Christmas & New Years presents from Dagger

Dagger's keeping on cockteasing us with his winning numbers and our 2.85% chance of picking a winner :p
Here are the gifts that were drawn today, without making it public who got what.


Edge from FF4! He's a very cool character. The one and only thing I dislike about him is his low defense stat. However in the right party combination and with the right weapons he can fight from the back row.


The Geomancer from FF3! I don't use this one very much, sometimes their special Terrain ability hurts the party members.


Rydia from FF4 as an adult! She has access to all Black Magic spells and all Summon abilities unlike her child form.


Josef from FF2! He has a very heroic moment in the game. He should have been playable longer.


Cecil from FF4 in his Dark Knight form! I prefer the Paladin myself, although the Dark Knight version of Cecil has cool looking armor and at one point can equip a sword that sometimes instantly kills weaker monsters in one hit.


The Black Belt from FF1! I don't use this class as often, but after about a dozen levels or so they no longer need equipment as their base stats become higher without equipping any weapons or armor. His unarmed attack is quite strong.


The Magus from FF3! This is an upgraded black mage class from FF3 that gets stronger magic.


The Green Soldier from FF6! Locke can steal this soldier's outfit giving him an alternate form during one event. I would have liked to see this be available during more of the game, maybe with extra abilities exclusive to it. They never did that for the remake though.


We have our second winner! If you got Cloud, you're one of the four.

Next up is Septumus. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with your families and friends. 9 remain if anybody wants one (or a 2nd) including the last winning number.... Stay tuned!
I got my favourite one so far!!!!!! Thanks, Dagger. Christmas greetings to the oft-forgotten wifey as well ;)
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4711365 said:
I got my favourite one so far!!!!!! Thanks, Dagger. Christmas greetings to the oft-forgotten wifey as well

How is your quest going in FF1 so far, where are you at now?

Here are the gifts that were drawn today, without stating who got what.


FuSoYa from FF4! He has access to every single White and Black magic spell. His base stats suck, but he ends up playing an important role.


Tellah from FF4! He has one of the coolest moments in video game history when he faces Golbez 1 on 1 in the Tower of Zot. Now if only he could ever get past 90 Magic Points....


Bartz from FF5! He's the hero of this game and some trivia here, he is the only guy in the party with 3 girls being his allies in the final lineup.


Krile from FF5! She joins halfway through the game and is my second favorite playable character in the game behind Faris.


Cid from FF4! There is a Cid in every single FF game. This is one of the few that is playable. He ends up being one of the better fighter types, and he has an awesome beard.


The Viking from FF3! They have excellent defense, while their Health and attack stats aren't bad either.


Relm from FF6! Oddly enough, Relm has the highest magic stat in the game whereas in the actual story she is just a child artist compared to both Terra who is the descendant of summoned monsters and Celes who received magic abilities in the imperial lab.


Reina from FF5! She's the princess of Tycoon.


Minwu from FF2! Out of the guest party members, he is probably the best at magic. He should have been playable longer.


We have our third winner!

NxtBigThing is first in line for tomorrow. Now that Christmas has passed, the rest will be New Years gifts. A few remain if anybody would like to request a 3rd you may now do so. First come first serve.
Another pick for me then. Like a 3rd helping at dinner, unnecessary and overkill, but then I feel like I accomplished something.
I finished FF1. Went to my dad's for Christmas, we ate ourselves silly. The airship makes the game that much easier. I'm using a GBA rom, but it's still pretty hard (avoiding battles etc, since I finished at lv 60).

Hitting FF2 tonight!

And how did the black mage become a viking?
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4711823 said:
I finished FF1. Went to my dad's for Christmas, we ate ourselves silly. The airship makes the game that much easier. I'm using a GBA rom, but it's still pretty hard (avoiding battles etc, since I finished at lv 60).

Hitting FF2 tonight!

And how did the black mage become a viking?

Skip FF2. It's the worst of the bunch. Play 3 or 4 next. The Viking was never a Black Mage they just used a graphic with similar eyes.
Dagger, have you ever touched the Legend and Adventure Final Fantasy series on Game Boy that branched out to be the SaGa and Mana series?
The ones worth playing are 6, 4 and 7, maybe 9 too. 5 is also kind of underrated; Exdeath was a badass villain.

This, pretty much. 3 is good too just very difficult. 10 has its moments. Exdeath has nothing on Sephiroth, Kuja, or even Kefka. Those three redefined the RPG villain role.

Dagger, have you ever touched the Legend and Adventure Final Fantasy series on Game Boy that branched out to be the SaGa and Mana series?

Yes. I loved FFL2. Never finished FFL1 i got stuck in the post apocalyptic area right after the third boss where the fourth boss is a random encounter. Never played FFL3. FFA was cool, although Secret of Mana was far superior.
Yes. I loved FFL2. Never finished FFL1 i got stuck in the post apocalyptic area right after the third boss where the fourth boss is a random encounter. Never played FFL3. FFA was cool, although Secret of Mana was far superior.

Did you move on into the SaGa series as well? SaGa Frontier II will always be one of my favorite PSOne RPGs.
Did you move on into the SaGa series as well? SaGa Frontier II will always be one of my favorite PSOne RPGs.

