Dean Ambrose: Does Lunatic Fringe= stupid?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I am a huge fan of Dean Ambrose and he is one of my favorite performers in the company. He's got it all: the right look, excellent mic skills and kicks ass in the ring. But I've begun to get concerned with how Ambrose is being written.

His gimmick is that he's a loose canon at best, a lunatic at worst. Ambrose plays this part very well and when he becomes heel, it can transition nicely (unless they revert him into another joke character like what became of him earlier this year, PLEASE DONT DO THAT). But I'm already getting kind of tired of that because it's making Ambrose look like a moron.

Since the Shield has broken up, Ambrose continuously makes mistakes in order to get at Seth Rollins. The low point was at Battleground, when Ambrose got so impatient that he couldn't wait a few more minutes and attacked Rollins during an interview. In the end, not only was he ejected from the building, but his ambush in the parking lot failed miserably. As this match was the one I was the most eager to see, and I presume many felt the same way, I was infuriated by its absence. Obviously WWE just wants to extend the feud, but in-story, it was Dean Ambrose who robbed me of the match.

Yeah, Cole tried to pin the blame on Triple H, but we would've had the match if Ambrose just chose not to be an idiot. On RAW last night, there was a great bout between Ambrose and Cesaro which had an awful finish when Ambrose attacked Cesaro with a chair. This irked me because he lost that match for no reason and he more-or-less pulled a heel move to do it.

I think the idea is to present Ambrose as someone who just wants to hurt people and he can care less about the rules of the match. This would be fine...if he was a heel. But above everything, I'm just finding myself frustrated with Ambrose whenever he goes off the deep end. To me, the stupidity of his decisions stands out more than the insanity of them. The face characters should not be sabotaging their own matches...

Am I the only one who feels this way? Or do you like what they're doing with Ambrose?
Up until your last couple lines I was actually under the impression you believed all of this was real...

I think this was to extend the feud out to have a match on the biggest PPV of the Summer. This,is how I remember feuds 17-18 years ago.
I think it's working great for him. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't want to see the match at Battleground but I was okay with the way they handled it.

So what if he lost on Raw because he hit a guy with a chair? That's his character. He just likes to hurt people. Doesn't matter if he's heel or face really. I'm glad they didn't neuter him when he became face. In the end his win/loss record doesn't matter as long as he gets to his endpoint which is beating up Seth Rollins.
They could've easily have had some sort of screwjob to finish the long as there was a match.

Maybe part of the problem I have with Ambrose doing a heel move like hitting Cesaro with a chair seems out-of-place in the PG era. Or maybe it's because Ambrose had no feud with Cesaro. In fact, if they did an Ambrose v Rollins match at Battleground and it had that finisher, I might've been fine with it.
I agree somewhat that his booking could come across of him being dumb and screwing himself out of matches/wins. But I think the bigger point is that he doesn't care about wrestling and just wants to hurt Seth Rollins. I expected the parking lot scene at Battleground, but would have thought they'd change the match to an "unsanctioned" backlot brawl type of match, without any obvious winner. This would have been better than his hiding in the trunk thing, which as you noted, backfired.

As for RAW, I missed it, but I don't mind him acting like a heel. Fans want a bad ass babyface to cheer for. They haven't had someone like this since Steve Austin or The Rock... a heel that got cheered like a face. This makes Ambrose unique to me. I like it.
I don't see it as stupidity, but, rather, that Ambrose's character has an extremely short fuse and impulse control issues. He rushes headlong into situations without considering the consequences or he's fully aware of the consequences but just flat out doesn't give a damn about them. He's rebellious, reckless and extraordinarily determined. In real life, people like that can be seen as cool in the eyes of some. After all, in real life, most people simply don't have the luxury of truly and genuinely being a rebel with or without a cause. Most people have families to worry about, for instance. While we might roll our eyes at the people who do sometimes walk the path of the rebellious as being foolish, I think there's a small part of us that also admires them for walking their own walk, whether we might agree with them or not.

