Dean Ambrose - Intercontinental Champion: Yay Or Nay

Mid-Card Gold For The Lunatic Fringe?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Doesn't Matter As I've No Faith In WWE Compotently Booking Him As Champ.

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This past Monday on Raw, Dean Ambrose all but came out and said that he's going to have an Intercontinental Championship match against Wade Barrett since he owns a nontitle victory over Barrett. While nothing is confirmed as of yet, I think it's safe to say that this match will take place and it'll take place at the FastLane ppv. Would you like to see Ambrose become champion and POSSIBLY, and I can't stress that enough, see the IC title get some consistent booking?

In the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty sure that Ambrose is further up the totem pole in WWE than Wade Barrett. While there are no guarantees these days when it comes to the solidity of Vince McMahon's final creative decisions, I think it's more likely to see some restored stability with Ambrose as champion. What's happening to Wade Barrett as Intercontinental Champion is exactly why I didn't want to see him as champion again. There are very, very few wrestlers in the history of the title who've gotten less out of being Intercontinental Champion than poor Wade Barrett. It's gotten to a point where I dread to see Wade Barrett come to the ring on television as champion because there's probably a 75-90% chance that he loses. Throughout all 5 times he's been champion, WWE has used the following formula: faces opponent in a nontitle match + loses to opponent in nontitle match + opponent earns a title match due to nontitle match victory = champion retaining against challenging opponent before starting all over again with the same formula but with a new opponent.
The problem I have with this feud is neither can really afford a loss. Ambrose is on his 'losing PPV's streak', but BnB arguably has it worst considering how he has been putting over guys like Truth and Sin Cara. If Ambrose wins, he beats a loser. If Barrett wins, he beats a higher caliber of loser. And the IC title will continue to not matter since it changes hands seemingly on a daily basis.
The problem I had with the SD spot was BNZ.

Barrett has a great pop line with "I'm afraid I've got some bad newsssss!" and he changes that to this crappy bit?
What people dont seem to realise is that in this day and age of WWE, the Midcard titles are made important by the guy who holds it.

In the case of Barrett, he has been injury prone in recent times, and I am sure he was given the IC prop to just keep him relevant until they found a viable programme for him.

With Ambrose now, the title can possibly get some credibility because Ambrose is actually someone that WWE is interested in featuring and is not as injury prone as Barrett.
Thus, I am sure Ambrose holding the title would be a plus in much the same way that Cena holding the US title would elevate that.
Hey JH you forgot that was Flair's calling card where he lost clean in non-title matches and won when it counted. Worked pretty well for him, didn't it? Granted things are a little different but still. That being said I don't really care who ends up as champion. I just want to see these guys go out there and tear each other apart.
i say Yay to it. Ambrose needs something to feud with or go after. his last run with a mid card title would've been better if wwe had him defend it, but they never let him defend it. wwe isn't down on Ambrose, so i feel if he wins the Intercontinental Championship, he won't be like past ones and lose week in and week out on RAW, plus his promo work can help build the title up. so i would enjoy seeing an Ambrose IC title run, i would have him face either Barrett at Fast Lane or have him face another mid carder for the number one contendership...if he faces Barrett, have Barrett disqualify himself to continue the feud and of course, have Ambrose win the title at Wrestlemania.
After one title reign, ambrose is being seen as someone that can't be booked properly with gold. That's ridiculous when so many other factors cane into play; The Shield being the main one. The Shield and their storylines, (which no-one complained about at the time) vs Evolution and The Wyatt's were more important. Fact.

Now ambrose is a singles competitor. As a competitor, nothing should be more important than gold. Reigns is currently vying for the WWE WHC, as is Rollins, with his briefcase looming over Reigns' shoulder. Therefore Ambrose should want gold too, and this can elevate him and the title.