Nope although I heard good things about SF2. I played a good number of PSX RPG's outside of FF though. Wild Arms, Xenogears, Tales of Destiny, and Star Ocean 2 (which is where my screenname's namesake Dias Flac came from) to name a few.
Nope although I heard good things about SF2. I played a good number of PSX RPG's outside of FF though. Wild Arms, Xenogears, Tales of Destiny, and Star Ocean 2 (which is where my screenname's namesake Dias Flac came from) to name a few.

I loved me some PSOne RPGs.

Wild Arms 2
Star Ocean 2
Breath of Fire III
Valkyrie Profile (one of my ever loving favorites ever)
Threads of Fate (just the demo though...)
Legend of Dragoon

Some I wanted to jump into but didn't were Vagrant Story and Brave Fencer Mushashi.
Wild Arms 2

Really enjoyed it. The prequel is a little better, but this is an underrated title. The battle theme against Vinsfeld's underlings was awesome and should have been the main boss theme.


Loved it. If they had been able to finish it and not be rushed with the 2nd disc the game would have been all the more epic. Citan with a sword trumps everyone everywhere.

Star Ocean 2

Other than Tales of Symphonia and the FF series, this might be my most played RPG title. The music, the cast, the story, everything. The scene when you first meet the wise men is so bone chilling.

Breath of Fire III

Everyone gives the soundtrack of this game a hard time, but I love it personally. The format of playing as kids in half the game (for Ryu, Nina, Rei, and Teepo's cases) and then as adults in the second half was a nice touch.

Valkyrie Profile (one of my ever loving favorites ever)

I for the life of me could not get into that game. Nice battle theme though.

Threads of Fate (just the demo though...)

Didn't play it.

Legend of Dragoon

YES! The additions were a pain sometimes, as was the robotic dialogue, but goodness what a quest.

Some I wanted to jump into but didn't were Vagrant Story and Brave Fencer Mushashi.

Didn't play either of those.

Just want to jump in and say I love that game, and Gust of Wind Dance can go jump off a cliff.

Just for you:


Albert's version is actually the easier one. Lavitz's additions are all tougher than Albert's. Gust of Wind Dance is nothing compared to Meru's Perky Step though. Mastering that was a nightmare.
Really enjoyed it. The prequel is a little better, but this is an underrated title. The battle theme against Vinsfeld's underlings was awesome and should have been the main boss theme.

Loved it. If they had been able to finish it and not be rushed with the 2nd disc the game would have been all the more epic. Citan with a sword trumps everyone everywhere.

Other than Tales of Symphonia and the FF series, this might be my most played RPG title. The music, the cast, the story, everything. The scene when you first meet the wise men is so bone chilling.

Everyone gives the soundtrack of this game a hard time, but I love it personally. The format of playing as kids in half the game (for Ryu, Nina, Rei, and Teepo's cases) and then as adults in the second half was a nice touch.

I for the life of me could not get into that game. Nice battle theme though.

Didn't play it.

YES! The additions were a pain sometimes, as was the robotic dialogue, but goodness what a quest.

Didn't play either of those.

I think we may have just become best friends on here.

I remember back when I used to work at Gamestop, I'd get into long, long, looooong discussions with customers about RPGs. I usually won people over to the PS2 over the XBox, when they wanted to buy a system but couldn't afford PS3/360, because of how well I sold RPGs (provided they liked RPGs).

It was no easy task saying one should buy a PS2 instead of an XBox when XBox had KotoR and Jade Empire.
Just want to jump in and say I love that game, and Gust of Wind Dance can go jump off a cliff.

If it dies, we killed her for no reason and she'll be mourned. If she survives and flies away, we'll have to traverse all of Olde England to burn her at the stake.
Here are the gifts that were drawn today without revealing who got what:


Rosa from FF4! The stereotype of a pretty leading lady who heals the party in RPG's can be traced back to her. You don't see that as often now but it was VERY common for a while.


Gogo from FF6! He mimics the actions of others and can be given four of a number of different commands. Gogo can do nearly anything, but he is outclassed in everything.


Terra from FF6! Her Morph ability skyrockets all her stats temporarily and she has well written character development in the game.


The Summoner from FF3! The much better of two classes in that game that can summon.


The Scholar from FF3! He's crucial during one boss fight as he can pinpoint an enemy weakness. One boss changes his constantly and the Scholar can hint at what your casters need to cast, he's mediocre elsewhere.


Setzer from FF6! He gets you two airships, attacks with cards, and ends up being a good caster even though the girls outclass all the males in casting.


Shadow from FF6! There are hidden cut-scenes that reveal his past which are pretty cool. The best part of him is when his dog shows up to help sometimes in battles. Interceptor rules. Don't forget to wait for him during a certain escape sequence so he can be recruited permanently in world 2.


Gau from FF6! Gau is a weird character. He has no fight command. Instead he learns "Rage" moves of monsters in a certain region and once you select one he is computer controlled for the rest of the fight.


Sabin from FF6! He's not that great at casting but has good stats in pretty much everything else. His Blitz command can be a pain to use until you master the process.


The Ghost from FF6! There is a train full of ghosts. Some sell things, some attack you, others chase you saying "N.o...e.s.c.a.p.e....!", while a few like this guy offer to join you up until right before the boss fight of that event. His stats suck but he's a cool NPC. Don't use potions on him, it hurts him!

No winners today. 7 remain if you want one. Limit at 3 per poster now. Notorious718 is next up tomorrow.

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