Ambrose's character puts me in mind of a mix of Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin and I think it's working so far. Ambrose is also currently in the role of underdog as he's going up against The Authority. He has Triple H to deal with, Randy Orton, Kane and anyone else that Trips decides to send against him. And we all love a good underdog story.
I don't see it as stupidity, but, rather, that Ambrose's character has an extremely short fuse and impulse control issues. He rushes headlong into situations without considering the consequences or he's fully aware of the consequences but just flat out doesn't give a damn about them. He's rebellious, reckless and extraordinarily determined. In real life, people like that can be seen as cool in the eyes of some. After all, in real life, most people simply don't have the luxury of truly and genuinely being a rebel with or without a cause. Most people have families to worry about, for instance. While we might roll our eyes at the people who do sometimes walk the path of the rebellious as being foolish, I think there's a small part of us that also admires them for walking their own walk, whether we might agree with them or not.

Ambrose's character puts me in mind of a mix of Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin and I think it's working so far. Ambrose is also currently in the role of underdog as he's going up against The Authority. He has Triple H to deal with, Randy Orton, Kane and anyone else that Trips decides to send against him. And we all love a good underdog story.


Thats the "lunatic fringe", borderline psychopath all he cares about atm is getting back at Rollins and the authority, he doesn't give a shit about winning which makes sense, he's snapped, which could also on the flipside say that Seth and Rollins kept him sane enough to be successfull, soon as that glue was gone he lost all control and sense of reality. Very similar to the loose cannon Brian Pillman who's main goal was to just go psycho on people.
I think the idea is to present Ambrose as someone who just wants to hurt people and he can care less about the rules of the match. This would be fine...if he was a heel.

Right, because no face has ever attacked people without any regard for the rules. Certainly not Stone Cold. Or Kane. Or Mick Foley.

Anyway, Dean Ambrose's character is has a little more depth than "Crazy guy who likes to beat people up." As many have pointed out before, he's like a Batman villain. He's clearly and intelligent guy, who puts together some great plans, like hiding in Rollins' trunk. But his own thirst for revenge is means he can be his own worst enemy. Having flaws doesn't make a character stupid. It makes them a good character.

Do you honestly think Ambrose's character gives a damn about wins and losses? If someone stabs you in the back, do you want to pin them, or do you want to smash their face in? That's why the Ambrose character is so great at the moment. He's not a wrestler who wants to go out to the ring, and score wins. He just wants to beat the hell out of his enemies, something we all wish we had the courage to do.
Right, because no face has ever attacked people without any regard for the rules. Certainly not Stone Cold. Or Kane. Or Mick Foley.

Anyway, Dean Ambrose's character is has a little more depth than "Crazy guy who likes to beat people up." As many have pointed out before, he's like a Batman villain. He's clearly and intelligent guy, who puts together some great plans, like hiding in Rollins' trunk. But his own thirst for revenge is means he can be his own worst enemy. Having flaws doesn't make a character stupid. It makes them a good character.

Do you honestly think Ambrose's character gives a damn about wins and losses? If someone stabs you in the back, do you want to pin them, or do you want to smash their face in? That's why the Ambrose character is so great at the moment. He's not a wrestler who wants to go out to the ring, and score wins. He just wants to beat the hell out of his enemies, something we all wish we had the courage to do.

The attitude era was comprised of mostly anti-heroes. But even beyond that, in the examples you list- Stone Cold, Kane and Mankind- did they ever break the rules like that to hurt someone they weren't even feuding with? As I said, I would've been fine if that was the finish to a 'Rollins vs Ambrose' match. Perhaps he was sending a message, but then they should've at least cut to Rollins looking scared or something.

Nevertheless, you do bring up good points. My main concern is that the way this loose canon gimmick is going, it can get old quickly. Watching Ambrose- the character, because I apparently have to point that out else someone think I believe wrestling is real- go ape-shit is fun, but not to the point where he starts costing himself matches on a weekly basis...or worse, get the match EVERYBODY WANTED TO SEE abruptly postponed for another month.
My main concern is that the way this loose canon gimmick is going, it can get old quickly. Watching Ambrose- the character, because I apparently have to point that out else someone think I believe wrestling is real- go ape-shit is fun, but not to the point where he starts costing himself matches on a weekly basis...or worse, get the match EVERYBODY WANTED TO SEE abruptly postponed for another month.

