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Could It Be... Goldberg to TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I don't mean to steal thunder here, so I'll credit Zion for even putting everything on the map for me, but could it be?

First we saw this:


Then we saw this:


The argument could certainly be made that this is a lot of conclusions being drawn over coincidence or that there's certainly not enough evidence of it happening, but when you also take into account that TNA is currently pushing Crimson as sort of a Goldberg 2.0... could it be? Crimson v. Goldberg at Bound For Glory?

Call me crazy, call me a stupid WCW mark, call me a TNA mark... but I'd love to see it! I can see it now... a few weeks before Bound For Glory is on us, Crimson is still leading the BFG Series and is in a tight race with RVD/AJ Styles and is cost a match that would have given him a huge lead in the race by none other than Bill Goldberg! Why? Because Goldberg wants to see just how strong that unbeaten streak really is!

Yay? Nay? Would you even want to see it?
I don't think so. At least I hope not. I won't lie, I prefer TNA over WWE, but I think bringing in Goldberg would be the wrong thing to do. Would he draw money? Sure, but I think it would take away from the talent that TNA already has. Plus Goldberg has said before that the would never go work for TNA. If he does come back I think it will be back to the WWE. Personally wouldn't mind seeing him and John Cena or the Miz.
I just cant see it happening i dont think they could give him the money he would want or give him the stage he would want .

In truth i dont think i would want to see it Goldberg in TNA isnt big they just havent got the power to make it big. A Goldberg Match if its just a small run needs a couple PPV with more then 2000 people

If it happens good for TNA but bad for goldberg
How exactly would you like to see it play out? Assuming it were to happen (which it won't), what happens? Goldberg returns to professional wrestling, to TNA no less, which is a considerably smaller stage than he is used to, to lose to Crimson, a new and relatively unproven guy? Can't see Goldberg's ego allowing this to happen. He wants a dream match with Austin in WWE, but instead settles for Crimson in TNA?

The other alternative, he returns for a one shot deal and beats Crimson. The monster, the unbeaten streak, goes down to an older guy who hasn't wrestled for years. Not really sure if the benefit of this outweighs the potential damage it does.

It's nice to dream, IDR, but try to keep it a little more realistic. You know, something like the NY Rangers winning the Stanley Cup this year. Extremely unlikely but possible I guess :)
No chance in Hell of Goldberg coming to TNA. Would i want to see him in TNA? You bet your ass i would, but he would overshadow TNA talent that are already there and would cost an arm and a leg to pay him.

"Its the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine!!!" - Kevin Nash
I'd love to see it at some point but I think if he came back he would be more likely to be involved in the Sting/Hogan etc stuff. I am not certain but the way that "probably before the end of 2011" video was reported suggested it was filmed in March. Why it was released now if that was the case who knows. If that is accurate this could have been a wrestlemania appearance that fell through. If it fell through because EB came knocking, well that is still a possibility. I'd like to see Goldberg do something but I do not know why he would come back to lose to Crimson at BFG. If he is going to win then that raises its own issues. That is why I'd prefer to see him involved in the I'm still mad about WCW story. A Goldberg-Joe match could be pretty damn interesting though. The rumors not that long ago were that they were trying to get him to be involved in the All Wheels stuff.
Just don't get the Crimson push. He just doesn't have the " it " factor. He's kinda blah.

Now with the iron cross motif he just seems like "TRIPLE-Ginger-BERG" .

The idiots can criticize Goldberg all they want , but he had a intensity, and look and brutality that was awesome to watch.
If Goldberg goes to Tna? He's practically going to take a dump on his career.

Undertaker vs Goldberg
John cena vs Goldberg
Orton vs Goldberg

These matches sound blockbuster to me. He couldn't do anything remotely close to this in tna in front of 500 people.
Enters the Rumble, last place, wins, goes to Mania faces Rock,who takes the belt from Punk at survivor series? mania then becomes Double blockbuster main event! Cena gets three way with Punk and Jericho for the best in the world undisputed heavyweight chicken whatever, Vince smiles HHH wipes his nose and Rock and Goldberg head off to make Return to Cyborg Future Cop in the Jungle with Gi Joe and the muppets.
I dunno, dude - based on the tone of his voice and the look on his face in the interview, I tend to think Goldberg was just fucking with the interviewer. I imagine he gets asked those two questions A LOT. Like A LOT a lot.
IMO this would be a bad move, did he not say that going TNA would tarnish his career, and he doesnt need it? I hope he doesnt cos he wont be full time anyway unless they plan on ripping off whole Rock/Cena at WM28, after all bound for glory is tna's biggest ppv.
Gah! I'm such a Goldberg mark.