Absolutely Ambrose should be given a chance with the title. I agree, this is a horrible limbo for Barrett, who deserves more than to be a transitional champ for Ambrose. I see the first match happening at Fast Lane, and Barrett maybe winning, giving Ambrose a complex about not being able to win at PPVs. He could then rectify it all by winning at mania.
I would say yes, as it could work if they capitalize on his "lunacy". We have heel champs who do everything to not defend their title. We have had face champs that defend it all the time out of some sense of honor and fair-play. With Ambrose, they could go the route of him defending it all the time, and hopefully build its prestige back up, because he is "crazy" and "F it, I'll defend the title against anyone."
As long as they book him strong im on board for ambrose holding the ic strap. Him and barrett can put on a good match and i would play this fued out having a triple threat or fatal four way for number 1 contender at fast lane. You could Ambrose go over everyone that has beaten barrett lately. It makes him look strong going into mania the barrett goes on a run til mania also.
Bad News Barrett needs the win more than Dean Ambrose. Barrett has been booked as a non-entity since his return, and a solid, clean win over Ambrose would help get him back to where he was last year. Ambrose is ultra-popular with the girls in the crowd and has a small but loud group of male fans, but is still a very distant third in overall popularity behind Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. Barrett is the more important prospect and the one who needs to be pushed and protected. If this results in a WrestleMania match for the title, it should result in a clean pinfall victory for Barrett. Ambrose has plenty of time to get pushed later.
What people dont seem to realise is that in this day and age of WWE, the Midcard titles are made important by the guy who holds it.

That's true. I do forget sometimes that mid-card titles only really seem to get justly used if it's held by someone Vince is pretty high on. I know that mid-card titles aren't always put on guys who management feels is slated to be main event material, but they were still booked as champions as though did actually matter to some degree.
In the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty sure that Ambrose is further up the totem pole in WWE than Wade Barrett.

That seems logical, yet in many respects, Dean's continuing role has yet to be defined. He's had a built-in, inevitable feud against his former Shield partner Seth Rollins, a series that was sure to generate heat....and it did.

Then, it was a longer-than-expected feud against Bray Wyatt which featured two guys who were considered crazy....and, let's not forget, Dean lost the series.

Okay, what do they do with Dean Ambrose now? "Crazy" as a main characteristic does have a shelf life; you can't go with it forever. He's still coming down the aisle as a good guy, but does anyone truly think that's going to last? I don't.

I think chasing the IC title is a fine move. Yes, it's a championship, but one that pales besides the world title, right? If you look down the list of wrestlers who've held it, there are a ton of midcarders....and indeed, many folks consider it strictly a midcard title.

No problem with that, and since I regard Dean Ambrose as a guy not destined in the long run to be a main event performer, the IC would be a perfect place to see him go next. Plus, I like the idea of matches between him and Wade Barrett.....the ensuing feud might help solidify the "iffy" standing of Wade, which would be a good thing. But whomever winds up with the belt, the matches would be great to watch.
That seems logical, yet in many respects, Dean's continuing role has yet to be defined. He's had a built-in, inevitable feud against his former Shield partner Seth Rollins, a series that was sure to generate heat....and it did.

Then, it was a longer-than-expected feud against Bray Wyatt which featured two guys who were considered crazy....and, let's not forget, Dean lost the series.

Okay, what do they do with Dean Ambrose now? "Crazy" as a main characteristic does have a shelf life; you can't go with it forever. He's still coming down the aisle as a good guy, but does anyone truly think that's going to last? I don't.

I think chasing the IC title is a fine move. Yes, it's a championship, but one that pales besides the world title, right? If you look down the list of wrestlers who've held it, there are a ton of midcarders....and indeed, many folks consider it strictly a midcard title.

No problem with that, and since I regard Dean Ambrose as a guy not destined in the long run to be a main event performer, the IC would be a perfect place to see him go next. Plus, I like the idea of matches between him and Wade Barrett.....the ensuing feud might help solidify the "iffy" standing of Wade, which would be a good thing. But whomever winds up with the belt, the matches would be great to watch.

