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CM Punk

Dude, punks a phenomal wrestler. and his fueds with morrison, jericho and jbl were great. now that hes gotten money in the bank twice, maybe wwe will give him a better run with the title than b4. but in any case, the boo's were there, maybe because most people were expecting christian to win and punk's win put disappointment in the hearts.
My problem with Punk is he's no better or no worse than a guy like Morrison, Benjamin, either Hardy, Christian, Edge or Jericho when it comes to wrestling ability.

These guys have cut their teeth in the "big show" for years, yet creative wants to push Punk down our throats every couple of months for a few weeks, before thrusting him to the backburner once again (see IC feud with Regal, ECW title run, MITB cash in).

I'm not an insider, so I don't know whether it's Vince or a member of creative who has no faith in the guy, but it's been reported on Wrestlezone several times that he's not particularly well liked in the locker room.

His finisher could be classified as sloppy at best, and it rarely ever comes off looking great.

But comparing him to Cena is downright laughable :sweat:. Let me state for the record, I'm not a Cena fan, but he's heads and shoulders above Punk when it comes to the overall wrestling product. When it comes to ring skills - Punk gets the nod. But his ability to capture and control an audience with his look, his mic skills, his charisma, his passion and his power ability is nowhere near Cena's level (Stone Cold, the Rock and Hogan made careers and a generation of WWE fans by being very similar to Cena when it comes to wrestling ability).

If I want to see a guy with Punk's ability and skills get pushed, I'd rather it be one of the aforementioned guys who can do everything Punk can and generally do it better.
As far as people booing him at WM25 goes, I think they saw how Punks win and run was last year. Plus, there were so many more superstars in that match that should've won over him. He should NOT have won it two years in a row. But, let me give you a couple of superstars who should've won and why:
Christian- This would have been a great opportunity to get Christian back in the spotlight. Thus far, I have been unimpressed with the WWE writer's lack of direction and their laziness towards Christian. He's done the time, let it payoff.

Shelton Benjamin- How many MITB matches does this guy have to be in before he wins one?

MVP- I didnt realize until the last couple of weeks that this guy DOES have some skills.

So, with that being said, I think that Punk would be a much better IC or US Champ that HW Champ. Plus, another thing that contributes to all the heat this guy generates is that he was pushed way, way too fast. In 3 years. he has been ECW champ, tag champ, IC champ, MITB winner(twice), and HW champ. He's not THAT good!! Some would think he is getting a Hogan-esque push!
I will give punk credit for loving the business, but to call him the most reliable wrestler in the company is wrong in my opinion. From one perspective hes reliable in the fact that he never misses a show, doesn't get injured, and is clean, but in terms of merchandise sells and ratings he isn't the most reliable. I don't know for a fact how much merchandise he sells, but it can't compare to how much merchandise Cena, Trips, and Hardy sell. I see their merchandise on the top 10 of the WWE shop section often. I have seen Punks up there maybe once or twice. In terms of ratings according to his last world title reign, ratings were up, but then after the first few weeks of his reign ratings dropped steadily. So this tells me he is reliable, but not in a business sense. And if Jeff Hardy has shown us anything, it's that being reliable isn't exactly the important thing as long as you have a huge fan base. Overall i have nothing against Punk. I was pretty pissed off he won MITB, and obviously i wasn't the only one who was. I can understand hes reliable in the way that i put it earlier, so that's probably why the WWE is pushing him, but you can't shove him down the fans throats. That will only end up in people disliking him. Which is what is happening right now.
I think Punk is ok...but he should not have won MiTB twice. Since he is a former World Champ he didn't need the win to get him into a title picture, all they needed to do was say he is a former world champ and therefore gets to compete for the #1 contender spot/title. They should have given it to someone that is on the edge of a main event push. (Christian, MVP, or Shelton Benjamin (even though I don't particularly like him)) Or even make it a real surprise and have Kane win it and give him a decent title reign before he retires.
He is not World Champion material. He is boring as hell and I'm really getting sick of him in the ring. At this point I cheer for anyone who is against him because I know exactly what is coming....yippy a kick, thats so innovative....wow he spun and slapped someone....cool flying knee thing, awesome a death valley...almost kneeing thing....yeah. His moves are not special, I would give Kofi a title before him....wrestling, talking, everything. I don't know what exactly you all like about him, I didn't even like him in that JBL feud. To the comment above, If I have to see Punk do his damn GTS bs to HBK then I am going to have to re-think being a wrestling fan. He doesn't deserve a title shot. I hope he uses it for the IC, Euro or ECW, or even gets beat for it like Kennedy. I have not liked him since I first noticed him getting pushed past much more talented guys (overall talent; ring and mic) and until he really does something that proves he deserves a title shot then i'm content with a channel change during his matches.
He bores me everytime he cuts a promo and he's average at best in the ring.I hate the whole straight edge gimmick also.
Well I all you guys are saying that Punk cant deliver in the ring. Or he cant cut promos and not entertaining. Well one guy metioned it on theis thread and that is Punk is a great wretler in my opinion is just that WWE messed up his gimmick. Just look at this list

