Cody Rhodes - Future third wheel?


Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
So watching Raw last night, Cody Rhodes standing back and watching Ted and Randy going at it, he just gave the impression that, as previous form indicates, he's going to be the guy who simply stands by, watching the other two guys go at it, eventually picking a side and being the third party.

Face it, he did it with Hardcore Holly, attacking him at the last minute, as Ted and Bob were the main guys.

Cody getting owned by Ted Sr showed just how easy it is to make him appear weak.

I think the poor guy needs to be a little more forward on the mic, otherwise he'll head down the route of Benjamin and Haas... reasonably talented, but bland as hell
He needs to leave Legacy, Period. Randy Orton is just holding down Ted and Cody, making them look weak and in fact it makes Orton looks weaker. It makes him look like he cant win an important match without their help. Also in case you havent noticed, Cody is the "punching bag" for Legacy. Think about it, he has been in steel cage matches with Batista and Triple H, and he is always getting the tougher matches. All 3 men need to take their own separate paths. That way their careers will not turn out to be like those people who should be in the main event but arent.
I have to admit that after last night, DiBiase Jr. looks like a champion. Cody...Not so much.

Not to say he can't improve. He kind of reminds me of Randy Orton in his early days, more so than DiBiase. I think that DiBiase will be a definite main-eventer, but Rhodes might win one or two big titles, but will be upper midcard for most of his career.
i think ted was actually able to show what he can do in his match against randy. if cody is booked right i think he could be a ME player, although he is a little undersized. i agree that if they stay with legacy and the way they are booked now then they just look weak. legacy was poorly booked from the start and i think they should end it before it ruins everyone's career.
I don't see Rhodes going anywhere anytime soon, and by anywhere I mean to the top of the roster. He seems a little too squeaky clean, like the Rock in his earlier days except the Rock was doing big things even then. Rhodes doesn't seem to have the edge or fire like some of the other guys. I think the only thing that would really propel him in the right direction is getting turned on by Legacy much like how Evolution turned on Orton. At this point though it would appear Dibiase would be the one getting jumped since he is more of a threat to Orton. And for god's sake Rhodes, put on some damn knee pads.
Legacy is kinda reminding me of Evolution--once Evoution split Batista && Orton were able to branch off and do their own thing they created names for themselves--they werent HHH's Sidekicks anymore--Cody && Ted have potential--i think its time they leave the nest so to speak.
Legacy is kinda reminding me of Evolution--once Evoution split Batista && Orton were able to branch off and do their own thing they created names for themselves--they werent HHH's Sidekicks anymore--Cody && Ted have potential--i think its time they leave the nest so to speak.

Leave the nest already they just formed this group in JANUARY this is why the IWC is a joke. They want everything to happen right now and when it doesn't want changes it's like a little kid not getting his candy.

Evolution was not an instant success like most portray it to be it took some time before batista and Orton started to get into their own feuds and become players on the brand. Most people are calling for a legacy break up before the group has been in existence for seven months.

Legacy needs time to grow into a great stable and having Dibiase and Rhodes leave no would be pointless they both have potential but to send them out on their own now would be counterproductive. They are not ready to main event they need to stay and build this group.
It's tough to say. In my opinion, Cody and Ted are benefitting very much from Legacy. Think about it, do you remember when Priceless was formed? Cody and Ted had gimmicks as "Daddy's little rich boys". They couldn't cut a single promo without mentioning their father's, and making it seem as if their father's are the only reason they are there.

Fast forward to now. Legacy is what, 7 months old? In that time Priceless, but Cody in particular have gotten exposure they would have never gotten pre Legacy. In that time, they have, been in the Royal Rumble final four, helped take out HHH, and helped take out Batista. Ted has taken both John Cena and Randy Orton to the limit. Given they have taken some serious beatings, but nothing to automatically remove him from the title picture forever. So, for the early stages yes Legacy has been successful.

I kinda see Cody in particular as someone who could be a tag team specialist. Much like Edge and Jeff Hardy were. I think that would be the best road for him to take, but let's face it, tag team specialists in WWE are dead (Brian Kendrick is a good example). But if he puts on a little more muscle, Cody could be a solid mid-carder in the future, but he needs to stay in Legacy, because he's not ready to break away from Orton yet. Even if Ted breaks away, Legacy should still find a way to exist.
Cody Rhodes first fued in the WWE was with Randy Orton. I see Rhodes playing the Edge like character that seems to win but never wins clean. He has in ring ability. He sounds more comfortable on the mic than does Debiase. He is a little bland in his offence. He is not much smaller than Orton and he is younger than most of the other stars including Debiase. Rhodes started his career against Orton and it should only be a matter of time til Rhodes turns on Orton and pays Orton back for punting Dusty Rhodes in the head.

