Zack Ryder's Perfect Chance?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Recently, Tommy Dreamer has officially left TNA. If you all remember back in December 2009, Tommy Dreamer had his final match in the WWE against not other than the internet darling, Long Island's own, Zack Ryder.

Seeing that Dreamer is not with TNA, Ryder can remind the WWE Universe that he was the man that drove Dreamer (no pun intended) out of the company. They can do a thing where every week Ryder challenges and former ECW wreslter to a match, culminating to the return of Tommy Dreamer.

Then, these two can revive their rivalry, giving Zack Ryder a chance at some TV time while getting a rub from an ECW original.

The only problem that I see what this is that Zack Ryder is now officially a face, so I don't see how this can work, unless Dreamer is heel or they flip the sides.

What do you guys think?
I'm all for a Zack Ryder push but Tommy Dreamer? Really? That's the best you could think of? Tommy Dreamer should've retired when ECW died. The guy is really talent less. He couldn't put anyone over if he tried. So what if they did revive their feud? Would that do anything to Ryder's credibility? Eh not so much. Tommy can come back to the WWE to manage superstars, be a backstage agent, or even join the writing team but performing in the WWE is out of the question. The last thing Ryder needs is Tommy Dreamer.
Haha Hamler you said what I was about to write.

Anyway, you're not the first to mention that Mr. Dreamer was taken out of the company by none other than Ryder however realizr this, they want him as a face he wants him as a face. Saying you drove someone out of the company is not a face thing to do. At All. Also do you really want to see Dreamer return. The ECW guys made a decision to die in what we call TNA. So you know what let them die there. WWE does not need to be wasting time bringing back the dead in order to better help the career of an internet sensation.
I have seen Ryder fans come up with all kind of off the wall ways to push him. This one sorry to say is really stretching it. Dreamer isn't a big enough name to put over anyone. If he was Ryder would have benefited more than he did when he retired him from WWE. I don't know why anyone would want to see Dreamer return. All he did when he went to TNA was cry how WWE destroyed his and ECW's legacy. Even though he stayed there for many years proudly promoting it.

I wouldn't mind seeing Ryder get a push but at this point I don't know if it will ever happen.
I agree that dreamer and ryder should feud but not in this way dreamer should come back and complain that Ryder ended his career and he wants a rematch the two feud until extreme rules where dreamer revives ecw one night stand and if dreamer wins they bring ecw back in the place of superstars dreamer wins but Ryder takes the ecw title a month later and ends ecw but makes superstars it's own brand that way young stars can get over easier
You actually think this would work?
Oh my good god, there's two of you, help me now. It would never work, EVER. Dreamer is way too old, too slow, too....anything. He just couldn't do it the way he used to. As Hamler said, he should've retired absolutely ages ago and just never came back 'cos he's just never entertaining. The way Ryder, if he's ever gonna get over, 'cos lets face it, I doubt he will get into the big picture, is he needs to just fight his way up the ranks. But it's very unlikely when you look at what he does and how he's used. So no, I would not like to see Tommy Dreamer back, in any way at all. Ever again. May he just stay at home and sit watching Wrestling and not doing it.
Theres a million ways to push ryder but this has to be tge most ******ed idea i have ever heard. Tommy dreamer? really? hundreds of stars to choose from and u choose dreamer a 50 yr old never was. come on genius get a clue. u wanna give Ryder his perfect shot? have him do a run in and save cena a few times. thatll give him his push. not dreamer. fuck have him reincarnate himself as doink and its a better idea.
Tommy Dreamer and so many of the ECW "Originals" were complete sh*t.They make R-Truth look like a marathon runner by comparison.Sure,it'll be fun to see Zack Ryder get smacked around with a kendo stick or a steel chair,but that feud's not going to take him anywhere.It'll be a young guy in his prime beating up an old,jaded,fat bloke.It'll make Ryder look like a bully and it'll make Dreamer look like the old,jaded,fat bloke that he is.

