Could William Regal Ever Be A Successful WWE Champ


Pre-Show Stalwart
William Regal is one of my favorite wrestlers in WWE. You may remember after he won KOTR 08 he was getting the push of his lifetime. Unfortunately after he was punished he was held back to being a jobber to midcarder from time to time because of WWE's Wellness Policy. Actually 2008 was a huge year for Regal. I think that his push was started with his match with Orton for WWE championship in UK. After WWE saw how hugely over Regal is in England they started pushing him firstly giving him a King of the Ring win then making him a more like a dictator GM. I've heard some speculations about WWE was planning a WWE title program between Regal and Triple H at that time. Unfortunately it never happened. Do you think that could Regal ever be a good WWE title holder. I think that why not. This man is both gold in mic and ring. As for draw thing even Khali can be a huge draw in India and even winning a world title why not Regal. The only british superstar I remember being this huge in WWE was probably British Bulldogs. So why not Regal could not be a good WWE champion ? He is great in the ring, solid in mic and can be a huge draw in UK.
Regal has only been over in WWE as a comedy General Manager and for one night in 2004 when WWE had their first Raw show in Manchester. So no, he would never be a successful champion.

He's a hugely talented worker, a decent talker and still have value in the company even today. But he never has been somebody who should've been a world champion.
Regal has only been over in WWE as a comedy General Manager and for one night in 2004 when WWE had their first Raw show in Manchester. So no, he would never be a successful champion.

Then watch this match and see how over Regal was in England:

He was also over as a heel GM during his dictator gimmick. Yeah at that time Randy Orton was the biggest heel of RAW and it was Regal's town but Regal was not a fan favorite either. He was just an ordinary heel GM and fans were all with him I think that's saying much for a man who had been nothing but a constant midcarder or a comedy character during that time.

Or just watch this promo:

Regal was hugely over in England and always had been getting good heat as a heel GM I think he was the last RAW GM that was interesting to watch. I still can't see why he can't be worthy of a WWE title holder or at least a challenger.
I have to disagree with Jake. While Regal shouldn't be pushed at his age- I think he could STILL make a successful champion. Regal is very good at attracting heat, and he's an excellent ring worker, still able to out wrestle a lot of the younger talent. If given proper mic time, it wouldn't be long before Regal was over again. I think his King of The Ring win proves that. He was the most hated heel in the company until he was suspended. Whether he could run with the brass ring is still doubtful though- given we've never seen it happen before.
William Regal is one guy who would have made a great transitional Champion.

His last push, which came back when he was victorious in the King of The Ring tournament, followed by a run with the IC Championship saw him get huge amounts of passionate boos from the crowd. Vince McMahon is known to have a huge amount of respect for Regal due to how Regal came to Vince when he had drug issues and all that, and if William ever got one defining push in his career he would have been a transitional Champion.

Even now, if he were pushed as a good heel, given enough microphone time and highlighted enough he could still get up into that league - his age is his one disadvantage. Hes always been one person I never quite understood, why he wasn't pushed when he had everything required.

Great on the microphone, he can play a good villian, a good comedic role, he was and still is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE, maybe he hadn't the specific look of a Champion but then again, neither did The Great Khali and that son of a bitch got a run.

No reason why Regal couldn't have been a good transitional WWE Champion.
No I don't think so. Regal was good in the GM role but he never struck me as anything above a midcarder. His best angles were as a heel GM and when he feuded with Christian over on ECW as "Bill". Even though he is good in the ring he would not make a good world champion because he just does not have the look of a main eventer and would not be taken seriously. Unless perhaps he was a transitional champion for a MITB winner to cash in on or something.
William Regal had everything it took to become a WWE Champion. But sadly, he debuted around the time Austin, Rock, Foley and Triple H ran the game which made him obsolete in the main event. Now, being a lower/midcarder for so long, somewhat ruined his image and made it impossible to take him seriously as a main eventer. Do I think he deserves a shot? Hell yeah. Unlike Mark Henry and other lifetime mid carders, William Regal has put over a huge amount off talent and worked his ass of doing so.

