CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

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Wasn't this supposed to be a "Hair VS Mask" match at one point? If that was still the case then I would give Rey the win since he's never losing that mask. Since the only stipulation is Rey having to join Punk's stable if he loses, then I say that's what going to happen. Punk will probably win because Rey can feud with the Straightedge Society while being a member of it who was forced in. The match should be alright, probably nothing groundbreaking or awesome though since the feud will probably continue after Wrestlemania.

CM Punk will defeat Rey Mysterio.
This and Money in the Bank are the two matches I'm expecting the most out of this year. Rey has definitely lost a step or two, but can still go. Punk is also one of the best in the ring and has put on good matches with Rey and other smaller guys in the past. I really don't know who will win though. You know what, never mind. Punk will win this match. He's gonna try and make Rey take off this mask, and this feud will go on until Rey wins a mask vs. hair match. This made me really excited. Punk wins.
Punk needs this. He's got one of the best gimmicks in the world right now and is great in the ring too. Rey is going to be over no matter what he does. Punk needs the win FAR more than Rey does and it gives Rey a story to go with. This should be a fun match though as both guys are great in the ring and the match should come off very well. Much like Sheamus though, Punk needs this one more than Rey does. Should be good though but Rey will win I think.
Looking forward immensely to this badboy. Mysterio always delivers against the smaller men and Punk typically has good matches too. The feud will probably extend beyond WrestleMania, so I think Mysterio may win by DQ. That way he doesn't have to join the SES, but Punk can still bitch about Mysterio taking the easy way out or some shit setting up something a bit interesting at Extreme Rules. Possible sleeper match of the night, this one.
This match was too short, but it was really good for the time it was given. A reason for that could probably be attriubted to the fact that it took forever for Rey to even come out, thus using up the time they had. What was going on there?

So Rey is an Avatar creature...whatever they're called (don't know because I haven't seen the movie *waits for comments of shock and disgust). Darn, was hoping for Iron Man.

Anyway, though short, this was a pretty exciting match that I really wish was given more time. I also wish that Punk would have won as that would've had much more possibilities and in general would be infinitely more interesting than anything a Mysterio win could offer; which is nothing. I guess I shouldn't be too suprised; not even Straight Edge can beat the highest-grossing film of all time.
Hmm...had trouble getting into this one. Then again, I can't seem to like Rey Mysterio regardless of whatever scenario he's presented to us in. I just can't see this guy as an active threat in the WWE. He's too small, has a god-awful annoying voice, and lacks the charisma to interest anyone above age 10. Not to mention, he apparently thinks it's cool to emulate a toon form Avatar.

Punk, on the other hand, is a bit different. I hated Punk when he was champ the first time or two. I felt his gimmick was really bland, but this whole crazy mesiah thing seems to be working out for him. His SES could use someone that's got some name value to give it a little bit of credit though.Until then, it'll just be Punk and two flunkies who probably aren't worth the dollars spent on their contracts.
I was really bummed with how short this match was, but what we did get to see was really, really good (as it always is with these two). I was hoping they'd give them a good 15-20 minutes to steal the show, but alas, we didn't get to see that. I loved Punk's promo as he came out to the ring, instantly turning 70,000+ people into his biggest enemies, continuing to show why he's one of the best heels in the business today. I'm not surprised Rey won, I figured he'd have to after the whole Punk embarrassing him in front of his daughter thing happened on Smackdown. I really hope this feud continues though, because I want to see these two face off next month at Extreme Rules in some kind of gimmick match.
I guess I shouldn't be too suprised; not even Straight Edge can beat the highest-grossing film of all time.

ahaha, very true. I'm loving your synopses of all of these matches. (edit: how lame was that costume??? good god.)

Yeah, I'm disappointed with the outcome of this match. It would have made really interesting storylines in the future for Rey to lose... now... nowwww... probably nothing further will happen. Hmm.

However, this is how I expected it to happen. Rey's sort of one of the megafaces of the WWE, I think, and it's unlikely that they'd have him lose at Wrestlemania. So CM Punk was sort of face fodder in this match, I think.

Hopefully they'll keep feuding and something interesting will happen in the future..?
Nobody thought Punk was going to win this given what would happen if he did win. That outfit Rey wore was awful and the match was pretty short, but the action they displayed in the ring was great and these two really need to continue program as long as possible for now. Punk's heat was so overwhelming and I thought my ears were going to bleed! The guy is one of the top heels in the company for sure and even though Rey can convince anyone other than kids that he's the shit, he still did a nice job last night.
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Great fight and one of the best matches of the night. Another provision of the micro CM Punk fantastic and the provision of two in combat. Pena was a bit short, was to give them another 5 minutes of fighting that the bill was able to climb further. For the winner ... like to see Punk win but as the king needs to be operated is capable of the feud to be over here.
Duration of combat: 7 min
Rating: 8.5/10
Navi uggggh I mean Mysterio won this one in average match(at least to me).This feud will continue and I hope that Punk will win some and then go with some momentum to WHC championship.As for Mysterio he will probably feud with Drew Mcyntyre when this feud is over(You know,because Drew is the company man and company wants Navi to be exterminated:) )
I really, really hope we haven't seen the end of Punk Vs Mysterio. This has been a great feud, and the match at Wrestlemania was pretty good. This feud was very personal, and as he's been doing for a while now, CM Punk continues to amaze with his outstanding heel work. This man is easily the best heel in the WWE right now if you ask me. Anyway, I think everyone knew Rey would win this match because I don't believe anyone could picture him in the SES. This match also had to have one of the coolest endings I've ever seen. Again, I hope we haven't seen the last of Rey VS Punk because this feud can only get better.
Aside from the awkwardness surrounding Rey Rey's entrance, i was pretty happy with this match. Was it a short match, yup, but it got the job done. This was the first match of what looks to be a long feud, so why in the world would the WWE give everything away right now?

I'm surprised that Mysterio won the match, but it wasn't too big of a deal. Given more time, this match could have been spectacular, but people didn't buy Wrestlemania for this match.
CM Punk will defeat Rey Mysterio.

I'll admit I got this one wrong. Up until the very end I thought Punk would get the win. No big deal there though. The match was good although I was expecing something a little better because of how intense the feud was getting during the buildup. I wouldn't mind seeing Punk and Rey face each other again!

I give this match a rating of 6 out of 9.
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