CM Punk/WWE/ROH Thread


Championship Contender
I believe this or something similar may happen, it doesnt have to be ROH, but makes the most sense considering Colt Cabana mentioned etc and being there last night. Punk having wrestled there and them getting TV time now, it makes sense. I mean yeah WWE doesnt gain much as ROH does from a short term collaboration, but in a way they do. I mean ROH isnt competing nor looks to be trying to compete with WWE and wont get to that level while TNA is trying hard. I think it would be a great shot to TNA to choreograph a MNW with ROH not necessarily a weekly war like the WWF/WCW deal, but a short term collab centered around Punk.

Punk gets what he wants, being treated like a star to the point where they center a company/company collab around him, truly making the biggest wrestling thing of this new decade about Punk

Anyway, you have CM Punk get cashed in on @ MITB it fails and I see that now, it wouldve been cheap, also to have Cena win.

Imagine how much more WWE could do with this now that it's gone the way it did.

Vince fires Cena tonight, Punk takes the title to ROH and either 1 of 2 things can happen and yes it's a very long shot, but hey, possible, why not...

have Del Rio do a shocking cash in on ROH programming on Punk and get the WWE title back

(you could have The Rock go to ROH, but guess not, no, just a side thought)

the 2nd more realistic thing, even though the Del Rio thing is more likely for a one night only thing... take not only Punk making him the center of WWE without even BEING IN THE COMPANY and have Cena be out of it and on ROH as well, he could join with a sole mission of getting the title back. Now The Rock has to get involved by SummerSlam because this affects him and Cena could call McMahon's bluff tonight because if Vince fires Cena he loses his money making main event of WrestleMania next year, but since Cena doesnt have the title Vince may tell him he's fired anyway or hell, maybe we could have Cena say "You want the WWE title back, and I want to be WWE Champion and defend it against The Rock at WrestleMania... so you have one choice and that's to fire me Vince... fire me and let me be a free agent so that I can join ROH, hunt CM Punk down and get you back the WWE Championship. or keep him, but allow him to track down Punk in the other company or companies if he goes to more than one. It's a bit all over the place, but I think you can see what I'm saying.

Basically I wanna know what you all think about WWE working with ROH or Del Rio cashing in on Punk in another company

TNA is the WCW of today so WWE working with ROH would be like when they helped ECW back in the day, it can happen

We could see both benefit having their talent go back and forth between companies for special fights, you can have Cena and Punk both be off SummerSlam, have The Rock appear and confront Vince, and have ROH guys headline against WWE guys, that sells it out where there's.

And hell, there's a bunch of other things they could do with this, but having Punk hold the title outside of WWE isnt really a big deal in one way (Trish won the Womens title on her way out when she retired) they just should have a tournament for a new champ, we've had N/A champs win (champs who didnt beat someone to win the title) plenty of times so why not in this case [stupid question, but not so stupid considering it's true] the reason is because 1 ok it is the main belt but they obviously want to make more of this and I believe it goes beyond WWE itself and may very well be coming to a WWE/ROH collab for the summer alone even through Survivor Series

We already have Team Bring It vs Team CeNation now imagine that along with Team ROH vs Team WWE just for fun not a war type deal, would sell with that alone and then you have two World title bouts and a Divas Survivor Match, a midcard match, there's your card

just saying I really can see WWE setting up for a cash-in at the least outside WWE walls

hoping they dont have Punk illegally come to Raw and have Del Rio cash in on him then

What if the Anonymous Raw GM tied into this later. I think they should follow the awesome Raws of the summer up with August having that person revealed

Daniel Bryan won MITB for SD! on another note on the WWE/ROH thing, you can do something with that too. Pushing him now around a time where a potential WWE/ROH collab could not will, but could happen

Roughly 10 years ago, during this time, the WWE went to war with the Alliance, who were made up of the remaining WCW and ECW Superstars that remained under control upon both Companies being purchased by the WWE.

As of tonight, CM Punk (who through storyline purpose, and perhaps reality, is no longer under contract) won and is in possession of the WWE Championship. In recent promos/shoots, Punk has said publicly that he would take the Championship with him, wherever he goes, including a potential return to Ring of Honor.

Not to be out-done, however, another former Ring of Honor Superstar, Daniel Bryan, is now in possession of the Smackdown MITB case; and we all know that every individual in the past - to cash in - has become Heavyweight Champion.

