Education- Other Ways To Improve It?


Everybody Has A Price!
A few weeks ago in my Marketing class we did a project having to do with board games and we had to get in groups and then make a power point presentation. Before we did that, my teacher decided to do a small review on how to use the power point presentation by using a power point presentation. And that’s when I realized that marketing is the most interesting class I have. Then I got into thinking why that is. Is it because the class is just interesting? Or is it because of the way my teacher teaches us? Or is it what he uses to teach us?

For any one that remembers, before teachers used overhead projectors. Some teachers still use that. I remember in middle school the classes I found the most boring were the classes in which the teachers used these boring overhead projectors and the classes in which teacher just sounded uninterested and monotone. At times I even found myself falling asleep in these classes because they were just so boring.

That’s not the case in my marketing class and I think it’s a combination of two things. First, my teacher actually sounds like he is interested in what he’s teaching and as a result he keeps my attention so I won’t start putting my head down and falling asleep. The second thing is that he takes advantage of all of the technological things available to him, such as the power point presentations that he uses very often.

That’s what gave me the idea for this thread. The fact that I think little things like that could actually help education. So I have a couple of questions:

1) If teachers were more interesting, instead of boring or monotone, could that contribute to the improvement of education?

2) Should more teachers start getting rid of the boring, dull overhead projectors and switch to using power point presentations? If your answer was yes do you think that too could help improve education?

3) If your answer is no to the second question in question #2, why do you think that?

4) What other things do you think could improve education and why?

Now I know those aren’t things people would normally recommend to improve educations but I still think that it would be worthy trying. Anyways, I’ll give my answers to my questions:

1) Obviously, I think that if they were more interesting then students would actually look forward to going to their classes and learning. I honestly don’t think that there are many people who want to go to classes where they’ll be bored to death by the teacher. So if teachers were more interesting then they’d probably be able to keep the attention of students for longer amounts of time. Now, I know not every student is going to start paying attention because of that. There will always be those students that don’t really care and that will do whatever they want. However, I think there would be some students that might start paying attention so I do think teachers being more interesting could work in improving education.

Now before the question arise of how can teachers be more interesting? To be honest, I don’t know. I guess teachers just have to find a way to change the way they sound. I know there are some that don’t even realize they sound boring but if someone tells them then they could change that. Now, I’m not asking for a teacher to become so excited and happy that she/he becomes annoying. I just want someone that won’t bore me to death. I don’t think that’s me asking for a lot nor is it hard for some teachers to do.

2) I’d have to say yes to this one. Like I said with overhead projectors, they are boring and dull. And that’s not the case with just overhead projectors, but it’s also the case with other teaching tools. So if teachers were to start switching to things such as the power point presentations for example, then their classes might not be so boring. There is a plethora of things teachers could do on those power point presentations. They can have different color slides, different colors and sized for the letter, they can add in sounds, they can add in pictures, e.t.c. There’s just a plethora of things they can do and I think those things could help keep their student’s attention therefore them doing better since they are paying attention to the lesson. Therefore improving education.

Now, I know something someone might bring up is the fact that not every school can afford these things. It’s a harsh reality but that’s the case. There are a lot of poor schools with very low ratings and that’s a shame. I remember one of my teachers telling me that in Florida, schools get money depending on their rating. A school with a one star rating isn’t going to get the same amount of money as a school with a five star rating. They’ll get a lot less money. If that’s really the case then improving these schools via some of the things I recommended could be a tough job, but it can still be done I think. If people donate to them and the schools do more fundraisers to raise enough money then they might be able to afford more things.

What are your thoughts?
Well, it sounds like the marketing teacher you had was better than most of the teachers I had in my high school. I think the easiest way to fix education is the ready for it?: FUCKING LECTURE!!!

In hindsight, nothing pissed me off more than teachers who'd have us take notes on shit out of our books to present to the class or who'd have us debate each other over the meaning of the texts we were reading. Admittedly, it must suck to have a teacher whose voice is monotone. But, I'd rather have someone actually attempting to teach me than someone not knowing shit about the subject matter of the class they're teaching (which is about the only conclusion I could come to when I found myself in the situations I mentioned in the first sentence of this paragraph).
1) If teachers were more interesting, instead of boring or monotone, could that contribute to the improvement of education?

2) Should more teachers start getting rid of the boring, dull overhead projectors and switch to using power point presentations? If your answer was yes do you think that too could help improve education?

3) If your answer is no to the second question in question #2, why do you think that?

4) What other things do you think could improve education and why?

1) Without a doubt, a teacher could make or break a class and I don't care how interesting it is. I used to hate math going into Highschool than 3 out of my 4 years there I had teachers that seemed like they really wanted to be there and you could see they enjoyed teacher. With them math went from being my worst hated subject to one of my favorites which I became pretty good at as well. If the teacher acts like they want to be there it will rub off and be noticeable to the students.

2) Another no brainer, we have the technology and it isn't that hard to use. Also projectors are often hard to read for some of the students and the Power Points are alot easier to read in general. Although I think it could be hard or difficult for Math classes because that is more notes and applications oriented class.

