CM Punk Has Joined The Raw Commentary Team!

CM Punk; Play-by-Play or Wrestling

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So i was watching raw again and noticed during the kofi kingston and sheamus match that michael cole said king sheamus and cm punk followed with what about king kofi kingston, he was like that sounds good but i dont know about the initials.. I know it's not a big deal but i was just wondering why did he even have to bring that up? and why would you even bring that up especially in a PG enviroment... just wondering yalls thoughts??

here is a video with it in it.. listen between the 45 sec mark and the 55 sec mark.. and you should here it..
CM Punk's commentary is bloody great, he crosses the line with some of his lines in his commentary but without pushing it too far, and thats what's good, and as for him one minute acting heel then face, he's just being a tweener like announcer. I can see why Vince like's Punk as a commentator.
OK, I know CM Punk hasn't been on commentary very long but what do you think of what he has done so far. Have you liked his commentary or have you hated it, I want to hear other peoples opinions.

I personally think he has been great, how he implies adult matter while staying in PG, his blasting on Cole, he kind of reminds me of when JBL did commentary.

So I really like him on commentary so far but I also like Matt Striker on commentary.

So leave your opinions below.
I think punk's doing a fine job on commentary. At least he's more entertaining than cole. He keeps with the matches and does his research.
he is very entertaining. sometimes he seems lost in the shuffle but it will take time for him to adjust. im very interested in what will happen with the announce team with cole costing lawler his match this past monday. cm punk will be a good stand in as i see king leaving the announce booth atleast for a little while this um "feud" continues.

i do see the similarities with JBL's commentary (would love for him to come back to the booth)
Haven't been able to see a lot of him except for some youtube vids but I like him a lot. Be brings so much to the team as we have Cole to do play by play but King and Punk can kinda bounce off of each other as King can bring that "seen it all" perspective and Punk can bring a fresh prerspective from today's style of pro wrestling. The only thing the have to change is Cole back to a face announce as the play by play man has to be neutral cuz he's the one that reporting the action and not bring any other specific view point than that. Here's the thing with Punk, he's snappy and witty but how much of that is Vince letting him go? I mean, the word is that Vince pretty much tea bags the announce team which is why they all sound the same except for NXT which seems to a little be more loose with the announcing, particularly that night Punk join them and Cole came in late. Cole was funny as hell that night to me. Here's my layout:

Cole: Neutral/Play by Play

King: Face/Old School

Punk: Heel/New School

I think with the line up that way, all they have to do is turn them loose and watch the announcing improve, I'm going to be sad when Punk gets back in the ring again.
Punk's got a long way to go before finding the timing he needs in the usual Lawler-Cole dynamic, but that's not a knock against him. It took Striker some time to mesh with that duo on PPV broadcasts, so it's not like it's hopeless for Punk. What I will say is that Punk's got natural wit which shines through in his commentary and that his work in the booth for ROH shows that he has the skills he needs for this job. That's all that really needs to be said.
I think Punk has been flawless on commentary, he's naturally great on the mic, does his research and has found a perfect balance to say stuff you would't hear other guys say under the PG banner. He's went a tad tweener but still pulling off heel status by being anti-Cena. Be a shame once he leaves the booth but I'd take him as a wrestler over commentator any day to be honest. Also agree with bringing JBL back, seems to have stopped out of the light since retiring last year, him berating Cole would be awesome to hear again.
I have been very impressed with Punk so far with his stint on commentary. He brings something fresh to the abysmal commentary team of Michael Cole and Jerry The King Lawler. He knows his stuff and is good all round. He is quite humerous with his "He just spilt my diet soda!" line. He is mainly neutral as shown in his support in Jerry Lawler vs The Miz and finally he has the in-ring experience so he knows his stuff. Punk is doing a grand job so far and I look forward to hearing from him this monday!
Here's my layout:

Cole: Neutral/Play by Play

King: Face/Old School

Punk: Heel/New School

See I have to disagree with you on how you say the three. here's how i see it.

Cole: Lame Netural-Heel/Most Wrestlers-The Miz

King: Face/Old School - Correct

Punk: Heel-Netural/New School - CM Punk seems to not like Cena but he is netural with everyone else.