What we are seeing unfold, has the potential to be a silent formation of a Ring of Honor takeover. Now - before laughing and blowing this off, look at other facts..

Tyler Black has been under contract with the Company, however has yet to debut. Colt Cabana has been mentioned several times by Punk, about deserving a bigger chance to prove he deserves to be in the WWE, and finally - Claudio Castagnoli has mentioned in a recent interview about him and Chris Hero possibly going to the WWE in the future. You add that to the fact that Nigel (Desmond Wolfe) McGuinness is no longer with TNA, and you have the 7-man formation that could come together very soon to begin another Invasion within this Company that could create storylines for the rest of the year.

Now, how does this actually involve Ring of Honor? Simple. Mr. McMahon has NEVER liked to acknowledge, much less allow others to refer to on-air, opposing rival Companies - no matter how big or small. The Company name - Ring of Honor - has been mentioned by Punk multiple times over the past month, and McMahon himself has even made mention to fearing him taking the title "to an opposing Company". It is entirely possible that the WWE & RoH have been in contact and have been working on something that could help bring money to RoH, as well as more ratings and money to the WWE.

What are everyone's opinions on the potential, or realisticness of something this big to occur - roughly 10 years after the original "Invasion"?
Actually Impact Wrestling would make more sense because it is full of WWE rejects. Guys like Anderson, Morgan, Angle, Steiner, Double J, Styles etc could easily form an alliance with Punk. It is only a dream and will never happen.

There is approximately zero chance WWE will have its flagship championship change hands on another (unaffiliated) promotion's TV show.

There is only one circumstance that would lead to Punk showing up on another show with the belt, and that's only if you think the "plan" was for him to get cashed in on by ADR last night and he "went rogue" and ran away with the belt. Not likely.

Barring that, he'll be having those "Brought to you by CM Punk" segments that run like ads since he's "not under contract" for a few weeks before he ultimately "gets the farm" from Vince in return for re-signing. It will probably lead to a belt redesign.
Actually I think ROH makes far more sense because it is NOT full of "WWE rejects". The thought of an invading faction with limited or no WWE history is far more intriguing to me than seeing a bunch of former WWE guys get recycled back through the company that many of them chose to leave in the first place.

Many will scoff this off but I think it has potential. Let's face it, ROH will never be a threat to WWE so it's not like Vince has anything to lose by trying it. If it works, he's a genius. If it doesn't he kicks these guys to the curb and buries them as being non worthy of WWE stature. Lots of up side, really no downside. Plus it gives Vince a second chance at an Invasion angle and the opportunity to do it without screwing it up this time.

There's definitely something brewing because there's no way in the world that they gave Punk the WWE Championship after months of excellent build up and in ring and on mic time just to see him leave the WWE with it legitimately. It may or may not be ROH related, but something interesting is going on. For sure.
First off I really doubt ROH would have anything to do with this. Unlike the ECW/WW informal alliance back in the day ROH wants to keep themslves distant from the WWE
Plus the WWE has no reason to enlist them. It already has Black and Bryan under contract. Hero and Claudio are pretty much all signed and Punk/Cabana could be brought in quick too. Call them the Kings of Honor

But will it happen...NO. Its an internet marks dream. And if it did happen it would go over like Nexus. Big intial splash and then fed to the big boys like HHH, Cena and whoever else
In my honest opinion, there's more of a chance Hero and Claudio team with Punk in his crusade against the WWE, not invade with a bunch of other indie star's led by Punk.
Oh my god I'm not trying to be an asshole but this is one of the stupidest fucking threads I've ever read. How is wwe working with Roh gonna benefit them? It won't. Then you call Tna Wcw. Tna is nowhere near
wcw in terms of popularity, fanbase, and ratings. Then you say team wwe vs team roh when the majority of wwe fans outside the iwc even know what roh is. This is making my head explode sorry. I came out of retirement that's how much I hate this thread.
i dont think it would work because that would be a huge event, and it would not be on wwe television. someone will entice punk back, and i think it will be the rock. this way the rock can still face cena at mania while one upping him and showing how he, not cena, saved the belt and the company.
I'm not too big on this. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like it has some potential, but one thing the WWE has proven to me over the past year or so is that they have no idea how to book factions. The way you're describing this is basically having a bunch of unknown guys as a faction running roughshod through the company. I'd liken that to the nexus faction. Yes, it was amazing in the beginning and everyone saw nothing but great things coming. But inevitably, the program just fizzled and no one cared anymore.

