CM Punk: Back Too Soon?

I think they're bringing him back too soon, and this is an emergency move to help fill out the card. They know full well that there's no Rock this time, no Triple H, no Lesnar. This PPV is going to have low numbers...this is to try and keep it from hitting dramatic lows.

The problem that I see with the WWE is that they are in constant danger of burning their talent out. Whether it's injury or just a need to walk away...they have done more hemorrhaging in the past decade than bringing in fresh blood. Batista, Edge, Lashley, Rock, Lesnar, Mysterio, Punk...guys are getting hurt, and guys are wanting to just call it quits. Even look at guys like Jericho and Undertaker...they need to do their own limiting of time in the ring. Yeah, they love it, but they know that they need to extend their shelf life somehow.

I think they need to rethink their schedule and give these guys more breaks throughout the year. I agree that Punk's return right now lacks any kind of dramatic impact. It would've been much better to have him come back for SummerSlam rested, ready to rock and roll, and start up a feud with someone that makes fans take notice. Jericho? It'll be a solid match, don't get me wrong, but we saw this dance A LOT last year.
Brahmabull you are stupid. I dont attack people but you are being damn disrespectful. Punk started wrestling when he was 19. He has been in countless ironman hour long and extreme hardcore matches in his career. He didn't take a break in last 7 years. Wrestlers travel 300+ days on the road, taking bumps and getting hurt which burns them out not only physically but mentally also. Punk and other wrestlers have to deal with all the bullshit politics backstage which in turn also affects ones mental psyche a lot more then you can imagine. For the last few months Punk had problems with his knee even after surgery and yet he kept performing. Did you see his match with the undertaker and the way his knee landed on the table when he did that flying elbow. Its a miracle that the leg just didnt snapped into two. And then you have the audacity of calling Punk soft. Get off the internet because you and the whole IWC just bitch and complain and don't appreciate what these athletes do in the ring to entertain us.
Then you are lucky you can do that... I'm not doing this stuff, but I know a lot of waitresses working 3 jobs, and different kinds of construction and carpenters who can't take a day off.

And I did once as well. I worked two jobs while attending graduate school. One was a waitering job, so I understand it well. It sucked, badly, going from dusk until dawn, and still trying to have time to both study and sustain a relationship.

It's had nothing to do with luck. Everything I've gotten in my life, I've earned. It hasn't been handed to me, that's for sure. If you've heard Punk's story, he's the same.

You want to pity him then fine.

When did I say I pity him? Actually, I'm sure he knew the pratfalls of working with WWE going in, and for 7 years, he hasn't taken time off either.

It's not pity, it's thayt he's earned the right. John Cena is my favorite wrestler, and I admire that he doesn't take time off(other then his injuries). But if CM Punk, who is certainly their #2 guy right now, decides he wants to take time off to re-cooperate, who are we to say he shouldn't have that right, or call him soft for doing so?

As much as I love my job, if I worked 52 weeks a year, I'd burn out and start to resent it. If Punk taking two months in 7 years enables him to avoid similar, and retain his passion for the business, then it's a good thing for Punk, WWE, AND the fans.

But I don't really care.

Then why are you arguing the topic so obstinately, insisting he's mentally soft and we're offering him pity?

WWE is doing a lot of things right, but the mainstream audience just doesn't care. Yet. I love Curtis Axel as Heyman's new #1 guy. I love Fandango. I love The Shield and I'm psyched for Bray Wyatt's debut. But people just aren't connected to them yet

Surely Mike, you jest.

People aren't connected to the Shield? Granted, I don't care in the slightest regarding ratings, but crowd reaction and the fact that they're al over the show suggest they are. If they're not, you may as well disband them now, because WWE has thrown the 'machine' behind in every way.

If people aren't invested in the Shield now, when they get more TV time then arguably anyone, they never will be. But otherwise, I agree. Bringing Punk back now, especially with Payback in his hometown, is smart business.
Punk probably is pissed at Ryback. He needs more rest, but hey, this could have been planned. Punk can always fight Jericho & play injured this time but that would be taking a huge risk... Punk is legitimately hurt, I would let him rest.
I think it's perfect timing. To me, Raw is not good that Punk is not there. Punk is one of the stars of the company, His hardcore fans want to see him. I just wished they had him come back better, I would like to see him come back unexpected and surprising. Perfect timing to have come back but dropped the ball on the way he is coming back.
Personally I think Punk will show up in Chicago but I could be wrong. The Curtis Axel swerve is a plausible scenario so we will have to see how it plays out. We could see HHH and Axel there so it wouldn't make sense for Axel to pull double duty but its still a possibility. One thing about a Jericho / Punk match is that they always deliver a good performance. Also if anyone can protect a still injured Punk in a match it's Jericho.
I would have kept him away for a bit longer but there was a good Booker T article a while back where Booker was saying that he (personally) hated being out of sight for very long. Punk might be the same way and want to be back. WWE could use him in a lighter capacity to get him back on TV and let him heal if that is the case. The Best in the World title seems to be on the line between the two and that appears to be enough in WWE's eyes to justify putting Jericho and Punk back in the ring in Punks back yard. Vince loves playing to the home town crowd but he also likes to sometimes slap the superstar down in their yard as well like he did to Natalya in Calgary. The question in my mind is not if Punk will show up but will Vince have him lose in his home town , get more disgusted and then walk away again for a longer period.
He could just wrestle one match since it's in his hometown... and then disappear again for a couple months only to come back again just prior to SummerSlam. Wouldn't be surprised at all. And I doubt he shows up on TV prior to Payback. They could play it off on Punk walking out on Heyman again... eventually leading to a face turn (as rumoured).

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