CM Punk is fucking funny..

Oh wah. Does the cop need a tissue? Punk was on no sleep, and irritated, just been cut off. Says it in there. People need to either get off Punk's back or the cop's dick. The cop was doing his job for the car length, but it wasn't necessary for the dog. Which is the main part why Punk got pissed.
Oh wah. Does the cop need a tissue? Punk was on no sleep, and irritated, just been cut off. Says it in there. People need to either get off Punk's back or the cop's dick. The cop was doing his job for the car length, but it wasn't necessary for the dog. Which is the main part why Punk got pissed.

That's the big thing right there. It wasn't so much the getting pulled over that pissed Punk off, though just like any normal person, he wasn't thrilled with getting pulled over. Now I would be irate just like Punk if they brought a drug dog in for no reason just to check his vehicle. They treated Punk like a drug dealer just because of the way he looked. Even after the cop gave Punk the warning he still acted like Punk was a drug user. It was a profiling stop through and through.
Been there.

I have been pulled over for the same thing. Had drug dogs in to search for drugs AND GUNS AND BOMBS. Of course, they found nothing, and yeah, I was upset, but it wasn't going to help my case by acting like a fifteen year old who feels that rights mean you can be a dick. Profiling, like it or not, is a good way to weed out bad elements.

I once worked as a cashier for a truck-stop. One of the truckers yelled at me for wearing my hat backwards, said I looked like a punk. I turned it around, and said that was an unfair assumption. He said, "Yeah, and you seem nice and you're smart. But you're still a punk. If you look like a punk, then you are one, and that's how you are gonna get treated. Deal with it."

The man is right. You wanna look like a strung out redneck, people are going to treat you that way, and 90% of the time they are right. So is the cop in this situation. Even if he was bullied, he let it go when he realized it was a waste of time. Good for him. But Punk has NO reason to act that way. It could've wasted even more of his time.
how is profiling someone like punk and saying he has drugs keeping anyone safe?

Maybe he didn't know who punk was? Maybe he thought he was some dicl or some shit? If I read that correctly it was dated 2004. He was pretty much a nobody indy wrestler back then...
Been there.

I have been pulled over for the same thing. Had drug dogs in to search for drugs AND GUNS AND BOMBS. Of course, they found nothing, and yeah, I was upset, but it wasn't going to help my case by acting like a fifteen year old who feels that rights mean you can be a dick. Profiling, like it or not, is a good way to weed out bad elements.

Maybe you need some balls.
Okay, so what part of respectfully letting an officer do his job even though I know he isn't going to find something being unmanly?

And yet you think that CM Punk throwing a temper tantrum is?


I knew that some of you are in desperate need of psychological help, but damn......
Well, you're the one with no backbone so...

Why should you let someone get away with profiling you? Means he's either racist, or a bigot, or whatever you'd want to call him.
I am no longer gonna even comment on this. Oh, to be young and stupid again. Oh wait, I was never stupid.

Think want you want kids. :lmao: You kids are too much. I love how smart you all think you are. So pretty.

Never did tell you the whole of the story, but you like to jump to your own conclusions. Must suck to be so angry with your life all the time.
how is profiling someone like punk and saying he has drugs keeping anyone safe?

How was he profiling Punk? He pulled someone over for a legit (all be it rather lame) reason. They used a drug dog to make sure there were drugs in his car. Did they bring the dog into the car? Did they open his trunk? No? Then no rights were violated.

Punk was being a bitch because a cop pulled him over and was doing his job. Punk = asshole.

Oh wah. Does the cop need a tissue? Punk was on no sleep, and irritated, just been cut off. Says it in there.

:rolleyes: Coming from the blatantly biased Punk mark. There is no excuse to yell at a cop for doing his job. Were Punk's rights violated? No? Well then.

People need to either get off Punk's back or the cop's dick.

So, supporting a cop for doing his job is "on his dick?" Wow. Then I suppose I'm fucking all those teachers when I say I appreciate what they do for a living. Teaching the ignorant fucks that are in our school system nowadays is a thankless job. As is protecting our ignorant adult asses when we outright yell at the cops for doing their jobs.

The cop was doing his job for the car length, but it wasn't necessary for the dog. Which is the main part why Punk got pissed.

Once more, were his rights violated? A dog was walked by his car. Now you're going to tell me Punk yelled at Taker because Taker was walking a German Shepherd too close to him.

Maybe you need some balls.

1) You're not 487. You can't troll well at all.

2) Really? Trolling a newbie? Is he the only person you can get? /facepalm
I am no longer gonna even comment on this. Oh, to be young and stupid again. Oh wait, I was never stupid.

Think want you want kids. :lmao: You kids are too much. I love how smart you all think you are. So pretty.

Never did tell you the whole of the story, but you like to jump to your own conclusions. Must suck to be so angry with your life all the time.

Pretty stupid to say you were never stupid, kiddo.

Now you're a liar on top of being stupid. :(
I am no longer gonna even comment on this. Oh, to be young and stupid again. Oh wait, I was never stupid.

Think want you want kids. :lmao: You kids are too much. I love how smart you all think you are. So pretty.

Never did tell you the whole of the story, but you like to jump to your own conclusions. Must suck to be so angry with your life all the time.

Negative rep comment from stingerlegends:
yeah cuz i wanted to spend time in jail, ******.

And yet, We're somehow the kids.

1) You're not 487. You can't troll well at all.

2) Really? Trolling a newbie? Is he the only person you can get? /facepalm

I wasn't trying to troll. I just couldn't be bothered sugercoating it, the guy was being too annoying.
:rolleyes: Coming from the blatantly biased Punk mark. There is no excuse to yell at a cop for doing his job. Were Punk's rights violated? No? Well then.

Love you too Razor. :p Of course I'll defend him.

So, supporting a cop for doing his job is "on his dick?" Wow. Then I suppose I'm fucking all those teachers when I say I appreciate what they do for a living. Teaching the ignorant fucks that are in our school system nowadays is a thankless job. As is protecting our ignorant adult asses when we outright yell at the cops for doing their jobs.

Saying that Punk is an asshole for getting pissed off at a cop, mainly for bringing in a K-9 unit, I find that dumb. The K-9 unit was unnecessary. If it was a routine, you were on his ass, here is your ticket, now go about your day/night, then that would have been fine. Unnecessary K-9 unit will get a lot of people pissed Razor.

Once more, were his rights violated? A dog was walked by his car. Now you're going to tell me Punk yelled at Taker because Taker was walking a German Shepherd too close to him.

I would never say that. Taker was walking with a Rottweiler duh. :p
Love you too Razor. :p Of course I'll defend him.

<3 I was getting into debate mode.

Saying that Punk is an asshole for getting pissed off at a cop, mainly for bringing in a K-9 unit, I find that dumb. The K-9 unit was unnecessary. If it was a routine, you were on his ass, here is your ticket, now go about your day/night, then that would have been fine. Unnecessary K-9 unit will get a lot of people pissed Razor.

The K-9 unit was not unnecessary. They pulled over Punk for violating a traffic law, and decided to see if he was carrying drugs in his car because he had previously crossed a state line (if I remember right). They didn't have to ask Punk for permission, because they weren't searching his car. They were walking a dog by his car. If the cops have to ask permission for that, then we'll start to have to ask permission to walk our dogs by other people's lawns. Because, you know, our dogs might shit near their property.

Also, just because a lot of people would get pissed at a completely constitutional K-9 unit doesn't mean it's right to yell at the cop. That means a lot of people need to calm the fuck down.

I would never say that. Taker was walking with a Rottweiler duh. :p

A Punk mark would say something like that. :rolleyes:

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