Cody Rhodes = America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
they really need to stop jobbing to other guys and really push them by giving them a decent tag title reign. After that, they need to break up and go their separate ways. I really don't see Cody Rhodes being pushed to the main event, I see him being where Matt has been, in the midcard. DiBiase on the other hand, I think he has a very bright future ahead of him, he's going to be one of the WWE's top guys in a few years.
It makes him look like he cant win an important match without their help.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that point of the whole faction and being a heel in general? The top heels very rarely win clean or without help. Flair did it for years. Hogan with the nWo.

I agree with Southwind that Legacy needs to stay together until Cody and Ted Jr. are over enough. Breaking them up right now would hurt both of them more than it would help. Give them time to grow.
I've seen more versatility from Cody Rhodes in two years than I have from Orton in 7.

The main problem is that he looks and sounds too young for WWE's premier heel stable. With his look, he's an underdog babyface. Or at least he should be.
I'm not sure if he will play the 'third wheel' or not because I still think it's too early to tell. I mean, they have just had Dibiase v Orton now and Ted got beaten fairly easily (he had his moments yes and Randy put him over nicely) so I'm not sure where that leaves the whole Ted leaving Legacy and fighting Orton story, especially since they seem to be going down the route of Rhodes and Dibiase still as a tag team that may end up with the titles even sooner now because of Edge's injury.

Personally, I would like to see Rhodes and Dibiase remain as a team and when the inevitable Legacy breakup occurs I would like to see both of them turn on Orton, rather than the traditional route of having one leave the group first then eventually followed by the other (a la Evolution) Why not just have Rhodes and Dibiase team up and beat up Orton? I don't know but I think they work well as a team....

So back to the point of the thread, I'm not sure if Cody will be the third wheel so to speak, personally I thought he came off well on the mic and in his backstage skit with Ted senior, I thought he demonstrated personality but I suppose we'll see what happens soon enough but I still think WWE will keep Legacy together for now, especially seeing Rhodes/Dibiase are still teaming and since we've just had Orton/Dibiase....I would like to see Rhodes and Dibiase both turn on Orton together when the breakup does occur.

On a side note, I would like to see Dusty Rhodes be the guest GM of RAW for a night in the near future so that Cody can receive the same treatment Ted Jr just had. That way, Cody could have a match with Orton and it would remind people of his talent and show people that Rhodes also has what it takes to make it big. Storylinewise, it would serve as a reminder to Orton that both members of his Legacy have the potential to beat him one day and take his place at the top of WWE...
He needs to leave Legacy, Period. Randy Orton is just holding down Ted and Cody, making them look weak and in fact it makes Orton looks weaker. .

Nope, randy orton is putting cody and ted into the map. Without legacy they would probably be exactly in the same spot as sim snuka or DH smith. Thats right, nowhere. How do you expect these guys to develop on their own? They can't handle carrying the big names their dads got with the little to none experience they had. You would have all the IWC bashing them already if they weren't in legacy and randy might not've been as big as he is today without them. Yes, randy would've been world champion anyway but i doubt he would've been able to beat cena or hhh on one on one matches had it not been because of legacy. It doesn't make dibiase looks weak certainly, as he putted on one hell of a match vs batista and vs randy orton. Cody might be the losing part of the ecuation yet teaming up with randy orton is taking him way longer than what teaming up with hardcore holly would've taken him.

It makes him look like he cant win an important match without their help. Also in case you havent noticed, Cody is the "punching bag" for Legacy. Think about it, he has been in steel cage matches with Batista and Triple H, and he is always getting the tougher matches..
They can't win a one on one match vs the higher stars of the company. What kind of rookie can? Have you seen santino marella beating triple h or batista? Have you seen the miz doing so? Thats right, you haven't. Its simply how it works and untill they're not main eventers on their own they won't beat batista or triple h simply for the prestigue that the main eventers have. They can't just lose to a nobody or a star in the make untill they're big enough. Cody getting the tougher matches? Dibiase has gone one on one vs batista as well, its just you looking too much into it.

All 3 men need to take their own separate paths. That way their careers will not turn out to be like those people who should be in the main event but arent.