Now granted these guys have a bigger reputation than the Nexus boys but it's all on the Indy circuit which doesn't necessarily translate to success in the big time.

Maybe it could be good, who knows? But I certainly am not pulling for any more factions right now. We just killed off the last one, let us have some sanity for a while.
I THINK.......WWE is funding ROH in some which way - shape or form and i think this has been going on for years.
June 12,2004 the first match of the incredible 3 matches between Samoe Joe and CM Punk. The wrestling world starts going nuts on October 17, 2004, 1 day removed from CM Punk v. Joe II and that match becomes ROH biggest selling DVD of all time and rated a 5 STAR MATCH and Punk and Joe have put ROH on the map as a semi-legit company. In June 2005, Punk accepted a deal with World Wrestling Entertainment, after a try-out match against Val Venis on its Sunday Night Heat show. EVEN THOUGH HE ACCEPTED THE DEAL, Punk went on to defeat Austin Aries with his Pepsi Plunge move, winning the ROH World Championship on June 18, 2005 at Death Before Dishonor III. Punk threatens fans and locker room he will bring ROH title to WWE and defend it there (sound familiar dont it believe thats what he said on RAW regarding WWE title). MICK FOLEY ,a WWE employee who appeared as a color commentator at WWE's ECW One Night Stand, which aired on June 12, 2005, and subsequently renewed his contract with WWE. (Punk won the title 6 days later and his regin as champ did not last long losing it on August 12,2005) During this short reign MICK FOLEY (under WWE contract and any WWE contract prohibits appearances at other promotions) made 7!......7! appearances at ROH to try and persuade punk to do the right thing and not because Punk was going to leave with the title and HE SIGNED HIS WWE CONTRACT ON THE ROH TITLE. WWE is now involved with ROH either funding it or something like that either way they're involved in some way

Daniel Bryan is now a WWE superstar and former ROH champ with his reign coming after Punk's

ROH holds an event called "Night Of Champions" on March 22, 2003. WWE holds PPVs with the same exact name (Dont ROH if they are independent have rights to that name and can sue WWE)

WWE is involved with ROH

Colt has been turning down other promotions

try to argue with those points i made
I THINK.......WWE is funding ROH in some which way - shape or form and i think this has been going on for years.
June 12,2004 the first match of the incredible 3 matches between Samoe Joe and CM Punk. The wrestling world starts going nuts on October 17, 2004, 1 day removed from CM Punk v. Joe II and that match becomes ROH biggest selling DVD of all time and rated a 5 STAR MATCH and Punk and Joe have put ROH on the map as a semi-legit company. In June 2005, Punk accepted a deal with World Wrestling Entertainment, after a try-out match against Val Venis on its Sunday Night Heat show. EVEN THOUGH HE ACCEPTED THE DEAL, Punk went on to defeat Austin Aries with his Pepsi Plunge move, winning the ROH World Championship on June 18, 2005 at Death Before Dishonor III. Punk threatens fans and locker room he will bring ROH title to WWE and defend it there (sound familiar dont it believe thats what he said on RAW regarding WWE title). MICK FOLEY ,a WWE employee who appeared as a color commentator at WWE's ECW One Night Stand, which aired on June 12, 2005, and subsequently renewed his contract with WWE. (Punk won the title 6 days later and his regin as champ did not last long losing it on August 12,2005) During this short reign MICK FOLEY (under WWE contract and any WWE contract prohibits appearances at other promotions) made 7!......7! appearances at ROH to try and persuade punk to do the right thing and not because Punk was going to leave with the title and HE SIGNED HIS WWE CONTRACT ON THE ROH TITLE. WWE is now involved with ROH either funding it or something like that either way they're involved in some way

Daniel Bryan is now a WWE superstar and former ROH champ with his reign coming after Punk's

ROH holds an event called "Night Of Champions" on March 22, 2003. WWE holds PPVs with the same exact name (Dont ROH if they are independent have rights to that name and can sue WWE)

WWE is involved with ROH
First off I really doubt ROH would have anything to do with this. Unlike the ECW/WW informal alliance back in the day ROH wants to keep themslves distant from the WWE
Plus the WWE has no reason to enlist them. It already has Black and Bryan under contract. Hero and Claudio are pretty much all signed and Punk/Cabana could be brought in quick too. Call them the Kings of Honor

But will it happen...NO. Its an internet marks dream. And if it did happen it would go over like Nexus. Big intial splash and then fed to the big boys like HHH, Cena and whoever else

