How come Asian guys don't get white girls?

I know a white girl who's a ****e, so, y'know..

I know an asian girl who's also a ****e, so, y'know..
Well as someone said earlier if you grow up in a fairly predominatly white enviroment- you tend to be less likely to go out with non whites. When you grow up in an Irish town deep in the countryside.... you are highly unlikely to meet anyone who isn't white.

However as Will said, there is something about something so new and foreign. I remember the first time I met some Scots and English boys :$ - something about those accents was so new and deeply attractive. Probably just village talk coming out :p
In Winnipeg, all I see is white women dating Asian dudes. And Asian women dating White dudes for that matter.

I dated a Filipino girl before I was married, she was an awesome girl. So it happens, man, get out there and find them. :)
Asian chicks are hot.

That's really all I have to contribute to this conversation. Carry on.
I believe it's because of the reputation that Asian's have for having small dicks.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not insulting Asians here. I am merely stating well-known rumored statements.

Anyway, white women like big, fat, hairy, pulsating cock. So, they tend to float to white men, black men, or me.
I believe it's because of the reputation that Asian's have for having small dicks.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not insulting Asians here. I am merely stating well-known rumored statements.

Anyway, white women like big, fat, hairy, pulsating cock. So, they tend to float to white men, black men, or me.

I just want you to know that I tried repping you for this.

Sometimes you make me wish I was a white girl. :blush:
My girl is Asian and she is a fuckin psycho.....

Her brother has a (white girl) for a wife, and she is hottt.

So it can be done, but who gives a fuck about race.
LOL You guys I didn't say I wanna date a white chick (eww they so bitchy no offense) I was just asking why you never see white chicks and Asian dudes together. And Milenko, me too, me too :).
Well, lately I've seen white chicks with all types of guys. Seriously, I see them with white guys, black guys, and Asian guys, all types of guys.

I think it might be where you live that it isn't seen so much but here where I live I see all the time.
I've always thought it was a general consumption, that all asian chicks are fairly hot. 4 out of 6 of my actual relationships, have been asian chicks. I don't know. They're just hotter to me. So the asians stick with their own race, becuase of such a thing.

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