Could The Streak End via MITB?


Dark Match Winner
Obviously not this year, since both cases have been cashed in.

Maybe this idea came to me because I love Sandow but I've been thinking...if WWE ever DID want to do a Streak vs. Title match at WM, would it be worth it to have Taker win one of the major titles only to be cashed in on and lose The Streak.

I can't decide if this would cheapen everything the streak was meant to be or if it would only further the push of the guy who would be ending it. I mean, that'd have to be the biggest push WWE could give a heel, right? Could you imagine Dean Ambrose or someone ending The Streak after Taker just survived a 30 minute Title Match? There might be riots.

One thing this would accomplish is if Taker can't go full time he wouldn't have to carry the Title. I also don't think Taker should ever be beaten at WM unless he wants to, so he'd have to sign off on this for me to ever think about booking it.

I also think I'd prefer to see a babyface turn heel via the cash in, so maybe John Cena or Daniel Bryan would play that role. I just think it'd be the biggest turn since Hulk.

Obviously this is a pie in the sky idea and I'm not saying I endorse it. I think it's a fair question, however, and I'm interested to see what other people think.

Would an MITB cash in to end The Streak ruin The Streak and its legacy?

Is it worth the risk to perform possibly the biggest heel turn ever?

If you're open to the idea, who would you pick to end The Streak via a cash in?
Obviously not this year, since both cases have been cashed in.

Not true. The red briefcase was cashed in by Orton and Sandow cashed in a chocolate one. The blue briefcase of 2013 is still out there somewhere.

Would an MITB cash in to end The Streak ruin The Streak and its legacy?

It depends on how it would be booked to happen. If a heel (or a face who is turning heel) who the WWE is 100% confident will be around to receive the tidal wave of hatred that would come from ending the streak is decided to be deserving of ending the streak at all, then maybe. It would not tarnish the streak any more than ending it in a regular match. This would only make the heel that much more hated. 20+ years of victories all over in an instant. It would quite literally be the heel turn from hell if done right. It would be a DISASTER if done wrong, though.

Is it worth the risk to perform possibly the biggest heel turn ever?

Only if the WWE know 100% for sure that the wrestler cashing in will be around for a while to be the most legitimately hated guy on the roster for the rest of their career and quite possibly forever. They would have to find someone they are fully confident in trusting this push with. I'd like to think the federation is smart enough to not mess up something like this.

If you're open to the idea, who would you pick to end The Streak via a cash in?

I am open to it, but finding the right wrestler to do this with could be nearly impossible. Edge would have been perfect for it, but he's retired and had two MITB cash-in's already. Cena could make the biggest heel turn in history, bigger possibly than Hogan's, but he would not need MITB to do it. Within kayfabe he'd want to win in a traditional match, heel turn or not. The same could be said for Bryan. Heel or not, within kayfabe he would want to win a traditional match to show he really is the best. Orton had his cash-in this year. Maybe Drew if he had still been in his Chosen One gimmick and if built back up properly during a very long and slow push. Sheamus could do it and be alligned with Trips, his real life friend who in kayfabe would claim the streak ending was best for business. Ambrose is another possibility, although he is too new to do this push with.

One thing is for certain though. Undertaker absolutely would HAVE to be holding the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship in order for this to happen. I've seen people suggest in other threads that the MITB be used on the streak itself. That's an incredibly stupid idea. If Taker is going to lose a world title at Wrestlemania along with his streak to a cash-in, then I could be open to it. No matter who cashes in, they cannot cash in on the undefeated streak. Only on a WWE/World Champion.
If you're open to the idea, who would you pick to end The Streak via a cash in?[/QUOTE]

I don't like the idea but if it would to happen I would pick ADR I can just picture him as the one and I really don't think he will ever work as a face
Wrestlemania 30 is a milestone and Undertaker would have 22 wins. I think Taker wins at WM 30 and retires which means no one has a chance to win a MITD briefcase to cash in on him
Nobody is going to end The Streak. It's the most important thing in that company.

They certainly aren't going to end it with a cheap Money In The Bank cash in. Somebody attemting to cash in though, I'd like to see that. So long as Undertaker then didn't pin them and add a cheap extra number to his tally.
I really don't think that that would be how the streak ends, should they decide to end it. We all know that the Undertaker doesn't need either world title to be interesting at Wrestlemania, so why give him a world title when it can be used to make another match more interesting? The Undertaker should never and hopefully will never hold a world title again because he simply doesn't need it. So he'd never be in the position to have MitB cashed in on him.
I can't decide if this would cheapen everything the streak was meant to be or if it would only further the push of the guy who would be ending it.