I can't f**king wait now! I brought up a number of months ago to a friend that now that WWE has gone PG, and with Steve Austin saying on Tough Enough that he's been itching to get back into the ring to wrestle a few matches again, there is no reason for Goldberg NOT to return to the WWE and have a match with Austin (preferably) at Wrestlemania.

I KNOW it's not going to happen. Logically I can tell myself that over and over and over again, but I can't ever seem to make myself believe it. I want this match so bad it's not even funny.

And even if he's not going back to the WWE, just to know he'll be back in televised pro-wrestling again is bad ass. I will follow this. F**kyeah man, that's awesome. Seeing that second video just made my day.
It's not happening he'll just destroy himself by doing that. WWE is where he's headed. Point blank. TNA/Impact Wrestling is nothing so why would he go there?
I thought I heard (or read) that Goldberg said he'll never go to TNA after the laughable offer they made him the first time. He said they low-balled him so bad that it wasn't worth it.

MAYBE...if Spike is looking to re-map their programming, they may front the money for him to go there, but I dont see it happening.

I thought I also heard that he was unhappy with his WWE run and that it wasn't out of the question, but it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Either way, I hope he finds what he wants, gets a few matches, then bails out. It would be nice to see him in WWE one last time. Maybe WWE is looking to bring him in with the recent cuts they made, maybe that was to free some money up. Im not holding my breath for it to happen for either company.
I don't know, this is a double edged sword senario. If he goes to TNA to lose to Crimson everyone will say that his legacy is tarnished, If he goes to TNA and beats Crimson everyone will say why did they build this guy up to have him lose to someone that hasn't wrestled in years. So I see this as a can't win situation for TNA if this were to happen. As much as I would love to see Goldberg again I would rather it be in another storyline and not against Crimson. If that is even the plan, or really even going to happen, no matter what if Goldberg goes to TNA he will get shit on for going their and people will say he has ruined his legacy. Would I rather see him go to WWE and possibly wrestle Austin who if he were to take a bump wrong could be seriously injured? Yeah 10 years ago, but not now.
I wish Goldberg would go to TNA, but I think his asking price would be ridiculous and compared to the ratings/buyrates he'd pull I doubt TNA would get a decent return on it, unless they actually went into mass advertising to attract former wrestling fans who loved Goldberg into buying a show or something.
But you have to wonder whether Hogan is still waiting for his job back....

It is a real shame that things turned out the way they did though, I have to wonder what may have been had Jeffy Hardy not disappeared from TNA, working with guys like Sting, Angle, the members of Fourtune and such could have only improved his in ring ability and perhaps enough to the point where a Hardy/Goldberg match could have been truly epic, especially if he was still in his heel persona.
Just don't get the Crimson push.

I don't get Internet fans.

He just doesn't have the " it " factor. He's kinda blah.
Really? I beg to differ. I didn't know your suppose to push everyone that has the personality like The Rock. :rolleyes:

Brock Lesnar and Lashley had an "it" factor ? NO.
Now with the iron cross motif he just seems like "TRIPLE-Ginger-BERG" .
Doesn't Sheamus have the same freaking thing?
The idiots can criticize Goldberg all they want , but he had a intensity, and look and brutality that was awesome to watch.

Yeah, I don't think he had a great personality either. I seriously don't get the "blah" nonsense. It's almost a copout considering Goldberg never got on the mic or was that great to watch besides squash matches.
I do a bit of 'TNA Fantasy Booking' in my spare time (just for fun as I KNOW I can't write a better show than Russo and Co). And Golberg vs. Crimson was on my Bound For Glory card. And I would absolutely love to see it happen for real. There's an easy back story with Crimson currently being undefeated and Goldberg being Da Man when it comes to 'streaks' in pro wrestling.

If TNA could actually manage to get Goldberg in for just one program, it has to be with Crimson IMO. Have Goldberg end the streak but Crimson ultimately come out on top and defeat Goldberg. Not sure Goldberg would come in just to put Crimson over though.
Personally, I'd love to see Goldberg in TNA. I was a mark for Goldberg while he was running wild in WCW, so a return sounds great. However, I'm not sure everyone is going to enjoy what may or may not happen.

If Goldberg returns, it's not going to be a few weeks before a PPV, where he ends up jobbing to a new guy (Crimson). Sorry, but I cannot see that happening. Goldberg probably wouldn't go along with it, and I doubt Hogan/Bischoff would OK it.

If Goldberg returns, I see a few different roads they could take. Goldberg, regardless of what happens further down the road, will demolish several people. That's a fact. He's going to squash the shit out of anyone he faces, because that's what he's known for. Having Goldberg come in as just one of the guys isn't going to happen, in my opinion.

