Cody Rhodes

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
Cody Rhodes just lost the Intercontinental Championship to Big Show at Wrestlemania. So my question to y'all is, where does Cody go from here?

Personally, I think Show and Rhodes will continue to feud until Extreme Rules, then when Cody inevitably loses to Show, he'll get a push to the World Heavyweight Championship. He's certainly proven himself capable, being the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion in a while. He has the looks, the mic skill, and the in-ring skill to do it.

When do I think he'll capture his first world title? I think it'll be at Money in the Bank in July, one way or the other. This could go two different ways.

The first way would be the worse of the two, have him win Money in the Bank and have him cash in that night; the second way is to actually have him get the number one contendership before then.

Either way, Cody will be world champion soon.

Agree? Disagree?
I do not see Cody Rhodes holding the world title this year. At the moment, both Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio should be in the World Heavyweight Championship picture for the next few months. You also have to remember Randy Orton should be getting a title shot some time this year. If Cody is drafted to RAW, there is even more competition as he'll have to compete with guys like Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Mark Henry, and a returning Rey Mysterio. Also, The Rock may possibly be winning the title at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

Cody Rhodes right now just needs to stay relevant by feuding with stars and maybe next year he can become a world champion when guys like Brock, Jericho, Rock are all gone and he's even more established. He could win the world title this year, though, and I wouldn't be too shocked. He's definitely a front-runner in winning the Money in the Bank for Smackdown.
Cody needs a year before he can be considered a main eventer. He needs to cement his place in the upper midcard before moving on to the next level. I can't wait for Cody v. Dolph at WM 31, that would be a tremendous match if they can build it properly.

Cody sells like a champ, but the problem is that there are few too faces on the roster. Cody can't feud with Sheamus right now, so that leaves Big Show and Randy Orton. DBD is a maybe, considering he's a bit of a tweener now and he could go face. Still, we just saw him feud with Big Show and I don't think Big Show can go to anything higher. And the Cody / Randy matches, although good, have become too commonplace.

I would be very surprised if Cody doesn't get selected in the upcoming draft. There's so much more for him to do on Raw and that's really where he can make his mark.
Personally I'd like to see him win the Intercontinental title back off Big Show. I know they never really had anything for him as champ but it's better than him doing nothing but without a championship
I still can't believe WWE didn't let Cody Rhodes break the Honky Tonk Man's record. What was the point of giving the IC title to Big Show? Let's face it, he's a complete joke, nobody takes him seriously, his gimmick sucks (wait, does he even have a gimmick? Oh yeah, he's a big, fat smiling giant. How pathetic!). He should retire.

As for Cody, he's on a losing streak, I don't know if they have something planned for him... I can see him becoming a main eventer after the draft though. Cody Rhodes needs RAW and RAW needs Cody Rhodes.
I still can't believe WWE didn't let Cody Rhodes break the Honky Tonk Man's record. What was the point of giving the IC title to Big Show? Let's face it, he's a complete joke, nobody takes him seriously, his gimmick sucks (wait, does he even have a gimmick? Oh yeah, he's a big, fat smiling giant. How pathetic!). He should retire.

As for Cody, he's on a losing streak, I don't know if they have something planned for him... I can see him becoming a main eventer after the draft though. Cody Rhodes needs RAW and RAW needs Cody Rhodes.

If Cody Rhodes goes to RAW, it's the end of his career. No midcarder can succeed on RAW unless they're great pals with Vince. Rhodes needs to stay on SmackDown.

And Big Show won the Intercontinental Championship because after a nearly two-decade career, it was the only major title he had never managed to win. Big Show has given everything he has to the WWE, I can't understand why so many people are against WWE giving him a little something back to say "thank you".
Big Show has given everything he has to the WWE, I can't understand why so many people are against WWE giving him a little something back to say "thank you".

Honestly, I'm kinda irritated that the IC belt is the only "Thank You" they've given him. Especially when you consider that the same night, Sheamus was given the biggest "Thank You" ever, and Daniel Bryan was given a hearty "Fuck Off".
I am happy that Big Show finally had a great WrestleMania moment but titles shouldn't be used as a Thank You gift...but whatever. Cody Rhodes is one of the best in the WWE at the moment and I see him going for the WHC in the near future but before he does that he might win the IC belt back from Big Show then have another good title reign. I would like to see Bryan win back the WHC and face Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania 29 or something if one of them turns face.

Just an idea.
Honestly, I'm kinda irritated that the IC belt is the only "Thank You" they've given him. Especially when you consider that the same night, Sheamus was given the biggest "Thank You" ever, and Daniel Bryan was given a hearty "Fuck Off".

I think Big Show should have been given a nice reign with the World Heavyweight Championship instead, but at least now he's won every major title in the company, is a Grand Slam winner, and had his WrestleMania moment. Sheamus and DB haven't been with the company nearly long enough to get that kind of "thank you" in my book. Just be patient.
If this is Cody's slow build to the main event, I think it may be a bad time.

There are so many Main Eventers on SD! and Raw. We got Kane, Orton, Bryan, Sheamus, and Henry all on SD! and Punk, Brock, Cena, etc. on Raw. I think Cody needs to wait until he can make a real impact in the Main Event.

I say, let him win back the IC title and feud with upper mid-card guys like Show and Kingston, and maybe even others like Golddust. This will only help him in the long run.
No doubt he is 1 of the best wrestlers in wwe so i would let him beat show at extreme rules then let him brag about it and push him right to the top and let him face sheamus at summerslam and win the whc whilst holding the ic title that would be great. And i would probably have him hold it for a while.