Except no one is necessarily suggesting ROH involvement. Vince has no problem whatsoever scourging another organization for talent. He already has several of them on his roster, for all we know, he could have them all signed. No reference to ROH need be made, yet a percentage of the audience will know. The rest will just think its just another Nexus like thing and accept and enjoy it. Sure it will be a big initial splash but if done properly, what a splash it could be! Eventually it will fizzle out and these guys will ultimately be fed to existing WWE superstars, but so what? WWE will have a half dozen or so new members on their roster, and these guys will have WWE contracts, complete with more money and national exposure than most of them have ever seen. Better to be buried in the WWE than toiling in obscurity, at least some would say.

The question is, would Punk and the others be complicit with such a plan which would seriously scourge and hurt the organization where they all first got their feet wet. What loyalty, if any, do they feel for ROH?
I could see something like this potentially happening. WWE would not need to work with roh per say, but they could make it the invasion of the independents. if bryan cashes in the mitb and wins, you would have punk with the wwe title, and bryan with the whc. then having the other (independent) wrestlers come in to work with them would not be a long shot. they wouldnt have to be heels either. just a group of guys sick of the wwe machine. it could be a nice storyline. having other wwe wrestlers who are sick of mcmahon join them, and maybe even cena acknowledge and respect what they are trying to do. i wouldnt make it invasion 2.0 since roh is leagues behind both what wwe and ecw were, but just making them independent guys would be great. and if vince goes all out, he could entice heyman to come back and be the manager of them, since punk is a heyman guy and all. and, what would definitely be a huge long shot, maybe this would help mcmahon get lesnar to appear at wrestlemania as the heyman beast. probably not going to happen, but wwe has broken a lot of the 4th wall, and it is really paying off.
Not going to happen. WWE has nothing to gain out of that, especially with ROH's "TV" show debuting soon. Although as it stands right now, it would remind me of WWE helping out ECW back in 97. To me ROH is the ECW of this era, whose roster constantly gets signed by the two bigger promotions.

Simply put, it will never happen. Times have changed and WWE would be idiots to help out ROH in any shape or form.

Hope something like that happens though
I made a thread like this when Punk first said ROH and did his first revolutionary promo. It basically got rejected and thrown into page 45 of the CM Punk thread.. (bastards keep holding me down).

Anyways.. It would be a very interesting storyline, and to be honest with you.. I'd like to see it. I don't want to see them take over the WWE though, I just want to see guys like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Kings of Wrestling, and Tyler Black try and REVOLUTIONIZE the WWE... I don't want to see them try and take over the company, cause that's not realistic. But what is realistic, is a bunch of WRESTLING oriented guys, coming in and trying to change the landscape of the WWE back to the wrestlers... instead of the sports entertainers..

Honestly, we know Vince doesn't like Christian as champion. It is completely possible that Daniel Bryan could cash in this week and we could be looking at 2 former ROH guys as the Champion of each brand.

Now, although it seems highly unlikely, it may be time for something unprecedented to happen. ROH is premiering on TV in September. If Vince decided to work with them and agree to share superstars, this whole angle could turn into an unbelievably great storyline and be hugely profitable for both.

Vince did give money to keep ECW in business. He seems to like the underdog, but not his main competition. He could be trying to make ROH bigger than Impact Wrestling just to stick it to Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, and all the others who jumped ship.
I like this idea, but it will never happen. Which is sad, there is a lot of talent in ROH. They deserve exposure. I can imagine a few ROHers coming over to WWE, (Colt Cabana was reported to not have resigned with ROH as of late and been in talks with WWE.) This would be much more of a Straight Edge Society ver 2.0. Which could be a way to keep Punk in a much more familiar heel position.
If you watch Punk's earlier work, with Bryan Danielson: (part 2/2)
Samoa Joe (Part 3/3)
Or the Phenomenal One (Part 2/2)
He is fantastic as a heel, yelling at the ref, the crowd, berating his opponent. He was born to be a heel.
Punk could again lead a stable of unbelievably talented heels.
I could see him leading a stable consisting of Bryan Danielson, Colt and Chris Hero. (All of who are which involved with some sort of talks with the WWE.) This would be an "invasion" of people who actually want to wrestle, which would be great for WWE, unless they bury the stable.
I cant see this...

WCW/ECW invaded because WWE had bought them out did they not? So this just doesnt seem realistic, unless VKM has bought out ROH which i doubt he has.

