Christmas & New Years presents from Dagger (2017 edition)

Navi (post 55) and ShinChan (post 50) get another tomorrow, as I am not going to give more than one to the same person in the same day. That's everyone who has requested so far.

24 remain including the winning number, by the way. Someone was very close. Here is who got drawn today....


Gordon from FF2. He's kinda like Edward from FF4, minus the Bard part. He makes up for being less useful in battle by being a good leader for the rebels in the story after he leaves the main party.


The Thief from FF3. He's useful for unlocking doors such as those in Goldor's Mansion.


The Dragoon from FF3. This was the first character to get the famous Jump command. It comes in really handy in the Garuda fight.


Cid from FF4. Every Final Fantasy has to have a Cid in it somehow. FF4's Cid is one of the better Cid's. Proficient with heavy armor, axes, hammers, and has the game's highest Health Point count. Also the best airship mechanic there is.


Cecil from FF4 as a Dark Knight. You play about 1/4 of the game as him in this form.


Sabin from FF6. The true founder of Suplex City. He can Suplex a train!

Don't forget to request a New Year's gift if you want one! The first person to post in here after it becomes 2018 in Texas (13 hours and 12 minutes from this post) might get something special....
Nobody won. 29 was the winning number and that would have drawn Cloud from FF7. So, SD619 was the closest with picking 28.

16 please and thanks. Been a couple of days since I posted so hopefully this will be okay.

It is. I'll get the remainder of the posts from in here in a couple of days.

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