I'd have to agree with the OP here. Cody's definently earned his keep. Came up from being a nobody with a famous last name to winning tag team gold with Holly still having no distinct then joining Orton and friends and gaining a little credility as Ortons stooge comes out of that a failure. Gets repackaged with this Rick Martelesque gimmick. Shines like fuck with it. People began to take him seriously and to hell with his last name this is a new Rhodes going against the famous grain building his own legacy then the injury which turned his character dark and showed he wasnt playing games anymore and then he wins IC gold and brings back the legendary white strap to prove his legitimacy, defended and retained and brought legitimacy to an otherwise dead title and now that he lost it he build and climb higher and really prove himself in the major leagues. Im down for both of your ideas I would have him cashing in that night after MITB. and maybe have a fued with Sheamus and DB or Tista returns he can join in on it
Cody Rhodes just lost the Intercontinental Championship to Big Show at Wrestlemania. So my question to y'all is, where does Cody go from here?

Personally, I think Show and Rhodes will continue to feud until Extreme Rules, then when Cody inevitably loses to Show, he'll get a push to the World Heavyweight Championship. He's certainly proven himself capable, being the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion in a while. He has the looks, the mic skill, and the in-ring skill to do it.

When do I think he'll capture his first world title? I think it'll be at Money in the Bank in July, one way or the other. This could go two different ways.

The first way would be the worse of the two, have him win Money in the Bank and have him cash in that night; the second way is to actually have him get the number one contendership before then.

Either way, Cody will be world champion soon.

Agree? Disagree?

WTF, Cody won't come near the Big belt for a few more years if ever. People still don't want to admit it but this guy hasn't been the same ever since the mask came off. His matches have been bad, he botches more than ever now he seems to not care. The only place he's going from here is further down.
i like cody, but he is nowhere near the first in line for a title shot, for some reason Del rio seems higher up the ladder than him:confused:. Even without him though when barret returns i'm pretty sure he's going straight for the top.
Right now, Cody Rhodes is in the same holding pattern that the Miz was in. The only difference was that Miz was higher up in the food chain when he fell, and Rhodes was scratching at the glass ceiling. I see him getting back up there slowly, but he will need to show better focus on his moves, which have become sloppy lately.
"Where does Cody Rhodes go from here?"

RAW. It's that simple really. He's featuring more and more on RAW now. He seems to be a lock to get drafted to RAW to be honest.
why not just feud with the big show for a while... this will give the two of them something to do, and will also have a half ass relevant IC title feud which doesn't really happen that often... maybe even bring in another guy or two to try to win the title... win for everyone, including fans of the intercontinental title... :shrug:
He's so close to the top, you can practically taste it. Other than Wade, I saw no real heel so close to main event he deserved, say, the Money in the Bank briefcase, and with that coming up and Wade injured, I'd say more than anyone, Cody has the best shot to win it. I thought he'd win last year, but that's only because I wasn't expecting Bryan to get pushed as fast as he did, but in retrospect, considering how much he showed that he improved with his feud with Cody, it should have been a bit more obvious he was ready for some big time action.

This year, it seems like they don't have a heel without a World Title run they were looking to push more, like Del Rio, so, Cody just honestly seems like their choice unless Wade comes back. Until then, I expect them to end the Rhodes and Show feud and keep Cody in not exactly a major feud, but nevertheless, still in radar so he will be well known, but not exactly the guy who seems most likely to win the briefcase.
Well, i believe that Cody SHOULD HAVE kept the title at Mania. IMO, cody should have held the championship unti there was a spot ready for him in the World Title picture. Then he could have lost the title to the big show.

But, since that cant happen, i think they need to draft an established midcarder to smackdown to allow cody to feud with him. Or once Christain heals, turn him face and put him in a feud with Rhodes. then, once a spot in the title picture opens up, place him up there!
I like the turning of Christian face. I think they need to keep him the smart ass/cocky guy that he is best at playing, but just have him go after heels. I think Rhodes and Christian would be a good feud that would put on some quality matches.

I also think the WWE could use Cody to turn another superstar face. After he regains the IC title at Extreme Rules, I could see another program much the same manner as this one with the Big Show. Let Rhodes turn his sights on The Miz. Imagine, The Miz is drafted to Smackdown. He cuts a promo about how they brought him into be the star of the show. Cody interrupts and speaks that he is the face of smackdown and no one, especially not some reality show has been will take his spot at the top. He can cut some highlights of all the Miz's losses of the last year. It would be great if they even picked up some of the old mtv spots where miz looked stupid. Miz and Cody could be entertaining. It would give both of them something to do. It would give the Miz a fresh feel, and give Cody time to continue to develop while DB, Sheamus, ADR are clearing up their World Title feuds. I think The Miz could be an effective face. Something, smackdown is truly lacking.
I would love to see a Christian/Rhodes feud. Two of the best in the biz right now. I am totally disgusted by all this Big Show crap. The IC title should be held for up and coming stars like Dolph, Cody, Kofi, Ryder, and such. Not for guys on their way out. I get that Big Show is over with most casual fans, but the guy really sucks and I hope that the WWE is just building towards something large in order to put Cody over. However, I am frightened that I am wrong and Cody is going to be burried in favor of an old, untalented hack.

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