Christmas & New Years presents from Dagger

Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4712507 said:
Also, what's outclassed really mean in RPG terms?

When one character or character class is superior to the other when both can use that ability. The Fighter/Warrior is better at attacking with weapons than everyone else. The Black Mage is better at offensive casting than anyone else. The Red Mage can do both, but he is worse than the fighter at attacking and worse than the Black Mage at offensive casting, for instance.... So a generally accepted term is that he got outclassed in those areas.
Here are the gifts that were drawn today without revealing who got what:


Galuf from FF5! My least favorite playable character in the game, but for one brief moment (1 boss fight and the cut-scene that follows) he is incredibly awersome. Look up the Galuf VS Exdeath boss battle if you haven't seen it. His granddaughter Krile replaces him in the second half of the game.


The Evoker from FF3! This is a very strange class. They can summon, but not in the way the summoning in FF games has come to be known. They have two different effects that their summons can do which randomly gets chosen by the game. None of which are as useful as what the Summoner class can do. He still has a cool graphic at least.


The Thief from FF1! He's the best at attempting to run away from random encounters and once he upgrades in the second half of the game he can use basic Black Magic spells.


Guy from FF2! He looks just like the Thief from FF1 but with different colors for his sprite. He has a cooler graphic but isn't as cool as the Thief. He can speak to Beavers.


Celes from FF6! She has good stats in everything and I really enjoyed the way her relationship with Locke was written. Even to this day almost 20 years later it is a joy to see all those scenes as their story unfolds. In world 2 you start off with just her and have to re-recruit everyone.


The Ninja from FF3! They can use any weapon making them potentially the most powerful character class.


Leon from FF2! By far the coolest character in the game. He sees a good amount of character development, especially for a 1988 title. The graphic used for him in the original is a blue counterpart of FF1's fighter.


The Knight from FF3! It is an upgrade to the Fighter/Warrior class. He gets an awesome graphic which still resembles the Fighter/Warrior some (and the one from FF1 too) plus he can equip better items.

Septumus will be next tomorrow and only 5 remain, including that last winning number. If no one picks them by New Years Eve, we will just have 3 winners and I'll randomly green rep out the remaining gifts to posters of my choosing. Or I might have a random drawing from those who did not win, to determine a 4th winner.
Fuck FF2 and its samey palette-swapped enemies, endless trudging from A to B and piss-easy boss fights. On to 3, then...
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4713275 said:
Fuck FF2 and its samey palette-swapped enemies, endless trudging from A to B and piss-easy boss fights. On to 3, then...

Tried to warn you lol.... The monsters get exponentially tougher as the game progresses. Anything you fight in Castle Pandemonium borders on unfair at times and the idiotic stat increase system makes it overall just not worth it. The NES version is a nightmare to get through and the PSX version was pure torture other than the updated music. Hey, let's beat ourselves up to increase our Health Points! The weapons and magic levelling system saw a return in Secret of Mana and other titles, and the story is decent for a 1988 title so it wasn't all bad.... but the horrid gameplay destroys it. 3 is very tough but you should enjoy it. It's takes FF1's formula and adds another layer to it.
Alright all 70 have now been picked. All 4 winners will be revealed (unless the first 3 wish to say so now themselves) and on New Years Eve I will reveal what they won. The rest of you still get green rep and an FF graphic from me. The next batch will be within the next several hours. It's 3AM here and I need to get some sleep.
The final round of gifts were given today. Without revealing who got what here they are.


The Onion Knight from FF3! This class can equip the game's rare ultimate equipment but is absolutely useless other than that. You start out as four of these, change to another class immediately and then never return to Onion Knights unless you obtain the ultimate equipment.


Richard the Dragoon from FF2! Kain from FF4 made the class popular, but this guy came first.


The Thief from FF3! This class comes in handy at one point about halfway into the game when you have to open locked doors that otherwise require purchasing or finding keys. He can open them on his own if he is the one seen in the field screen.


Strago from FF6! A bit annoying as a character, but he learns some useful Blue Magic enemy skills such as Mighty Guard.


Porom from FF4! The white magic using twin of Palom. She is outclassed by Rosa but if you use the two twins in the same party they can do the Twin Cast ability to cast a powerful spell together.


Locke from FF6! One of my favorite characters of all time. He has an expertly written story throughout the game as he interacts with the rest of the party, especially Celes. Locke can also fight very effectively from the back row while equipped with two Boomerangs at once, making him potentially one of the most useful fighters.


....and that's our 4th winner.

I will reveal the 4 winners and what they won soon.
Right, I do believe an announcement is in order.

So there were four posters who received this guy in their rep gift comment:


They were.... Click the spoiler tag to see who.

Dagger's having a last minute sale! Everything must go! I'll take that 100ft roll of copper wire!

I'll go with the tried and true Nintendo 64.

3, and a kind word as well. :p

What is the other prize they have won? Each of them have won the opportunity pick what avatar I use for a week. You have one pick though and that's it, you can't tell me during that week to change it to another. I'll then use that avatar for an entire week, no matter which one it is (disregarding staff avatars).

So if all four of you can each pick what avatar you want me to use for a week in January and post it in here before midnight (central time) on January 1st 2014 (or else you lose your opportunity to another poster of my choosing). The only two rules are it cannot be one of the staff avatars and it cannot be the same one that another of you has already chosen. I'll do all four in an order of my choosing. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Happy New Year in advance. :)
Right, I do believe an announcement is in order.

So there were four posters who received this guy in their rep gift comment:


They were.... Click the spoiler tag to see who.

What is the other prize they have won? Each of them have won the opportunity pick what avatar I use for a week. You have one pick though and that's it, you can't tell me during that week to change it to another. I'll then use that avatar for an entire week, no matter which one it is (disregarding staff avatars).

So if all four of you can each pick what avatar you want me to use for a week in January and post it in here before midnight (central time) on January 1st 2014 (or else you lose your opportunity to another poster of my choosing). The only two rules are it cannot be one of the staff avatars and it cannot be the same one that another of you has already chosen. I'll do all four in an order of my choosing. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Happy New Year in advance. :)

Captain America is my choice.

Thank you for the gifts :)

Can I make a special request that you do mine in the week of the 12th? That's my birthday :)
Right, I do believe an announcement is in order.

So there were four posters who received this guy in their rep gift comment:


They were.... Click the spoiler tag to see who.

What is the other prize they have won? Each of them have won the opportunity pick what avatar I use for a week. You have one pick though and that's it, you can't tell me during that week to change it to another. I'll then use that avatar for an entire week, no matter which one it is (disregarding staff avatars).

So if all four of you can each pick what avatar you want me to use for a week in January and post it in here before midnight (central time) on January 1st 2014 (or else you lose your opportunity to another poster of my choosing). The only two rules are it cannot be one of the staff avatars and it cannot be the same one that another of you has already chosen. I'll do all four in an order of my choosing. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Happy New Year in advance. :)


Please will you use this avatar of Anakin Skywalker because he is my favourite Star Trek character.


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