CM Punk assaults fan on RAW


Dark Match Winner
You can see it clear as day. Punk pushes the dudes face and punches him.

I dont think that fan was even messing with him. Hes the guy with the bald head and black shirt on. He looks stunned that Punk did that. Id sue the shit out of the WWE if I was him.
dude I saw that. I have been rewinding. The guy was just standing behind Punk and put on his sunglasses and Punk nailed him. There was a guy to the right of Punk that reached out and slapped Punk's shoulder. Not sure if Punk was thinking that was the guy??
I think people were messing with him but not the guy he punches. He was putting on his sunglasses.

When they zoom back in on Punk the same guy is there and he looks stunned Punk punched him. Its hard to read his lips but I think he says he didnt do anything.
You can see it clear as day. Punk pushes the dudes face and punches him.

I dont think that fan was even messing with him. Hes the guy with the bald head and black shirt on. He looks stunned that Punk did that. Id sue the shit out of the WWE if I was him.

Is this supposed to be thought provoking? Were you standing next to Punk to witness what happened? Punk didn't even have security around him in a raucous crowd. I'm sure he wasn't the most comfortable he's ever been.

Put this kind of shit in the spam forums if you feel it's necessary to even create.
i saw that and im glad i have a DVR because I hit rewind about 15 times lol

But if you look, we see punk, break away to McMahon then we go back and Punk attacks him. In that one second the fan could've hit punk or provoked him in some way.

And very well could be that he was thinking of the other fan to the other side.

All I know is that next week, i'm going to be verryyyyy curious to see any repercussions that Punk may face. As in, this whole week to see if anything happens to him.
Punk ran into the crowd. Thats his fault. Why dont you rewatch it. Its clear as day the guy didnt do anything. Im sure there were other people pushing him but not the guy he punched.
Im glad it wasnt me that he did that to because I dont care if he could whoop my assI would have f'd his ass up.

I have completely lost respect for him.
You pay your money to watch fake wrestling and you really get punched in the face? Thats ridiculous and Punk should be suspended. Ryback and Cena can face each other at Hell in a Cell.
It looked like someone to Punk's right was getting grabby when he first stopped to look back at McMahon in the ring. Later in the segment, someone from across the isle to his right reached out and pats Punk on the shoulder. Punk immediately responded by throwing a backfist at the tall guy in the black shirt, then turning and pie-facing him.

It looked like the guy he actually hit wasn't the guy who did anything. He was putting on his sunglasses with both hands when the guy from Punk's right patted Punk on the shoulder.
It looked like someone to Punk's right was getting grabby when he first stopped to look back at McMahon in the ring. Later in the segment, someone from across the isle to his right reached out and pats Punk on the shoulder. Punk immediately responded by throwing a backfist at the tall guy in the black shirt, then turning and pie-facing him.

It looked like the guy he actually hit wasn't the guy who did anything. He was putting on his sunglasses with both hands when the guy from Punk's right patted Punk on the shoulder.

You are 100% right about this.
Im glad it wasnt me that he did that to because I dont care if he could whoop my assI would have f'd his ass up.

I have completely lost respect for him.

What? Learn how to formulate a damn sentence before posting. You don't even know the full situation of what happened. You guys are always quick to turn this into something else. That damn little Asian boy was lucky but in the heat of the moment and with someone like Punk(martial arts background), you don't touch him on the back during situations like that.

He probably got a shirt and some tickets after the show.

But as usual somehow, Punk will be in the Dog House.

Wait hell no, Orton does this a lot and so did Jericho. It won't matter.

