Cody Rhodes Requests His Release

For those saying it's cos of Dusty, it's very possible.

Look at it this way - The Runnels have always had a dysfunctional family life. Cody wasn't around Dustin much growing up as he and Dusty were feuding legit but it seemed to resolve and for a very short time the 3 were not only together all the time on the road, but enjoying themselves... It showed in The Brotherhood team and those moments with Dusty onscreen how much fun they were all having together. Add Eden into that mix and you can imagine it being the best time of Cody's life.

Dustin is close to retirement, if not already on the list for release... and it's plausible that Cody just doesn't want to be there without Dustin. It could be a Jerry style situation where his wife might be being released... or he could have just decided that nothing he can do in the business is going to top that time his family were all together.

Grief affects us all in different ways and sometimes it brings permanent changes. Perhaps Cody has decided he'd rather have a family that avoids the drama the business can bring to it and that affected his childhood so much.

It's a shame but whatever the story ends up being, if he's leaving on his own terms then it can only be a good thing for the man... if not the business... WWE are losing a good one, if not a great one... and in that 9 years he's done enough to get a HOF nod down the line. Overall he's done amazingly well for such a relatively short run.
THT I could not agree with you more. I can't speak for Cody, but coming from a person like myself who has suffered loss, your mind goes in all different directions. The fact that Cody requested his release makes me wonder whether his heart is still in it. And remember, with their schedule
as rigorous as it is, you wonder if Cody was ever given enough time to grieve? Maybe a talent like his will show up in another promotion but if it doesn't, I will kind of understand.
It's about time if he heads to TNA he will be main eventing since wwe put him in this pathetic stardust gimmick ( copying and ruining David Bowie's ziggy stardust) acting like a KISS character half way was the worst gimmick ever!
It was the worst gimmick and ruining his character and ability. Legacy was a great team then he went all down hill.Maybe many more wwe stars can ask for their release since they are being buried and left on the shelf like Titus O Neil and Christian was fired he should have stayed in TNA since coming to wwe he collected paycheck to paycheck being a benchwarmer. Maybe Big slow and Oh Henry can be next
Seems like to me that WWE just never pulled the trigger on what was a decent enough talent.

That whole era of people who debuted around 2006-2009 really resulted in no lasting stars outside of CM Punk, Miz (who wouldn't be taken seriously as a main eventer right now) and Sheamus (who honestly was just kinda thrusted in that role, if I remember correctly, he won the title in one of his first few matches).

That whole class of Kofi, Jack Swagger, Barrett, Ryback, Kennedy, Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Lashley, Jeff Hardy, Cody Rhodes, Miz, DiBiase Jr., etc. really just resulted in a generation full of midcarders (or just didn't work out for various reasons in Hardy/Lashley/Kennedy's case). Almost all of these guys had a shot at the title or at least a main event level feud and the WWE always found a reason to keep them as midcarders. Shame because that's a batch of talented guys who could have helped with the repetitiveness of the WWE this last decade.

Seems like that whole generation was full of talent but could never get past the ceiling of HHH/Cena/Orton/Batista/Edge and when the WWE is finally ready (*forced due to mass influx of injuries) to get some new blood in the main event, there is a class of younger superstars, some with huge indie/NXT fanbases and they don't have the stench of being perrenial midcarders in the WWE.

It's a shame but hopefully Cody will go to ROH/TNA/GFW (is GFW still a thing lol?) and prove his worth and make WWE sorry for misusing him.
I think this release is long overdue, the WWE gave him every possible opportunity to shine, he just isn't as talented as a lot of people would like, they tried teaming him with Sandow to elevate him, not only it didn't happened, it took away Sandow's momentum, let's be honest, the guy was never going to be a maint event superstar, at first the WWE tried shoving him down everyone's throughts, it didn't work, they tried teaming him with the Assention, it was like the blind leading the blind, it was a desperate attempt to try something out of nothing hoping for a miracle, everyone saw that there was no chemistry what so ever, that was the beginning of the end for him, so he did what was best for everyone and just quit, he knew that he wasn't going anywhere, at least with the WWE......
I get a kick out of the people on the main site that call talent that's unhappy with their position in the WWE "ungrateful, crybabies, untalented etc" it's a job, no different from our own. If you felt liked you'd accomplished all you could or felt you were being held back where youre employed, you'd consider leaving and finding other opportunities as well. That's the position Cody Rhodes is in, he feels he could be more than he's being allowed to be so he left to pursue other avenues.
I get a kick out of the people on the main site that call talent that's unhappy with their position in the WWE "ungrateful, crybabies, untalented etc" it's a job, no different from our own. If you felt liked you'd accomplished all you could or felt you were being held back where youre employed, you'd consider leaving and finding other opportunities as well. That's the position Cody Rhodes is in, he feels he could be more than he's being allowed to be so he left to pursue other avenues.

