Christian's reign as ECW Champion has been very disappointing

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Is it just me, or is anyone else really bored of Christian's reign at present? I think Jack Swagger was the only fued I really enjoyed, possibly Regal, but the title should of been exchange between them. Zach Ryder could of been interesting if he was built as being credible and the Dreamer feud was boring as hell with two faces.

His matches have been entertaining, however it's becoming more and more evident that he's outgrown ECW. Because of the hour time slot ECW benefits from regular talent transfers.
I somewhat agree, I think it's the fault of the Writing Staff and the WWE generally shitting on ECW as usual. I mean Summerslam with him against Regal could have been a surprisingly awesome match, instead, it was 8 seconds long. I'm sure people didn't spend $45/£14.99 to see that on PPV.

Most of his title defences have been on ECW itself too. (Tommy Dreamer, Zack Ryder, Yoshi Tatsu, Regal in the UK) And since hardly anyone watches it, again, does very little for Christian and the belt.

I'm VERY glad he had that Ladder match with Shelton, because that was really necessary to boost Christian himself, as I think he's one of the underrated wrestlers in the WWE.
I feel exactly the opposite. Christian is not only the longest running ECW Champion (WWE's ECW anyway) but he is also the best one. ECW truly is HIS show right now and it has been for almost a year. I find nothing boring about his reign because I look forward to every segment and match Christian is in, he's one of my favorite wrestlers.

I can understand if you think he is above ECW, but this is similar to the point I made in another thread about why Smackdown needs Batista. ECW needs Christian because he is the only member of its roster who is believable as the top guy on the show. Sure you have other established names there like Regal, and future stars like Ezekiel and Ryder.... but take Christian out of ECW and you are left with a bunch of nobodies. The show would be nothing (as an actual brand) without him.

Unless ECW ends as a brand, it needs Christian as either its champion or a challenger. He is the established full-time main eventer of ECW. I wouldn't prefer anyone else as the ECW Champion right now.
I agree with Dagger Dias, when you think about WWE's version of ECW, Christian is the first and most important name you think about.

However, I do feel that his reign has been a little disappointing. I think most it is to do with the fact that a lot of his title feuds have only lasted a short time. Aside from Swagger and Regal, they all seem to only last a few weeks to a month, with no real storyline development.

Take for example Shelton vs Christian. The idea of a ladder match between the two set everyone salivating, but there wasn't that much of a storyline in buildup to the match, it was just basically a spot fest.

Despite this I think that Christian has done a remarkable job with what he's been given, and I hope that he's given at least one substantial feud to feed him into RAW or SD at the draft.

Personally I'd like to see an extended Christian-Ryder feud.
I don't think the problem with Christian's ECW reign can be blamed on Christian, himself. I think the problem is ECW.

The show just doesn't have everything that Raw and Smackdown have. Of course, it's the baby of the bunch, lacks star power, and is kind of watered down, but Christian is the only reason why many people are even remotely interested in watching ECW. That says a lot for his reign.

Christian is very believable, entertaining, and is doing wonders with the bland ECW title. If it weren't for him, we'd forget that there's another WWE television program that airs on Tuesday nights.
Is it just me, or is anyone else really bored of Christian's reign at present?
No, actually I'm not

I think Jack Swagger was the only fued I really enjoyed
Yes that was entertaining, but It got old after like their first 2 matches with each other.

possibly Regal
That was a good feud, I thought that after his loss at Summerslam, Regal would win the ECW title at the next opportunity he had. Wait, nope he didnt... Gues Vince IS high on Christian

]but the title should of been exchange between them.
Why? So we could see countless Regal/Christian matches? Too many of those is the equivalent to Orton/Cena.

Zach Ryder could of been interesting if he was built as being credible
He was always being built as credible, He's just on ECW to hone his skills and to re-debut after that failed Edgehead gimmick. No need to give him the ECW title, We all know that Zack wont be with ECW for long anyways.

and the Dreamer feud was boring as hell with two faces.
Actually, If I remember correctly, wasnt it Dreamer/Swagger/Christian at one point? Anyway, 2 faces can have a great rivalry. Recall Cena/Triple H from NOC 2008?

His matches have been entertaining, however it's becoming more and more evident that he's outgrown ECW. Because of the hour time slot ECW benefits from regular talent transfers.
Yes, he has outgrown ECW, and I think it' time for him to leave and go to SD! But in no way was his title reign disappointing or boring.
I'm really torn on his, some good points have been made and I may have to retract my original statement.

I think his title reign, generally, has been really good, especially for the overall brand. I'm not down on him in the slightest, the guy has done wonders for the brand and title and I think there are few others that work as hard in making their opponents look good as well ashimself.

It's something I quite can't quite put my finger on, which is why I tagged this thought onto the end of the Christian/Zeke match thread.

I'm a major mark for Regal, which is partly the reason I'd of liked to of seem him with the title and I by no means think Christian is too good for ECW. It houses some great wrestlers and consistently delivers decent programming.

