Christmas & New Years presents from Dagger

Give me a random number, as I like to live dangerously

Ok, your number is pi. :p

Just kidding. I'll give you the last number left when the others have been drawn. There's about 20 left, for those who still want one. I'll give other posters until friday to pick one of the remaining numbers then I'll start repping these out and at that point you guys may request a second. You can only win once though. At least one winning gift has been drawn, but not all 4 have been picked yet.... ;)
There's still some left.... I will begin giving these out (in the order everyone posted in here) saturday, and it looks like some may be able to request two. I'll let you know if/when that becomes possible.
You guys may begin picking a second gift now. Only two total per poster for now. Yaz by random number generation on what was left gets #40 since he requested a random one. I'll keep track of what's left.

I will begin handing them out tomorrow, starting with Blue Chipper in the order you guys posted. :)
Without making it public on who got what, here are the gifts that were drawn today.


The Merchant from FF6! I like the event where Locke dresses up as one giving him a temporary alternate form. I would have liked to see that alternate form become available beyond that event in updated versions and perhaps get its own abilities.


Palom from FF4! He's that game's black mage.


The Shaman from FF3! It's an upgraded white mage character class from that game.


Faris from FF5! In an otherwise boring party character-wise, Faris is the coolest one.


Kefka from FF6! He's a very popular villain in the series.


The Red Mage from FF1! He's the most powerful character in the first half of the game by being a jack of all trades (fighting, white magic, black magic) but by the time the others catch up to him in the second half he becomes severely outclassed. Still a cool character though.


The Black Mage from FF1! He's powerful if you can keep him alive.


The Sage from FF3! He can cast any spell in the game.


Golbez from FF4! The main villain up until the game's biggest spoiler is revealed. A really cool character.


No winners today. Stay tuned....! Diet Soda is next in line to start off tomorrow's batch.

11 are left for those who want one.... Remember only 2 total per poster until I say otherwise. One of the winning numbers still remains unpicked, by the way....
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4708037 said:
From which game are these again, Dagger? They look cool as shit.

Final Fantasy 1 through 6, other than the winning image. That's a secret until a winner is drawn. The WZCW guys might recognize the origins of my RP NPC graphics.
WHAT? I thought FF was all flat-chested girls with spiky hair pretending to be men, not pixellized D&D types. Is it possible to play on the PC?
I'll take a random one if they're still available, bud.

Got you covered, man! One or two?

Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4708153 said:
WHAT? I thought FF was all flat-chested girls with spiky hair pretending to be men, not pixellized D&D types. Is it possible to play on the PC?

No that would be Final Fantasy X-2.... There are ROM's and emulators available out there for all of the old ones if you want to go that route. I recommend 4 and 6 out of the oldest ones. Although 7 and 9 are amazing if you can find them, PS1 games are tougher to find nowadays.
Got you covered, man! One or two?

No that would be Final Fantasy X-2.... There are ROM's and emulators available out there for all of the old ones if you want to go that route. I recommend 4 and 6 out of the oldest ones. Although 7 and 9 are amazing if you can find them, PS1 games are tougher to find nowadays.

FF1 is so much fun! The random encounters can go fuck themselves, but I'm having loads of fun. Started off with the default W Mage, B Mage, Thief and a Warrior (that I called Dagger). I'll stop derailing your thread now. ;)
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4708813 said:
FF1 is so much fun! The random encounters can go fuck themselves, but I'm having loads of fun. Started off with the default W Mage, B Mage, Thief and a Warrior (that I called Dagger). I'll stop derailing your thread now. ;)

Not at all dude I don't mind discussing my favorite series and the game involves some of the graphics I'm sending out. Let me know if you need any help. FF1 is pretty underrated. Are you playing the original 1987 version or the 2003 GBA/PSX version? They are mostly the same other than graphical differences, extra content in the remake, and the original is a little tougher. You picked the most balanced party, which is one I'd recommend. I personally prefer the Red Mage over the Black Mage as he can fight better, has the best defense after the Fighter/Warrior, and he has access to both schools of magic other than the advanced levels of them. The last two temples are tough and though he gets outclassed by then, Red has better odds overall of survival. You will be fine though, balanced parties generally do very well and the resident FF fanboy is here to help if you get stuck. Fighter/Warrior is my favorite class in that game by a landslide so I appreciate you naming him after me! ;)


Alright so back to our christmas party. Here are the gifts that were drawn today, without making public who got what.


