Coming Soon: The Battle Zone Tournament!

If you've been keeping track, we're actually one name short. And that name is...

Two names
Two species
If Squall and Chrono got to be a team then that would be beyond amazing. I can't wait for this thing, as always.

EDIT: Also, is Black Mage the Vivi character specifically, or just a random nameless Black Mage under said character class?

I'm pretty sure we're referring to the Vivi character specifically.

So... is it all three Powerpuff girls? And if so, they aren't all on one team are they?

All three, all on one team.
I am glad you balanced out such a sappy, crap character like Squall with such a darn cute little tear jerker like Vivi at least.
Okay so Trevor Phillips, a man who stars in a game about cars is teamed up with a Transformer? Op pls nrf.
Here's the list of teams for general reference.

1. Light Yagami and Gordon Freeman
2. The Power Puff Girls and The Joker
3. The Punisher and Neo
4. Needles Kane and Dracula
5. John Shepard and Spike Spiegel
6. Shredder and Blade
7. Buffy and Ghost Rider
8. Bowser and Bruce Lee
9. King K. Rool and Jason Brody
10. Hawkeye and Deadpool
11. Agent 47 and Katniss Everdeen
12. Cole MacGrath and Adam Jensen
13. Sora and Nick Fury
14. Captain America and Master Chief
15. The Flash and Zero
16. Colossus and Sam Vimes
17. Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog
18. Wolverine and Chell
19. The Scarecrow and Jill Valentine
20. Albert Wesker and Joel
21. Boba Fett and Mega Man
22. Magneto and Mario
23. Beatrix Kiddo and Dr. Robotnik
24. Hit Girl and Booker DeWitt
25. Batman and Hei
26. Bishop and Duke Nukem
27. Wonder Woman and Flash Gordon
28. Iron Man and Inspector Gadget
29. Soundwave and Trevor Philips
30. Sabrewulf and Spyro
31. Mike Haggar and Samus Aran
32. The Terminator and Michael Knight
33. Harry Potter and King Dedede
34. John Rambo and Viktor Zangief
35. Wario and Viewtiful Joe
36. Aragorn and Vivi
37. Mojo Jojo and Freakazoid
38. Khan and Robin Hood
39. King Arthur and Lion-O
40. Martian Man Hunter and Urdnot Wrex
41. Raiden and Asuka Kazama
42. Daredevil and Finn & Jake
43. Hercule and Conan the Barbarian
44. Ness and Sherlock Holmes
45. Gambit and Link
46. Spider-Man and Jack Bauer
47. Snake Eyes and The Thing
48. Terry Bogard and Wander
49. Kirby and Eren Jaeger
50. Cyclops and M. Bison
51. Judge Dredd and Tank
52. Yu Narukami and Mike Tyson
53. Storm and Mr. Incredible
54. Ezio Auditore and Luke Cage
55. The Predator and Sub-Zero
56. Bugs Bunny and Dante
57. Chrono and Solid Snake
58. He-Man and Vash the Stampede
59. Squall Leonhart and Rocket Raccoon
60. Lara Croft and Jacket
61. The Doctor and Rad Spencer
62. Astro Boy and Multiple Man
63. Riddick and Hulk Hogan
64. Kamen Rider and Johnny Gat
Were the Powerpuff Girls and Mojo Jojo even included until our podcast a few weeks ago?

I just want to feel like I had a very slight influence on their inclusion. And yes, I will push for the PowerPuff Girls so I can tell my daughter that her dad got them deep into a fictional tournament.
Were the Powerpuff Girls and Mojo Jojo even included until our podcast a few weeks ago?

I just want to feel like I had a very slight influence on their inclusion. And yes, I will push for the PowerPuff Girls so I can tell my daughter that her dad got them deep into a fictional tournament.

While I'm pretty sure Doc and I had tossed their names around before, it was definitely the podcast that reminded us to include them.

I just watched Terminator 2. I'm wondering if the Terminator and KITT don't just ditch Hasselhoff's ass and become a two man robot team. Either way, that team is fucked should they face Magneto, and they probably wouldn't fare that well against the rabbit either.
Is anybody interested in doing a pre-tournament podcast sometime next week, after my new microphone gets in? Just for funzies.

Also, I feel like Buffy and Ghost Rider pose an interesting conundrum for my pal Sarah Michelle. If I remember correctly, the Rider is bound to a demon. I wonder if Buffy wouldn't just prioritize him over winning the tournament. Of course, with that logic, half the teams aren't going to work.
Just a few thoughts:

Light Yagami and Gordon Freeman- Why couldnt you just use Morgan Freeman?

Iron Man and Inspector Gadget- Go Go Gadget Upgrade.

Gambit and Link- The possible charged attack madness is going to be amazing. They should go far.

Spider-Man and Jack Bauer- Why is this not a real team saving the world right now? I think the terrorists just shit themselves.

Bugs Bunny and Dante- We just may have the winning team right here. The Rabbit and The Son of Sparda? Serious competition here folks.
Kirby/Eren Jaeger is the team to beat, two of the most popular characters in the entire tournament and one of them is fucking KIRBY. There's no way they won't get to the final.
Is anybody interested in doing a pre-tournament podcast sometime next week, after my new microphone gets in? Just for funzies.

Also, I feel like Buffy and Ghost Rider pose an interesting conundrum for my pal Sarah Michelle. If I remember correctly, the Rider is bound to a demon. I wonder if Buffy wouldn't just prioritize him over winning the tournament. Of course, with that logic, half the teams aren't going to work.

It's Buffy we're talking about. She's far more prone to sleep with Ghost Rider first before he killed him.

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