CM Punk Has Joined The Raw Commentary Team!

CM Punk; Play-by-Play or Wrestling

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I think CM Punk is just what the RAW announce team needed. Cole and Lawler by themselves were getting stale to listen to, with Cole's "Vintage" rants. Punk's commentary is so good because of the experience he has in the ring, and the fact he shoots so well from the hip regardless of who is in the ring is very refreshing.
Punk has been brilliant in the last few weeks, but that is the problem you can't say he is a better announcer than a wrestler after less than a month. Don't get me wrong I love him on there, and wouldn't be unhappy if he carried on there after he healed up. But he is an excellent wrestler, and brilliant with his promo's.
One day he could be classes as an announcer before a wrestler, but not just yet
Man, I gotta tell ya - CM Punks lines of "My Diet Coke!" :lmao: are just hilarious! Heck, while CM Punk is a great wrestler, man I don't know, I almost think I would rather her CM Punk as a commentator - it just makes things so much more fun! hahahahaahahaha - JOHN? JOHN? MY DIET COKE!!!!


"Diet Soda" :icon_neutral:...cant of being that funny if you got it wrong.

Anyway, I prefer CM Punk as an announcer for the time being. And when he gets stale in a few months, I want him to return to the ring (also when he is heeled up).
Punk's one of those rare talents that's awesome and both wrestling and commentary/mic work.Jericho's someone else who I'd imagine would shine on commentary as well.Wade Barret was the FCW play-by-play guy(but his in-ring work still needs polishing).My biggest concern is that the peak in people's interest in RAW becomes attributed to Punk, which would possible make Vince see Punk as being a greater asset behind the desk & not in the ring.

When CM heels up, will he get the original push he was slated for, or will WWE try & tie him down to the annnounce booth?
I signed up for the forums just to talk about punk tonight, not anything to do with his commentary, so I apologize if this polarizes the point of this poll/thread. But I cannot believe what was allowed on television tonight. WWE is so very concerned with a PG rating, and they allowed what CM Punk wore. For those of you who didn't recognize it, CM Punk was wearing a Charles Mason t-shirt. These shirts caught some fame back in the 90's when Axel Rose started wearing them for the Guns and Roses Use Your Illusion Tours, check out the video for 'Estranged' if you need proof.

I'm quite disgusted by that shirt. I am constantly and consistently defending wrestling as a harmless habit, sure it's not teaching me anything, but it's fun for me. Until tonight, I never believed in the PG rating, but that shirt should have been censored. Last week Punk received a remarkable amount of attention based on his shirt, and I can't believe he followed up a Colt Cabana shirt with a Charles Manson T. I don't have kids but I'm telling you if I did, I would have turned RAW off, and that's the ONLY time I have ever thought that in all the years i've been able to watch the show.

I'm not going to boycott or anything like that, I'm just amazed that this made it through all the layers of bureaucracy that I've been told the WWE is.


I think its important to realise that WWE,Vince & his croonies probably noticed it and didnt care.Either because they knew/hoped it would illicit this kind of reation(which = ratings,greater fans interest),or that they have they own socio-political views that glorify Manso, or they just simply dont know about Manson.
The layers of bureaucracy in the WWE are only meant to block things that are in contradictio to Vince's beliefs & opinions.
Well, he is very funny as a commentator or as a wrestler. As a wrestler he can be funny when cutting a promo on someone. As a commentator he can be funny the whole damn show. I prefer him as a wrestler for now though. I feel that he has not proven himself completely inside the WWE and should have a good career ahead of him. As for what shirts he wears, honestly who cares. Man, people get offended by everything WTF.
Reports that are circulating on the internet is that Vince has been so happy with Punk's latest stint on commenatry that he may keep him there even after he get's over his injury!

Do you guy's think this is a good move?

I personally think Punk has so much to offer in the ring, and whilst i have really enjoyed his commentary of late on Raw, i would rather see him back in full time action.

I have always enjoyed the 3 man commentary team with one member being an actuall wrestler, but in most the wrestler usually in the chair is someone at the end or near the end of there in ring career ie. Randy Savage, Jesse Ventura and JBL to name a few. Whereas Punk is only in the chair to keep him on tv whilst he reovers from injury.