Matches- CM Punk vs Raven Dog Collar Match
CM Punk vs Samao Joe Triology

Promos- One of the best I have seen is his Invisible Mic Promo

Entertaining- Check Out the matches he had with Delirious and check that out.

Gimmick- The Better than you cause I dont drink or smoke is a good heel turn for him. So in my opinion for those of you Punk Haters look up your history on him because WWE just screwd up his charcter
i think no matter how much people complain about cm punk as long as wwe is pg he is gunna b a poster boy. no1 can change the fact hes mitb winner twice now so lets see what the wwe do with him now rather than pissing and moaning about how christian or mvp never won. fact is iwc is never going to be happy watever the outcome.
Punk will crash and burn if sumthin iz not done, his pushes are not done correctly, and it leaves him with nothing to do, and since he is an important part of the WWE, they try to give him stuff to keep him fresh. They have tried to give him money in the bank, which led to him doing nothin with it before cashin in, jobbing to different superstars. The he cashes it in, and winning the championship. He only won, one match without interference, and that was to JBL, who iz just a jobber to main eventers at best, at this point in his past career. Then he lost tha title unfairly, then was left with nothing to do AGAIN. So they put tha Tag Titles on him and Kofi, lost em, and he was left in a certain stuffle. The waz in tha stupid Tournament, and beat Regal for the IC Title, and just when u thought he was going somewhere, he lost it to a retireing JBL, and never got a rematch, and again, for about 2 weeks, he was in that shuffle again, til MITB came again, and won for a second time in a row. Now i lyk his moveset, it reminds me of a MMA fighter to a WWE degree. I lyk his gimmick, i just dont lyk him. He is flat out boring in anything except a match, his gimmick iz good, but not good enough for close to 3 years, and he is not main event talent which really mad me hate him. See people say that Vince only has love for big dudes, thats not tottally true. Vince really has luv for big dudes, AND underdogs. We've seen Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Eddie Gurrerio (R.I.P), and now CM Punk. Fans love to cheer for tha guy who has absolutely no chance in winning, and if tha bigger guys a heel, its better. CM Punk Vs JBL, the fans were cheering for Punk lyk never before. CM Punk Vs Batista, u have to think tha fans would cheer for CM Punk a lil more. The point is, CM Punk is one of the few smaller guys who have found sucess in tha WWE, unlike many failures,( should I meation Jamie Noble), and when tha happens, Vince thinks that they can make it pretty far in tha WWE, however, it usually doesnt work. Rey's moves look so botched sometimes, that it would take away from his high flyin ability, and botching cant happen in main events at PPV. Jeff is at least believeable, he beat Triple H, Undertaker, etc, and at least nothing waz botched that much. CM Punk is in the line between them. Tho his moves are believable, GTS, come on, he holds it for like 5 seconds, then just flips em over.(Unlike John Cena's FU, which is 5 seconds rarely, and Cena is stronger and can hold a tighter grip on then CM Punk can.) Now there are ways that Punk can adjust himself

-Become a heel, lose that MITB and be mad at tha world, lose tha straight edge, come out wit a whole segment about Drinking and Alchaol, and then have somebabyface come out, and tell em he's wrong, beat him, and u may find dum success in him

-Hold a Mid-Card Title for a bit- Chris Jericho is not famous for his Main Event Title reigns, but for his IC Title Reigns. Get him a lot a meaniful reigns. Make him that heel u hate with tha championship, then he'll get some recognition.