William Regal is a veteran who has everything it takes to hold a world title. His mic ability is on par with the likes of Chris Jericho or Miz, his wrestling ability is some of the best technical work in the WWE. He has the look of a World Champion and is phenomenally talented. William Regal would have worked great as a top heel in the WWE around the 2000s. There's no doubt in my mind he would've had a successful run if given a slight push.

Right now, give him an Intercontinental or United States Championship reign and have him defend and put over some young technical guys like Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett. His time has come and gone. Sadly, we won't know if Regal would actually be a successful Champion.

I've been trying to tell people this for years: some guys flat out do not belong above the midcard and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. Regal has been around mainstream wrestling for what, 15 years or so? He's got a job in WWE as a commentator and has a pretty solid resume (tag titles, European Titles, IC Titles, Hardcore Titles, KOTR plus his WCW stuff). He's a very solid worker and could be an excellent trainer, producer, commentator or whatever else he wants to do in WWE.

That being said, no he shouldn't have been a WWE Champion. Regal, as talented as he is, is most famous for being a comedy character. His time as commissioner at the turn of the century is remembered for him not getting various American customs and the comedy that resulted from them. He's perfectly fine as a midcard heel and a nice transitional guy for a face to fight, especially when Regal had authority on the show. That being said, he didn't belong in the main event scene because that's not the kind of character he was. That's not a knock on Regal at all. It's just reality.

I've been trying to tell people this for years: some guys flat out do not belong above the midcard and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. Regal has been around mainstream wrestling for what, 15 years or so? He's got a job in WWE as a commentator and has a pretty solid resume (tag titles, European Titles, IC Titles, Hardcore Titles, KOTR plus his WCW stuff). He's a very solid worker and could be an excellent trainer, producer, commentator or whatever else he wants to do in WWE.

That being said, no he shouldn't have been a WWE Champion. Regal, as talented as he is, is most famous for being a comedy character. His time as commissioner at the turn of the century is remembered for him not getting various American customs and the comedy that resulted from them. He's perfectly fine as a midcard heel and a nice transitional guy for a face to fight, especially when Regal had authority on the show. That being said, he didn't belong in the main event scene because that's not the kind of character he was. That's not a knock on Regal at all. It's just reality.

Do you remember Rocky Maivia or The Ringmaster. Am I comparing Regal to Austin or Rock ? No. What I'm trying to say is sometimes in professional wrestling you can't do anything except what is given to you. Could Stone Cold be as huge as this with his Ringmaster gimmick ? No. They were the lucky ones who have found a way to prove themselves and it's something that has been never given to Regal until 2008. You can't expect someone to be taken seriously if you don't give him enough material. Just like I said in my thread actually he was quite succesful with that push. He was getting really good heat. Just like I've said he was really really over in UK. Not as a comedy character not as a midcarder but as a serious competitor in a WWE title match against one of the biggest stars of WWE. He has every asset to become a main event player. He has solid mic skills, he is great in the ring he can put over anyone and make them like gold in the ring only his age may cause some handicap.
Like the poster above said.He WOULD of been a good champ,but he is past his prime and does not belong anywhere near the WWE or WHC.Maybe the US belt where he can say its now the UK belt,let him hold it for 6 months as be an old time super foreighn heel.That waY HE CAN GO OUT WITH A SUCSESSFUL STORYLINE

--Just MY opinion--
Do you remember Rocky Maivia or The Ringmaster. Am I comparing Regal to Austin or Rock ? No. What I'm trying to say is sometimes in professional wrestling you can't do anything except what is given to you. Could Stone Cold be as huge as this with his Ringmaster gimmick ? No. They were the lucky ones who have found a way to prove themselves and it's something that has been never given to Regal until 2008. You can't expect someone to be taken seriously if you don't give him enough material. Just like I said in my thread actually he was quite succesful with that push. He was getting really good heat. Just like I've said he was really really over in UK. Not as a comedy character not as a midcarder but as a serious competitor in a WWE title match against one of the biggest stars of WWE. He has every asset to become a main event player. He has solid mic skills, he is great in the ring he can put over anyone and make them like gold in the ring only his age may cause some handicap.

WOW! So a guy from a country that doesn't get much live stuff is over in that country?


If that's what you're basing this on, then I'll need to do this slowly.