4) Something I been thinking about that I believe that could really help the foundation of education is maybe starting elective type classes earlier, with more freedoms. Hopefully the students, Middle school and Highschool and carry it over into Colleges. Getting kids involved with something they enjoy will only help and encourage learning. If you enjoy something you are going to enjoy learning about it. If we start this early in education students imo will hopefully be able to get them a job right out of high school if they want to.

Although that theory looks good on paper I'm not sure how it will do if ever implanted in someway.
Well, it sounds like the marketing teacher you had was better than most of the teachers I had in my high school. I think the easiest way to fix education is the ready for it?: FUCKING LECTURE!!!

In hindsight, nothing pissed me off more than teachers who'd have us take notes on shit out of our books to present to the class or who'd have us debate each other over the meaning of the texts we were reading. Admittedly, it must suck to have a teacher whose voice is monotone. But, I'd rather have someone actually attempting to teach me than someone not knowing shit about the subject matter of the class they're teaching (which is about the only conclusion I could come to when I found myself in the situations I mentioned in the first sentence of this paragraph).

Tdigle, I definitely agree with what you said. How can a student learn properly and be expected to pass exams and the class they are taking if the teacher doesn’t even lecture them?

I’ve had teachers in the past that made us takes notes and that was it. Great, I have notes, now what? All of those notes mean nothing if the teachers don’t take the time to go over the material and explain certain things to us.

My marketing teacher puts up the notes on a power point presentation but that’s not all he does. He gets up in front of the class every day and reviews the material. He tells us what everything means and he encourages us to get involved, start conversations about what‘s he’s teaching, and to ask questions. Also, he tells us stories about different things related to the material which I actually think it’s a great idea. Sometimes during test I’ll be stuck on a question and at times I’ll remember a story which helps me remember the answer. Whether they are bullshit or not, they work.

I know teachers don’t get nearly enough money for what they do, but here is one of my philosophies: If you’re going to do something, then do it right. For example, if I’m going to do a favor for someone I’m not going to do a half-assed job. I’ll actually do it right. And the same could apply to teachers. If you’re going to be a teacher then do your job right and teach students correctly. Don’t expect for us to read a textbook or to just write down notes and then get perfect A’s on tests.
I think the best educators are the ones who can build interest in their subject, by any means. Whether the instructor uses captivating lecture, interesting projects, or outside the box analysis, any method where a subject is more than the book and tests will always captivate students. Captivated students thirst for more.

I remember having classes all throughout school where we would learn by doing, constantly. I prefer to learn this way. I do not like to be talked at. I always preferred doing, or debating. I loved class discussion. The teacher would moderate and bring us to the lesson she wanted us to learn as opposed to telling us what we should think.
1) If teachers were more interesting, instead of boring or monotone, could that contribute to the improvement of education?

Well, sure. But first you have to get good teachers who want to be there. Then you have to get good teachers that the students respect, and you have to get those teachers to pump out results good enough for that infernal No Child Left Behind Act.

No small feat, as you can tell. Also, you have to deal with the problem of students not caring anymore about education. There are tons of "Dropout factories" where students go until they're old enough to drop out, drop out, and continue the vicious cycle of undereducated poverty.

2) Should more teachers start getting rid of the boring, dull overhead projectors and switch to using power point presentations? If your answer was yes do you think that too could help improve education?

First of all, I feel really old. When I went through school we had nothing but overhead projectors, and we were the richer "We don't wanna live in a run down suburb of Little Rock" school district.

Secondly, you're going to run into a cost issue. Schools are already hurting for money, do you think that spending money to outfit every school room with the technology to project Powerpoints on the board? They barely have enough money to keep up with repairs.

3) If your answer is no to the second question in question #2, why do you think that?

Well, I sorta answered that above.

4) What other things do you think could improve education and why?

I would work on cutting the cycle of undereducated-poverty in the bud. I don't know how, and I don't know how much it will cost. All I know is that we're pumping out some of the stupidest "educated" children of the First World countries. How in the hell are we even going to have an economy in 20 years if no one is smarter than a foreigner who can do it faster and at half the price?

Lectures are a really good idea that Tdigs brings up. If you have a good lecturer, instead of a talking head, you'll get a lot more mileage out of your dollar. College is nothing but lecturing, and you can honestly feel that you're learning something if your teacher is good. A LOT better than having Calculus talked at you.

I would also increase funding to schools. I don't care how we do it, but we can find the money. Fucking cut NASA. Do we need to go to the moon again in 2017? Really? Take those billions you're pumping into a brand new shuttle and moon lander and all that craziness and give them to the vastly underfunded schools. I don't give a shit. There is no excuse for some of the public schools our children are supposed to "learn" in.
I hate school to be honest with you people. But I say ways to make it work is have a class that is good not bad, laos a teacher who teaches good not bad. Cause if a teacher teaches bad your gonna get a bad grade.

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