Actually you just posted what? 4 times in a row? Stop posting because everything you're saying makes no sense.
Has anyone yet considered that the guy was maybe, just maybe, a plant? It's kind of weird to randomly put on your sunglasses inside a well lit arena. To me that could have possibly been some kind of signal to Punk on who to dash. Also I know it was in the heat of the moment but I don't think Punk would actually dash a guy who provoked him, let alone take the scuffle farther than a punch or two to get the guy off, he's smarter than that. Needless to say I'm going to be skeptical about this until more details come out, just like I was when Kevin Steen did it in ROH.
What? Learn how to formulate a damn sentence before posting. You don't even know the full situation of what happened. You guys are always quick to turn this into something else. That damn little Asian boy was lucky but in the heat of the moment and with someone like Punk(martial arts background), you don't touch him on the back during situations like that.

He probably got a shirt and some tickets after the show.

But as usual somehow, Punk will be in the Dog House.

Wait hell no, Orton does this a lot and so did Jericho. It won't matter.

Look imbecile. Punk goes out in the fans on his own free will. There is going to be some pushing that goes on. He should know that and have security already there.

If Punk punched you in the face and you'd accept free ticket and get to go backstage than your an idiot.
Look imbecile. Punk goes out in the fans on his own free will. There is going to be some pushing that goes on. He should know that and have security already there.

If Punk punched you in the face and you'd accept free ticket and get to go backstage than your an idiot.

It's quite ironic that you of all people have some nerve to sit here and call someone an idiot.

Like I said you don't know the full story so stop jumping to conclusions. When you're in the crowd you risk the chance of getting hit. And Vince knows he can give them a sympathy gift. Good day sire.
After so many people tried to take the WWE title at MITB last year, he was probably trying to make sure it stayed secure. Unfortunately, he hit the wrong guy.

Either way, it was hilarious... I laughed my ass off and looped that shit for nearly 30 minutes...
Two key things to remember here:

One: He hit a fan right in front of his boss on live television. He HIT a fan in front of Vince McMahon. I understand self-defense (especially when you're a heel going into the crowd that you've been insulting all night), but he could have simply moved down or given a verbal warning. There has to be some other way he could've gone about that situation.

Two: There are kids in the audience. As a matter of fact, after watching the video, I saw a kid on his dad's shoulders right behind Punk. Punk could have easily hit the kid. If he did, ALL sorts of hell would have broke loose. Trust and believe that.

I'm not going to lie, Punk's my current favorite wrestler. But, I just really think he should be more carefully with his fan interaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's had verbal and/or physical altercations with the crowd ("I'm not holding a microphone", "You have a vagina", etc.).
I highly it was in the script for that to happen. The guy looked shocked he got punched. WWE doesnt hire good actors. It was 100% real and Punk should be suspended.

I think Punk was getting provoked for sure but he wasn't the guy that did it. And if your going to hit a fan a paying customer you better be damn sure that he provoked you and you needed to defend yourself.
Well this is a lawsuit waiting to happen and will probably take the title off punk. With all this ANTI BULLYING stuff going on, this is going to end up being very bad for punk. Also, a month away from the election, not good.

On a side note, when Punk was cutting his promo on Raw, I legit said " Man punk is starting to get some bubba ray dudley ECW heat with the way he talks ".. Funny that he did something that Bubba would have done in ECW. He hit someone lol
I think normally he'd be suspended, but they're running so low on talent it's getting scary. Lose him and you lose your main event for Hell In A Cell.
It's quite ironic that you of all people have some nerve to sit here and call someone an idiot.

Like I said you don't know the full story so stop jumping to conclusions. When you're in the crowd you risk the chance of getting hit. And Vince knows he can give them a sympathy gift. Good day sire.

Dude, I am shocked you think like this. I've been a wrestling fan for 18 years and gone to 30 plus events but at the end of the day....

IT IS FAKE WRESTLING YOU ARE PAYING TO SEE!!! You should never be at risk of getting hit! YOU ARE A PAYING CUSTOMER! The FAKE WRESTLER SHOULDNT COME OUT IN THE CROWD IF they cant protect themself and they might hit a fan!

And Im not jumping to conclusions. The guy is putting on his sunglasses and Punk turns around and hits him. ITS CLEAR AS DAY!

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