By it's very nature, MITB is the cheapest way in existence to win a major title .....and will remain so, as long as the chief method of the briefcase holder is to cash in on an exhausted, battered champion who has already fought that night. Yes, pro wrestling is a form of entertainment in which results are preordained, but if you don't like the idea of a Dolph Ziggler or Damien Sandow becoming a world titleholder by benefiting in the usual manner, how would you like it if it happened to the Undertaker.....presumably in his last match? Scripted or not, let the man go out with dignity, for heaven's sake.

Also, if Undertaker is ever to have anything to do with wearing a world title belt again, it ought to be for one day only......just long enough to retire the belt (and himself) at Raw the next night.

There's continuity in all this: the only way he can be subject to a cash-in is if he wins the title at WM, right? So, if the MITB holder cashes in on him that night, his last match ever would be a cheap loss? Or, if the match isn't his swan song, why in the world would they have him win a title?

Please, no cash-ins and no titles for Undertaker. Let him win or let him lose, but let it happen in a manner befitting his streak and status.
If MITB is used in the ending of the streak, I would actually have Taker turn hell and capture the WWE title around Survivor Series.

He can work a part time schedule similar to The Rock, probably more appearances though. Have a young, hot face win the Royal Rumble. I go with Roman Reigns. After a lengthy title match at Wrestlemania Reigns ends the streak and captures the gold.... A Star is born.

...Then Mr. MITB Dean Ambrose comes out and lays a beat down on Reigns and Cashes in the case, but Reigns fights him off and retains, and the celebration begins again... A star is solidified. Maybe have Taker interfere to help Reigns retain, effectively turning Taker face again.
If MITB is used in the ending of the streak, I would actually have Taker turn hell and capture the WWE title around Survivor Series.
A ridiculous notion. You would have Undertaker turn heel in order to capture the WWE Title, and have him hold the title until Wrestlemania? For one, it's becoming apparent that it's a struggle for him to work just three matches a year. He beat Punk at Wrestlemania, was in a six-man tag on Raw, then beat Ambrose clean on Smackdown. So the situation would essentially be this: Undertaker wins the title. and defends it once, maybe twice before Wrestlemania. How is that befitting of the most important title in the company.

Btw....Undertaker could chokeslam a baby and stay face. He's past the point of where a heel turn for him work. He's simply too over,and his appearances too sporadic to do so.

He can work a part time schedule similar to The Rock, probably more appearances though.
He might be able to make more appearances, but appearances don't translate into wrestling matches. And the WWE Title, which has been made clear to be the most important title in the company, needs more than the one or two defenses Undertaker can provide. That's no knock on 'Taker, he's a legend. But he's a legend that can only work a few matches per year, and holding the WWE Title for 6 months deserves more tban what 'Taker can bring to the table at this point in his career.

Have a young, hot face win the Royal Rumble. I go with Roman Reigns. After a lengthy title match at Wrestlemania Reigns ends the streak and captures the gold.... A Star is born.
Just no. Reigns is a guy whose going to be a big presence in the years to come, likely in the main event scene. But Undertaker deserves better. He's beaten every up and comer that's challenged him, as well as almost every min event Superstar. What does Roman Reigns have right now that Randy Orton, Edge, CM Punk,HHH and HBK do not? One has to be realistic in their idea of who could end the Streak,and Roman Reigns is simply not at that level, or close.

There's only three marquee names for Undertaker to face at Wrestlemania, and those are the Rock, Brock Lesnar, and John Cena. At this point, the Streak is not about making new stars, it's about realistic opponents who could possibly break the streak.

...Then Mr. MITB Dean Ambrose comes out and lays a beat down on Reigns and Cashes in the case, but Reigns fights him off and retains, and the celebration begins again...
How would this work? Reigns goes through a grueling match with Undertaker, takes a beatdown from Ambrose.....and retains? Me thinks not.

A star is solidified. Maybe have Taker interfere to help Reigns retain, effectively turning Taker face again.
WHy would 'Taker help the guy who just ended his streak? Face or heel, I can't see him helping the man who just took his title.

To summate, the streak should never end by MITB.The Streak, outside of John Cena, is the most important thing to the company. They wouldn't cheapen it with a MITB cash-in, it's a somewhat silly notion. Undertaker's career and legacy is defined by the Streak, and to end it in such a silly notion would deface his legacy.
Not true. The red briefcase was cashed in by Orton and Sandow cashed in a chocolate one. The blue briefcase of 2013 is still out there somewhere.

best comment ever! i thought that briefcase was good taste lol
i think the mitb is a good thing in the wwe, but a cash in on taker is dumb.
1. the streak will not be broken.

2. if it were to be broken, that person has to have the credibility, the respect it have in backstage, the ability to carry that company in the next 10 year and the full support of the company. Those are my criteria and its not some young guy who seems to have "potential" only to be jobbing next year.

Cena is the only viable option to break the streak but cena doesnt need it. Guys that iwc loves to pitch like dean ambrose, cessaro, wade barrette etc.(ya the barber) ain't no way touching that streak.