-Feud with a big name star who he would actually have a good feud with. Batista was not a good choice, both are not tht great on tha mic, they both can get kinda boring in a match if one is dominate, and Batista is not a believable enough to be on Punks level to try to feud with him. Shawn Michaels is a good star, but u have to work ur way up. John Morrison would be great, they have already feuded once, so their not strangers to each other. Then Benjaman, then MVP, and so on til he has proven he is tha top on the mid-card level. Then make his Main event switch slow and so tht the fans dont even notice it. That y i think tha MITB can work for everyone, if their not ready, it makes tha superstar look terrible (via punk last year). Its meant for a quick push to ME, from Mid-Card, but sometimes, the fans can tell they dont belong if its rushed, but thats beside tha point.

CM Punk has a bright future, but if not handled with care, he'll end up a jobber, or be released before u know it
maybe its just another one of those fads when the iwc turn on someone 'coz its cool to boo the good guy and cheer the bad guy'

im just sayin :p

I totally agree with this.

Mainly because people on the Forum are talking about how CM Punk needs to turn heel and all this other bullshit that goes against logic. Why do people think heel turns are the solution to any problem in wrestling? Being shoved down our throats? A heel turn will fix that. Not winning a World Title? Turn heel. Having too many shit matches lately? Turn him heel. Seriously, it's fucking ridiculous. CM Punk does NOT need to turn heel anytime soon. The only people that boo him are basically the same people that boo Cena because he is "shoved down our throats". If Punk was a heel, I guarantee he would get away with all this mindless bashing. Edge gets away with it every week. So does Randy Orton. :rolleyes:

CM Punk is the future of the company. I hope this is his year, and I have a feeling it will be. I see people saying he should be the first man to cash in his Money in the Bank Briefcase and lose in the World Title match. So just because he won the Briefcase last year, he should lose it this year? Edge won the MITB Briefcase in 2005, cashed it in 2006. A year after that, he won the Briefcase off Mr Kennedy and cashed it in again. So he used the Briefcase twice. Was he bashed for doing it? Fuck no, he was treated like royalty for doing it. If Punk does it, he will get booed. Reason: Because babyfaces aren't cool enough and are "shoved down our throats".

CM Punk can wrestle. CM Punk has the right look. CM Punk has a great gimmick. CM Punk is straightedge meaning he can't be suspended for violating the Wellness Policy. And the guy is consistant and hardly misses a show. Guess who had the most matches in 2008 from the WWE? CM Punk. He is the total package in my opinion. One could say his mic skills aren't great, but when does the WWE give him the chance to use them? And from what we've seen from Punk on the mic, he is an underrated performer on the stick.

The reason why Punk was bashing for having a poor World Title reign last year was because he was booked worse than Rey Mysterio during his 2006 reign. I'd personally love to see either John Cena or Triple H lose their World Title to Punk, then feud with him and actually put over the youngster. Triple H putting over CM Punk would be great, but it probably won't happen as we all know Hunter hardly puts anyone over.

The bottom line is that CM Punk is not a flop. He is a great superstar to the company. You know why MVP and Christian didn't win the Money in the Bank Briefcase this year? Because CM Punk is more deserving and is more likely to succeed as a main event superstar as he has proven more than MVP. Christian doesn't need to be thrust into the main event yet, plus he still needs to prove more and get more fans behind him.

2009 is the year of the Punk era.
To Rusty: Thank you!

My top 3 are Orton, Edge, and Punk with punk being my favorite. To me, the heels actions of Rated RKo have gotten soooooooooo old.

Especially Edge. This whole time I've found it rather ironic how alot of people on here, some big ones ;) are basicaclly impaled on Edges cock when his character has basically been in the title picture doin the same old shit for what 2...3 years straight now? We get it, he finds oppurtunities, he may or may not just be using Vicky....theres a reason I stopped watching SD.