CM Punk is great behind the desk. When he is done in the ring he has a good carrer ahead of him announcing matches. I know CM Punk, Met him afew times when he was in town, Hung out with him. I love listening to Punk and King, Cole is a lame Bobby the Brain.
You didn't realy have to ask the question, you pretty much answered what everyone thinks in your opening but.. Yeah, just as an example I think during king of the ring in a match cody rhodes was in, someone implied a similarity between cody and Pat patterson. Punk said something to the effect of "thats not all they've got in common", I love that... you don't pick up on it if your a kid and you know a bit about wrestlers and the history but it also pushes the boundaries at the same time and entertains the more experienced fan.

CM Punk for future raw Colour commentator!
He definitely has the potential to be great, but he needs to stop telegraphing match results ahead of time like he did three times during the King of the Ring tournament. (Mentioning the double countout possibility too early, then saying Sheamus was coming out for the final against Morrison when he was actually coming out for his first round match.)

But I'm not here to knock the guy, I think he really has the personality, wit, and knowledge to be a very good commentator. He's like JBL without the ego, which is a very good combination indeed.
I can not tell you how much I love having CM Punk on commentary. It's like a breathe of fresh air and he brings that oh-this-might-not-really-be-rated-PG back to commentary. His knocks at Alex Riley and during the Kingston/Sheamus match he said "King Kofi Kingston has a very nice ring to it but not so nice on the initials (figure that one out yourself). It's just being an edge that overall makes RAW more enjoyable in my opinion.

I honestly don't know what I'll do when he's done recovering from injury and goes back to wrestling.
See I have to disagree with you on how you say the three. here's how i see it.

Cole: Lame Netural-Heel/Most Wrestlers-The Miz

King: Face/Old School - Correct

Punk: Heel-Netural/New School - CM Punk seems to not like Cena but he is netural with everyone else.

CM Punk is great behind the desk. When he is done in the ring he has a good carrer ahead of him announcing matches. I know CM Punk, Met him afew times when he was in town, Hung out with him. I love listening to Punk and King, Cole is a lame Bobby the Brain.

I'd have to see that to know if I'd like it because, on paper, it kinda sounds like they each have their own personal agenda instead of calling a match from three distinct viewpoints. I wouldn't be opposed to it though.

Cole is okay, I never understood why everyone hates him. Just like most of the roster, he'd be a lot better if they'd just turn him loose and let him do his thing. Or maybe not, who knows?

I can not tell you how much I love having CM Punk on commentary. It's like a breathe of fresh air and he brings that oh-this-might-not-really-be-rated-PG back to commentary. His knocks at Alex Riley and during the Kingston/Sheamus match he said "King Kofi Kingston has a very nice ring to it but not so nice on the initials (figure that one out yourself). It's just being an edge that overall makes RAW more enjoyable in my opinion.

I honestly don't know what I'll do when he's done recovering from injury and goes back to wrestling.

Wow, I wish I'd have heard that, that sounds like it was the funniest thing since Chappelle's show.
Punk has been absolutely fantastic on commentary the last few weeks. Many people myself include haven't cared much for Cole and Lawler as the Raw announce team for sometime now. With the addition of Punk it has gotten better in my opinion. His subtle insults on the wrestlers, Cole, Lawler, and even McMahon and WWE are hilarious and enjoyable.

Even though he's only been doing it for a few weeks. I think he's way better at it than Striker is on Smackdown and PPV's. The raw announce team has been boring up until he came along. His phenomenal mic skills definitely help him be a great announcer. Once he returns to the ring I hope they find someone capable to join Lawler and Cole. I hope that person is Jim Ross though unlikely. Once Punk retires from wrestling I'm sure he will become a full time annoucer.
CM Punk's commentary has been one of the reasons RAW has kicked so much ass over the past couple of weeks. So I'll ask you this; is he better at play-by-play or wrestling?

I'm very on the fence here. Punk is a really good in-ring performer and can put on a good match consistently with most performers, but he is sooooooo good at adding something to whatever is going on in the ring through commentating.

So what do you think; better wrestler or play-by-play guy?
he is a great announcer. one of the best wrestling personalities who announces imo, but it doesnt compare to him as a wrestler. he is a 3 time champion among many other credentials. he can put on great matches, and he is great on the mic. i definately see a career for him once his body is too beat up to continue wrestling. he could have a permanent position on the announcers table in 10 years or so.
Man, I gotta tell ya - CM Punks lines of "My Diet Coke!" :lmao: are just hilarious! Heck, while CM Punk is a great wrestler, man I don't know, I almost think I would rather her CM Punk as a commentator - it just makes things so much more fun! hahahahaahahaha - JOHN? JOHN? MY DIET COKE!!!!