Something else will happen but not this way. x
MICK FOLEY (under WWE contract and any WWE contract prohibits appearances at other promotions) made 7!......7! appearances at ROH

not true not all contracts prohibit that cause Jerry the King Lawler has made multiple apperances at JCW at the gathering on a Sunday night and the next night was on raw.
With the drop of the name Ring of Honor, the name Colt Cabana used, as well as the other signed superstars, then I don't see why this isn't a possibility. Nexus + Alliance in a way, with Bryan and Punk on top of their respective brands. It may be unlikely, and it may not even come off well, but I think it's worth a shot for WWE. We may only be the 10%, but there'll be no boom without us.
I don't see this happening either. With the original invasion angle about ten years ago, I really think that they did it when they did because of the injuries to triple h and chris benoit right after they were both in main event story lines. Also, the rock was filming a movie so they really had to scrap their many story at the time with the power trip and benoit/jericho feuding. They really don't need to bring in these new stars like they did then.

Don't get me wrong, I think the idea sounds awesome, but I think its a matter of need in this situation and the company already has a bunch of guys not being used correctly. Examples splitting up hart dynasty those months ago when you don't have any deserving tag teams or not putting Zack Ryder who is way over on TV. They have really talented guys working superstars weekly. I just don't know if they have room for another batch of superstars on TV.
I cant see this...

WCW/ECW invaded because WWE had bought them out did they not? So this just doesnt seem realistic, unless VKM has bought out ROH which i doubt he has.

Something else will happen but not this way. x

Actually ECW had "Invaded" the WWF back in 1997. Vince and Heyman had a working agreement on many different levels.

Vince was sending talent he had nothing for down to ECW and Heyman was getting to book them as he wished (Al Snow and Justin Credible are two great examples of this).

Vince was also sending down Jerry Lawler over to ECW, to work a ECW vs USWA Feud; in fact WWF even hosted several "Interpomotional" Matches between ECW and USWA talent on Raw and I think Shotgun Saturday Night was the other show at the time. Heyman was sending RVD to work a few Raws in return. Another example that happened several years later, is when WCW signed Mike Awesome from ECW, Vince sent Taz down to work for Heyman to take the belt off of Awesome (the ONLY time a worker signed to a WCW contract and a worker signed to a WWF contract worked a match ECW AT THAT!!!).

Vince would also pay Heyman a "Finder's fee" for any talent he signed away to a WWF contract. Also allowing Heyman time to work guys off of ECW shows as well, before bringing them up to the WWF.

Vince working with RoH is far from far fetched. It's very believable, especially at this point and time.
It would be a great thing. ROH will NEVER be as big as WWE so why not use them, help them elevate and get a great storyline out of it. He helped ECW why not ROH.
Actually ECW had "Invaded" the WWF back in 1997. Vince and Heyman had a working agreement on many different levels.

Vince was sending talent he had nothing for down to ECW and Heyman was getting to book them as he wished (Al Snow and Justin Credible are two great examples of this).

Vince was also sending down Jerry Lawler over to ECW, to work a ECW vs USWA Feud; in fact WWF even hosted several "Interpomotional" Matches between ECW and USWA talent on Raw and I think Shotgun Saturday Night was the other show at the time. Heyman was sending RVD to work a few Raws in return. Another example that happened several years later, is when WCW signed Mike Awesome from ECW, Vince sent Taz down to work for Heyman to take the belt off of Awesome (the ONLY time a worker signed to a WCW contract and a worker signed to a WWF contract worked a match ECW AT THAT!!!).

Vince would also pay Heyman a "Finder's fee" for any talent he signed away to a WWF contract. Also allowing Heyman time to work guys off of ECW shows as well, before bringing them up to the WWF.

Vince working with RoH is far from far fetched. It's very believable, especially at this point and time.

I was going to make this point, well said my friend.

This is a far better comparison to the WWE/ROH idea than the WCW/ECW Alliance Invasion 10 years ago.

It would get the IWC behind WWE again, at least for awhile, we could possibly get a few awesome matches out of it, and it would help boost ROH to at least something close to TNA/IW. Now, I say close to TNA/IW because it doesn't have the money behind it, even with Sinclair buying it, and it doesn't have the same level of talent. I'm not talking about the way the talent is booked, I'm talking about pound for pound talent, ROH doesn't compare to TNA/IW. I enjoy both, but that's a fact.

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