If you want him to get the rub from a veteran,then pair him up with someone people give a f*ck about,like Chris Jericho or Triple H.They'll take Zack Ryder to the moon and Ryder can propel himself to Mars with the momentum.It's not below Jericho to work with Ryder,I mean,he even agreed to work with Evan Bourne before he left.I'm not a Ryder mark,but he is pretty entertaining,and there's no point wasting his popularity among the fans.I think Zack has until episode 30-40 before he gets really sick and tired of everything and the fans get bored of him,so if the WWE wants to do something with him,they better act now.
I would love to see Ryder and Hawkins team up again and have Them Join Dolph Ziggler and Vicki in a stable. Also wwe should sign The Big O. He can be the Muscle of the group while he is training in FCW.

Ziggler (mainevent)
Hawkins and Ryder (tag divison)
Big O (The Muscle aka Body Guard)
Vicki Manager.
I think that Ryder should definitely get his push. Here is a thought though. WWE doesn't have a TV title and bringing back the european or cruiserweight at this moment wouldn't be best. But what if in today's day and age if they actually made an official WWE Internet Championship. A modern way of having a tv title. It would be defended on all the webcasts mostly or a few Raw and Smackdowns here and there. They would definitely have to put it on Ryder to start out. but once he's ready to move up to bigger things he could drop the title to someone else.
The WWE Internet Championship? God give me strength! What with that and having Ryder feud with Tommy Dreamer Ryders push would be over before it began.

WWE should and probably will push ryder towards the US championship sometime this year. He has a huge internet following and the potential to make wwe a lot of money, and not even vince is stupid enough to ignore that. They might start him off doing promo's or being part of a face tag team (ie with Alex Riley maybe?), but whatever they do it will be well thought out and timed to assist the company with other guys taking time off. He probably will never be the 'face' of the company, but a well timed push would help them fill a gap in the top end talent pool at some point.

Whatever it will be, all your fantasies about dreamer/ECW/Internet Titles, are just fantasies guys
This would do nothing other than kill Ryder, it would do him no good.

Dreamer has been irrelevant for years, but continues to show up. While he was entertaining in the original ECW days, quite honestly, everyone is sick of seeing him. Not only him, but these long worn out ECW revival storylines as well.

It would do nothing more than make Zack Ryder boring and unoriginal.
i didn't agree with the tommy dreamer feud. I just said make the Internet Championship. A lot of wwe viewers watch on the internet and its a unique way to imply a lower card title w/o straight jacking the name tv or television title. Two of WWE Broadcasts are on the net. A lower card title would help build and provide development for younger talent. Would also provide a good use of all crusierwieghts that the WWE is doing nothing with.
You actually think this would work?
Oh my good god, there's two of you, help me now. It would never work, EVER. Dreamer is way too old, too slow, too....anything. He just couldn't do it the way he used to. As Hamler said, he should've retired absolutely ages ago and just never came back 'cos he's just never entertaining. The way Ryder, if he's ever gonna get over, 'cos lets face it, I doubt he will get into the big picture, is he needs to just fight his way up the ranks. But it's very unlikely when you look at what he does and how he's used. So no, I would not like to see Tommy Dreamer back, in any way at all. Ever again. May he just stay at home and sit watching Wrestling and not doing it.

Agree with you totally bro. Dreamer was one of my favoruites back in the day, but "the day" was about 10 years ago. There is no need for the WWE to bring Tommy back now, he is so far past his prime that he can't even remember when his prime was. If he was ever to appear on WWE tv again it would be as a manager and nothing more.

Why would WWE want to waste Ryder in this way? Who actually remembers, or even cares that he ended Dreamer's WWE career. Most of the fans would have no idea what this feud was over, and it would not benefit Ryder in any way, and certainly not get him over as a face.