Regal is an incredibly talented wrestler (as I said yet you felt the need to repeat for some reason) and that doesn't mean much at all. The amount of moves you know or the styles you can work or the ability to make people look good in the ring means about as much as an umbrella does against a hurricane. People have to care about you, which never quite seemed to be the case with Regal (in America, where it actually means something). He did quite well and is incredibly talented, but the idea of him being a main event guy has the TV ratings and buyrates for PPVs so scared they might go to TNA where things are at better for them.
WOW! So a guy from a country that doesn't get much live stuff is over in that country?


If that's what you're basing this on, then I'll need to do this slowly.

Regal is an incredibly talented wrestler (as I said yet you felt the need to repeat for some reason) and that doesn't mean much at all. The amount of moves you know or the styles you can work or the ability to make people look good in the ring means about as much as an umbrella does against a hurricane. People have to care about you, which never quite seemed to be the case with Regal (in America, where it actually means something). He did quite well and is incredibly talented, but the idea of him being a main event guy has the TV ratings and buyrates for PPVs so scared they might go to TNA where things are at better for them.

Actually I've never thought that you meant Regal was a not talented wrestler. It doesn't matter with which reason you're over if you're over that's it. Yes he is over in England because he's English but that's enough. Just like you said pro wrestling is about making yourself cared. Also who said that no one cared Regal when he was given a serious thing just watch his promos after his KOTR win he got decent amount of heat all the time. But if you're judging him with his comedy character persona who would care him. It's like waiting John Cena to be over with Shark Boy gimmick.
Actually I've never thought that you meant Regal was a not talented wrestler. It doesn't matter with which reason you're over if you're over that's it. Yes he is over in England because he's English but that's enough. Just like you said pro wrestling is about making yourself cared. Also who said that no one cared Regal when he was given a serious thing just watch his promos after his KOTR win he got decent amount of heat all the time. But if you're judging him with his comedy character persona who would care him. It's like waiting John Cena to be over with Shark Boy gimmick.

So based on this, when Funaki's music blew the roof off the place when Smackdown was in Japan back in 2005, he should have been challenging Cena and Batista for the titles and winning them. Got it.

he got decent amount of heat all the time.

Based on this theory, every midcard guy in the company that has decent heat or a pop should get the world title. That makes zero sense if you actually think for about a half second.
So based on this, when Funaki's music blew the roof off the place when Smackdown was in Japan back in 2005, he should have been challenging Cena and Batista for the titles and winning them. Got it.

The difference is when people cheer for Funaki or Hornswoggle they cheer them to have some fun. Even no Japanese fan would want Funaki to be a WWE champion. But that was not in Regal's case. He was in a WWE title match against Randy Orton who is one of the biggest stars in WWE. They wanted Regal to win the title thats what makes difference.

Based on this theory, every midcard guy in the company that has decent heat or a pop should get the world title. That makes zero sense if you actually think for about a half second.

I don't know if you watched Raw during Regal's push but when he was taken seriously by WWE for the first time he was getting good reaction from the fans I still can't understand what makes you think Regal can't get over. Where this prejudi over him comes from ? He has every skill to be a main event wrestler maybe not a huge one as Cena or Triple H but it doesn't automaticaly put him into midcard category. He is talented both in ring and on mic. He's never been put in a main event program. He is not the most charismatic superstar on the roster no one says that but he's one of the wrestlers in WWE that was hugely underutilized. Criticising Regal for being a comedy character is no different than saying Cena sucks because he is a Superman you can't criticise someone because of how WWE want to use them. When he was used probably he was getting great reaction and you think he is not main event caliber just because for over 15 years WWE used him for nothing but a constant lower midcarder/midcarder and never even gave him a chance for years. If we were talking about Mark Henry or Matt Hardy I could understand your point because WWE tried and never got succesful but while you don't have any proof about if Regal could make it or not how can you be sure. I'm stating my opinions during his hottest time and what he achieved in that limited time was great. If that time no one gave a shit about Regal your statement would be correct but that was not the case.
The difference is when people cheer for Funaki or Hornswoggle they cheer them to have some fun. Even no Japanese fan would want Funaki to be a WWE champion. But that was not in Regal's case. He was in a WWE title match against Randy Orton who is one of the biggest stars in WWE. They wanted Regal to win the title thats what makes difference.

