Christian's Next Opponent?


WZCW Veteran
Now that Tommy Dreamer has invoked his rematch clause, who is next in line to face Christian at Summerslam? Well it is not a very big list to choose from right now as ECW has a very small roster, and due to the recent trade their is nobody ready for the main event. From the previos ECW Championship scramble you lost Mark Henry, Finlay, Swagger. And then you also lost Evan Bourne. Which leaves us with Shelton Benjamin who is just about to turn face and feud with Ryder so hes out. Ryder - not ready. The 4 new superstars in the talent initiative are nowhere near ready. Ezekiel - not ready. So therefore im down to 3 superstars. Tommy Dreamer, Koslov, and William Regal. Regal hasnt done anything really on ECW so hes out. And Koslov is destroying jobbers and one upping Jackson so now for the 20th time in the past few months we will see christian vs dreamer. Anybody else begged a differ?
i would like to say the miz but since hes "banned" from summerslam i dont see a 1 on 1 match for the ecw title happening at summerslam cuz the ppv is in 2 wks but maybe there can be a triple threat or fatal 4 way which could involve ezekiel, koslov, & dreamer with christian retaining the belt

and then after summerslam, a program between the miz & christian over the belt could begin which IMO could be great especially for the miz
I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with Regal. Regal wouldn't win the title, of course, but these two could put on a pretty good program. I was expecting it to be Kozlov, but he's in the middle of a strange semi-feud with Ezekial Jackson right now. I guess I wouldn't mind Christian vs. Dreamer again, as long as it's the end of their feud.
Well a Regal feud wont be bad but we all know Regal wont get the title lol. I'd say the Miz is your best candidate, BUT Miz got totally burried by Cena even after all the distractions and the Master Lock submission hold from whats his face? Jimmy Masters? What ever. Miz hasn't shown very good ring work either. Other than his AWESOME mic skills, the Miz has nothing.
I have a feeling that It could be Koslov, as he lost a number 1 contender match for the shot at NOC, and their aren't that many other contenders on ECW
hopefully whoever it is, they take the title off of him, and his on air time goes down.

ECW should be for the younger talented guys, not the old hacks around to collect a pay check
I have a feeling its going to be Regal. I hope it is and i hope they take the title of him too. ECW should be for the Evan Bournes ect not for the people like Christian who has already establised himself.(not that i dislike Christian)
I think WWE will have Christian fight either Zack Ryder, William Regal, Tommy Dreamer, or Vladimir Kozlov. But another option could be The Miz. I think Miz would be the best choice to face Captain Charisma. They would have some great promos i this feud. This of course would only happen if Miz went to ECW instead of Smackdown. But a Christian-Miz feud would be awesome in my opinion. And if Miz goes to Smackdown I would have Christian work with Ryder.
I really want to see him start a program with Ryder. Miz would be awesome too, but seeing how he is been banned from Summerslam, it isn't very likely. It will likely be Dreamer again or Kozlov. Either way, bore.
I think they will go with one of the new guys like Seamus as in reality it's gonna be a filler match on the PPV so make it an easy win for Christian with Regal and Birchill attacking at the end for a new stable...
Frankly, I think that the whole Dreamer vs. Christian thing has pretty much been done to death, so I doubt that he'll be the one for Summerslam. He's had his loss, his rematch, all of that, it's done. Now is the time for Dreamer to be working along side of Christian rather than against him, and I could see them making quite a decent tag-team.

In my opinion, it's down to Big Zeke and Koslov. This whole one-upmanship thing leading into a number one contendership match with (I have a feeling) Koslov coming out on top. He had himself a good solid contendership for the WWE title before and he's a helluva ring technician. He was even seen as tough competition for the Undertaker while on Smackdown, so in my opinion, Koslov is the best bet if they want the ECW title match to matter.

'Course I can see what people are saying that the ECW title match (if there is one at Summerslam) is a filler match and likely to be a retaining one, so just about anyone will do and given that Seamus is making a big noise on ECW recently, he might be the way to go.

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