Ryder has superstar potential, and to stick him with Dreamer in such a pointless feud would be a big 2 fingers and a death knell for his WWE career. This feud should not, and will not happen. It would not benefit anyone
Ryder needs no such thing to get over. He's already busted his ass to get over, and every week, there's a "We want Ryder" chant proving that he was successful. What Ryder needs is a relevant storyline on Raw, wrestling for titles, working to be a champion. He could feud with Ziggler over the US Title and it would do about 100 times more for him than working with Dreamer ever would. Having Dreamer come back and feud with Ryder is just silly. It forces Ryder to be a heel again, when he's organically evolved into a face. It dredges up a washed up wrestler who just cannot work at the level he used to anymore. No, a feud with Dreamer would be a completely terrible route for Ryder to go down, one that would do more to set him back than propel him forward.
While I agree that Ryder deserves a push. I don't think he should fully turn face, in spite of the pops. After all, CM Punk is well liked and he plays a heel just fine

Ryder could be a decent heel midcarder. The Morrison attack was one boat that was majorly missed. It would've provided continuity for those who watch the webshow and sees his dad's Morrison obsession. He doesn't need to turn face because of a webshow, after all, The Dirt Sheet didn't force Morrison and Miz into face roles.

Also, I feel that other heels who are further up the card like Ziggler or Miz need the face turn more, mainly to create more main event faces to allow Cena to take a break. Elevating a heel is a much easier job, so Ryder could be elevated to take one of their places. In the case of Ziggler, it's another boat that was missed for not only him, but for Ryder as well. While Ziggler is one of Ryder's most vocal supporters, I feel that the Ryder not being booked for RAW in LI incident could have led to Ryder having a "You-Were-Supposed-To-Be-Mah-Friend" Moment on Ziggler.

To take it further, Ryder and Hawkins could be reunited and play the same role that Cody and Ted play on Smackdown: A consistent midcarder heel team with one over guy (Ryder) and one not quite as over guy (Hawkins).

I wouldn't mind bringing back the Cruiserweight Title for Ryder. I think that would actually be better than having a "real" Internet Championship. I feel that an actual WWE Internet Champion would end up taking away the focus of NXT from the rookies and onto himself. I also don't think a large chunk of viewers watch Superstars. If they did, WE ourselves would not refer to Superstars as "undercard hell" or anything like that.
I don't see how this would work. Ryder should remain a face due to his popularity. So reminding everyone that he drove Dreamer out of the WWE would not do much to help him get more over. Now having him wrestle guys from ECW (or having him wrestle ANYONE on Raw, that is) would benefit him some. The man deserves a push and many of his fans would take just about any angle at this point as long as he would be getting pushed. Dreamer returning to WWE would not be that big of a deal, even if he was going to put over Ryder again. Dreamer would need to return as a heel for this to work because Ryder is the one who needs to be built up, not Dreamer. I think it's a bad idea and would not work out too well. It's an idea to at least think about though.
If anything in this point in time, Tommy Dreamer would need Zack Ryder to get over in the WWE, not the other way around. There is nothing that Dreamer could offer Ryder inside the ring to help him, expect get him airtime, which is pretty stupid since he could do that with anybody and execs wouldn't have to pay Dreamer a salary for doing it.

No, Ryder needs airtime on television. He does not need to revisit the past for a storyline that the average WWE fan would either A. not give two shits about or B. not remember in the slightest.
Ryder against Ziggler would make a decent pair up. They would make for some great matches and would also give Ryder a chance to get some promo time. All he needs to do is make a few jokes about the whole Ziggler/Vicky relationship to get things started. Maybe even a shock win on a edition of Raw over Ziggler would be fun. Non title of course but it'd set up a Pay Per View rematch for the title.
I really like that idea, mancpenguin.

As far as Tommy Dreamer coming back, the only ECW original who could come back to the WWE, IMO, and give Ryder a good rub would be RVD. Not sure how much longer he'll be in TNA.

A Ziggler/Ryder feud would be good since they seem to be tight and I think they could work a good program with one another. Ryder has a great set of mic skills and also can go in the ring. Would be a great match and seeing how Vickie, IMO, is the top heel in the company (including Cole) then Ryder would benefit by knocking her.
Tommy Dreamer needs to stay off of WWE TV forever.

Ryder needs a good push but bringing back Dreamer isn't the way of getting him over. He needs to be feuding with someone who is currently on RAW, not some washed up ECW hasbeen.

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