I agree 100%! I wouldn't want to constantly job to the likes of Apollo Crews or the Next NXT darling week in and week out either! WWE's booking is the shittiest I've ever seen it.

I'm loving seeing the WWE locker room implode! Lots of unhappy campers but few have the balls to do anything about it. Props to Cody, Stardust, Barrett, Rybach, Cameron, Titus O'Neil for having the balls for not wanting to be NXT Jobber fodder! I suspect Ziggler will be next!

And poor AJ Styles, nothing but jobber meat to Roman Reigns. I really feel bad for Gallows and Anderson, jobbing to a second rate team like the Usos. They could've been in the TNA main event with the Wolves (the most dominant tag team in the world), but are jobber fodder to the Usos. SMH....Great job AJ! You're killing em!
An excerpt of his released statement:

I guess I was essentially worked by the comments I spoke of earlier since he was basically pleading to go back to Cody Rhodes. It's always a bummer when you hear these kinds of reports on mishandling talents, yes there's two sides to every story (well, 3) but I don't believe Rhodes has anything to gain from flinging fake dirt.

Again, I wish him all the best.

Good for Cody.

He had enough. He saw he was going nowhere. So instead of sticking around, cashing a paycheck and settling for mediocrity, he's stepping out on his own, taking back control over his career and taking a chance.

I can see him wanting to transition to acting. It's been said that more than anything, Dusty really wanted to be a film maker. However, like his dad, his best choice is to probably continue wrestling. Like he said, he's a wrestler, so that's what he'll do... wrestle.

I'd have to think the best play for him would be to go to NPJW. It's probably the best place he can go to reinvent and re-establish himself. I could see him on Lucha Underground, PWG, a run with AAA, a stint with ROH. There's so much he can do now, and if he's the talent that he thinks he is, there's so much opportunity for him to prove it... and prove that the WWE missed the boat on him.

No matter what though. Good on Cody for not settling.
So after Damien Sandow and Wade Barrett's departure from WWE, I lose one more of my favorites in WWE.

Cody Rhodes was simply a great wrestler for me. Much like Sandow, You give sand and these two guys could turn sand into gold. His stuff and match with Stephen Amell was good enough unlike other celebrity stuff in WWE.

Although I didn't like his stint as Stardust, Yet I respect him for his great efforts. Be it his stint as Dashing one or his tag team stint with Goldust, It was just too good. He surely had atleast upper midcard potential and all he needed was a good booking. Hoping him to be star in other promotions.

He could have been a great one in WWE. BUT....
I agree 100%! I wouldn't want to constantly job to the likes of Apollo Crews or the Next NXT darling week in and week out either! WWE's booking is the shittiest I've ever seen it.

I'm loving seeing the WWE locker room implode! Lots of unhappy campers but few have the balls to do anything about it. Props to Cody, Stardust, Barrett, Rybach, Cameron, Titus O'Neil for having the balls for not wanting to be NXT Jobber fodder! I suspect Ziggler will be next!

And poor AJ Styles, nothing but jobber meat to Roman Reigns. I really feel bad for Gallows and Anderson, jobbing to a second rate team like the Usos. They could've been in the TNA main event with the Wolves (the most dominant tag team in the world), but are jobber fodder to the Usos. SMH....Great job AJ! You're killing em!

It'll hardly make a difference what so ever unfortunately. They'll all be quickly forgotten and replaced after all there's of guys sitting in that locker room content with their positions or content to sit down and shut up and WWE knows it. Same thing with their televised product, doesn't matter how bad it is week after week they know people are going to continue to tune in. The joy of being the big dog in the park, with no real viable competition anywhere near their level they can and do pretty much as they please, and believe me if they thought for even a second TNA, ROH or any of these other promotions were a threat Vince would buy them up or be waiting to poach the rosters.
I read Cody Rhodes' statement on the matter of his release. I decided to let the matter sink in before I wrote my thoughts. There is no question that Dusty Rhodes' death affected Cody. However, I think in the light of Dusty's death, Cody came up with this thought: What have I accomplished? Basically, what he answered was "Nothing."

Let us be very real for a moment: We all know that bloodlines are a plus in this industry. Roman Reigns' goes back to the days of Championship Wrestling. Natalya's goes back the Hart Foundation. Now, Rhodes' bloodlines are NOT WWE. The McMahon loyalty is less on that accord. Now, before people jump, Ric Flair will do anything for money. He still lives as if he was the NWA Champeen with his $10,000 Rolex watches. Dusty Rhodes loved the business in a way that he helped other promotions along the way. He spent little time with WWE in a public manner, unlike Flair.

