Class is in Session. All boys and girls please come inside.

I'm not sure what the difference is. I think I usually use two. Actually, it does look a little different, doesn't really matter though.
I'm from the US and I don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. I don't put a double space between sentences.

If you ever take a typing course, you will learn this very early on. But yes, that is the standard for the separation of sentences ... at least in the United States.

But don't blame me, as I wasn't the one that brought this up in the first place. Rather, Tastycles was nitpicking and getting on my case for actually putting two spaces between my sentences (gasp*), as saying this was "incorrect". That's how the spacing debate started. But he said he was willing to withdraw his comments in his original analysis, so I don't think anymore really needs to be said on that issue.
If you ever take a typing course, you will learn this very early on. But yes, that is the standard for the separation of sentences ... at least in the United States.

Sidious I'm a computer and Internet Tech, I took keyboarding classes oh let's say 8 to 10 years ago when I was in Middle school. So unless some shit changed in that time frame that I was never made aware of, I was never taught the double space rule of thumb, which doesn't make any sense anyways as it looks about the same as a single space.
Sidious I'm a computer and Internet Tech, I took keyboarding classes oh let's say 8 to 10 years ago when I was in Middle school. So unless some shit changed in that time frame that I was never made aware of, I was never taught the double space rule of thumb, which doesn't make any sense anyways as it looks about the same as a single space.

Well, then all I can say is that we apparently had two different teachers, as I was taught this way back in High School about 15 years ago, when I took Typing I.
No, between paragraphs. Compare:

Rock walked up to the ruin at Manda Isand. It looked old, forgotten. The door was rusted shut, the grass around it was undisturbed.
Charging up his buster gun, Rock blasted the doorway. It blew up, revealing the long, twisting tunnel behind it.
"It doesn't look like anyone's been in there for years..." breathed Roll. "Be careful, Rock!"

Rock walked up to the ruin at Manda Isand. It looked old, forgotten. The door was rusted shut, the grass around it was undisturbed.

Charging up his buster gun, Rock blasted the doorway. It blew up, revealing the long, twisting tunnel behind it.

"It doesn't look like anyone's been in there for years..." breathed Roll. "Be careful, Rock!"

Which is easier to read?
Doc, we are talking about spacing between sentences, not paragraphs.
Oh, my mistake. I thought you meant paragraphs.

I think a single space between sentences is sufficient.
Well, then all I can say is that we apparently had two different teachers, as I was taught this way back in High School about 15 years ago, when I took Typing I.

That is possible, I guess I just can't recall any typing tests I had taken that required two spaces like that upon further contemplation. I guess it also depends on the material the school chooses for the keyboarding classes.

Now we could really get deep into this conversation and discuss MLA and APA formatting. All I have to say is I prefer MLA, but only because that's what I was taught in high school. I had to quickly adjust to APA formatting for my online classes I'm taking. Not fun.
That has to be the most boring wikipedia page I have ever skimmed. To be honest I only brought it up because I didn't notice you'd done it every time.

Well, now you know that I always practice English spacing between sentences when posting, as it is a standard typing practice in the United States.

And yes, that was a very boring Wikipedia page.

That is possible, I guess I just can't recall any typing tests I had taken that required two spaces like that upon further contemplation. I guess it also depends on the material the school chooses for the keyboarding classes.

Now we could really get deep into this conversation and discuss MLA and APA formatting. All I have to say is I prefer MLA, but only because that's what I was taught in high school. I had to quickly adjust to APA formatting for my online classes I'm taking. Not fun.

Quite frankly, I'm done discussing this. I wasn't even the one that made this an issue in the first place.
Ese cabron senor Sedio dijo que yo soy un pendejo. Porque me insulto ese hijo de su madre. Yo no le hice nada y me critica por escribir mal. Porque senor Sedio? Porque no podemos ser diferentes y joder el lenguaje americano? Tu constitucion dice que hay un "Freedom Of Speech". Bueno. La verdad es que hablar no es lo mismo que escribir. Bien por ti senor Sedio. Y bien por ti Bolasabrosas. Tapa Doc... Tu nuevo nombre es raro.

Citen El Agente: Que Se Joda!

That is all. :smile:
I've never seen a priod that looked like ".". They're usually bloody, and awfully messy.

To keep with the rules of the net, I will check over Tasty's post, and see if there are any errors on his end.

Should be lower case, elementary school is a common noun.

There should be a semicolon in place of the comma, and "elementary school" should be in quotation marks, since it's referencing another sentence.
I've never seen a priod that looked like ".". They're usually bloody, and awfully messy.

To keep with the rules of the net, I will check over Tasty's post, and see if there are any errors on his end.

There should be a semicolon in place of the comma, and "elementary school" should be in quotation marks, since it's referencing another sentence.


No one can get it right just now.

I've never seen a priod that looked like ".". They're usually bloody, and awfully messy.

To keep with the rules of the net, I will check over Tasty's post, and see if there are any errors on his end.

There should be a semicolon in place of the comma, and "elementary school" should be in quotation marks, since it's referencing another sentence.

I don't think there needs to be a comma placed before the word "since".
There should be a semicolon in place of the comma, and "elementary school" should be in quotation marks, since it's referencing another sentence.

No, there shouldn't be a semi colon because the subject doesn't change. It doesn't need to be in quotation marks because the use of red implied that I was highlighting this error. That's an issue of aesthetics, not grammar. You don't think I'd post anything that pedantic without checking it, do you?

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