That doesn't jive with what you said earlier today.

It doesn't matter with which reason you're over if you're over that's it.

According to YOU, if you're over then you're over. By your own words then, Horny and Funaki should be battling over the world title as Funaki was huge in Japan and Horny is popular everywhere. And remember

It doesn't matter with which reason you're over if you're over that's it.

Regal had a WWE Title match against Orton, true. Zack Ryder had a title match against Sheamus. Brooklyn Brawler had a title match against HBK in Madison Square Garden. What's your point? People that don't deserve world titles get shots all the time. That hardly makes them main event level stars.

I don't know if you watched Raw during Regal's push but when he was taken seriously by WWE for the first time he was getting good reaction from the fans I still can't understand what makes you think Regal can't get over.
You mean the guy I said was talented, had a great career and can have any job he wants? Getting over doesn't mean you belong in the world title hunt. Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole are the most hated people in wrestling. Does that mean they should be in the main event at MITB? How about Chris Masters? He gets some nice reactions. Since they're over, they should be in the main event title hunt, right?

Where this prejudi over him comes from ?

You mean in the times where I praised him and said he's had a great career and even listed off his accomplishments? If that's prejudice to you then I suggest you consult a dictionary.

He has every skill to be a main event wrestler maybe not a huge one as Cena or Triple H but it doesn't automaticaly put him into midcard category. He is talented both in ring and on mic.
Yeah, and so are the vast majority of people on the roster. What's your point?

He's never been put in a main event program.

Other than that time you mentioned him being in the main event. Or the times when he's messed with the main event people as Commissioner. Or the time he was in the Alliance and was their authority figure.

He is not the most charismatic superstar on the roster no one says that but he's one of the wrestlers in WWE that was hugely underutilized.

Oh ok so this is one of those threads where you decide that you know better than Vince how to run his company. I haven't seen one of these in a few seconds.

Criticising Regal for being a comedy character is no different than saying Cena sucks because he is a Superman you can't criticise someone because of how WWE want to use them. When he was used probably he was getting great reaction
Yes, in England. Which means nothing except to you.

and you think he is not main event caliber just because for over 15 years WWE used him for nothing but a constant lower midcarder/midcarder and never even gave him a chance for years.

You could use the same words to describe Mark Henry. Should he get a main event push now also?

If we were talking about Mark Henry or Matt Hardy I could understand your point because WWE tried and never got succesful

Henry and Hardy were both very successful in WWE. To say otherwise is lunacy.

but while you don't have any proof about if Regal could make it or not how can you be sure. I'm stating my opinions during his hottest time and what he achieved in that limited time was great. If that time no one gave a shit about Regal your statement would be correct but that was not the case.

Oh ok so it's the whole "you can't prove otherwise so I'm right" argument, which is about as weak of one as you can have. It's an excuse not to think, which doesn't surprise me. By your logic, Regal should stay in England and be a star there, because that's where he's the most over. Works for me.
That doesn't jive with what you said earlier today.

According to YOU, if you're over then you're over. By your own words then, Horny and Funaki should be battling over the world title as Funaki was huge in Japan and Horny is popular everywhere. And remember

My english can be bad sorry what I meant was if you can be over and can be taken seriously by fan it doesn't matter for what reason. As for Funaki's case yes he's over but not in a serious way. Why do you always try to see pro wrestling only in US. He can be a huge draw in UK people were behind him in there for him to win the WWE title.

Regal had a WWE Title match against Orton, true. Zack Ryder had a title match against Sheamus. Brooklyn Brawler had a title match against HBK in Madison Square Garden. What's your point? People that don't deserve world titles get shots all the time. That hardly makes them main event level stars.

I think we have a mis communication problem. I didn't say he deserves main event because he was in a WWE title match my point answer was up there people got behind him very largely in his WWE title match and thats something you can't see.

You mean the guy I said was talented, had a great career and can have any job he wants? Getting over doesn't mean you belong in the world title hunt. Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole are the most hated people in wrestling. Does that mean they should be in the main event at MITB? How about Chris Masters? He gets some nice reactions. Since they're over, they should be in the main event title hunt, right?

Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole are pushed non wrestler characters in WWE. They're not even wrestlers but they're used very much because they got great reaction. Just don't try to make word games to win an argument. The main reason I came up with being over argument was you said that in order to be main event wrestler you should make yourself cared and how to examine it with fans' reaction.

You mean in the times where I praised him and said he's had a great career and even listed off his accomplishments? If that's prejudice to you then I suggest you consult a dictionary.

No your prejudice about him his never giving him a chance while have never even seen him in a main event program.

Yeah, and so are the vast majority of people on the roster. What's your point?

Point is he doesn't lack in those areas. It was a statement to strengthen my opinion about why Regal could be champion.

Other than that time you mentioned him being in the main event. Or the times when he's messed with the main event people as Commissioner. Or the time he was in the Alliance and was their authority figure.

Yeah and beat up Rock, Austin, Triple H in a handicap match for WWE championship in WrestleMania right. Those examples you gave were all the shitty ones. Yeah he was in a main event and after a week later WWE gave him a push and even started to think about putting him in a WWE title program the match which meant nothing to you. As for comissioner messing up with people only to be humiliated and after being the comissioner of Alliance joining the Kiss my ass club really huge push.

Oh ok so this is one of those threads where you decide that you know better than Vince how to run his company. I haven't seen one of these in a few seconds.

No it's personal opinion. You watch a TV series and think that series sucks it's your own personal opinion. I have never ever said I know better than Vince I just think that his talent was underutilized it's an opinion and as a fan I have every right to say. I'm not saying fuck you Vince I'm smarter than you.

Yes, in England. Which means nothing except to you.

England is one of the markets that WWE can afford to lose so being over in there means nothing to you so be it.

You could use the same words to describe Mark Henry. Should he get a main event push now also?

Are you even reading what I'm writing who said Mark Henry should get a push ? You're just twisting my words in order to seem smarter. If it's your debating style go on.

Henry and Hardy were both very successful in WWE. To say otherwise is lunacy.

I've not said that they are not succesful just said that WWE's try to elevate them as main event stars didn't succeed.

Oh ok so it's the whole "you can't prove otherwise so I'm right" argument, which is about as weak of one as you can have. It's an excuse not to think, which doesn't surprise me. By your logic, Regal should stay in England and be a star there, because that's where he's the most over. Works for me

No I'm putting up some opinions about why he can be a main event star and only argument you come up with is no can't with no reason at all just give me one reason why he can't. Lack wrestling skills ? People don't give him a shit ? Don't have enough charisma it's just ultimately repeating that he can't be a title holder because x one is like this coming up with people who has nothing to do with Regal.
My english can be bad sorry what I meant was if you can be over and can be taken seriously by fan it doesn't matter for what reason. As for Funaki's case yes he's over but not in a serious way. Why do you always try to see pro wrestling only in US. He can be a huge draw in UK people were behind him in there for him to win the WWE title.

....because it's an American company and not a British one? They're in England maybe three times a year. Why in the world would Vince focus on England when America has a far bigger fanbase and potential market.

I think we have a mis communication problem. I didn't say he deserves main event because he was in a WWE title match my point answer was up there people got behind him very largely in his WWE title match and thats something you can't see.

Again, in England, where he was against a huge heel. I could go out there and get cheered in my hometown against a top heel.

Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole are pushed non wrestler characters in WWE. They're not even wrestlers but they're used very much because they got great reaction. Just don't try to make word games to win an argument. The main reason I came up with being over argument was you said that in order to be main event wrestler you should make yourself cared and how to examine it with fans' reaction.

And Regal gets the fan reaction of a guy in the midcard, which there's nothing wrong with.

No your prejudice about him his never giving him a chance while have never even seen him in a main event program.

Ever think there's a reason he's never been in a main event program? Perhaps, just stay with me on this, people that know more than we do think he's not someone that should be up there? He's had a great career, much like others that haven't been world title contenders. It's hardly a knock on him. You're stretching far too much to reach the conclusions you're coming up with.

Point is he doesn't lack in those areas. It was a statement to strengthen my opinion about why Regal could be champion.

A ton of people on the roster could do exactly what he does. He's good yes, but it's not like he's the best ever.