Gordon from FF2! He's not one of my favorite characters when he is playable, although he has his moments of being cool in the main story when he becomes a leader figure in the rebel forces.


The Dark Knight from FF3! This is an underrated class. It really sucks at first, but towards the end there is an event in this game that is nearly impossible without making at least one party member this character class. Monsters in a cavern split into clones and only the Dark Knight's blades can attack them while preventing this split, which happens if any other type of weapon attacks them.


Cyan from FF6! He's got some cool abilities, the downside is having to wait for the bar to charge up each time you want to use some of the more useful ones.


Edgar from FF6! One of my favorite playable characters from the game. His Tool abilities is one of the most useful making him a welcome addition to any party. I use him for almost every single event. Probably my 2nd favorite behind Locke.


General Leo from FF6! A popular NPC among the FF6 fans who is not fully playable due to a massive spoiler. Rumors about how to recruit him (ALL of which are fake) have been floating around for almost two decades now.


Cecil from FF4 as a Paladin! The hero of FF4 in his paladin form after overcoming the trial at Mt Ordeals. His Paladin form is far superior to his Dark Knight form in terms of usefulness.


Vicks from FF6! An NPC who is playable during the very first event. Trivia: He was supposed to be named Biggs and they corrected that in the remake.


The Karateka from FF3! An upgraded monk character class from FF3. He gets a shiny new sprite and much better stats. His unarmed attack is VERY strong.

No winners today, although I will go ahead and reveal that the 1st of the 4 winners is in tomorrow's batch. Stay tuned....! FunKay is next in line tomorrow.

PS: 10 remain including one of the winning numbers for those who still want one, or a 2nd.
I don't understand these "gifts."

Basically, it's green rep for everyone with the chance of getting a second prize. Everyone who drew a number gets green rep for that post. The number determines what image you get in the rep comment. If you get the winning image (of which 4 numbers are represented by) then you are one of the winners of a prize that will be revealed once all 70 have been given. Limit of 2 gifts per poster, and a winner can draw a second but is not eligible for the other winning numbers, they would get a different number via random generation. Hope that cleared it up, dude!

I'm confused and frightened, just like every Christmas at the Sam household.

Want one? There's still some left.


Alright so here are the ones that were drawn today, without making it public on who got what.


The White Mage from FF1! No party is complete without a healer, making her a very crucial part of the lineup.


Kain from FF4! One of my favorite characters of all time. The most powerful fighter type in the game and brilliant character development, considering the game is over 20 years old.


The Ranger from FF3! I don't use this character class that much, but his graphic is cool looking.


Yang from FF4! He's a character that I like both in battle and as a character in the story. Quite useful up until his Health randomly caps at 6,000 for some reason.


The Bard from FF3! I literally never use this class. It's good for if you want a challenge since it's not as powerful as most of the other classes, and I like its graphic.


Bannon from FF6! He has a highly useful ability that cures the party for tons of Health Points. What sucks about him though is that for the two quests that he is playable, if he dies, then it's game over no matter how many other characters are alive.


The Fighter from FF1! My favorite class from that game. He can use all the best weapons and armor, plus he has a ton of health. Spiky haired warrior stereotypes in Final Fantasy can trace their origin to this guy, from the very first game.


Edward from FF4! He's not particularly popular outside of the "You spoony bard!" jokes. In the GBA version he becomes far more useful as he gets better items and is finally playable long enough to catch up to the others in terms of his stats.


Cloud from FF7! The poster that received this is the 1st of 4 winners. What did they win? Stay tuned until all 4 have been drawn to find out. If you got Cloud you're a winner.

Megatron is first in line tomorrow's group, which also includes a winning number. There's 10 remaining, including one of the winning numbers, if anybody wants another. Still limiting it at 2 per poster for now though.

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