Ok. IF they broke up tonight i would see this for them 2 years from now:
Cody = Mid-card part of ECW helping to put new guys over.
Ted = IC/U.S title level, probably feuding with the likes of shelton benjamin or mvp
Randy = Pretty much the same main event level, fighting for the title every now and then or holding it.
I don't see Cody Rhodes being anywhere near the main event scene unless he's on Smackdown. He just seems and looks to small and young to be in the main event
Couldn't you make the argument that being in Legacy is actually protecting Rhodes and Dibiase and not hurting them ?

Think about it most people on this site complain all day and night that new main event talent on raw is needed it's stale blah blah blah. So what makes those same people think that by letting lets just say Dibiase out of Legacy he will succeed and be put over guys like Orton Trips and Cena.

Seriously what makes people think that will happen it makes no sense fact it by having Rhodes and Dibiase in Legacy they are not getting buried. They haven't lost in feuds that solely involve them they are helping Orton and therefore the beatings they take are associated with Orton.

Legacy needs time to grow and to make Rhodes and Dibiase the stars we hope they will be the worst thing to do would be to send them out to the wolves while they were still green It would be an utter disaster I promise you. It took Orton years to recover from his exile in Evolution and burial by Tripe H people obviously have not learned from past mistakes lets hope Vince/Creative has.
Couldn't you make the argument that being in Legacy is actually protecting Rhodes and Dibiase and not hurting them ?

Well Legacy consists out of 3 members so far, Dibiase, Rhodes and Orton.
So if Rhodes and Dibiase are 2/3 of Legacy how can they be protected by Legacy ?

They were destroyed alone by Triple H so many times it´s ridicolous, and yes they had some tag team wins but that doesn´t erase the memories of the fans that they were destroyed by one man the week before.

They look weak and are booked horrible, and still Dibiase really is the best of the two.

Think about it most people on this site complain all day and night that new main event talent on raw is needed it's stale blah blah blah. So what makes those same people think that by letting lets just say Dibiase out of Legacy he will succeed and be put over guys like Orton Trips and Cena.

Why ? Because Dibiase is better than Rhodes, he´s better in the ring and better on the mic. He´s just better.
So I believe that he deserves the push more than Rhodes at the moment, however I´m not saying that this is what´s going to happen.
Remember, anything can happen in the WWE, unfortunately.

Seriously what makes people think that will happen it makes no sense fact it by having Rhodes and Dibiase in Legacy they are not getting buried. They haven't lost in feuds that solely involve them they are helping Orton and therefore the beatings they take are associated with Orton.

So a beating is good as long as it´s associated with Orton ? Yes they are in a stable with Orton and they´ve taken various beatings in Orton´s place and that coul make sense if they were at least portrayed as a thread to Triple H or Cena or whoever but no, they get destroyed in 5:00.
So it´s pointless if it´s associated with Orton, a beatdown is still a beatdown.

Legacy needs time to grow and to make Rhodes and Dibiase the stars we hope they will be

That is true, I have to agree. They have to grow, but not as Legacy.
They only going to make the breakout outside of the stable rather than being Orton´s minions.

the worst thing to do would be to send them out to the wolves while they were still green

Again, I have to agree.

It would be an utter disaster I promise you. It took Orton years to recover from his exile in Evolution and burial by Tripe H people obviously have not learned from past mistakes lets hope Vince/Creative has.

Orton had a hard time because he screwed up many times.
But he was the one who had a feud with the Undertaker, which shows that he wasn´t in exile, but how did he come there ? He left Evolution and became a loner.

My point is that at the moment Rhodes and Dibiase are portrayed weak and uninteresting.
Of course they need time to become really big stars, but right now their membership in Legacy is hurting their credibility in an early state of their career, which I wouldn´t call a good thing.

And if I had to say who of Priceless could make it to the top I´d say Dibiase, Rhodes is boring by any means of the word. He is in need of a manager seriously.
Rhodes has more passion on the mic. He cuts a heel promo better than Orton. Heels should be angry, Orton for being unjustly targeted by the MacMahns. Rhodes and Debiase are both a little bland in the ring. Rhodes has the experience and the youth. He has had his own fueds before. Both may be future stars. Cody will be one of the best heels ever.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
Gobbledyshockmaster Obviously legacy is booked horribly but my point is when Randy and Batista were just starting in evolution they took beatings similar to this.

But the wwe fans don't remember them because it's when they were in a group my opinion is the beatings that ted and cody have taken are not nearly as bad as when the miz and mvp got buried by Cena and Trips.

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