I signed up for the forums just to talk about punk tonight, not anything to do with his commentary, so I apologize if this polarizes the point of this poll/thread. But I cannot believe what was allowed on television tonight. WWE is so very concerned with a PG rating, and they allowed what CM Punk wore. For those of you who didn't recognize it, CM Punk was wearing a Charles Mason t-shirt. These shirts caught some fame back in the 90's when Axel Rose started wearing them for the Guns and Roses Use Your Illusion Tours, check out the video for 'Estranged' if you need proof.

I'm quite disgusted by that shirt. I am constantly and consistently defending wrestling as a harmless habit, sure it's not teaching me anything, but it's fun for me. Until tonight, I never believed in the PG rating, but that shirt should have been censored. Last week Punk received a remarkable amount of attention based on his shirt, and I can't believe he followed up a Colt Cabana shirt with a Charles Manson T. I don't have kids but I'm telling you if I did, I would have turned RAW off, and that's the ONLY time I have ever thought that in all the years i've been able to watch the show.

I'm not going to boycott or anything like that, I'm just amazed that this made it through all the layers of bureaucracy that I've been told the WWE is.

He certainly is better than any commentator in all of wrestling today. However, he's also certainly better than almost any wrestling in all of wrestling today. This is a guy who's had 5 star matches. He's succeeded anywhere he's been. He can steal the show on any given night. Definitely a better wrestler. I don't care how good of a commentator he is.
I think Punk is good on both ends. I enjoy him being an announcer and had it been just him and king tonight it would have been epic. Josh Mattews should have not been on RAW nor should Laycool. Both of them are beautiful but once they open their mouths it goes away. I know it's fake but they place the spoiled 16 year old rich girls way too well.

Anyways back to Punk. I think they should keep him on as a Announcer since he doesn't have to wrestle every week.
I signed up for the forums just to talk about punk tonight, not anything to do with his commentary, so I apologize if this polarizes the point of this poll/thread. But I cannot believe what was allowed on television tonight. WWE is so very concerned with a PG rating, and they allowed what CM Punk wore. For those of you who didn't recognize it, CM Punk was wearing a Charles Mason t-shirt. These shirts caught some fame back in the 90's when Axel Rose started wearing them for the Guns and Roses Use Your Illusion Tours, check out the video for 'Estranged' if you need proof.

I'm quite disgusted by that shirt. I am constantly and consistently defending wrestling as a harmless habit, sure it's not teaching me anything, but it's fun for me. Until tonight, I never believed in the PG rating, but that shirt should have been censored. Last week Punk received a remarkable amount of attention based on his shirt, and I can't believe he followed up a Colt Cabana shirt with a Charles Manson T. I don't have kids but I'm telling you if I did, I would have turned RAW off, and that's the ONLY time I have ever thought that in all the years i've been able to watch the show.

I'm not going to boycott or anything like that, I'm just amazed that this made it through all the layers of bureaucracy that I've been told the WWE is.


I don't think people really pay much attention to what the commentators wear. Hell, half of them either don't know, see and/or care about it like you do.
They just see CM Punk, the new RAW commentator, wearing a shirt with a guy's face on it with a blazer over it.
I was laughing my ass off tonight which is something Ihaven't done since Jr. and King would go back and forth on one another. I mean who didn't like it when CM Punk mocked Michael Cole when he recived the email from the GM. Then there was the Diet Soda stuff when he cleared off the table. I know Punk has got a lot of years left in the ring but don't be surpised if he ends up on the commentary.
We all know he is a great wrestler and great on the mic. However, I may end up giving the edge to him as a commentator... for now. Why? Since the invention of the DVR, I have purposefully started Raw (like most shows) about 30 minutes late to fast forward commercials and matches I deem boring (We all have our "get up and do other things" moment during Raw every week.) Since Cole's heel turn and Punk's addition to commentary, I do not fast forward anything but commercials. I will sit through a crappy match just to listen to them bicker back and forth. To me, that constitutes good color commentary. I love JR like everyone else but I see where they are going with their commentators and I like it a lot. Bad color commentary affects the product hands down good or bad (remember WCW towards the end?) and I for one think Punk is doing great. He is quick and adds little subtle hints that only people like us (come on, we're in a wrestling forum) appreciate. WWE is learning they can be PG and still produce an intelligent product. Punk represents that style to a "T" because of his lifestyle. Pnk has said it in an interview before, "Any dirty comedian can be funny but it takes a real genius to make clean comedy and still make people enjoy it." He gets it is all I'm saying.

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