What I am trying to say is that Rhodes thought he should have gotten the same pushes and favors that other "legacy" talent got, if not more. Herein lies one problem: He was not that good. Think about it for one moment, where in his entire career in WWE did he REALLY stand out? Where he really had a moment or push where you can actually say he was going places? In Legacy he was a flunky for Orton. His "Dashing" gimmick was god awful. Many a time I changed the channel when his "grooming tips" came on, as they were just that stupid. His disfigured character was forgettable. Rhodes Scholars did far more for Sandow than it did for Rhodes. Then came the Dust Brothers. Guess what? Though Stardust was a neat gimmick, it was so horrifically booked that he had no chance. It added years to Goldust's character, mind you. They should have done Star vs Gold at ??? to culminate a great feud. Finally, Rhodes got told to save the Ascension. THUD!

Now, add what I have said above to the following: Justin Gabriel tearing it up in the Indies. Drew McIntyre is TNA Champeen. Broadus Clay is a major player in TNA. Evan Bourne is a star on two continents (Notice, I am using their WWE nicks). Luke Gallows left as a Yugo and came back as a Sherman Tank. These are all people who flamed out in WWE during Cody's WWE career. Now, add that you are barely 30, and you are already jobbing to the future. He just jobbed to Zack Ryder for Christ's sake! Add all this together, and you can see why Rhodes wanted out. He is trying to find his own place in the industry.

Trouble is that he will always carry his Father's legacy. The promoters will expect him to be somewhat like Dream. Cody is not. Not by a long shot. Dream was one of those people who came around once in a lifetime. Charisma dripping in spades. A natural draw. If he had accepted Dick Murdoch's invitation to join the Ku Klux Klan (Rhodes was furious Murdoch took him unknowingly. Rhodes despised the Klan), the Klan might have over a million members today. That is how good and believable Dusty Rhodes was. Cody is a decent hand. He will deliver a decent match. But his Father he is not. Cody needs to find his own place in Pro Wrestling. And, maybe humble himself a little. I suspect amongst the two most recently released, Adam Rose will have better luck in the Indies (If he stays in wrestling) than Rhodes will. Why? Because Rose will be humbled by his recent experience. Rhodes needs to pick up his OWN sword, rather than pick up his Father's. Until that happens, Cody will never find what he is looking for in the world of Pro Wrestling. I wish them both (Cody and Adam Rose) the best.
Now, add what I have said above to the following: Justin Gabriel tearing it up in the Indies. Drew McIntyre is TNA Champeen. Broadus Clay is a major player in TNA. Evan Bourne is a star on two continents (Notice, I am using their WWE nicks). Luke Gallows left as a Yugo and came back as a Sherman Tank. These are all people who flamed out in WWE during Cody's WWE career. Now, add that you are barely 30, and you are already jobbing to the future. He just jobbed to Zack Ryder for Christ's sake! Add all this together, and you can see why Rhodes wanted out. He is trying to find his own place in the industry.

Well, yes and no when it comes to the success of some of these guys. I don't know if I'd say Justin Gabriel is tearing it up exactly. He was GFW NEX GEN Champion for 35 days, was a third of the Lucha Underground Trios Champions for 14 days and TNA King of the Mountain Champion for a whopping 24 hours. Gabriel is athletic, but there are a lot of athletic men in wrestling and his personality in WWE was limited to giving out a wolf howl. I wouldn't call Brodus Clay a major player as he's ultimately just a 43 year old, 375 pound flunky for Ethan Carter and Matt Hardy. Evan Bourne has achieved tag team success in New Japan since leaving WWE, though Bourne didn't do himself any favors by not laying off the whacky backy by failing two WWE drug tests within 30 days of each other while he was on the shelf recovering from severe foot injuries for the better part of 2 years. Drew McIntyre, AKA Drew Galloway, is TNA World Heavyweight Champion and has been for about 2.5 months; however, that would've been more impressive 4 or 5 years ago since TNA is no longer overrun by aged veterans that the company was built around, when it wasn't on the verge of collapse and when it was far more relevant.
It'll hardly make a difference what so ever unfortunately. They'll all be quickly forgotten and replaced after all there's of guys sitting in that locker room content with their positions or content to sit down and shut up and WWE knows it. Same thing with their televised product, doesn't matter how bad it is week after week they know people are going to continue to tune in. The joy of being the big dog in the park, with no real viable competition anywhere near their level they can and do pretty much as they please, and believe me if they thought for even a second TNA, ROH or any of these other promotions were a threat Vince would buy them up or be waiting to poach the rosters.

