Confession Time

Seems to be a lot of that going around.

I don't know when Cena is going to drop the title but if he at least holds it until the Rumble, I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with Barrett in the fall.
I don't mind Barrett. Quite like him at times. But as long as he's in limbo, I couldn't care less about him.

That's one of WWE's biggest problems at the moment. Hanging creative failings on the talents is the weakest of sauce. Jim Ross' blog cause me to burn with rage on a regular basis. The BBQ sauce has some heat!
They have tons they can do with the midcard guy. It's time to shit or get off the pot for guys like Rhodes. Hard to believe he's been around for six years now. Him and Sandow getting constantly fed to Sheamus isn't helping them or Sheamus one bit.
Rhodes hasn't been on the pot since he lost the IC belt to Christian. Back when he was given something of consequence to do, he was hitting it out of the park. So naturally, his push needed to get derailed.

Typical WWE.
I'm probably the only one who thought that Cody's IC reign was overrated. His most memorable feud was against Booker T. All that being said, I didn't like the fact they put it on Big Show to have his WM moment just to have him lose it the next month. I would have been a fan of putting the world title on him in 2011 but we had the awesomeness of Orton, Christian, or Henry. Undashing Cody Rhodes was maybe one year too early.
Couldn't care about the IC belt. But Disfigured Cody Rhodes, his feud with Mysterio, and his matches with Orton and just about anyone else worth a damn (so not Booker T...) all worked for me. I thought he was a pretty decent promo guy even after he took the mask off. Why they cooled on him is beyond me.

Dude needs a gimmick and some direction. Make him an old-school gentleman or the most interesting man in the world, disfigure him again, something.

I've like the promos Sandow has been cutting lately. For a month there, it actually seemed like he had some direction. Shame about Sheamus winning last night, as much as I like the guy.

1-800-FELLA is pure gold though. Pleases me to see WWE is in on the joke and know just how much they've mishandled Sheamus as a character.
Seems like Vince is thinking that since the ratings aren't what he wants it to be, the solution is more McMahons. It just doesn't seem right without Shane-O-Mac though. I miss him.
I don't miss any of them. They're relics. And not the good kind that bring me nostalgia and wrestling I want to watch.
Please no. I've come to really like Del Rio. But his old music still gently lulls me to sleep.
Cole's improved somewhat over the years. Still, if I never heard his voice again, it'd be too soon.
That's true. I wonder who can they bring in to spice things up a bit. I haven't enjoyed Lawler in ten years and I didn't mind Striker at times.
Striker had a tendency to step on toes when he was calling matches. How much of that comes down to the old boys club not wanting to let him get a word in edgewise is up for discussion, but he's found many occasion to barge in clumsily at the wrong moment with an enthusiastic declaration nobody needed to hear.

Not sure where I fall on him. Some days, I respect the passion and knowledge. Other days, I cringe and rejoice in the way WWE passed on him.
TLC 2010. Edge wins the world title. Striker can stop raving like a lunatic about the dream Edge just fulfilled. Oh boy.

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