Again folks these are internet reports and may not be totally correct...but what are your views on the matter?
Too early in his career to stay sidelined. Punk and Matt Striker have alot in common, but the difference between them is that Punk made it in the WWE so unlike Matt, he would be more useful inside the ropes rather than out. If they do decide to keep him then that's also an upside because all we have is one irrelevant announcer and another who says stupid shit about every face, I know he's a heel but the stuff he says makes no sense. So however Punk's future goes, it's an upside.
3 man commentary is fun to watch and when it includes CM Punk it's great... But I regard CM Punk as the next Jericho he may not be as good as Jericho in ring but he is by no means average *cough* Miz *cough*. On top of that CM Punk gets a huge reaction face or heel (like Jericho) and he is so natural on the mic (like... guess who!?). He's a talent WWE cannot afford to waste, well right now he cannot be wasted... but after he goes past the peak/highlights of his career I'd be more than happy if he was stuck on the announcers desk but not right now.
I, just like many people, were totally psyched for a Daniel Bryan/CM Punk feud, so I really can't say I'd love for him to stop wrestling in favour on commentary. Sadly, there's a flipside in that I love Punk on commentary, and I'd be upset to see him leave the desk. I presume he'll return to wrestling following his injury, and in the event of his retirement or another serious injury, he could easy return to the table once again.
I think the best way to solve this issue is to give Punk his own talk show like Christian's "Peep Show", Edge's "Cutting Edge", etc. Punk is clearly one of the best wrestlers in the WWE at this time but at the same time, he is amazing on commentary or with a mic in general. If the WWE gave him a talk show (maybe named Club Punk, Straight Edge Sitdown or something like that), he'd still be able to be a wrestler but would also have more mic time. If WWE doesn't put him back as a wrestler then the announce teams should be.
RAW: CM Punk & Michael Cole
Smackdown: Jerry Lawler & Josh Matthews
NXT: Michael Cole & Josh Matthews
Superstars: CM Punk & Matt Striker
i easily see him in a jerry lawler role in the 90s when he feuded with other wrestlers while doing commentary. Based on his comment at the slammies, he will be feuding with somebody when he is able to wrestle again. But by far, he is the most interesting and entertaining commentator since JR, so kudos to Vince for putting him next to those 2 clowns.
I don't know what I would do if the RAW announce team went back to just King & Cole. Punk makes it so much better and overall, makes RAW better. It also doesn't make sense to keep such a talented wrestler side-lined past recovery. It would be great if he could wrestle on Smackdown then be on commentary on RAW. That might sound stupid but Smackdown is in desperate need of heels and RAW can't lose him from commentary.
Over the last couple weeks I have become a big Punk fan. I personally did not like the SES gimmick. It was the same promo every week. Now that Punk has the opportunity to broaden his horizons, he is very entertaining. I laughed out loud when Cena was getting ready to put Barrett through a table and Punk was worried about his diet soda. Equally as entertaining was his reading of the email. Something that should have been a none event has hilarious. It would be a terrible waste to not have Punk wrestle but I will miss him terribly when he does go back to the ring. Like Jerry Lawler, I am a bigger fan of Punk on the mic than I am in the ring. And don't read that and think that I don't think that Punk is a tremendous talent because he is. But for me he is more entertaining behind the mic.
Really right now, Cm Punk is making me watching Raw. Thats right A comentator is drawing me in. It's awsome to see his snappy comebacks and quick jokes. They are simple, but usefull in making Cole look like a moron.

On the other hand I'm also a big Punk wrestling fan, I've been following him since he was in the indi's and I just generally like his wrestling style. He's not to over the top, but dosen't have the 5 moves of doom either. So its kind of a big throw in the air for me right now. Have him go back to wrestling, thats awsome. Or stay on the air team, thats awsome to. Its really confusing me right now.
Let me start off by saying that CM Punk has been a great addition to the RAW broadcast team. He has brought something fresh to the table and has made commentary entertaining again.

But CM Punk is a great in-ring performer, and this is where I prefer to keep him for now (when he is healthy). The WWE should capitalize on his popularity and talent and keep him in the ring for as long as they can. The bottom line is that he is an asset as a wrestler. Every wrestler is just one freak injury away from never being able to do what they love again. So the Vince should let him wrestle.

The can always let him do both. I don't see why it couldn't work.

But there will be plenty of time for Punk to be a broadcaster down the road.
I've grown to like Punk's commentary. At first it was too snarky and the insider jokes were not needed at all. (RE: Riley DUI jokes) But now, he has really slowed it down and works good with Cole and King. I think that is mostly because King and Cole are just happy that he isn't Striker.. Not that I blame them of course.

I like him much better as a commentator than a wrestler. I get why people would think he is funny now that he has found his groove at the table. However, I don't get him as a wrestler. I know he is talented and all, but just not my cup of tea.
I absolutely LOVE CM Punk the announcer! But CM Punk the in-ring performer is much better!

It would be HORRENDOUS if Vince doesnt have Punk go back to wrestling once he is fully healed. Im hoping this is nothing more then a really dumb rumor!

I totally agree that CM Punk is golden behind the announce table. I used to fast-forward thru what I considered "boring matches" But I refuse to do it since Punk has been announcing! He's THAT damn good at it! But- come on!! He's a wrestler dammit!! He has to wrestle!

Find another retired wrestler to be commentator for christs-sake!! Dont take one of the best overall performers that you have in WWE, out of the ring! I would have to call it one of the dumbest ideas i've ever heard, personally! Dont do it Vince!!

I hate this idea SO much- I have to throw out some suggestions for replacing Punk behind the table:

Jessie Ventura- VERY doubtful
Roddy Piper- I actually think he'd do it
Dusty Rhodes- assume he'd be willing
Dustin Rhodes- if hes done in-ring, why not?
JBL- probly wouldnt be interested
Jake Roberts- could he last?
Jim Ross- why isnt he still there anyway?
Randy Savage- would be GREAT, but highly doubtful
MDM Ted DiBiase- gotta think he'd be willing
RD Jesse James- he may work for TNA, not sure
Scott Hall- SOBER
Scott Levy- Raven (J.Polo-haha)

Others more "outside the box"

Colt Cabana- Scotty Goldman (I think he was called)
Larry Sweeny- Saw a video of him here once. He'd be great I think

WHATEVER YOU DO: Dont keep CM Punk from wrestling dammit!!
I love Punk as a commentator. He actually brings some life to the announcer table in my opinion. He's always giving hilarious remarks about the wrestlers and I like how he hinted at Alex Riley's DUI a couple weeks back. It's nice to actually have someone refer to something that happened to someone outside the ring instead of acting like nobody knows. :lmao:
that poll is stupid...he's good at both...

he's the only guy in wwe who has great mic skills (without an accent). The miz has good skills but he's being butchered by wwe writing...
I also like him as a commentator. I hope when he returns in action he can once again become a Face. I liked him alot better as a face rather then a heel. At first when i saw King vs Miz i thought he was just gonna Be a replacement for awhile.

I think they need to make a Bigger Announce table because punk looks like an idiot cramped between cole and king.

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