3. the streak is worth of 20+ years of history, its beyond common sense to have it broken via a cheap MITB cash in. Just impossible
I don't think anyone could take this idea seriously - specially since we are talking about something really big, bigger than any championship, yes. I for one have stated many times that I do firmly believe that the Streak should be broken but in no way, shape or form anything different than a clean pinfall should be the finish.

You have to see The Streak has something that only the best of the best will be able to break. I'm not saying it needs to be a John Cena, I'm saying that it needs to be someone that the WWE firmly stands by to put him and let him stay in the main event position in the future. You can either go with Sheamus, Randy Orton, CM Punk or hell Daniel Bryan right now, or just wait for someone to be built strong, someone that proves he can be an A+ player and that can draw money in the foreseeable future. I've seen people saying that Wade Barrett could do it, others stating Bray Wyatt as one strong contender but that can't happen next year, maybe in 'Taker's last match and after a strong build.

It needs to happen, it isn't a matter of should or should not, it's just a thing that NEEDS to be broken. The only reason they built the streak has something so big, so important is to one day give the fruits and that fruit will be a big superstar, a former or future WWE Champion, someone that the people are really behind and then go from here with the guy. John Cena could do it, Randy Orton could do it and so on, which is great... But as I said, if the streak ends it needs to be after a great match and with the right and decisive finish.
Yeah, this is not gonna happen and it really shouldn't happen. Furthermore, I'm not really even sure that Taker himself would go for it. The streak matches have become big business for WrestleMania and having the streak end due to MITB would be like going behind the barn with a thoroughbred that just won the Kentucky Derby and blowing its brains out with a shotgun.

During Taker's HIAC match against Triple H last year, or rather during the build up, Taker said that it needed to remain "pure" and I believe that's a POV most fans have as well. If someone is ever going to end the streak, then it needs to be done in the right way. The right way means someone going after Taker, man to man, and forcing him to either submit or pin his shoulders to the mat for a three count. As much as a whole lot of fans don't want the streak to end period, they'd at least be more accepting of it happening in a "fair fight" than Taker being the victim of a screwjob ending circa MITB.
Firstly i dont think that WWE would have a championship match at Wrestle mania with the Undertaker because people can argue the streak is just as big as the titles in the wwe so they wouldnt need a championship title in the mix because the streak it self is good of a match
The Pure notion of the MITB is to cash in on a champion who is exhausted,tired,and trashed. By its very nature its the cheapest way to win said title.(I for one love it but love Heelish ways). But if it were to happen against the UnderTaker then man it has to be done absolutely right..

The person If it happens will have to be Heel the rest of their career. This person,if it happens will have to be prepared to be booed until their dying breath.. Seriously,to end the streak THE STREAK of over Two decades on a bullshit loss,would make the fans Irate,and it would spit on the legacy of the Undertaker. I dont think the streak should ever end,but if it does then let the Undertaker go out with Dignity!

The Undertaker cant wrestle more than three times a year so hes not even really part time. I dont see any scenario in which this could work
I for one think it's a brilliant idea. And I think Daniel Bryan should be the one to do it. I could see HHH keep screwing him out of the title and calling him a B+ player. HHH would tell him he'd never get another shot at the WWE title.

Let Taker come back at Survivor Series declaring Wrestlemania XXX to be his last match and that he wants to retire as WWE champion. Have him face Orton at Survivor Series and have Taker get screwed by a DQ out of the win. Then have him come back against Orton at Rumble, overcome the odds and win the title.

Next, have Cena win the Rumble and say he's going to be the one to take down the streak and win back the title. After all, he's the face of the WWE. Bill this match as the biggest of all time.

Randomly decide to have a MiTB match at Mania with 8 guys; all big names. Just make sure Bryan wins. After the main event is a 30+ minute marathon with Taker winning and collapsing in victory, have him slowly raise up, break kayfabe and take in all the adoration from the crowd. At that point, have Daniel Bryan sneak attack him, knee him to his face and cash in the MiTB.

Ultimate turn and awesome heat and very realistic. Ready made story on how he's now the true A+ player and how he did something HHH could never do.

Streaks are made to be ended. Wrestlers are supposed to go out on their back.
An even better idea would be the winner of the royal rumble delivers a pipe bomb the next night on raw. he devalues the titles and challenges undertaker to a match at wm. you get your long buildup. a new star is created. A title unification match takes care of the main event situation.

On a side note shouldn't takers opponent every year from now should be beating taker. takers not in his prime and is getting older.
I think it would be a cheap way to end the streak and not accepted by the fans. If the streak were to end it would need to be in a grueling battle. One where the winner earned it. The streak should end no other way. Finding the right guy to end the streak is another question though, and I can't think of a guy to do it in a regular match or a MITB cash in.

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