Fucked my girlfriend in the english classroom, library and mens' locker room. This kid was pissing me off while in gym, he keep heckling me and my pickleball partner, I told him to stop he didn't, pissed me off more. So I started heckling him, he got pissed, walked up and shoved me, I shoved him back, fucker scratched my face, so I busted his nose, then start wailing on his face. Three other guys pulled me off, little bastard ran off into the hall. I tried to go after him, my friends said they would let me go if I didn't go after him. I told them I wouldn't, they let me go, I lied. Took off after him and I figured he went to the principal's office, sure enough there he was, I charged after him and dived over the principal's desk, tackling him and starting slamming his head against the floor. Principal pulled me off and suspended me for two weeks and him three days.
Also got high in woodshop and tried to make 2x4's kickback out of the table saw, had one fly across the shop and put a hole in the wall.
I was suspended 6 times in high school, expelled, had 9 attendance contracts me and was involved in to many fights to remember, was drunk or stoned most of the time too.