Cm Punk needs a Feud over the briefcase

Big Daddy Fool

One Man Rock Band
It's Sunday, you're excited because Wrestlemania is finally here. The MITB match comes on because it's the only spotfest worth watching. You watch the match, see Punk kick Kane off the ladder and unhooks the briefcase. You like many and myself groan because we saw the same shit last year and watched him fail worse then the idea that the new rockers would be over.

What i think Punk needs to get over is a solid feud over the MITB briefcase. Have him go against a pretty over heel like Jericho over the case. Jericho says he doesn't deserve it and only won it because he wasnt in it. Have them go back and forth on the mic for awhile with Jericho demanding a match for the briefcase. Punk says something like after the way you treated the legends why should i or some bullshit like that. This continues until jericho pushes things over the edge hits him from behind and force feeds the staight edge superstar a bottle of vodka.

This pushes Punk over the edge and finally puts the briefcase on the line in a ladder match because the WWE loves gimmick matches and it works. Have Punk go over. This should prob pick up some steam for him.

Next, don't have him cash it in like he did last time with Batista destroying Edge leaving him for dead for Punk. First, that's like a heelish thing to do and I don't see how that would help a baby face get over. Have Punk cash it in at Wrestlemania in a legit one on one match. If punk was getting over with the crowd have him win, if he hasn't cut your losses and have him be the first person to fail to cash it in.

Idk just an idea. Thoughts?
I like the idea of having C.M. Punk defend the briefcase against somebody, but I'm not sure if Jericho would be the right one to do it. Punk and Jericho has had matches in the past and they've shown to have great ring chemistry, but a feud over the briefcase doesn't really cut if for me. I would understand if Punk was very vocal about defending the legends and what they did to make the WWE what it is today, but Punk doesn't really do that.

The idea of having Jericho forcing a bottle of vodka in Punk's mouth is priceless and I can totally see that happening. If any person should fued with Punk over the briefcase, it should be Kane. A couple months back, we had rumors that WWE had plans to have a Kane/Punk fued over the Intercontinental Championship, so why not still have it? Except it would be over the Money in the Bank briefcase. Plus, it was Kane who Punk last eliminated to win the briecase.

So, yes, I think Punk should face someone over the briefcase, but Jericho? Maybe not.

P.S. If Sandman was still in WWE, he would have been the perfect person to force alcohol down Punk's throat. Just my opinion.
if cm punk had a feud with someone for the case it would be kane. Because kane was the other man that was on the ladder with punk and i thought kane won but some how punk escaped when he was hanging upside down. then punk kicked the big red machine and won. so the main person will be kane.
Well the whole Legends thing was just an idea I'm sure the WWE can come up with something better and i just needed something to keep the thing moving.

I picked Jericho because besides Edge, Orton, and Vickie, he is the most over heel the WWE has. Also him being left w/o a feud at the moment was another reason. Their ring chemistry is a huge plus and good chemistry is something that would keep the fans entertained and wanting to see more.

Kane makes sense bc he just barely got beat in the MITB and his character would be sadistic enough to pour vodka down someones throat. But i'm just so tired of Kane and its starting to bother me whenever he is involved in something. He is a shell of his former self.

Also, it's been such a surprise to me that the WWE wouldnt' capitalize on Cm being straight edge either with him being a heel and talking down to people or him as a face being forced to drink.
If this happens, I think a possible feud is with Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin can say that Punk doesn't deserve to win MITB two years in a row and how that his title reign was a complete failure. It would help Benjamin improve on the mic and be more consistent wrestling-wise and it would help Punk as he hasn't really had a lot of feuds since being drafted to RAW.
A perfect person to feud with would be John Morrison.

I'd put The Tag Team Championship back on Miz & Morrison.

Then I'd have him beat Rey Mysterio for the I-C title in a Ladder Match after a feuding for a few months.

After that, I'd have Morrison cut a promo saying that he's the fact that he's a double champion makes him the greatest superstar in the WWE.

That bring out Punk who says the fact that he won the Money in the Bank 2 years in a row makes HIM the greatest superstar in the WWE.

There's your feud for both the Money in the Bank Briefcase AND the Intercontinental Title.
I'd love to see a heel champion attempt to wrestle the case away from Punk, problem is, we don't have a heel champion. It would make sense that the champ would want to get his hands on the one thing that could be a threat to his title on any given night. It seems like something that a Kurt Angle World Champion would do.
If they do this, the obvious choice is MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..........KENNEDY!...............KENNEDY! Since he won the MITB at WM 23 and didn't get a chance to cash it in, I think it would be perfect. Coming back fresh off an injury he'll have a vengeance against anybody he sees. Since he won it 2 years ago and couldn't cash it in, that gives him a reason. Once he regains the briefcase, he can cash it in and restart his countdown to the Wrestlemania 26 main event. After he wins it, the WWE can finally say that everybody who has won the MITB match has become the champion. A win-win-win. Everybody wins.
I actually like the whole idea of having him feud with Jericho for the briefcase. Jericho comes out, taunts Punk like you said about destroying the legends, and the man who cost him his chance in the MITB, Flair. He also reminds Punk that he took his place in Unforgiven Scramble. He further berates Punk, noting that while they both got beat down that night, Punk by Legacy, Jericho by Michaels, only one of them had the guts to compete later. He challenges Punk for the briefcase, saying if hes any kind of man, and wants to avenge all the times Jericho has kicked his ass(has Punk EVER beat Jericho?), he'll put the briefcase on the line. And Punk, never backing down from a challenge, accepts. But this is a feud Punk needs to come out on top of. Hes not had a high profile feud hes come out on top of, unless you count him winning the IC tourney.(I dont)