Yeah and beat up Rock, Austin, Triple H in a handicap match for WWE championship in WrestleMania right. Those examples you gave were all the shitty ones. Yeah he was in a main event and after a week later WWE gave him a push and even started to think about putting him in a WWE title program the match which meant nothing to you. As for comissioner messing up with people only to be humiliated and after being the comissioner of Alliance joining the Kiss my ass club really huge push.

Actually those were his better times, as in the times that he was in a more serious role. You're seeming to base the whole idea off one match in his home country as enough to make him a world champion which makes no sense.

No it's personal opinion. You watch a TV series and think that series sucks it's your own personal opinion. I have never ever said I know better than Vince I just think that his talent was underutilized it's an opinion and as a fan I have every right to say. I'm not saying fuck you Vince I'm smarter than you.

And it's my opinion that you have no idea what you're talking about because what you're saying is based on one show where he was cheered in a match that meant nothing at all and ran about five minutes.

England is one of the markets that WWE can afford to lose so being over in there means nothing to you so be it.

To the American and main company overall, no it means very little.

Are you even reading what I'm writing who said Mark Henry should get a push ? You're just twisting my words in order to seem smarter. If it's your debating style go on.

I already am smarter than you I assure you.

I've not said that they are not succesful just said that WWE's try to elevate them as main event stars didn't succeed.

When did they try to elevate Matt?

No I'm putting up some opinions about why he can be a main event star and only argument you come up with is no can't with no reason at all just give me one reason why he can't. Lack wrestling skills ? People don't give him a shit ? Don't have enough charisma it's just ultimately repeating that he can't be a title holder because x one is like this coming up with people who has nothing to do with Regal.

Actually what I said is he's a midcard talent and he's great at that, so why mess with it? I look at him and I see very little that makes me think of him as a star. He's 43 years old, more or less retired and had a solid run as Commissioner and an evil man. How you stretch that into making him a world champion is beyond me.
I've always liked William Regal but it's just not written in the stars for Regal to have ever been a successful World Champion. Regal has always been extremely skilled technically, he's always been good on the mic, he has a lot of knowledge and loves wrestling. He's someone that can always be an assett but the face of a company? Not really.

Regal lacks that certain x factor I think. He's not all that charismatic really, nor does he have a great look about him or physical presence. There's not really all that much about the guy that stands out in a way that says "I should be the top guy in this company".
...because it's an American company and not a British one? They're in England maybe three times a year. Why in the world would Vince focus on England when America has a far bigger fanbase and potential market.

I'm not saying otherwise but it doesn't change the fact that he is over in England.

Again, in England, where he was against a huge heel. I could go out there and get cheered in my hometown against a top heel.

He was not Triple H either. He was just an ordinary heel who was English and got great

And Regal gets the fan reaction of a guy in the midcard, which there's nothing wrong with.

It's the problem you can't understand. It's probably your lack of memory from that time when 2008 at his hottest time Regal was getting a very very good reaction. Just watch this for example. But true he is not worthy main eventer because right he was a comedy character and couldn't get over. Just look at when he's given serious thing how over can he be.

Ever think there's a reason he's never been in a main event program? Perhaps, just stay with me on this, people that know more than we do think he's not someone that should be up there? He's had a great career, much like others that haven't been world title contenders. It's hardly a knock on him. You're stretching far too much to reach the conclusions you're coming up with.

And tell me that reason other than he is not a big draw with no reason. I'm not saying that he is the best wrestler in WWE but I think that his talents were heavily under utilized.

A ton of people on the roster could do exactly what he does. He's good yes, but it's not like he's the best ever.

No one said that. You're still twisting up my words being both very good in ring and on mic is a huge addition to establish yourself as a main event talent in where I used to strengthen my statement.

Actually those were his better times, as in the times that he was in a more serious role. You're seeming to base the whole idea off one match in his home country as enough to make him a world champion which makes no sense.

I just gave an example of one match I'm not basing my whole debate about that match. I'm just giving this match as an example of he is over in his country in a good way and gave many examples how he started getting over during his push. The fan reaction was really great at that time. Just watch the video I posted above to see the truth. I still wait to show me a reason for why he can't be a WWE title holder and you still didn't give me one. My whole debate about was if WWE gave a great character and good push like in 08 he could make it and I think bigger percantage of the fault is Regal's it's unfortunate but I still think that he could be a great WWE title holder at least a challenger.

