Dean Ambrose is the *NEW* WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Dean Ambrose definitely deserves this. Some might say he's only getting this for them to do the Shield Triple Threat, and that might be true. I think it has more to do with him being the most over wrestler in the company or being one of the most talented or having one of the best characters. Any of those are really good reasons. Anyways I'm proud for him and Raw is interesting again. There's finally a reason to tune in besides it's time for Raw, and there are going to be some very entertaining segments for the next few weeks (or however long Ambrose is champion). Welcome to the Ambrose Asylum!
Sorry, but Dean Ambrose as WWE champion is a damn disgrace! Didn't Lesnar nearly beat this guy to death a few months ago? I guess most Ambrose fan boys forget that fact. WWE's booking is pure SHIT!!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if Ambrose loses the belt at RAW tonight, to Sammy Zane. Lol...smh....
I'm not wild on this in the least quite frankly. Not least because I reckon he is probably amongst the worst wrestlers in the entire company at the moment. But more because the booking has been utterly horrible. The guy earlier in the thread nailed it. Ambrose got beaten to a pulp by Brock Lesnar at Mania and now he is the WWE Champion.

That said, it was a genuine surprise to see him cash it in last night, on the same night as he won it. And as unhappy as I am about the result of him winning the Championship, I'm willing to see how it goes in the optimism that it will lead to a very nice SHIELD three-way somewhere down the line. Like it or not, these three guys have the world at their feet in the WWE and this will be a great test for all three of them.

Congrats to Ambrose I guess. But I can't see it lasting.
Good for Dean Ambrose. Good for fans of Dean Ambrose...bad for people who like good wrestling matches, one on one especially. The main event picture just got a little more boring. I hope Dean can change my mind though, he had a couple of good matches with Triple H, one with Kevin Owens.
I'm a bit of a fan of Ambrose, so I was happy to see him win it, but I also agree that he is somewhat limited in the ring in ways you don't want the champ to be limited. That said, from an objective perspective, I think it makes sense to cement the dominance of the Shield by having each member have a title run so shortly thereafter.

Now that the set up the triple threat for Battleground, I think there is a sensible way and motivation for having each man win the title:

Least Likely - Roman wins. The only way Roman can possibly win is a full blown heel turn. If he takes the title from Ambrose, it will only mean more heat for him. If he is still able to be rehabbed as a face (doubtful) this would kill it. Having him align with HHH to screw Rollins out of a pinfall on Ambrose makes some sense, allows Rollins to make a face turn, and turn the Roman hatred into great heel heat. (Not likely as they would not have booked Ambrose as getting in Reigns' face tonight, and I doubt Vince is giving up on Roman).

Possible - Ambrose Wins. This happens for one reason. Ambrose is over as hell, and WWE is immediately going into a brand split. Keeping the title on Ambrose for a few months on Smackdown provides a fan-interest anchor. Also, it may explain the early use of the triple threat...which allows for fluky pinfalls that have less negative impact on the guy who takes the pin as a one-on-one. Result would be Ambrose squeaks out a win, and has a few successful feuds with the likes of Jericho/Wyatt before Owens takes it off of him (Ambrose and Owens have great chemistry, so Ambrose is a good transition to Owens).

Most Likely - Seth Rollins wins. If WWE wants to put Seth back in the top spot, what better to beat Reigns at MitB and Reigns and Ambrose at Battleground. This would then lead into a rematch feud with Ambrose, which is the feud that really elevated Rollins after the Shield breakup. Ambrose can likely stay over as a tweener, which may allow the WWE to continue to pivot Rollins into a face role.
I'm going to say this right now, because I've seen this so many times before... If WWE does indeed give Ambrose a "lengthy" run, say half a year, his "fan", and by that I mean "his internet opinionated fans" and "his hardcore fans who screamed their hearts out when he won the title" would turn on him. It's crazy with wrestling fans, it like the deeper the love (but if you disappoint me), the deeper the hate...

As for me, I've no problem with Dean Ambrose winning the title, let's see how he progress forward.
Considering the fact that there is going to be a brand split and two, yes two world champions and having in mind what happend ot RAW last night here are the 3 things I presume are going to happen:
1- Ambrose wins the triple threat and goes to SD as Heavyweight Champion
2- Rollins and Reigns stay on Raw
3- Rollins and Reigns battle for WWE Title on Raw
This way if you think about we will have the tree men the WWE invested so much as superstars being the main vocal point of the WWE.
Also for those that say that Ambrose isn't main event material only time will tell and who knows what will happen.
So let's just enjoy this and watch The DUDE run with the championship.
I was so shocked he won it. I figured they'd save it to WrestleMania. Props to WWE for pulling the trigger. He deserved it.
Dean ambrose first night as wwe champion didn't give me hope that he will be get a long title reign. His opening segment was long and had to many jokes in it. When you listen to crowd reaction even if it was a backward crowd reaction, both reigns and rollins we're more over then ambrose and both guys looked more like main event stars then him. Then during the main event, his commentary was awful.

at the end, he need to get more involve with his character development and move out of the comedy lunatic character if he want to be successful as champion and break the main event ceiling.
I was really shocked at his MITB win and then shocked to death at his title win.

He really deserves the title. He had held the midcard titles already unlike Rollins and Reigns. He surely deserved this big one.

I strongly disagree with those who think that Rollins and Reigns are main event talents while Ambrose isn't.

Of course Rollins is better at in-ring work. But I find Rollins and Ambrose almost equally good at mic.

He was destroyed at Wrestlemania at the hands of Brock but still he is massively over. Because fans like me can invest in him easily.

Too much happy for him. He surely needs a strong reign until at least Summerslam.
I'm not crazy about Ambrose. I mean he's a bit shit isn't he?

Mind you that's been about 80% his booking, 20% his shit flailing offense like he has muscular dystrophy. In the Summer of 2014 he was as ready as anyone in the company to be WWE Champion, and seeing the writing on the wall and how much he was outpopping Reigns, Vince immediately decided to cool him down with 17 year long feud with Bray Wyatt where the end record was something in the region of 1-117.

He's never really re-captured that white hot heat he had feuding with Seth post-Shield, but they make sure to keep him in his place by having him lose to Lesnar in 12 minutes, cutting his match to give much needed time to The Rock using a flamethrower in front of some cheerleaders.

Strange booking decision if he's your number two face who eventually is going to win the title.

The right decision was to keep the belt on Rollins post-Reigns suspension and have Ambrose remain always the bridesmaid-never-the-bride for a little while longer. Much more compelling.

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