With kayfabe 'dead' as Triple H alluded to in the SCSA podcast; I think both Ambrose and Reigns current personas of "lunatic" and "badass" will only last long with scripted shit as long as it is an extension of themselves in reality.

John Cena's character is an extension of John Cena the man, which is why it lasted so long. In the same way, Stone Cold, the Rock, Hogan, etc... the majority of the long term Main Event greats were all extensions of themselves with the exception of Taker and Kane.

Thus, Ambrose and Reigns can succeed once they can extend their natural personas, pretty much.

Personally, I do feel that Ambrose is playing an extension of himself, and likewise, Reigns also. Their jobs will be to adapt and not get stale if they want to figure highly in the long term.
To go from headlining PPV events to IC champion is a step down. One that Barrett himself had to endure in 2010-2011. That belt doesn't give anybody any renewed focus because WWE thing just holding the title is enough.
I like Ambrose but the WWE gives no attention to their belts so putting the IC belt on him does nothing. He held the U.S. Title for like two years and that was a springboard to what? Your belts should held by your semi-main event and main event guys not to buried down in the mid card and until the WWE pushes them as holding some prestige then having titles is a waste.
Ambrose was "unstable" before he got to the WWE so his lunatic fringe persona is Dean being close to himself.
I like Ambrose but the WWE gives no attention to their belts so putting the IC belt on him does nothing. He held the U.S. Title for like two years and that was a springboard to what?
Ambrose was "unstable" before he got to the WWE so his lunatic fringe persona is Dean being close to himself.
i know people bring up the fact that Ambrose held the US title, but for some reason, WWE didnt even have him defend it....likely because he was a member of the shield and always had 6 man tag team matches. i think (if wwe books it right) Ambrose can be a great IC title holder. the US title will be defended to John Cena which will help it's credibility. the ic title just needs the right holder and booking for it's prestige to rise.
I think it's quite the honor for Ambrose to be looked at like a guy that can bring some respect to the IC belt. I mean, Cena is competing for the literally equal belt at Fastlane.

I say give it to him, I'd like to see all of the belts on faces (except the WWEWHC) going into WM31, and then all of the faces except Ambrose lose the belt to heels, event the WWEWHC, because Reigns goes heel.

Beyond that, the belts are just a bonus in the contract of the guys that hold it. No one really cares about title defenses because the champs get pinned ALL THE GODDAMN TIME in non-title bouts.
That's true. I do forget sometimes that mid-card titles only really seem to get justly used if it's held by someone Vince is pretty high on. I know that mid-card titles aren't always put on guys who management feels is slated to be main event material, but they were still booked as champions as though did actually matter to some degree.

Pretty much.

The only problem is, I do wonder even with Ambrose potentially holding it, if he'll get some proper mic time and an interesting, well-thought storyline, or will he just get a run of the mill feud where someone wins a no.1 contender's match/ pins the IC champ in a non-title match.

I do however, think that Ambrose won't be jobbed out a la Barrett(who I feel will have to prove his fitness in order to get a decent push in the future).
I would have no problem with Ambrose holding the strap for a bit. Dean is proving to be very good in the ring and at least to me is good on the mic. Its hard to trust Wade given his injury history. That has to figure in creative's plans.

While it's true neither can afford a loss,i think Wade needs the win more than dean does. If nothing more for confidence reasons. I don't know what WWE is doing with Wade having him lose in non-title matches,then said challenger gets a title shot then wade wins.

