Cyber Sunday:Matt Hardy vs ??

Who faces Hardy???

  • Bourne

  • Henry Mizark

  • Finlay

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Getting Noticed By Management
So its been decided that Hardy has 3 opponents which you can choose from:
Evan Bourne, Finlay and Mark Henry. Lets look at the candidates.

Evan Bourne: He probably wont win the match if he gets picked, but if the WWE is serious about him we should see some good offense of Bourne. But it would defenitly be a surprise if Bourne wins the ECW championship.

Finlay: I absolutely dont get this move. I was pissed when Morrison lost, after all isn't ECW suposed to bring young guys over ? I dont know if somethings happened or not but this is the second time that Morrison doesnt get picked for a championship match on a pay-per-view. Losing to Finlay who cant possibly win the match and being beaten by him too. I wonder if Morrison is in the ''Doghouse''.

Mark Henry: I honestly am getting sick and tired of henry. He's stale and i dont think the fans would love to see yet another Hardy vs Henry match. I just hope that he doesnt get picked, and that he doesnt get any more title shots.

Overall i'm pissed that Morrison didnt get picked and that the miz wasnt even a contender. I hope that Bourne gets picked, because that would be the most entertaining option.
I hope and think Evan Bourne is going to win the vote but I may be wrong. Just because the IWC is so in love with him doesn't mean the rest of the public is. And Finlay has hornswoggle on his side which should help him get the little kids votes. The thing is I think the WWE is setting up for Henry to win, by making him dominated and destroying the other two canidates. I don't think their is anyway Henry wins the vote and if he does then it's obviously rigged.

As for the match itself Hardy Vs. Bourne interests me the most just because we have seen both of the other options before and I find Finlay & Henry too be really boring in the ring. I see Hardy retaining regardless though.
I want Bourne to win this. Finlay is boring, we have seen Henry/Hardy too many times, that leaves Bourne.

He should win the vote and then the title (unless he is gonna get promoted to raw or smackdown?)

It would be a good match. Bourne all the way. He is the best high flyer ever!
I also predict that Evan Bourne will get the vote to face Matt Hardy for the E.C.W. Championship. Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy has happened one-on-one about 4 or 5 times and is getting pretty old. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy has happened without the E.C.W. Championship, but it probably will not have the ummph in the match due to Finlay now being a face. That leaves Evan Bourne who can have a wonderful matchup with Hardy, as I doubt he will win, but it'll give you an idea that WWE is really high on Bourne if they give him a World Championship match only 7 months after his debut.
I was totally confused as to why Finlay was put into this. When Bourne won, I figured "oh ok, I see what they're doing, they're going to have Bourne, Henry, and Morrison or Miz and they'll ask who we want so they can figure out what direction the fans might want ECW to go towards". You know, if the fans overwhelmingly vote for Henry (which would be odd), they'd know that he's improved enough that they can keep him as a legit main event guy on ECW, but if the fans vote Bourne, they like the guy a lot more than they thought, etc.

But Finlay??? Really, I think the only reason they put him in there is because they know nobody will vote for him over Morrison or Miz. Who really wants to watch Hardy vs Finlay? That'd bore me to tears...especially if its right after Mysterio/Kane.

So really, I think we can look forward to seeing Bourne win this. The fans like this guy enough that I doubt Henry will be able to beat him.

We know he won't take the title, but then again, none of these 3 will, but maybe if Bourne gets voted in, the WWE will consider putting him on Raw and giving him the IC title or something, you know?
The choices:

Evan Bourne - He is my favorite ECW guy right now. I'd be against moving him anywhere in the near future as I'd want him to move up and prove himself in ECW first. He is definately the fan favorite and will likely be in the match. Barring a major swerve, he won't win, but he'll give one hell of a fight.

Finlay - Alright, he needs a good push, but I'm not seeing this going anywhere. He is too much of a face right now. He needs to go back to the "I'm here to fight" gimmick and just start abusing people. He could put the Extreme back in ECW, but not at this rate. I see him getting more votes than henry, but not enough to win. Even by a miracle if he gets in, he's not getting the title.

Henry - He actually makes the most sense out of the three choices, but won't win the vote. The former champion who has actually improved over the past few months. His character isn't as stale since Atlas got in his corner. He is too much of a heel for the fans to vote him in, and not enough of a good heel for the smarks to vote him in. No win situation for Henry, but I'm interested to see how the WWE plays him from here.

Regardless of who gets voted in, I see Hardy still as champion. He needs a good long title reign with many good defenses to make the brand credible, and this could be a nice start for him. Evan Bourne will likely win the vote though, and the match should be good. Bourne can outfly both Hardys put together, so its interesting to see how the match plays out.
Bourne is not only my personal choice for this match, but he also has a great chance of winning the votes. The crowd is likely tired of Mark Henrey, and Finley may be popular, but the crowd would likely choose Bourne over him, as he is far more exciting.