As for Orton? Well his latest push was looking great...until HHH got involved and since Orton is a heel and HHH is a douche, the only way he can win the belt is someone, who alot of people is saying should be a mcmahon, turns on HHH. Then if orton DOES win im sensing a very "la familia" type reign, complete with run ins and self DQs...and I know i know you're a heel thats whatcha do! but why not have a heel who is just a complete asshole and gets it done in the ring.

Anyways onto Punk...his matches are exciting, sure he does a few moves every match but heres a spoiler *very loud whisper* so does EVERYONE ELSE! They're called Signature moves people! Punk should NOT be the first to lose the case as alot of people on here think it is "their own unique idea even though 90% of the people are saying the same thing LOLZ" instead it should be seen as a rebuilding tool. Hopefully WWE realizes they hurt his credibility a tad late last year and use this year to book him to look good.

Point is, it's as rusty said, if punk had done every thing he did last year, but he made fun of whatevers town they're in atm sports team, you'd all eat his shit up. Give punk a decent fued, trading wins, let him have some mic times besides "thank batista for the assist" and you could have a talented, YOUNG main event star for years to come.
People turn on Punk because he's boring. He just doesn't work in main event feuds and last time they had the belt on him he played the whole "underdog" persona. If they want people to take Punk seriously they have to have him seem strong and dominant, unlike last time when he "overcame the odds" and defeated JBL, who is pretty much a jobber. Now people boo him because he won MitB AGAIN. He failed last time, so why does he get another shot? I'm sure almost everybody wanted Christian or MVP, anyone but Punk. We need something new and refreshing, and Punk isn't it.
Punk turning heel should not happen whatsoever. He is Vince's "go-to guy" for positive P.R. work when it comes to the WWE image. Punk is what people expect wrestlers(hell, anyone in the entertainment industry) to be. Drug and alcohol free that promotes a positive image for the young and spongy minds of youth. Having Punk turn into a ******** heel like Orton or Edge would be a bad move on their part. Unless they do it smooth like they did with Kurt Angle's "Three I's" and abstinence angle when he first debuted. Don't have him be a straight up heel like Edge or Orton, but have him more promote that he is better than us (wasn't that his heel run in the indy circuit?) and see what the crowd does with it.
I think the problem with Punk's promos is they don't let him do what he wants in a way. From my understanding the guys have to work more from scripts now than they had to ten years ago when it was more on the fly. I think they need to let them break loose a little bit more. You can still have a great promo with a PG rating without resorting to cursing or getting graphic. I don't know, see what happens I reckon.
Listen, I'm the biggest CM Punk mark there is. I've been following his career since he was in IWA Mid-South, all the way threw TNA and ROH, and into OVW and the WWE. The man is one of the best promo guys in the business IF GIVEN THE OPPOURTUNITY. Vince barely let's the man have a microphone, or when he does, he gives a minute long promo about being an underdog. Anybody who knows anything about CM Punk will tell you that his heel promo's in ROH and IWA Mid-South are things that legends are made of. His ring work is top notch, but naturally, he can't show everything off in a five minute match on RAW every week. RAW is about promo's and about shoving Cena, HHH, and Batista down our throats. Granted, they shove Orton down our throats too, but I like the way Orton's gimmick is going. CM Punk is going to be one of the biggest draws in the WWE if they just let him do his own thing. Give him the mic, a good five minutes of air time, and let him do this thing.

Once Punk starts telling people, "I'm straight edge, and straight edge means, I'm better than you"... all the haters will change their opinions.
CM Punk is one of my top 5 favorite wrestlers. I've liked him ever since his debut in 2006. He impressed me back then and he still does impress me. He's a very talented wrestler, and he's excellent on the mic, at least he was back in ROH. He hasn't had alot of mic time in the WWE but w/e. Also, i've seen him as a heel back before he was in WWE, and he was a better heel I thought. He has a great gimmick because no one else has it, he's not the same as everyone else. And, his finisher is sick. Not the best name, but it's a good move and it looks like it could really hurt. And his old finisher the Pepsi Plunge, that has to be the sickest finisher ever, but that's in the past.. So, I don't know why people hate him, it could be because the WWE is kind of rushing his push, but he still has alot of talent.

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