CM Punk the genius


Getting Noticed By Management
Before I hope in on the title. let me first go into what I think it takes. Everyone knows that wrestling is staged, but when a wrestler can go out in ring and out to make it seem almost real they make the show so much better. Take the Undertaker for example why is he 21-0? Simple he makes it feel like this is not staged. Now lets look at the other side of the coin those who make is look even more staged than the norm. John Cena does this, which is why his fan base is normally, but not always the young children leading up to the young teen.

John Cena gets beat and beat and beat, but like magic no matter who he fights he comes out on top. Did Hogan do this? No Slaughter, Warrior, Taker etc all managed to get the better of him. As I recall Hogan could not beat Warrior, but the warrior couldn't beat the Undertaker, however had takers number. There should always be someone who has your number. Cena needs a guy that will beat him 9 of 10 times.

Now we move onto CM Punk. I loath this fake act, CM punk always gets to a point where he begins to fizzle. Everything he has ever done always ends that way. CM punk wants to be the best but if far from it. Sure he could wrestle circles around so many of the current roster but his character go weaker. He shined with the title and the pipe bombs and I assumed the D Bry story was his.

But why if I hate this guy so much would I call him a genius? Look at WWE and their clown shoe writers, developers and Ownership and what they do.

Rock comes back, Royal Rumble, a few matches and tons of face time with the cameras leading to a title match at Wrestlemania. This is a direct spit into the face of those who have given the WWE fans all their time and effort week in and week out 300+ days a year. But who gets top billing newly returning Rock ( not that the Rock has not earned this through the years)

Brock Lesnar similar situation, but with 1/4 the star power 1/12 the mic skills and 1/2 the wrestling ability. But again comes back, big billing at Wrestlemania leading to a few matches and once again he gets a top billing spot verses Undertaker this year and has wrestled how many matches this year? Somewhere around 1/10 (or more) of others carrying the load.

Batista the boring machine. Obviously again the same stupid system that rewards returning clowns, spitting in the face of the hard works like Cena, Punk, or even the Shield. But no once again so asswipe returns and gets the top spot, now the only saving grace in the match Boring vs More Boring is Triple H ( who won't make it because fans are shameful) or Daniel Bryan who could beat either one of these clowns while asleep.

Jericho....Oh you want me to stop fine back to CM punk.

CM punk can now be considered a lost cause, however the name CM punk will stay with the fans, and coming back next year at the Royal Rumble or the year after or even 10 years from now. He can come back and get the big contract for not wrestling and only talking and have a huge pay day at Wrestlemania. Now CM punk can get the same amount of money and wrestle 1/10 of the time. Unlike Batista and Lesnar, CM punk isn't out failing (yet) at other things. This would keep him from looking like a fool in the eyes of some.
At 35 years old he is already working on the next stage of his career and will get no more broken,torn or destroyed body parts.

Beside the fact a few mil in your bank is all you need, you can ride the name Ex-WWE champion for a long time doing shows like talking dead or other.
I am calling it now. DB beats HHH and in the ME one of two things happens. First Bryans about to win and all the sudden a guy in a hoodie hops the barricade, puts Bryan on his shoulders for a GTS and is revealed as CM Punk (either Orton or Batista pin Bryan). Next night we find out Mcmahon hired him back. Second Bryan wins and Mcmahon comes out and like with Edge at NYR06 he says there is another match that night with a man he recently hired back and out comes Punk to beat Bryan. If Punk doesn't return at WM than it was a legit leaving of the company but I remember a while back there were rumblings that there were BIG plans for Punk at WM. I could see him, Mcmahon, HHH and a couple others knowing about the plan and them taking him off promos and making it seem like he quit was just a creative way to hide this from even crossing our minds. As I said if he doesn't come back at WM it was legit, but I have a gut feeling Punk is gonna end up screwing Bryan.

I don't think a lot of wrestlers could pull a storyline (if it ends up being one) up like this, but Punk is the PERFECT candidate to do this with it ending up being one of the biggest swerves in the companies history.
I am calling it now. DB beats HHH and in the ME one of two things happens. First Bryans about to win and all the sudden a guy in a hoodie hops the barricade, puts Bryan on his shoulders for a GTS and is revealed as CM Punk (either Orton or Batista pin Bryan). Next night we find out Mcmahon hired him back. Second Bryan wins and Mcmahon comes out and like with Edge at NYR06 he says there is another match that night with a man he recently hired back and out comes Punk to beat Bryan. If Punk doesn't return at WM than it was a legit leaving of the company but I remember a while back there were rumblings that there were BIG plans for Punk at WM. I could see him, Mcmahon, HHH and a couple others knowing about the plan and them taking him off promos and making it seem like he quit was just a creative way to hide this from even crossing our minds. As I said if he doesn't come back at WM it was legit, but I have a gut feeling Punk is gonna end up screwing Bryan.