That being said, these two could really put on a great match. Bourne is the best high flyer, and Matt is pretty good at all kinds of wrestling, so it would be interesting. Even if Bourne lost, a title match with Matt Hardy can do nothing but help his already bright future.
It seems pretty obvious that Evan Bourne is going to be the fan's choice in this match. WWE wants to push him and this is a good test to see how he'll do in a big PPV match. I really don't see the finish being clean here though, as I don't think they are ready to take the belt off Hardy here. What I think will happen is that Henry will interfere at the end and lay out both Bourne and Hardy, since he would be angry about not being voted in. It just seems like they aren't quite done with the Hardy-Henry fued yet. My prediction is a no contest due to Henry destroying both competitors
Bourne should win this. As has already been said, Finlay makes absolutely no sense and would be boring, Henry's been done and everybody's already tired of him, while Bourne brings endless possibilities to the match. Morrison definitely should have been in this though, I think him and Hardy feuding would be great, in and out of the ring.

Prediction: Bourne wins the vote, Henry comes out and kills him and Hardy, DQ no contest, Hardy retains.
Evan Bourne: Its good to see that Bourne is getting a shot at the title. He never fails to entertain in his matches and he's a personal favouite of mine. Should Evan Bourne get picked, I don't think he'll actually win the title. It looks like they're about to move him to Raw anyday now, and I think he'll do well on the flagship show.

Finlay: Finlay needs a push bad. I hope that if he does get picked, he'll return back to his loves to fight gimmick. In fact, I hope he returns to that gimmick even if he does not get picked. Anyway, ther's no chance in hell that he'll win the title if he gets picked.

Mark Henry: Can this feud please die and stay dead? Seriously, its not entertaining anyone, which is the purpose of this company. Its gone on way too long, just drop it WWE. This guy isn't going to win the title if he gets picked either.

Mark Henry, you're not getting picked. Accept it and move on. Finlay's got a slightly better chance, but he's not going to get picked. Not against a young entertaining prospect in the form of Evan Bourne. He'll probably put on a really good match with Hardy as well. But whatever happens, save for interference, Hardy's retaining here.
But Finlay??? Really, I think the only reason they put him in there is because they know nobody will vote for him over Morrison or Miz. Who really wants to watch Hardy vs Finlay? That'd bore me to tears...especially if its right after Mysterio/Kane.

Dude, the ECW title match is the first match on any PPV card say 8/10 times. There'sno way they'd have this match AFTER a Raw match that's part of a fues, regardless of just how stupid that fued is.

I honestly can't see anyone but Bourne winning. Surely fans would want to see something new that hasn't been done over and over right? I'd have no problem seeing Finlay wrestle for the title, but I can't bear to see Mark Henry in another PPV match. 5 months with him on PPV is enough.

Have to agree however, that Finlay is a strange choice over another heel such as Miz or Morrison, but then again they have a chance at being in a different match that night so why would they be candidates for two matches? I mean the tag title match is what everyone's gonna vote for right? So M&M and CT might as well not show up.

Anyway, if Mark Henry wins there will be no dispute that the whole 'voting' system is totally rigged.
In our second "lets see if the votes are truly real" match of the night we have the ECW championship. Either which way, Hardy leaves with the title here, most likely after avery fun, entertaining match with Bourne. Bourne had a pretty damn good match with chavo on teusday night, and Hardy is a far better worker, so this should be good.

And even if the WWE is booking who they want and disregarding votes, Hardy wont be dropping to Finlay, or Henry in their 457th time in the ring together since july. Any which way, Hardy walks out from the big computer still champ
I agree, the person's who's going to face Matt Hardy at Cyber Sunday is Evan Bourne. The WWE have clear intentions to try a make Bourne a star, having him frequently perform on RAW and having him wrestle with Mysterio and Kane. The fans also love the guy. Nobody likes Henry, so if the voting's any real, there's no way Henry would get picked, and looking at history, heels don't get voted to face anyone. And Finlay I don't see as being to over enough with the kids, even with a leprichan, to be seriously voted past Bourne. Finlay's awesome and I think he'd have a great match with Hardy, but I think he was put in the mix so he could begin a feud with Henry, because Henry really needs someone to wrestle other than Hardy, and Finlay's not doing much either.

Back to Bourne and Hardy, I could see Bourne going over Hardy, but I think the more likely senerio would be Hardy going over Bourne to prolong a feud between them. I've always liked Hardy and I think he's been a good champion so far, but I've noticed he's being pushed alot like Punk as WHC has. He's losing a lot of non-title matches and get's beat up a lot in matches and then pulls it out with a twist of fate from nowhere and wins it. I would like to see Hardy stay as champion for a long time and be a dominant champion, not a just wins the big one, so I do want to see him win for now. Bourne I could see one day being a great ECW champion and may begin to rebuild the ECW's title status up. A big name won't improve the title, it'd be like when Jericho held the IC title, but a young upstart who beats big names will improve its status. WWE seems to like Bourne and the fans do to, so he would be over as champion. So, I could see them putting Bourne over Hardy, but I think they'll keep it on Hardy and have him win at Cyber Sunday, and keep his reign going for at least a few more months, then put it on Bourne.
Well, from Evan's match last night with Chavo I think that the WWE Universe will surley vote for him. I know there are a mjority of people who would like to see Finlay and Horny do something funny,but the fans are actually going to be interested in the match with Evan and how well he can do against Matt. I think the minority that vote for Henry must either have greasy fingers or blind, they know Atlas will help Henry win and they obviously don't want him as champion.
I think Bourne takes this easily. It'll clearly be the most exciting match, and I wouldn't be suprised to see this actually be the opening match of the show to get the crowd juiced up.
Hardy walks away champ, I agree. It would kill his credibility to have him drop the belt this quickly. But I don't want to see Bourne lose. Though if Cyber Sunday is real, which I'm sure it isn't, that is what will happen. Best scenario is for Hardy to go over Finlay. He has no credibility to lose by jobbing to Hardy. I guess it wouldn't hurt Bourne so much, but seeing as I think he should become top face on ECW before too long, jobbing to Hardy wouldn't help that cause.