That is my concern too. I love Ambrose and think he is the most talented overall out of the three members of the Shield, this guy could do anything he put his mind too. And I've not been impressed with the way this has been booked since they split.

I couldn't wait to see their match at Battleground and it's the main reason I watched, considering we pretty much knew the outcome of the main event beforehand. To have it cancelled the way it was, was frustrating to say the least. That's just my personal opinion though.

Actually not been impressed with the way any of the former Shield members have been written into the script. Rollins has gone from being the architect of one of the most powerful factions ever, to being some weird guy in pleather, needing HHH's protection at all times. It's made him look weak in a way I didn't think was possible.

Ambrose has been relegated to interrupting matches in a failed attempt to get his hands on an arch enemy. While he looks strong and will take on any comers, it is getting old fast.

Reigns I think has suffered the most from the breakup. It has shown that he really isn't ready to hold the titles, as he has had very few singles matches that haven't involved Orton or Kane. He has been booked mostly as John Cena's tag partner. We all know how Cena can kill any push, just ask Bray Wyatt.

Sorry veered off course there, but there was a time that I thought all three members could have been legitimate main event players, now I'm not so sure.
Actually not been impressed with the way any of the former Shield members have been written into the script. Rollins has gone from being the architect of one of the most powerful factions ever, to being some weird guy in pleather, needing HHH's protection at all times. It's made him look weak in a way I didn't think was possible.

Ambrose has been relegated to interrupting matches in a failed attempt to get his hands on an arch enemy. While he looks strong and will take on any comers, it is getting old fast.

Reigns I think has suffered the most from the breakup. It has shown that he really isn't ready to hold the titles, as he has had very few singles matches that haven't involved Orton or Kane. He has been booked mostly as John Cena's tag partner. We all know how Cena can kill any push, just ask Bray Wyatt.

Sorry veered off course there, but there was a time that I thought all three members could have been legitimate main event players, now I'm not so sure.

Rollins is just some weird guy in pleather, needing HHH's protection all the time... Huh? He looks weak... Huh? First of all Seth Rollins is now a HEEL in case you haven't noticed. His job is to elicit a strong negative reaction from the crowd. How do you get instant heat on a guy who was one of the most over wrestlers in the business at one point? You align him with the biggest heel in the business, HHH. Also in case you haven't noticed, Rollins is in line to become the next WWEWHC, because he does have, yknow, the MITB briefcase! WWE has made some crucial mistakes lately, but the booking of Seth Rollins has been a perfect hit imo. I think Seth Rollins looks stronger than ever, if I'm looking at this in a kayfabe point of view.

As for Ambrose, his assaults on Seth may be getting old fast to you, but I think many would agree with me when I say that the Rollins-Ambrose feud is the most interesting part of regular WWE programming and this feud has the legs to go all the way until the RR.

I actually agree with you on your opinion of Roman Reigns at this point in time, but I think the time will come when everything will just click into place whether it be with his promos or ring-work. Hopefully that will happen before Mania 31.

Lastly idk how you can say that John Cena killed Wyatt's push by beating him in a hard-fought Last Man Standing match. Wyatt has moved on from that feud and is now going up against Y2J Chris Jericho, a first ballad HOFer, and is actually, finally receiving some real heel heat.
Rollins is just some weird guy in pleather, needing HHH's protection all the time... Huh? He looks weak... Huh? First of all Seth Rollins is now a HEEL in case you haven't noticed. His job is to elicit a strong negative reaction from the crowd. How do you get instant heat on a guy who was one of the most over wrestlers in the business at one point? You align him with the biggest heel in the business, HHH. Also in case you haven't noticed, Rollins is in line to become the next WWEWHC, because he does have, yknow, the MITB briefcase! WWE has made some crucial mistakes lately, but the booking of Seth Rollins has been a perfect hit imo. I think Seth Rollins looks stronger than ever, if I'm looking at this in a kayfabe point of view.

