE TV, but not on Raw.
I don't like of course I'd like to see him gone for a year. Would it better for him to be gone for a year....hell no!! Think how much money Vince would lose, although the older fans would like him gone we're not the ones splashing the cash on WWE merchandise, the kids are, so therefore Vince doesn't care about many of the older fans.

Am I the only one who thinks that Cena was very stale until The Rock came along?
By god yes i would love it but its never going to happen.:disappointed: Remember when Cena was "Fired" by Barrett? WWE still had him appear on every Raw in a mask pretending he was his "cousin".:banghead: No chance in hell of him taking a year off even a month off and Vince Mcmahon would have a heart attack because he would lose alot of money. The only way i could see it happening is if he was legit injured, and even then he would still pollute my tv/computer screen.

Cena never appeared on Raw as the masked Cena, he just came through the crowd and attacked the Nexus..

and aside from losing the money, who would promote this feud if both The Rock and Cena arnt on TV?? Why announce a match a year out to have both of them just dissapear so people forget about it...that would cost them even more money than Cena not being on TV as people just wouldnt want to order Mania to see a match between 2 people who havnt been around....

Example: HHH Vs many people complained about the fact these two showed up so late and didnt have time to build the feud?? now people are saying The Rock and Cena shouldnt turn up till february?? The very time Taker and HHH turned up???

Just goes to show WWE really cant win either way...
I would have somebody "injure" The Rock, forcing him out of action until the Royal Rumble, where he eliminates John Cena.

This opens some unfinished feuds with Cena, like Sheamus and CM Punk.

John Cena didn't finish his feud with CM Punk. Pinning him at EC wasn't a proper finish to me. It felt like the feud didn't even start. Many people were disappointed that this wasn't the main-event at WM. I am too. The Miz vs John Cena has disappointed me. Cm Punk and John Cena are both good on the mic and CM Punk is good enough in the ring to carry a match. This feud has tons of potential.

John Cena also has unfinished business with Sheamus. They had 2 feuds. One was at TLC, where Sheamus did the unexpected and beat John Cena on his rookie year. Nobody expected it. Instead of fading into the mid-card, Sheamus was boosted into the main-event scene, unlike Jack Swagger.
Their 2nd feud wasn't focused on them. It was more focused on Nexus-Cena. Still, Sheamus beat John Cena at 2 consecutive PPVs. Remember, John Cena has NEVER beat Sheamus on a 1 vs 1 match.
With John Cena's WM 28 main event already decided, a generational, iconic clash similar to that of the Rock vs Hogan 10 years ago at WM 18, the question is what does John Cena do for the rest of the year?

Usually every superstar is on a path that leads them towards Wrestlemania, especially in the Fall/Winter months... but John Cena has one thing on his mind. So what do you see John Cena doing for the rest of 2011?

I think the Rock vs. Cena feud should turn cold for most of the year. Cena should engage in feuds and matches as usual. The Rock is not gonna wrestle full time, and there is really only so much he can do/say to get this feud over, and outside of the feud there is nothing really much for him to do. So he should go back to acting and such for a while. Then when it's closer to Wrestlemania it should heat back up.

Personally, I think this year should be used to build a heelish side of Cena's character. Not a full blown heel just yet but at least lay the foundation for it for when Rock comes back.

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