Dave's Signature Shop!


Balor, as requested. I like this one. I tried to make it as dark as possible whilst still trying to make sure the Irish flag in the background was noticeable. I think it lends itself well to the darkness of Balor's character whilst also highlighting the light in his character too.
By any chance could you please make me a Jay Lethal signature? :D


With this one, I really wanted to do something a little different. I now think of Jay Lethal as more of a mature and professional wrestler. He is a far departure from Black Machismo character, that is for sure. So I wanted to go more down the route of showing him as a timeless icon. I did a few things with the lighting effects for added effect. Hope you like it.

With this one, I really wanted to do something a little different. I now think of Jay Lethal as more of a mature and professional wrestler. He is a far departure from Black Machismo character, that is for sure. So I wanted to go more down the route of showing him as a timeless icon. I did a few things with the lighting effects for added effect. Hope you like it.

Thank you. So much. I think this is pretty awesome. I appreciate it :)
Jay has become one of my biggest reasons to watch wrestling and is one of my favorites. I enjoy this approach :D
Jay Chou with ""The Bookworm" Cassanova" written on it.


I had a few ideas for this one but unfortunately a lot of them were ruled out because there were no good cuts off Jay Chou anywhere. In the end, I had to do my own and it worked out okay. I had an idea to try and put some legendary literary quotes behind him but it wasn't right. Instead, I went for the dimly lit room and books by candlelight. I wanted to bring forward the idea of being silent, like a library motif. With Jay putting his finger to his lips, I think it works well.

Hope you enjoy it.
Kevin Owens, with a Boston background (Fenway park would be amazing if possible) and Logan McAllister written somewhere.

Much appreciated!
Roman Reigns WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Please and Thank You.


Well, this time I wanted to showcase the WWE Championship in Reigns' hands. The red colour in the title was a great help to my imagination on this piece in all truth. Red is a good colour for Reigns at the moment as his aggression comes through in his character. I sharpened up the Championship and Reigns himself to make him stand out and called it a day.

Hope you like it.
Where do you make these signatures?

In my house.

More specifically, on my laptop. Even more specifically than that on Photoshop CS6. I've been doing this sort of stuff for a few years to be honest.
In my house.

More specifically, on my laptop. Even more specifically than that on Photoshop CS6. I've been doing this sort of stuff for a few years to be honest.

Can you please suggest me an Android App for mobiles for making these?
No such app exists and I think you grossly underestimate how much work actually goes into making one of these signatures, my friend. Go ahead and YouTube Photoshop tutorials and you'll see that you'd never be able to do this on a phone.
If you don't mind, could I please have a New Day signature. Don't really mind on the design just as long as all three guys are in it without anything relating to unicorns. Thanks heaps.
No such app exists and I think you grossly underestimate how much work actually goes into making one of these signatures, my friend. Go ahead and YouTube Photoshop tutorials and you'll see that you'd never be able to do this on a phone.

Oh! So sorry! I didnt know about it.... I just asked because all i possess is a mobile! no pc no laptop
sorry again :(
Something with New Day if possible please? Nothing overly specific just New Day. Cheers pal.

Should be able to get to that on Sunday, mate.

If you don't mind, could I please have a New Day signature. Don't really mind on the design just as long as all three guys are in it without anything relating to unicorns. Thanks heaps.

See above.

Oh! So sorry! I didnt know about it.... I just asked because all i possess is a mobile! no pc no laptop
sorry again :(

That's okay. There's some good tutorials at the top of the graphics forum here too. If you'd like to see how things are done then it's a good place to start.
Something with New Day if possible please? Nothing overly specific just New Day. Cheers pal.

If you don't mind, could I please have a New Day signature. Don't really mind on the design just as long as all three guys are in it without anything relating to unicorns. Thanks heaps.

Feel free to grab this one. If not, I'll make another one in a couple of days when I get the time.


Well, here is the New Day signature number 2, as promised. This time, I didn't really do much with the render other than duplicate it and smudge it. Then I worked with some lighting properties and a few gradient maps before settling for what you see before you. Simple but effective.

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