Crocker Q&A thread

Imagine if you were trying to have a private dinner with your family and people kept coming up to you and pestering you for stuff. That would be annoying.

Also watch Sons of Anarchy. That is a great show.
Actually, when you interrupt someone in their private life, out on a dinner date with their future wife, it's incredibly disrespectful. It's saying "your private time means less to me than some sharpie on a piece of paper".
Do you follow any sports?

Are there any current bands you're into that people may not know about?

I don't follow sports. Can't get into it for some reason.

I usually listen to hip-hop. Most of my favorites are somewhat mainstream but I like some underground rappers like Nas, Joey Badass, and Charles Hamilton
So you let YouTube comments and other fans ruin your enjoyment for John Cena?

Fuck. If I did that I wouldn't enjoy anything.
I am a huge fan of Punk though. Of course I will take this chance. If he tells me to fuck off then oh well. Besides it would only take like 2 minutes of his time
So you let YouTube comments and other fans ruin your enjoyment for John Cena?

Fuck. If I did that I wouldn't enjoy anything.

No it wasn't just the youtube comments that ruined the enjoyment.. it just opened up my eyes to backstage politics and insider things like in ring work, mic skills, etc. Then I started to know more about pro wrestling, and got tired of Cena after years of watching him on top already. Its not like a regular tv show where they get off seasons and develop the main characters
Well he doesn't really rap about material things (girls, drugs, partying, etc.) like most mainstream rappers do.
Then if you're going to interrupt someone during dinner, knowing that you're being inconsiderate but doing it anyways because you want something, that makes you an asshole.

The way you're supposed to tell this story is, "I saw CM Punk and AJ eating dinner at this place I go to, I thought about going up to them but realized it was a bad time. Pretty cool to see them in person."

The part where you interject yourself into someone's private life because you want something for free from them is the point where you become an asshole.
Its just that Nas has been around since.. shit I think since I was your age. Seems strange to think of him as underground.

Figure he hasn't had an album out since 2012 when Crocker was 13. So he wasn't probably too much into him yet.

You and I were both old enough to be into the music scene when Nas was more relevant.
Just for making the prison interesting for awhile, you should be let out.

I agree. I think I broke the record for most guest viewership in one thread. 100 guests viewers. It was getting so much attention from reddit and wrestlingforum
Considering they were coming by to laugh at someone being overly emotional about a professional wrestling message board, I'm not sure that's the kind of thing you want to be bragging about.

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