The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
I was just browsing The Bar Room while logged out and noticed that the decision on the CLDL was made much to my dismay. As it has been decided SalvisWin will be taking my place and I am apparently out of the race. That's pretty shitty considering my success as the #1 seed and points leader through the whole thing. I was looking forward to the next round and I am confident that I would have went all the way to win it.

I really wanted to win that thing and prove myself but as it turns out I've lost that opportunity even with the backing of some to let me continue. Even though I disagree with the decision and fell pretty shortchanged there is nothing can do about it, so I must respect it if at all possible. I will promise now though that if and when I get out of here you will not hear me talking about the legitimacy of the winners victory as they will not have faced me.

What do you all think? Do you think I should have been allowed to continue considering the facts surrounding the tournament? Or do you think the decision is justified as I am in prison right now? Let's hear your thoughts.
I know one thing. I would at least like an explanation. Being in here isn't enough of one, I want to know why I wasn't allowed what I earned when people clearly wanted to see me continue. All that does is taint the whole thing, so why would you do that? If anything it's unfair to the eventual winner.
There were three options:
  • 1. Organizers of CLDL allow Game to continue
  • 2. Someone takes Game's place
  • 3. Lee has no opponent for semi-finals and goes straight to the finals
Personally, I would have rather had you continue in the tournament, for the simple fact that the winner will not be the unified winner, as they will have no beaten every one in the tournament. You will be able to (accurately) argue that you were never properly eliminated, and thus who knows who would have actually won, so like you said it does taint the first league.

Now clearly the organizers felt that eliminating you out from the CLDL was appropriate, I assume as further punishment for your Bar Room post. When I saw that I decided to message FTS and ask if I could take your place, making it clear I didn't mean as a legitimate competitor, as that would be unfair to the others, but as a warm-up of sorts to Lee in the semi-finals. That way it remains fair to the other two semi-finalists, as all three possible champions will have to debate in the semi-finals, not just two.

I can't say whether it's justified or not, I haven't been around here long, so I don't know exactly what the precedent is for these situations. Maybe this is completely the correct call, as the prison is supposed to delegate you to this sub-forum, and this one completely, and then all other on-goings you had elsewhere you're denied from. Maybe that's not the case, you certainly could have continued, it's not like there wouldn't be a way to forward your debate posts to the organizers.
Call me crazy but maybe you shouldn't have gotten yourself put in prison, then you wouldn't have to worry about this. :shrug:

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