I don't think a lot of wrestlers could pull a storyline (if it ends up being one) up like this, but Punk is the PERFECT candidate to do this with it ending up being one of the biggest swerves in the companies history.

I could definitely see the Punk thing happening - give the crowd the payoff of Bryan winning, then the payoff of Punk coming back. That would be great theater and a lot of fun! Raw the next night would be absolutely off the hook!
I am calling it now. DB beats HHH and in the ME one of two things happens. First Bryans about to win and all the sudden a guy in a hoodie hops the barricade, puts Bryan on his shoulders for a GTS and is revealed as CM Punk (either Orton or Batista pin Bryan). Next night we find out Mcmahon hired him back. Second Bryan wins and Mcmahon comes out and like with Edge at NYR06 he says there is another match that night with a man he recently hired back and out comes Punk to beat Bryan. If Punk doesn't return at WM than it was a legit leaving of the company but I remember a while back there were rumblings that there were BIG plans for Punk at WM. I could see him, Mcmahon, HHH and a couple others knowing about the plan and them taking him off promos and making it seem like he quit was just a creative way to hide this from even crossing our minds. As I said if he doesn't come back at WM it was legit, but I have a gut feeling Punk is gonna end up screwing Bryan.

I don't think a lot of wrestlers could pull a storyline (if it ends up being one) up like this, but Punk is the PERFECT candidate to do this with it ending up being one of the biggest swerves in the companies history.

I wonder how the crowd would respond to that since they've been chanting his name for weeks. Would he be booed or will they embrace it?
I doubt it's a work. And I don't really want to see that happen. Not at wrestlemania anyway. Any other day of the year would be fine but that one. But the idea of it is intriguing, CM Punk would have to turn heel but the heel turn wouldn't work, people like him too much. He's a great heel though but it wouldn't work. It'd be like Austins heel turn at WM17 all over again.
I am calling it now. DB beats HHH and in the ME one of two things happens. First Bryans about to win and all the sudden a guy in a hoodie hops the barricade, puts Bryan on his shoulders for a GTS and is revealed as CM Punk (either Orton or Batista pin Bryan). Next night we find out Mcmahon hired him back. Second Bryan wins and Mcmahon comes out and like with Edge at NYR06 he says there is another match that night with a man he recently hired back and out comes Punk to beat Bryan. If Punk doesn't return at WM than it was a legit leaving of the company but I remember a while back there were rumblings that there were BIG plans for Punk at WM. I could see him, Mcmahon, HHH and a couple others knowing about the plan and them taking him off promos and making it seem like he quit was just a creative way to hide this from even crossing our minds. As I said if he doesn't come back at WM it was legit, but I have a gut feeling Punk is gonna end up screwing Bryan.

I don't think a lot of wrestlers could pull a storyline (if it ends up being one) up like this, but Punk is the PERFECT candidate to do this with it ending up being one of the biggest swerves in the companies history.

Totally agree with this, IF WWE doesn't mess this up in one way or another. But now that it's out there, if even ONE of them hears about it in some way then they won't do it or they'll change it.
Only thing is, WM is about sending the crowd home happy so Bryan needs to win each match clean.

Maybe the next night Punk jumps him or some such
Only thing is, WM is about sending the crowd home happy so Bryan needs to win each match clean.

Maybe the next night Punk jumps him or some such

Reading through these posts, that's another thing that crossed my mind - although I believe I previously posted (I can't remember if I posted it or just thought it), that Punk coming out (introduced by Vince) would be a cool idea, I think it would work better to have Bryan leave WM as champion, then Vince comes out on Raw and introduces Punk and Punk is the No. 1 contender. If this scenario happens, would you all like to see Bryan keep the belt, or have Punk beat him and win the belt, whether it is at Raw that Monday or shortly thereafter? And if THAT happens, if Punk wins the title the night after WM - would you all prefer to see a nice long feud or have something new for both guys start from there?
If they can get CM Punk back in time I would like to see him come back the night after WrestleMania on Raw (known to be hottest crowd of the year).

He should come out somewhere in the beginning to a huge ovation and cut a slight pipebomb, but turn heel immediately with that same promo. Maybe talk about him not caring about anyone and how he proved it by walking out and not returning in Chicago even though he could have. The only thing he cares about is main eventing WrestleMania and that is the only reason he came back and nothing/no one is going to stop him from doing that. He vows to Main event WrestleMania 31 by any means necessary.

Later on in the night Punk can then interfere in a Daniel Bryan (who won the title the night before) match against Batista/Randy Orton/Triple H or whoever and lay Bryan out to end the show.

