Cryme Tyme/Shelton/Hass stable possible



from Wrestlezone :

"Cryme Time have been booked as “babyfaces” to work against Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas during October’s house shows."

might start off as a tag team feud with Cryme Tyme and The World's Greatest Tag Team (looks like a reunion) which may lead into them teaming up and taking over!

wouldn't make sense to use Shelton's "holding me back cuz I'm black" gimmick against Cryme Tyme for very long...given the circumstances of Cryme Tyme's gimmick.
jus with all this talk of Cryme Tyme/World's Greatest Tag Team all over this forum actually may look it is coming soon!
Shelton Benjamin is the best wrestler in the wwe, and the wwe doesn't know what their doing. they should give shelton more mic time on RAW, and make him intercontinental champion.
Shelton is quite charismatic & Good on the mic... they just don't give him the freedom he needs. His speech always sounds scripted when he needs the freedom Cena and Carlito have. Carlito has been to act ****y "like the Rock" which is his only guideline... Cena has been told he has complete freewill so long as he doesn't turn heel.

I'm glad they're putting Haas back in a meaningful position again... his Lillian/Viscera story was pointless, especially as they never explained their actions agains lillian and then never actually had another angle after that.
I dont care about Cryme Tyme and the W.G.T.T. uniting together but if Benjamin and Hass were to reunite that would be awesome. Forget the n.W.o have D-X feud with Benjamin and Haas, I would pay to see that feud.
I was watching some old stuff from The World's Greatest Tag Team/Team Angle from 2-3 years back. These guys were blisteringly talented. I don't know much about Cryme Tyme's ability yet, but most brothas are naturally athletic. So, if this were to happen, I'm definitely looking forward to it.

I say the World's Greatest Tag Team go to ECW to help out their tag team division
CJ The Pirate said:
Shelton is quite charismatic & Good on the mic... they just don't give him the freedom he needs. His speech always sounds scripted when he needs the freedom Cena and Carlito have. Carlito has been to act ****y "like the Rock" which is his only guideline... Cena has been told he has complete freewill so long as he doesn't turn heel.

Shelton is Average at best on the Microphone, which is why they are looking like doing a WGTT Reunion. Now all they need to do once Jeff Hardy's initial push wears out is bring Matt over to RAW, and they would have a half decent Tag Division. I honestly think the only thing to do with Shelton is to put him back with Haas, both of them seem to be doing little or nothing at the moment, so why not give the Tag Division a boost with two damn good Wrestlers. Maybe they will give them a Manager, or that might be stretching it too far.
That would be a decent match...haven't seen or heard about Cryme Tyme at all until they started doing these promos...good to see that WWE is slowly but surely bringing up talent from OVW...what would be a good stable is doing a sort of "Nation of Domination" group with Cryme Tyme, Shelton, possibly Monty Brown and Killings...WWE just signed 2 Cold Scorpio, so he might fit in there as well...just a thought
apparently Cryme Tyme was ridiculously over last night in their dark match against the Spirit Squad on Raw.
tyrowjames said:
from Wrestlezone :

"Cryme Time have been booked as “babyfaces” to work against Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas during October’s house shows."

might start off as a tag team feud with Cryme Tyme and The World's Greatest Tag Team (looks like a reunion) which may lead into them teaming up and taking over!

wouldn't make sense to use Shelton's "holding me back cuz I'm black" gimmick against Cryme Tyme for very long...given the circumstances of Cryme Tyme's gimmick.

The holding me back because I am black thing is so lame, especially when in the very next sentence he starts talking about all he HAS accomplished in the WWE.

They need to re-read the copy before they go on live TV.
^ he wasnt talkin about his accomplishments, he was talkin about the opportunities he capitalized on. He said he doesnt get anymore opportunities TO capitalize on
v14ever said:
That would be a decent match...haven't seen or heard about Cryme Tyme at all until they started doing these promos...good to see that WWE is slowly but surely bringing up talent from OVW...what would be a good stable is doing a sort of "Nation of Domination" group with Cryme Tyme, Shelton, possibly Monty Brown and Killings...WWE just signed 2 Cold Scorpio, so he might fit in there as well...just a thought

2 Cold Scorpio would probally go back to ECW...

I guess Charlie Hass will turn on Vescera and reform the World's Greatest Tag Team with Shelton Benjamin. Vescera will probally be moved to ECW brand and form a Vampire tag team with Kevin Thorne and Ariel.

Speaking of Cryme Tyme, sounds like this tag team is a parody of The Gangstas, the Late Public Enemy and LAX.
tyrowjames said:
from Wrestlezone :

"Cryme Time have been booked as “babyfaces” to work against Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas during October’s house shows."

might start off as a tag team feud with Cryme Tyme and The World's Greatest Tag Team (looks like a reunion) which may lead into them teaming up and taking over!

wouldn't make sense to use
Shelton's "holding me back cuz I'm black" gimmick
against Cryme Tyme for very long...given the circumstances of Cryme Tyme's gimmick.

That is probably the most ******ed thing I have ever heard come out of Shelton's mouth since he has been in the WWE. His exact words were he was being held back in this company because he is black, not being held back on Raw but in the WWE specifically, yet we have a black man as the World Heavyweight champion on Smackdown in King Booker, and a black man as the number one contender to the World Heavyweight title in Bobby Lashley, so please they really need to not make Benjamin look like a complete idiot if they hope to ever give him anything.
No I don't think this would make any sense, having Shelton team with Haas, a white guy, wouldn't make sense. And Cryme Tyme's gimmick isn't like Shelton, Shelton is I'm held back cuz I'm black. Cryme Tyme is were black and were fuckin gangstas. None of that would make sense.
There is no ay of Haas joining Cryme Time.. Possibly Shelton.. But def not Haas... If Cryme Time does start a faction.. It would probably be Shelton, Cryme Time and Viscera.. But seeing as its looking like a WGTT reunion.. I think the Raw Tag Div is going to get better.

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