Granted, hes a triple crown winner, but his WHC win was over a beat up Edge, he and Kingston beat Rhodes and DiBiase, and he beat Regal for the IC title. Hardly impressive feats, at least under the circumstances(Edge) the stage in their careers(Rhodes and DiBiase) or the overall credibility of the opponent.(Regal) He needs to have and win a high profile feud to maintain credibility. Jericho would do that.
Batista would be a nice feud for Punk to have right now. I think the WWE should focus more on turning Baptista in to a "tweener" character. There are times when he should be booed, and cheered. He is up and down with me as well. He has the ability to just go from being heel to face no problem at all. I just think he would do a solid job of getting Punk over a little more before his world title shot.
The vodka force-feeding is a great idea and should've been thought up by WWE by now....
But Kane is the wrong person to do that storyline. Kane doesn't use mind games like he used to, he wouldn't be believable. The perfect superstar would be Edge, surely?

Edge has lost the world title, and let's say he gets drafted to smackdown... Or he stays on smackdown... I'm not sure what show he's on now, but he goes to whatever show Vickie isn't on. And because Vickie isn't on that show, the GM tells him he needs to earn a title shot. Edge, being Edge, doesn't like that idea and since he isn't being handed a title shot, goes for the next best thing: Punk and his briefcase.

Edge is the master of MitB cases and he still has a grudge against Punk that was never sorted out from when Punk cashed in to win Edge's title last year. Plus Edge is the Rated R superstar, so there's no one better to make Punk drink the vodka. The storyline practically writes itself. Even WWE wouldn't be able to screw this one up, they've already written it by coincidence!
In ROH Punk had crucified Raven in the ropes ala Raven doing in ECW and after a while Dreamer ran in, beat down punk, tied him up, freed raven, and the two basically force fed Punk some beer and he went APESHIT. Was an excellently done segment.

Don't know if it'd work in WWE because sure, everyone knows he's straight edge and he says it occasionally and announcers tought it, but in ROH he spouted that shit consistently and was a major heel as a result.

I feel like to make this segment work as much as possible, for whatever reason get him speaking about how he won because hes so dedicated to bettering himself instead of boozing and smoking or whatever, have a few fueds and after a few months have this happen. If done right they could still keep him as a face if they wish, just dont make him come off as arrogant, but merely a role model for children.
I like to see Punk feud over the briefcase like an actual title. Not just against a single opponent but possibly several. That way Punk can be kept busy instead just waiting around not doing anything interesting until creative or whoever decides it is time to cash it in.
Jericho's good for a briefcase opponent.
Remember, it was Jericho who took Punk's spot to win the Title in that championship scramble.
I'd like to see him feud with edge also,Christian would be a good choice also but he's a face now.
How about a feud with edge and Christian gets invovled?,that would be cool
Personally I'd love to see CM Punk lose the briefcase to someone who hasn't had a chance to shine - like Christian - but there was also a brilliant idea made by someone in this thread to have Punk go over a heel like Jericho - and having him loose it to someone else - doesn't really have to be Christian - but someone who's deserving and hasn't held a major title. I guess I'm just tired of seeing the same champions over and over again. I'm sure tons agree -
I agree with you, Punk's main event push needs to start with Punk putting the briefcase on the line. I saw some names I thought of. Mr. Kennedy is probably going to stay face when he get's back though, so he's out of the picture. I feel like Kane isn't over enough as a heel to give Punk the necessary push into the main event scene, and like a lot of you have said, Jericho is kind of a been there, done that type deal.

One person I don't think anyone's mentioned that could be a really interesting feud is Matt Hardy. He's pretty over as a heel right now, and I think he'll cement his heel status if he get's a brutal win over Jeff at Backlash. A feud between Punk and Matt over the briefcase with Punk retaining it will be really good for him, and it'll make him look like a legitimate main eventer. Last year, the WWE's problem was they thought, "Oh, he has the briefcase, the fan's will think he's on the main event level," when he clearly wasn't. This will help him establish himself before being thrown into the main event scene.