Will he eventually put someone over in a big way? I would hope so. However, understand one thing ladies and gents - he's not coming in for a one-off loss to Crimson. Goldberg wouldn't accept that, Hogan wouldn't accept that (GOLDBERG DRAWS MONEY, BRRRRROTHER), and I'm sure a few other people can be thrown into this category as well. If he wouldn't do it for Taker (reportedly), he sure as hell isn't going to do it for Crimson.

Be prepared for a Goldberg streak. He's going to crush people, at least for the first several months. I can't wait to hear the complaints....
If Goldberg went to TNA, I'd lose a lot of respect for him. Not because he's going to the minor leagues or any of that shit, but because he'd be going to work for the same people who fucked his run up in WCW, Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo. Why on Earth would he think this time would be different? Their still booking the exact same fucking way they did in the late 90's- early 2000's.

I've always been a Goldberg mark, I grew up with him and I'll always be a fan. No different than I am with Warrior. So if he came back, then I'd definitely watch. But I'd much rather he come to the WWE.
The way I see it if and Thats a big IF Goldberg comes to TNA he gets involved in the Sting/Hogan/Angle storyline. The only interaction he would have with Crimson would be a few backstage promos with him saying stuff like "Good job kid, I've been watching you, keep up the good work." Possibally a ppv tag match but nothing one on one because its lose-lose. Either Goldberg ruins his legacy or TNA builds up a new guy to job out to a guy who hasnt wrestled since like '04. But knowing TNA they will have thr match and piss off 50% of the people watching it.
My question is why? Why would he go and why would tna want him? Lets face it the guy was a flash in the pan. He was huge for the time he was because he was something different. Up to the point he arrived in wcw all we got was Hogan and the nwo. Then came Goldberg. Once the shine was gone he wasn't all he was made out to be.
WWE missused him and TNA would do the same. Plus to be honest he was never all that good. He can't talk, his ring work is limited, and he has been on the shelf for years. What could he bring to either TNA or WWE? Yes he would get a big pop and maybe cause a jump in the numbers but how long would it last?
Goldberg was cool because he wasn't Hall, Nash,Hogan, or Piper. Those days are over. He has said many times that TNA is to small and WWE screwed him. The dude acts like he changed the business and deserves the world on a plate. The facts are he had his 15 minutes of fame and then everyone realizied he wasn't al that worthy of it. I know there are lots of Goldberg fans out there who will shit all over what I just said but it's the truth. He just isn't worthy of all the hype in my opinion.
If Goldberg wouldn't do it for Taker (reportedly), he sure as hell isn't going to do it for Crimson.
Wait, seriously?

Be prepared for a Goldberg streak. He's going to crush people, at least for the first several months. I can't wait to hear the complaints....

I'd welcome it. Use it as a way to clean people out of the roster, even.

In whatever order:

Squash #1: Anarquia
Squash #2: Hernandez
Squash #3: Jerry Lynn
Squash #4:RVD
Squash #5: Murphy
Squash #6: Shannon Moore
Squash #7: Jesse Neal
Squash #8: Brian Kendrick
Squash #9: Samoa Joe
Squash #10: Rob Terry
Squash #11: Abyss
Squash #12: Scott Steiner

And then have him job to AJ Styles and let him leave the company. :lmao:
If Goldberg went to TNA, I'd lose a lot of respect for him.

Because, he obviously lives up to your respectability right? That's what he works his ass off for...YOUR opinion. :rolleyes:
Not because he's going to the minor leagues or any of that shit
Minor Leagues? Do you want me to embarrass you?

but because he'd be going to work for the same people who fucked his run up in WCW, Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo.
Lolz. You do realize he is good friends with all of them? Russo being excluded.
Why on Earth would he think this time would be different?
Because, It's a different company and it was a fucking decade ago? I'm pretty sure he would have something to do with Crimson and putting him over if he did join TNA. That's extremely different brah.

Their still booking the exact same fucking way they did in the late 90's- early 2000's.
WWE does too. Please, stop before you get embarrassed.
I've always been a Goldberg mark, I grew up with him and I'll always be a fan. No different than I am with Warrior. So if he came back, then I'd definitely watch. But I'd much rather he come to the WWE.
Did you ever stop and use that close minded washed brain of yours to think if WWE even wanted him? Not everyone in WWE sits back and wants to hire EVERY former superstar.
If Goldberg went to TNA, I'd lose a lot of respect for him. Not because he's going to the minor leagues or any of that shit, but because he'd be going to work for the same people who fucked his run up in WCW, Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo. Why on Earth would he think this time would be different? Their still booking the exact same fucking way they did in the late 90's- early 2000's.

Since when does "fucked his run up" mean made a star? The idea that Goldberg was used better in WWE than he was in WCW is laughable. If I was Goldberg I would have a lot more faith in Hogan/Bischoff etc. protecting my character than I would in HHH etc.

I did just realize that Goldberg and Kurt Angle have never had a match ...

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