I'm actually trying to regain the train of thought I had last night, when I made the post. In hindsight.
Christian has feuded with literally every potential challenger that there has been throughout his ECW tenure, and has managed to put up a decent contest in each instance. It seems unlikely that it could have been much better. His feud with Regal was very entertaining, and he has brought the best out in each of his opponents. I don't really know how a title reign on a third rate brand could have been any better, the alternative would be something like Tommy Dreamer's dullard reign.
I so far have enjoyed Christian's title reign, but I think it could be or have been better. As a fan I can enjoy guys fighting against each other for several PPVs without getting bored, or seeing it as stale, when there is some Angle/Story too it. For the most part it seems to me that Christian has been just bouncing around from feuds to feuds. I think his feud with Regal could have been better but WWE never really let them go at it, I mean come on, a REALLY short match on a PPV? That just doesn't cut it for me.

Also I think they should and could have capitalized on Christian and Ryder. Their one match on ECW was pretty exciting for me and for a bit Zack Ryder had me on the edge of my seat and I really couldn't believe it. Then I was disappointed that with that quality of a match they did nothing to push it.

Then now it seems they have cut away from Christian and Shelton who had a pretty decent ladder match at TLC. How do you expect anything to grow, when you don't feed and nurture it?
I agree with the person that started this thread. The only feud I've enjoyed for the ECW title was when Christian was up against Jack Swagger, and that's saying a lot since it's almost a year ago now. Honestly I don't watch ECW most of the time anymore, just because it isn't what it was a few years back and a lot of the new talent is really boring to watch in my eyes since they haven't really come into their own yet. So yes, to a certain extent Christian's title run has been disappointing, especially since when he came back I wanted him to go on Smackdown. When he went onto ECW I didn't really understand until I realized it was a strategy to get better tv ratings, but looking at those ratings now, I can't say it's working very well. WWE needs to get rid of this show and put wrestlers like Christian on shows where their talent can really be shown to its true extent.
Christian's current ECW Championship reign is honestly one of favorite title reigns that I've seen in recent memory. However, if you're talking about disappointment, I'm only disappointed that it was an ECW Championship reign, especially considering how ECW has been being treated lately. He is the best current champion in the WWE and there's a reason why he is the longest reigning ECW Champion since the recreation.

However, I would agree that his title reign would have been a whole lot more impressive if his title defenses were on ppv. His title reigns are some of the best matches you'll find on ECW. His defense against Yoshi Tatsu was surprisingly a great match in my opinion, and while it would have likely been overlooked on ppv, it wouldn't have hurted to try. He also had pretty good title defenses in that Extreme Rules bout with Tommy Dreamer, William Regal in the UK, and with Zack Ryder. The man just fails to disappoint.

So, no, I have not been disappointed about Christian's title reign at all. I think he's great, the title reign is great for an ECW Title reign, the booking is okay, Christian takes what he is given and runs with it. What more can you ask for?
I've enjoyed his reign, I think he has brought some prestige to the belt by having it for such a lengthy period of is time he moves onto something bigger and better though - he really can't do anything else for ECW...other then drop the belt to someone like Yoshi..;)
Christian has saved ECW and has kept it afloat for a year now and his reign hasn't really been all that bad, it's just bad writing and little exposure. He's had 2 legit feuds and small programs all over the board against various wrestlers from the brand. Expand the Shelton and/or Rhyder programs and that would boost Christian even more. I agree to an extent that he's above ECW. He's much needed right now until Vince can find someone else to carry the brand.
Well if you call a title reign that has provided consistently good matches, entertaining skits, and made this superstar get the achievement of becoming the longest (WWE)ECW champion of all time then I guess you must hate a lot of title reigns these days.

Christian's ECW title reign is one of if not the best overall title reign with the belt. The man since his re-debut with the brand back in February of last year, has single handily carried ECW. He is the reason most people even tune in to the show.

The only problem with his reign is the fact that we all know he shouldn't be on ECW, it's our dyer hope that he moves to a bigger and better brand. And for that reason, we resent the fact that he is on ECW, as their reigning champion.

As far as a title reign goes, its been nothing short of great, he is the current longest reigning male champion in WWE as well. This title reign has not been a let down because Christian in his own right doesn't let down in his performance, whether it be in his matches or on the mic, he is always going to provide us with his best.
I've actually enjoyed Christian's reign as ECW champion. The problem is he's on WWE's C show, so he won't get as much exposure or hype as Sheamus or Undertaker, that's just the way it is. His feud with Tommy Dreamer was very good. The matches weren't classics by any means,but the FEUD it self between these two was just awesome. His feud with William Regal was also good.

Again, if Christian were WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, I don't think we would be having this discussion, but because he's on the C show, his reign doesn't seem as important as the two other world champions.
I don't think his reign was bad either I really enjoy it too. I don't think it's Christian's fault either it's just he doesn't have anybody to challenge and have a really good feud with. It are some people he could have some good feuds with I just don't see it happening though. He could have his fued with Zack Ryder like they were trying to do at first fued with him a while and feud or fued someone else for I while and he could have a better reign perhaps.
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