Craziest/Worst thing you've done at school

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
Aside from smoking weed on school grounds the worst thing I've done is either, steal money from a teachers desk, beat up a kid before the bell rang and nonchalantly sit down before the teacher arrived (the fucker slapped me for taking his air head) steal money/ipods from various students, stealing a pipe from a girls locker, or steal a scale from the science room. I can't decide which is worst. But how about you guys?
Been there done that. I used to skip 1st hour to walk over to the apts right next to school to wake up my buddy and smoke a blunt before we went back. Also been in a few school fights, got arrested for one. Sold weed in class, got suspended twice for smoking cigs on school grounds.

I'd say the funniest thing that I got in trouble for was getting suspended my first day of senior year, the worst part of the whole thing was that we had a new Princepal and Vice Princepal that called me by name before I knew who they were. I got suspended for wearing a Budweiser shirt though, nothing huge, just funny that it was the first day and they knew my name.
Me and the rest of the class destroyed the kinder-garden playground. And used the rubble to play hide and seek. In the 12th grade.
I put my best friends head through the gym class end our friendship, also in 10th grade i got a suspension for bringing a knife toschool and the cops having to come to the school.
I put my best friends head through the gym class end our friendship, also in 10th grade i got a suspension for bringing a knife toschool and the cops having to come to the school.

Lol, helluva way to end a friendship, but why'da bring a knife?
I put my best friends head through the gym class end our friendship, also in 10th grade i got a suspension for bringing a knife toschool and the cops having to come to the school.

I assume you're a Shawn Michaels and Samoa Joe fan. Either that or just dumb.
As a senior prank, me and about 9 other people put tires over our school's flagpole. It was funny as shit, but then they had to bring in a crane and I kind of felt bad.
Me and the rest of the class destroyed the kinder-garden playground. And used the rubble to play hide and seek. In the 12th grade.

Seriously? You're gonna call somebody dumb? You have by far exceed everybody on the "Piece of Shit" scale.
I turned on a gas tap in a science class and lit it, there was this big flame and my friend was like 'hly shit man' I singed my shirt as well. What's even more funny the teacher was in front of us and turned round just as I turned the gas tap off.
Also in my later high school years, this guy wanted one of my grapes, and i didnt like the guy so i put horse tranquilzers in it, only very light affecting ones, he ate it and passed out.
I'm currently in school but the worst thing i ever did when my and some friends found a padlock and key and locked the schools front gate so none of the teachers could drive out and were stuck for 2 hours before the metalwork teacher broke the lock.
An entire semester of Greek comedy in about two hours last year. Never before had I "read" so much in such a short period of time.

I know. Wild.
Mastermind our senior prank by chain-locking all four entrance/exits to the upper floors, dumping a number of gallons of crisco down the steps and "buttering" (dragging a stick of butter) every hand-rail and doorknob we could find in a 45-minute time-frame.

I also set off about 40 fart-bombs in the main corridor that lead to the entrance/exit to the student parking lot which we had surrounded by circling cars throwing water balloons full of warm milk (it was hot that day, too).
Flipped over three desks, threw an overhead projector half across the room into the white board, and broke a window with a chair. In like, 10 minutes. Last week of 8th grade, I was very very angry. I figured I was basically fucked anyway (long story) so may as well just go fucking crazy and let it all out.

It was all of that Korn and Slipknot I was listening to at the time. Had to be.
Well in my defense, they cut those chains within two minutes of the bell ringing. We had on-site security guards at my school, so that type of thing, fights, etc. never got out of hand. They had it opened up right quick, but it gave us enough time to delay the wave of kids heading for the parking lot to set off all the fart bombs and get the entourage with milk-filled water balloons in place.

It was epic.
Fucked my girlfriend in the english classroom, library and mens' locker room. This kid was pissing me off while in gym, he keep heckling me and my pickleball partner, I told him to stop he didn't, pissed me off more. So I started heckling him, he got pissed, walked up and shoved me, I shoved him back, fucker scratched my face, so I busted his nose, then start wailing on his face. Three other guys pulled me off, little bastard ran off into the hall. I tried to go after him, my friends said they would let me go if I didn't go after him. I told them I wouldn't, they let me go, I lied. Took off after him and I figured he went to the principal's office, sure enough there he was, I charged after him and dived over the principal's desk, tackling him and starting slamming his head against the floor. Principal pulled me off and suspended me for two weeks and him three days.

Also got high in woodshop and tried to make 2x4's kickback out of the table saw, had one fly across the shop and put a hole in the wall.

I was suspended 6 times in high school, expelled, had 9 attendance contracts me and was involved in to many fights to remember, was drunk or stoned most of the time too.
Me and some friends had gathered some fruits and such, banana, apple, oranges, thrown them into a small garbage bag, decided to throw it back and forth after each other, I it in my hand, decided to throw it after the guy right next to me.

I missed, slammed it against the wall, as the teacher walked in.

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