I would hold off on the CM Punk/Authority alliance until the Money In The Bank PPV where Punk can win the briefcase and cash it in on Bryan the same night. Then you can say that Triple H and Punk made a deal that they will let him main event WrestleMania as long as he can keep the title away from Bryan. There should also continue to be some tension between The Authority and Punk for whenever they decide to turn Punk back into a face. Their relationship would mostly be based off of "no other options". Punk needs them because he wants the main event of WrestleMania and they run the show, and they need Punk because he is the only one capable of beating Bryan.

Extreme Rules should probably be Bryan defending his title in a rematch against Orton.
Payback should be Bryan defending against Batista.
Money In The Bank should be Bryan defending against Triple H to a DQ where Triple H pretty much beats the crap out of Bryan and making way for Punk to come take the belt (something similar to SummerSlam last year). Or you can have Bryan defeat Triple H and then have Punk get called out by H as his plan B.
SummerSlam could be the big rematch between Bryan and Punk where Punk can win and then they can both move on to other storylines until it's time for their feud to kick up again. Keep it on and off until Mania 31.

You can basically build a Punk/Bryan feud for the title all the way 'til next Mania as the main event. WrestleMania is usually a smarky crowd anyway so the ppv should do well with that headline and you can have some other stuff for the casual fans like Taker, Cena, Lesnar, maybe Sting, and maybe Rock.

You can even keep the feud going for years if it's kept fresh with heel/face turns for both men and they can both have separate feuds to give the Punk/Bryan rivalry some breaks.

With The Wyatts and The Shield (together or separate), WWE could be must watch television again.
Something is telling me that cm punk will turn up at mania 30
Main event . Batista and Orton are distracted by punk making his
Way to the ring. Punk gets in the ring. Bryan hit running knee
On Orton. Then.... Outta no where punk lays out Bryan with
Go to sleep. Batista wins. Punk and Bryan have long Fued.

Or if triple is in the main event. Punk comes out and
Cost triple h the win. Bryan won't get his moment
lol man that opening post was a tough read. Basically he listed everyone he doesn't like and ran them down with a bunch of half baked criticisms of how they are booked. Like this statement right here...

"As I recall Hogan could not beat Warrior, but the warrior couldn't beat the Undertaker, however had takers number. There should always be someone who has your number. Cena needs a guy that will beat him 9 of 10 times. "

LOL wtf? Hogan lost to Warrior in the one and only time they squared off in the WWF. When did the Undertaker ever beat Warrior? Hell, they only fought on house shows and Warrior won those matches. As for Cena needing some one to have his number... What in the world did you think that exorcising his demons angle was about with Rock and Punk?

Oh and lets talk about guys who make wrestling look real while spending 90% of their career pretending to be a zombie. But not just any zombie. A zombie who can fly, shoot lightning from the rafters and teleport from one place to another. But no, Cena finally beating CM Punk after a year of losing is far more difficult to believe by anyone other than children and pre-teens right?

The truth about this thread is you wanted to run down the wrestlers you didn't like while praising and defending (poorly I might add) CM Punk. That post would get you infracted for SPAM so you jazzed it up with this BS exposition.
Only thing is, WM is about sending the crowd home happy so Bryan needs to win each match clean.

Maybe the next night Punk jumps him or some such

Last year the fans didn't go home happy so I believe they'll be fine another year. At least this time it will be a better match. Last year was just a smackdown vs. raw match considering the match started with each opponent have 5 stored finishers.
Jesus another one of these threads - I didn't realize seems punk has more cult followers than Jim Jones.

He quit - WWE gave him EVERYTHING he wanted and it wasn't good enough and he wanted more and when they finally said no he took his balls and went home. IF he shows up at WM or anytime after I will lose all respect for Vince McMahon and so will most of the people who work for him. Then what - Orton goes home until they make him champ or Bryan? No they respect the business and fans and wouldn't do that.
I could definitely see the Punk thing happening - give the crowd the payoff of Bryan winning, then the payoff of Punk coming back. That would be great theater and a lot of fun! Raw the next night would be absolutely off the hook!

I think that Punk would legitimately turn heel, even the crowd might possibly boo him. He is my favorite guy, but I for once wanna see him get booed out of the building. Then he can work his wonders on the mic better.