First, speak for yourself. You are part of the problem. You know WWE is a shitty product but you still watch it because you think they are the only game in town. That's a "defeatist" attitude. I think WWE is a shitty product with the shittiest booking in the wrestling business. I watch TNA instead. TNA has way more talented wrestlers (both men and women....Jade is amazing!), and they turn ex WWE talent into superstars.
Well, yes and no when it comes to the success of some of these guys. I don't know if I'd say Justin Gabriel is tearing it up exactly. He was GFW NEX GEN Champion for 35 days, was a third of the Lucha Underground Trios Champions for 14 days and TNA King of the Mountain Champion for a whopping 24 hours. Gabriel is athletic, but there are a lot of athletic men in wrestling and his personality in WWE was limited to giving out a wolf howl. I wouldn't call Brodus Clay a major player as he's ultimately just a 43 year old, 375 pound flunky for Ethan Carter and Matt Hardy. Evan Bourne has achieved tag team success in New Japan since leaving WWE, though Bourne didn't do himself any favors by not laying off the whacky backy by failing two WWE drug tests within 30 days of each other while he was on the shelf recovering from severe foot injuries for the better part of 2 years. Drew McIntyre, AKA Drew Galloway, is TNA World Heavyweight Champion and has been for about 2.5 months; however, that would've been more impressive 4 or 5 years ago since TNA is no longer overrun by aged veterans that the company was built around, when it wasn't on the verge of collapse and when it was far more relevant.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Galloway has been in TNA for a year and a half. I guess you just pulled that 2.5 months out of your arse or decided to tell a boldfaced lie.
You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Galloway has been in TNA for a year and a half. I guess you just pulled that 2.5 months out of your arse or decided to tell a boldfaced lie.

With all due respect, you really are an idiot aren't you. To top it off you can't read. JH didn't say he was in TNA for two and a half months.

He said and I'll bold it for you, he's been the TNA champion for two and a half months. That is not a boldfaced lie as Galloway won it on March 16th, 2016. He said nothing about how long Galloway has spent with TNA. That sir you pulled out of your arse.
Well, yes and no when it comes to the success of some of these guys. I don't know if I'd say Justin Gabriel is tearing it up exactly. He was GFW NEX GEN Champion for 35 days, was a third of the Lucha Underground Trios Champions for 14 days and TNA King of the Mountain Champion for a whopping 24 hours. Gabriel is athletic, but there are a lot of athletic men in wrestling and his personality in WWE was limited to giving out a wolf howl. I wouldn't call Brodus Clay a major player as he's ultimately just a 43 year old, 375 pound flunky for Ethan Carter and Matt Hardy. Evan Bourne has achieved tag team success in New Japan since leaving WWE, though Bourne didn't do himself any favors by not laying off the whacky backy by failing two WWE drug tests within 30 days of each other while he was on the shelf recovering from severe foot injuries for the better part of 2 years. Drew McIntyre, AKA Drew Galloway, is TNA World Heavyweight Champion and has been for about 2.5 months; however, that would've been more impressive 4 or 5 years ago since TNA is no longer overrun by aged veterans that the company was built around, when it wasn't on the verge of collapse and when it was far more relevant.
Jack, you are missing the point. I said what I said not as if WE are thinking it, but in how HE is probably thinking it. If you read his statement, he mentioned having to pick up "his Father's sword". You might not agree with what I said. But, if you feel that you have a legacy to protect and to live up to, and you see people like Clay and Galloway without the similar legacy doing as well as they are: Either in holding the Strap, or being a player within a storyline around the World Strap, you will be a bit jealous, and a bit feeling like you are a failure. This is what I was trying to point out.
You know what's really the most shocking is the fact that I'm wondering what this means for the Intercontinental championship. Unless they gave Cody the title he purchased with his own money back once they got the new title (new plates, etc). But my recollection leads me to believe that Cody was the one who brought the title design back after using his own money to do so. I mean it's a legitimate question, no? Personally, I'm all for the return of the IC Globe Championship.
With all due respect, you really are an idiot aren't you. To top it off you can't read. JH didn't say he was in TNA for two and a half months.

He said and I'll bold it for you, he's been the TNA champion for two and a half months. That is not a boldfaced lie as Galloway won it on March 16th, 2016. He said nothing about how long Galloway has spent with TNA. That sir you pulled out of your arse.

Who the hell are you? His wife? He's a big boy, he can speak for himself, but I'm sure a GROWN man appreciates another GROWN man defending his honor on an internet forum.

I stand by my original assessment that JH pulled a number out of his arse for the hell of it. He's just mad I called him out about it.
Who the hell are you? His wife? He's a big boy, he can speak for himself, but I'm sure a GROWN man appreciates another GROWN man defending his honor on an internet forum.

I stand by my original assessment that JH pulled a number out of his arse for the hell of it. He's just mad I called him out about it.

No I'm not his wife, and yes he can speak for himself. Oh and by the way, I'm a grown woman not a man, but you wouldn't be expected to know that.

And I don't even know if he's mad or know, I was calling you out about it. If you had read the original post, he said Galloway has been TNA Champion for 2 and a half months which is true. I gave you the date he won the title. We all know when he joined TNA.

So there is no point pitching a fit about it. You were wrong, didn't read what was posted and were corrected. Done and dusted.

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