Using Punk to rip on Jeff for being a drug addict is ridiculous. It either inspires that only Heels would hate drug heads, or it inspires the idea that everyone should hate on druggies. It goes far beyond the "I'm a heel, and I hate you because you won the title off of me" into something crossing the line. And what drugs did Hardy take? Anything harder than alcohol or weed and the WWE won't even mention it, mark my words. Besides, the children won't think Hardy is bad for taking drugs, they're already in his back pocket as far as the pop goes. Hardy will always have those children. Always.
Back to topic though. This is not a Punk Heel turn. The WWE simply does not know if Hardy is resigning. So, to make most of the dilemma, they made Punk take the title off of Hardy to see if he could get that Heel reaction. Plus, it lends you the grand out that your World Heavyweight Champion can't just up and leave with your championship when he decides not to resign. I missed the PPV, I've been hella sick. Did Punk get that Heel reaction?
And besides, Punk would have to completely rework his moveset. Heels aren't allowed the "5 moves of Doom" as people describe Cena's match ending set. Punk does it too, and as a Heel you're not allowed that. The 5 moves of Doom are meant to get the crowd riled up for the end of the match, because they know it's coming when Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle or Punk hits his Running Bulldog out of the corner. Punk needs a whole new, anti-pop moveset. Or they could not do that, and have the Heel getting bigger Pops than his Face opponents. Because that makes perfect sense.