Cult of Making Sigs: BRohan's sig workshop.

Hey, I see you're busy, so no rush, but I was wondering if you could make me a totally different one also?

With the text "All-Time Fav 5" and pictures of (in this order from left to right) Randy Savage, Kurt Angle, Mr. Perfect, The Rock, & Bill Goldberg.

BTW Love the one you already made me, I'm just getting to the point where I wish the two would break up. lol
Hey, I see you're busy, so no rush, but I was wondering if you could make me a totally different one also?

With the text "All-Time Fav 5" and pictures of (in this order from left to right) Randy Savage, Kurt Angle, Mr. Perfect, The Rock, & Bill Goldberg.

BTW Love the one you already made me, I'm just getting to the point where I wish the two would break up. lol

God, there's nothing more satisfying than a returning customer, bro.


Hope you like it.
Hey when you get the chance make a sig of a nuclear bomd blowing up, and the Texts WMD Gone HEEL and he will HEAL (put the Wrestlezone sign here)

Thanks man you do great work
Thanks man! It's great, and you were fast too! I'm gonna hold off using it at least until next Monday, to give Miz & R-Truth one more chance to get over with me the way they were doing individually before they became a tag team. lol Otherwise I'm gonna use the other one, and it'll probably be my go to sig pic from now on. heheh Thanks again.

I'll green rep you next time I get the chance, I guess I still need to spread the love around before I can do it again.
hey man..jus wondering if you could get my request done..I saw 2 people request after me & they got theirs already..jus wondering
hey man..jus wondering if you could get my request done..I saw 2 people request after me & they got theirs already..jus wondering

I was meant to PM you about this, sorry! I encountered a problem, I have no idea what you mean by saying dressy black shirt. Could you provide the photo?
Thats my fault man..I probally should have clarified it..wth i want is this pivture of mason ryan:


& could you photoshop his head onto this picture


I cant really sind a good picture that matches his muscle looks & his skin color..this is the best I could find so if you could just use it..unless you have another one. Could you make the background white please..thanks man
Hey BRohan, do you mind if I have a go at some of the ones that you've missed? I also have a few that fit the descriptions made that I'd like to post as well. I thought I'd ask before I invaded your space. xD
hi. i was hoping you can make a sig where it show chris jericho throughout his his wcw and wwe carrer and with chris in his suit in the middle. it would be great if you can :):sweat:

Would you mind if I took over this one? Seems you passed it by, and Jericho is my favorite of all time. I'd like a shot to do him some justice, if you don't mind. :)
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3485325 said:
Would you mind if I took over this one? Seems you passed it by, and Jericho is my favorite of all time. I'd like a shot to do him some justice, if you don't mind. :)

Yeah go ahead, I made it, I just forgot to post it, it's somewhere on my computer... But, I hope this is just a one-time thing.
hi. i was hoping you can make a sig where it show chris jericho throughout his his wcw and wwe carrer and with chris in his suit in the middle. it would be great if you can :):sweat:

I made up one with Jericho in his suit, centered...But then I thought of this idea and it looked so much better. Not the best I've ever done, but it's pretty cool. Use it if you want!


And BRohan, sorry for stealing one of your requests! I was just browsing through your work, looking for ideas and inspiration, and happened upon that. Didn't want poor little BOOKIT left out in the rain to catch a cold...
Thats my fault man..I probally should have clarified it..wth i want is this pivture of mason ryan:


& could you photoshop his head onto this picture


I cant really sind a good picture that matches his muscle looks & his skin color..this is the best I could find so if you could just use it..unless you have another one. Could you make the background white please..thanks man

Oh dear god, this really didn't work out. I'm not really that familiar without cutting and all but I gave it a shot.

Hey when you get the chance make a sig of a nuclear bomd blowing up, and the Texts WMD Gone HEEL and he will HEAL (put the Wrestlezone sign here)

Thanks man you do great work


Hope your heel turn last for a while, and you don't pull a TNA and go back to being a face :p
Didn't want poor little BOOKIT left out in the rain to catch a cold.
Think i was coughing that day.Thanks though actually i forgot about the post i just noticed it now.You
deserve a rep.

I'd like to request a signature very much in the style you yourself sport, with the WHC replaced by the classic IC championship that Cody Rhodes has brought back, featuring Cody Rhodes (Preferably hooded, but if you feel there is a better render, please use it.) With the text stating "Dear WWE, BAG YOURSELVES. Yours disgustedly, Cody Rhodes"

Thank you very much in advance!

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