And it's my opinion that you have no idea what you're talking about because what you're saying is based on one show where he was cheered in a match that meant nothing at all and ran about five minutes.

I explained it on up there.

To the American and main company overall, no it means very little.

Like I said let it be that way.

I already am smarter than you I assure you.

Whoah man you're AWESOME!

When did they try to elevate Matt?

Hardy feud, ECW title run, US title run, his feud with Edge yeah they were all midcard feuds but they really tested waters with these ones.

Actually what I said is he's a midcard talent and he's great at that, so why mess with it? I look at him and I see very little that makes me think of him as a star. He's 43 years old, more or less retired and had a solid run as Commissioner and an evil man. How you stretch that into making him a world champion is beyond me.

I'm not saying make him a WWE champion but I think that he could've been a succesful WWE champion especially after his push in 2008 which you think was not possible with no reason at all.
Ok. I've gone through this time after time and I'll do it one more time here because you apparently are either stubborn or an idiot.

William Regal is a talented performer. However, he has no star power, moderate charisma, a rather weak character (He's British so you should hate him), not incredibly mic skills and a lack of an X factor. Apparently you think because he was well received in a title match in his home country six years ago he should be world champion. Good for you and I hope you enjoy your little world where that makes sense. I'll be ignoring you the rest of the time and reading people that actually have a clue what they're talking about.
If he were ever to become WWE champion, it would have been back in 08 when he was actually running roughshod over Raw. He would turn out lights just because he could, and for the first time in his career he was actually starting to get over as a wrestler, instead of staying backstage and being kooky. Then he failed a wellness policy and fucked himself. So in short, at one time yes, I believe he could have had one decent run as champ, but as with so many other cases it obviously was not meant to be, and now never will be.
Ok. I've gone through this time after time and I'll do it one more time here because you apparently are either stubborn or an idiot.

William Regal is a talented performer. However, he has no star power, moderate charisma, a rather weak character (He's British so you should hate him), not incredibly mic skills and a lack of an X factor. Apparently you think because he was well received in a title match in his home country six years ago he should be world champion. Good for you and I hope you enjoy your little world where that makes sense. I'll be ignoring you the rest of the time and reading people that actually have a clue what they're talking about.

Wow smarter guy we're here to talk and debate. If you can't do it don't do it. First learn showing some respect if you don't know it then I have nothing to say about you. I'm not basing my opinions on one match and have given plenty of examples even posted many videos you may seem ignorant and that's your choice. I don't want to extend it further more.

In Ring Skill is not the only thing that makes you deserve championships. He was decent on the mic, had okay charisma but never did anyone really say that this guy should be World Champion. He was a wrestler who used many grapples and submissions but never did he adapt or change his moves to his persona. Plus when is the last time that WWE has invested in an international WWE Champion. The last NON North American who had a lot investment in him was Yokozuna when he held the title back 1993. It just goes to show that international stars don't get a lot of investment. There are a few that have held it but nothing serious. Sheamus had a lackluster run, Eddie had nothing too special, why should we expect that investment in Regal?
Not anymore, the ship has sailed. Regal's too old right now, but his personality could be a British version of the JBL type heel where he garners heat by just holding down the face.

He's a "what could have been" but still a very successful guy
He could MAYBE have been a decent heel champion back around the turn of the Millenium when he was at his peak, but the roster was filled with many other wrestlers who had a better look, very more over with the crowd and were superstars, so unfortunately Regal never got a chance.

However, I could never picture Regal with the world belt, the sterotypical English heel gimmick with the tea-drinking etc was perfect for a Commissioner, or a mid-card heel but not for the Champ. Also, while an excellent technical wrestler, Regal's in-ring style is not exciting and would probably not be successful for a championi in this day and age.

Regal has had a great career, winning alot of gold but not everyone is destined to be champion. He has accomplished alot more than most others on the WWE roster, but there were always better options to lead the WWE as champion.

I hope to see Regal continue as a manager or commentator or even a GM after he retires, I think his mic skills would be of great use to the WWE even after his days as an in-ring competitor end

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