I personally would like to see this match at WM with Wade retaining.. I think Wade needs a long run with the IC strap to build credibility.
I say Nay. Dean Ambrose was becoming a main eventer at one point, and also seen by some as the guy that could go on and challenge Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania this year. But now, he has dropped to the mid card; the Bray Wyatt feud did him no favours, but it all started with losing to Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell. His current position again proves that that move was a wrong one. He could have been Daniel Bryan's opponent at least, but now he will be fighting the likes of Bad News Barrett.
It's not like he has anything else going on so why not? If it gives Dean his big win at Wrestlemania to win the title, he could ride off that for months. The key at the end of the day is the booking though, because if he never defends the belt or loses all the time, the win means nothing. If he defends it at least once every few weeks and doesn't get used as a stepping stone, he'll be fine.
Honestly it will be nice to see Dean Ambrose win the Intercontinental title. But I have 2 problems with this. 1. He just getting out of top notched feuds with the Authority and Bray Wyatt. And they using this title opportunity with Barrett especially if he wins to take him out the main event picture and drop him down to the midcard. Which brings me to point #2. He's already so over with the crowd and a main-eventer in some cases. Will Ambrose make the IC Title relevant again by putting it up against top-notched opponents and not the average mid-carder?

The IC Title is a title of prestige and WWE Superstars need to step their game up. If you want a top star to win a belt but give lower class superstars a shot with a sudden win out the blue then I don't want to see it. But if Dean Ambrose can pull a Dolph Ziggler and make the title relevant again, then of course I'll love to see him win it.
This past Monday on Raw, Dean Ambrose all but came out and said that he's going to have an Intercontinental Championship match against Wade Barrett since he owns a nontitle victory over Barrett. While nothing is confirmed as of yet, I think it's safe to say that this match will take place and it'll take place at the FastLane ppv. Would you like to see Ambrose become champion and POSSIBLY, and I can't stress that enough, see the IC title get some consistent booking?

In the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty sure that Ambrose is further up the totem pole in WWE than Wade Barrett. While there are no guarantees these days when it comes to the solidity of Vince McMahon's final creative decisions, I think it's more likely to see some restored stability with Ambrose as champion. What's happening to Wade Barrett as Intercontinental Champion is exactly why I didn't want to see him as champion again. There are very, very few wrestlers in the history of the title who've gotten less out of being Intercontinental Champion than poor Wade Barrett. It's gotten to a point where I dread to see Wade Barrett come to the ring on television as champion because there's probably a 75-90% chance that he loses. Throughout all 5 times he's been champion, WWE has used the following formula: faces opponent in a nontitle match + loses to opponent in nontitle match + opponent earns a title match due to nontitle match victory = champion retaining against challenging opponent before starting all over again with the same formula but with a new opponent.

Nay. The state of the IC Championship division is bad. There's not really any contenders outside of BNB and Ambrose. Yes, it beats Ambrose doing nothing but at the same time, competing for the IC Championship isn't like what it used to be.

All I can hope is they build up some more contenders for the title otherwise it'll just be Barrett and Ambrose swapping the belt back and forth.
It saddens me that the Intercontinental belt has been reduced to the level that people can actually question whether Ambrose winning it is good for him. It's the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP FFS! The 2nd biggest belt in the company, and it amazes me how WWE have let it's prestige fall so low that we are even having this discussion.

Dean Ambrose is awesome, I am a huge fan of him and really hope he is given a proper main event run and wins the WWE Title one day soon, but right now he isn't in the hunt for the big belt, so the next biggest championship, the IC belt is the obvious thing he should be going for. It makes perfect sense for Ambrose to want some gold around his waist, and this is a title that has a HUGE history. In the past if you won the IC title you had achieved something huge- legends like Steamboat, Bulldog, Perfect, Ramon and others never made it above the IC championship and they are thought of as some of the greats. The title needs building up again to those heights, and with only 1 World Title now, the WWE should easily be able to do this if they book the champion right.

Dean Ambrose has the ability both in the ring and on the mic to make people care about the Intercontinental Title again. PLEASE WWE, give this man the title and let him make it mean something. It's perfect for him.
I really wish that this would be a way to elevate ambrose. But giving the loser-belt to one of the most over wrestlers in the company is just a terrible idea.

Let's just wait a couple of months and Ambrose will start jobbing to the next #1 contender for the World championship. as that is currently the IC champion role in the company.

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