Oh god, this is the ultimate swerve. The ultimate heel turn. The moment where you think the ultimate good guy gets his huge moment, the other ultimate good guy comes out, spoils it for him and gets that huge moment for himself. Oh what a moment and oh what a raw we will have the next night.
It would be nice to come on these forums and not see some thread about how to work CM Punk back into the mix. Every day there is someone starting up a new thread about how to bring the guy back......fuck that guy. Don't get me wrong,he's a talented guy but he isn't the major draw that he thinks he is. And quite honestly if they bring him back and they put him in the main event slot if I was one of the boys in the locker room I'd be pissed about it. I just wish the WWE would give him his walking papers and move away from the guy. Besides their product has gotten better since quitter took his ball and went home.
It would be nice to come on these forums and not see some thread about how to work CM Punk back into the mix. Every day there is someone starting up a new thread about how to bring the guy back......fuck that guy. Don't get me wrong,he's a talented guy but he isn't the major draw that he thinks he is. And quite honestly if they bring him back and they put him in the main event slot if I was one of the boys in the locker room I'd be pissed about it. I just wish the WWE would give him his walking papers and move away from the guy. Besides their product has gotten better since quitter took his ball and went home.

As a CM Punk fan I would argue that PPV buy rates are down no matter what they have going on. Thus them essentially giving them away for free with the WWE network. That leaves merch sales and as has been documented Punk was 2nd only to Cena in that regard. Soooooo yeah I would call hiim a pretty heavy draw. But that's just one point of view.
Uh, Cena gets beat more often in a month then Hogan did in his run from 85-92. He's constantly getting his ass kicked and left lying on the mat/ground and totally out of it. He's been beat down by HEATH SLATER and other nobody's from Nexus!!!! Sure he might come out on top in the end, BUT SO DID HOGAN, AUSTIN and EVERY other TOP DRAW of ANY SINGLE company you can think of.
This is just a badly thought out and worded rant against the socalled 'super'cena that idiots always go to when they can't find any real arguements to complain about him. You hide it behind posting it as a thread about how smart Punk is, but then do nothing but rant about Cena while praising Hogan for doing TEN TIMES worse to other wrestlers then anything Cena has ever done.

The whole point of being a face is to get your ass kicked and keep coming back until you finally beat the heel. It's a journey that is supposed to elicit feelings of pride and respect for the guy who just never gives up and keeps on fighting until he defeats his enemy no matter how long it takes or what he has to sacrifice to do it, all without resorting to the 'vile' and 'despicable' tactics his enemy used against him.

Heck, you even contradict yourself, in one paragraph dismissing Cena's work as unbelievable but in others praising him for being a hard worker. You do the same to Punk himself in your post.

Take a stand and stick with it. You fluctuate stances on people more often then the Kardassian's change boyfriends.
lol man that opening post was a tough read. Basically he listed everyone he doesn't like and ran them down with a bunch of half baked criticisms of how they are booked. Like this statement right here...

"As I recall Hogan could not beat Warrior, but the warrior couldn't beat the Undertaker, however had takers number. There should always be someone who has your number. Cena needs a guy that will beat him 9 of 10 times. "

LOL wtf? Hogan lost to Warrior in the one and only time they squared off in the WWF. When did the Undertaker ever beat Warrior? Hell, they only fought on house shows and Warrior won those matches. As for Cena needing some one to have his number... What in the world did you think that exorcising his demons angle was about with Rock and Punk?

Oh and lets talk about guys who make wrestling look real while spending 90% of their career pretending to be a zombie. But not just any zombie. A zombie who can fly, shoot lightning from the rafters and teleport from one place to another. But no, Cena finally beating CM Punk after a year of losing is far more difficult to believe by anyone other than children and pre-teens right?

The truth about this thread is you wanted to run down the wrestlers you didn't like while praising and defending (poorly I might add) CM Punk. That post would get you infracted for SPAM so you jazzed it up with this BS exposition.

Taker beat Warrior in a body bag match. They actually had a feud for a few months. Well it developed into a threway feud with Taker working with Jake the Snake against Warrior, but I seem to recall either a PPV or a Coliseum Home Video match Taker vs Warrior that Taker won and put Warrior in a body bag. Also, there was the Warrior Casket though it got destroyed before they had a casket match.
Jesus another one of these threads - I didn't realize seems punk has more cult followers than Jim Jones.

He quit - WWE gave him EVERYTHING he wanted and it wasn't good enough and he wanted more and when they finally said no he took his balls and went home. IF he shows up at WM or anytime after I will lose all respect for Vince McMahon and so will most of the people who work for him. Then what - Orton goes home until they make him champ or Bryan? No they respect the business and fans and wouldn't do that.

For me the fun part is that the OP is both praising and hating on everyone he mentiosn. Cena, Punk, even bryan, he rips into them for various theing, then in the next paragraph praises them, then further down, he's hating on them again only to finally end in a kind of half hearted hatepraise? of Punk for leaving. This is the kind of post you usually see a teenage girl post when she breaks up with her boyfriend after catching him cheating on her with her best friend or after he dumps her for someone else.

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