I think he needs to cash it in against Randy Orton. I think that at Backlash, Legacy will dismantle the this new little McMahon family faction, and they're going to cause chaos all over RAW. I think if all goes well, CM Punk will be the guy to lead the fight against Legacy.
I agree with you, Punk's main event push needs to start with Punk putting the briefcase on the line. I saw some names I thought of. Mr. Kennedy is probably going to stay face when he get's back though, so he's out of the picture. I feel like Kane isn't over enough as a heel to give Punk the necessary push into the main event scene, and like a lot of you have said, Jericho is kind of a been there, done that type deal.

One person I don't think anyone's mentioned that could be a really interesting feud is Matt Hardy. He's pretty over as a heel right now, and I think he'll cement his heel status if he get's a brutal win over Jeff at Backlash. A feud between Punk and Matt over the briefcase with Punk retaining it will be really good for him, and it'll make him look like a legitimate main eventer. Last year, the WWE's problem was they thought, "Oh, he has the briefcase, the fan's will think he's on the main event level," when he clearly wasn't. This will help him establish himself before being thrown into the main event scene.

I think he needs to cash it in against Randy Orton. I think that at Backlash, Legacy will dismantle the this new little McMahon family faction, and they're going to cause chaos all over RAW. I think if all goes well, CM Punk will be the guy to lead the fight against Legacy.

I agree with this post 100% matt hardy after winning his feud with jeff would be great. After burning jeffs house down pouring vodka down cm punk's throat would be a great next step in matt hardy's heel turn to feud with cm punk over the brief case. Cm punk then could go over hardy in a ladder match since that's the hardys match further putting cm punk over.

Then have CM Punk take on legacy and have him have to beat legacy before he can cash it in on orton. Kinda how goldberg had to beat scott hall to get to hogan for the title.
I agree on most points. I've said for the longest time, Punk should be involved in a storyline that stems from the straightedge lifestyle. Whether it being forcefed beer/vodka, or someone slipping him a pill and "testing positive". Who know's with this PG rating anyway.

As for an opponent for a potential MITB fued, in my opinion it's gotta be an established heel who's over. An Edge, a Jericho, an Orton. Just a big name superstar would be good. Heck, I'll even take Big Show, or a Matt Hardy after they're done with their respective fueds.

And how would I like Punk to cash it in? I disagree with him not cashing it in after a massive beatdown of a current champion. I loved when he cashed it on Edge. I'm not the only one either. It didn't help his cause as a strong champion, so I'd still advise against it with Punk. He's not credible enough to hold the World Title without getting a clean win.

I would like him to cash it in during a match. Getting in on a one-on-one match, waiting till Both opponents are completly out of it, and run in, cash it in, making it a triple threat, kick one opponent away and pin the other.
I agree Punk needs something to get him over. When he won on Sunday I just thought ugh, I didn't see it coming because I didn't think the WWE would be stupid enough to do this again. Never the less it happened and he needs to feud over the case and I do think he needs to win.

Out of all the names thrown out Jericho is really the only one that works(besides Edge, but seriously, Edge doesn't need to feud over the case again). Matt Hardy is interesting, but first off he'll never be over in my book, second I don't think he's going to "win" the feud with Jeff. So that really only leaves Jericho, but this feud over the case doesn't need to happen right away and could happen months from now so its possible somebody turns(Christian???) or somebody else somehow gets over enough(although I don't see that happening).

I'll admit Jericho really doesn't work now but months from now, I doubt he'll be on his legends gimmick still.
Here is an idea and I think it would work in a few ways. Punk loses the MITB to Orton after Orton loses at Backlash. Orton cashes it in for a rematch with HHH for the next PPV Judgment Day. Let's face it, Batista is back and Orton won't win the match.

Have Orton win the MITB from Punk and after winning the title can start a new feud with Punk who gets some exposure for awhile in an attempt to win the title.

Now, if not that then Orton wins the title and HHH helps Punk get the title from Orton. Punk never had the opportunity to feud with anyone during his reign because his little thing with JBL does not even come close to a feud.
I don't think the MITB should be defended. A major problem in wrestling is titles are worthless, they chance hands more often than I change socks. Now you want to add the briefcase??? The MITB winner gets the shot. If he needs a feud over the briefcase in order to get over, then he has no business winning the MITB match in the first place.
Cm punk needs to lose the breifcase just like Kennedy did..

They can have people trying to get the case just like a belt!
Trading from superstar to superstar until one day after a match the world champion gets attacked in the parking lot(lol before wrestlemania).
THe winner of the mitb gets to have a title match anywhere anytime.... kindof like the hardcore title.... so a parking lot match just before wrestlemania starts... this way its before the next mitb so its still good!

I hate CM Punk... But only for the same reason I hate Cena!
I don't want to see the kid again! But I must cause TNA sucks and ROH isn't aired in canada!
I think Matt Hardy is the best choice, not just because he's my favorite wrestler, but both him and Punk need to get over. Both Hardy and Punk have had decent reigns with the ECW title, which is great, but that doesn't get them over enough. Them fueding over the briefcase will make a better name for themselves. Also, Matt Hardy is getting really over as a heel, though he's probably not gonna win the Jeff/Matt fued.

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