BTW, the Bourne/Chavo match on last ECW was freakin amazing. I was particularly impressed by Chavo, that was the best I've seen him for a long time. Great spots from both men and some nice mat work too. The crowd were really into it, as they should be. The future is certainly Bourne...
Bourne lose...

That is the point I'd like to address about your post. It really got me thinking. Possibly, and I do mean this as I hope to God not, but possibly the WWE wants to have Henry run in and end this in a DQ.

Now, I'm not for this in any way shape or form, but a finish by DQ or distraction to Bourne/Hardy, where Hardy capitalizes, wouldn't really take much away from Bourne.

Looking to the future, this could lead to a Bourne/Henry feud and a Hardy/??? feud. I question who it would be for Hardy as the Miz and Morrison vs Cryme Tyme feud will likely play into the elimination tag matches at Survivor Series.

I'm just looking for options here and trying to see what creative is thinking. But this would be a legit way for Bourne to lose and still look good. It also makes Hardy retain without putting him way over Bourne.

Of course, this is all assuming that Bourne wins the popular vote. If he doesn't, I blame Florida...
If Henry gets picked, I'll be stunned. That feud is absolutely without a doubt mostly done. Hardy has beaten Henry clean. Why would the people want to see that again? Finlay is an interesting option. He can clearly go in the ring and would put on a decent match with Hardy, but I can't get behind a heel that has a dwarf with him everywhere he goes. This leaves one of my current favorites in WWE, and the guy that will win this easily: Evan Bourne. Bourne is being built into a mega star in ECW, and hopefully will stay there instead of beng put on Raw where he would get lost in the shuffle. Bourne will win this in an absolute landslide.
I'm a huge Evan Bourne mark atm. I feel bad now that I didn't pay attention to him in ROH. He's great in-ring. He just brings a certain electricity back to the WWE that hasn't been seen since around 2003/2004 in the main days of the Cruiserweight division. I'd love to see Bourne with the strap, but I think he's gonna lose to Hardy, because I can't see Finlay being picked by the fans, REALLY can't see Henry.
i say evan bourne just because i think the fans would liek to see a little younger hardy ( nearrly liek them) against the older hardy. this could very well be entertaining but i highly doubt that itt will be good. matt hardy wins after a twist of fate!
I'm interested in this match. The match choices are good and Matt Hardy is a great worker in my opinion. I really like him as the ECW Champion and feel that his reign should not end here. This match shouldn't be a filler as we already have many of those on the card already. This match needs at least 12 minutes as ECW Title matches on pay per view almost never go for more than 7 minutes. Lets look at the options for Hardy's Cyber Sunday opponent.

Hardy has already beaten Mark Henry, why the fans would choose a heel who is dominant and is a 'threat' to Matt Hardy's ECW Title is beyond me. This feud is over and I personally don't want to watch another Hardy vs Henry match again for a long time. If Henry gets voted in here, the Cyber Sunday voting is obviously rigged.

Evan Bourne is an option that seems to be the popular choice. He won the triple threat match on ECW which tells me the WWE are pushing for this match as well as they know the fans wont vote for Mark Henry. Hardy vs Evan Bourne has potential to be VERY good and as well as being entertaining. However as good as the match may be, Evan Bourne just isn't ready for a big match like this one yet. He only debuted a few months ago and shouldn't be near the ECW Championship for a while.

I personally want Finlay in this matchup. Hardy vs Finlay intriuges me and could be a decent technical bout. Both have a fairly similar style of wrestling and could work well together. Finlay needs a push as he's done nothing since moving to ECW. Plus, I think Finlay has a better chance of winning the title than what Bourne does so that adds the unpredictability factor. But the fans wont vote for Finlay because Bourne is more entertaining in the ring, and I agree with that.

So overall, I think Bourne will get voted in here and could put on one of the best matches of the night with Matt Hardy if given enough time. I'm looking forward to this match but I really can't see a title change here either no matter who Hardy faces at Cyber Sunday.
Very intresting that WWE have seemingly endorsed Evan Bourne for this match. If he's in the match he won't win. But it could still be very good. Either way though I still think Finlay will get the vote. He's been around longer, and Hornswoggle is almost as over as Jeff Hardy, let alone Matt.

Mark Henry doesn't stand a chance, thank God.

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