As for Ambrose, his assaults on Seth may be getting old fast to you, but I think many would agree with me when I say that the Rollins-Ambrose feud is the most interesting part of regular WWE programming and this feud has the legs to go all the way until the RR.

I actually agree with you on your opinion of Roman Reigns at this point in time, but I think the time will come when everything will just click into place whether it be with his promos or ring-work. Hopefully that will happen before Mania 31.

Lastly idk how you can say that John Cena killed Wyatt's push by beating him in a hard-fought Last Man Standing match. Wyatt has moved on from that feud and is now going up against Y2J Chris Jericho, a first ballad HOFer, and is actually, finally receiving some real heel heat.

The way I look at it is this. Rollins went from being a cool heel to a cool face and now I have no effing clue what he is. I've hardly seen him wrestle since the Shield broke up. Oh let me rephrase that. I've hardly seen him win clean since the Shield broke up. Yes I know he's a heel, and I know he won the MITB, but how did he win it. Interference from Kane. It took Kane to take out Ambrose for Rollins to get the briefcase. And I know that it's typical heelish behaviour in kayafe terms for it to go this way, but it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

Ambrose/Rollins would have been way more interesting if they has kept Reigns in the background. We had that promo about "you don't stab your brother in the back" and then nothing. Ambrose is the one who has taken this personally, Reigns has fucked off into nowhere feuds with Orton/Kane, and joining the Cena bandwagon. It would have been better worked if Rollins has to worry about both Ambrose and Reigns as a unit, then I could perhaps understand the need to protect him the way they do. And God knows I hope it doesn't go all the way to the Rumble.

And yes Cena did kill Wyatts push. Wyatt had a better chance of getting over battling Cena than he does Jericho. Cena is the title holder right now, and looks to do something no one thought possible, break Flair's record. Cena has been around for 12 years now and should be putting people over. It shouldn't have to fall to Jericho to come back and do Cena's job for him.

The Shield when they were booked as a unit was brilliant, it just seems that the WWE went "Okay Batista's gone to promote his movie. We'll do the following....break up the Shield, turn Seth and see what happens". Typical thinking from creative and as usual in the case of Reigns it hasn't worked.
Let us not forget that some of the biggest babyfaces in history - Steve Austin, Rock, Sting - were at times kayfabe idiots - trusting the bad guy, turning their back on the opponent, rushing headlong into impossible odds etc. It is nothing new.

There is something of that in "Lunatic Fringe" Ambrose but it is mostly saved by him being blinded by his rage and his mission to get Seth Rollins and in the process prevent him from getting what he wants - cashing in.

I think that there is plenty of ammunition left in feud as Ambrose continues to channel "Loose Stone Cold Cannon" and Rollins hides behind the numbers of the Authority. What I would like to see though is Rollins showing a cunning side - fake a cash in to corner Ambrose.
I thought Rollins wasn't physically able to put on a decent match so they scrapped it for the continuing Ambrose is 'Out of Control' angle?

I like what Ambrose is doing. Rollins betrayal has pushed him to become a guy who doesn't really care about competing. Cena should take notes some times.
As previously said by JJ, I think you thought this was real till a point.

What's wrong with having a different kind of face? I'm guessing you're the guy who wants faces to be badass and ruthless and when one is you turn around and say that it doesn't suit them as they should be happy all the time, I mean they are faces why would they be angry? I mean that makes a lot sense right?

Ambrose is playing his character that he has practice for the longest time and we have yet to even see the full strenght of it as it is still early in his single's career. It's obvious why they delayed the match. They want a stacked SummerSlam and "Ambrose vs Rollins for the first time" sounds way better than Ambrose vs Rollins for the second time, only on SummerSlam!

Wins and losses dont matter much anymore, especially the way Ambrose was booked in the match where he "lost it" and just used the chair. I mean do you think after he was disqualified that he suddenly went down in stock or something? Nobody gave a shit, they just saw a dude who is crazy and just wanted to hurt somebody and did it while getting cheered, since usually a heel would do that. That's good shit right there when a face gets cheered cause they did heel-ish things. I remember a certain superstar who did such things...

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