Will WWE open their eyes?


Proud ROH Fanboy
This is concerning the possible match for the ECW championship.

Jack Swagger V.S. Christian V.S. Tommy Dreamer

ECW Extreme Rules.

Would this be where Tommy wins the title? or where he passes of the torch to Swagger or Christian(most likely Christian)? Will Dreamer be a GM like everyone says he will? or will he win the title, lost it fast, then be underused for the rest of his career? Or maybe this would bring him to main event status?

Your thoughts?

EDIT- I made this before reading "Tommy Dreamer Responds To Retirement Rumors & Future Plans"
I don't think he will want to finish with a title win (IRL) - reckon he'll lose and go on to be GM
Tommy Dreamer might be an ECW legend, but he sure ain't a WWE one.

Even having him involved with Jack Swagger or Christian makes the brand look weaker than it actually is.

Tommy Dreamer is not a Trish Stratus or a Ric Flair. He shouldn't go out with a nice little match with plenty of promotion. He should go the same way as Victoria. On his brand with little fanfare.

Talk of him getting the belt is ridiculous. Even talk of him being involved in an ECW title match on PPV is absurd.
I think Tommy deserved to be ECW Champion long before they tarnished the brand so badly. To make him push 1 good wrestler[Christian] and 1 decent wrestler['Jack' & only Jack cuz I refuse to call him Swagger] is just adding insult to Dreamer's career as an ECW Original. He's the only 1 left & they could afford to give him a title run until atleast SummerSlam or Survivor Series<<<it'd be better than watching Finlay dance around like an idiot for the next 3-4 months or than that rediculous excuse for The Hart Foundation reborn running around. What ever happened to Bourne's push, how come he's not in line for atleast a shot for a #1 Contender's spot? Vince is down on Christian so I could see the belt changing hands so quickly just not sure to it'd be going to Tommy.
In order to pass a torch, I think beating that person has to mean something. If Tommy Dreamer was Shawn Michaels, than he would be passing the torch. But Tommy Dreamer is not HBK, not even close, he's a hardcore jobber who's getting one last moment in the spot light before retirement.

I don't know if he'll come back to be ECW GM. I think while it would certainly be interesting, it would be unnecessary, since the job is so incredibly small, and I'd much rather see Tiffany for the three minutes she needs to be on TV than Tommy Dreamer.
see.. the thing with Tommy is that I dunno, I've heard in an interview that he never wanted to be ECW Champ, he actually got pissed when he did, he said he'd prefer the part of playing a perennial loser who wouldn't quit on his dreams (probably why he's called "Dreamer"), so I doubt that he'll win it, and even if he does, its probably gonna be temporary and/or purely a transitional one, basically, a way to get the belt off Christian with out making him look weak, so that Dreamer instead would put over Swagger in the next ppv/title match..

IMO the transitional reign (if it does happen for Tommy) is a win-win situation for the left out ECW marks, and the WWECW..
I hope to god he loses, Tommy may have an abundance of charisma, But he is very average in the ring. Why he is the most watched star on ECW is beyond me, unless its for nostalgic reasons.

With that being said i would love to see Tommy Dreamer become the GM, For nostalgic reasons at the minute, Its the only thing he could do to intrest me.
I think they should let him win the championship in an old school ECW style hardcore match, PG of course. The next night, he should do a little speech or whatever and then "retire" and drop the belt. Now we would have a vacant ECW title and possibly a new GM. Which opens up many directions in where to go from here.
doesn't dreamer's contract expires 1 or 2 days before extreme rules? and didn't he say he'll quit if he didn't win the ECW title before wrestlemania? well, i guess wwe kept him going until ER to actually give him the title. did he ever hold the title since ECW became a WWE show in 2006?i mean, if he's an original, they should at least give him the title once.

Or maybe yes, he'll pass on the torch to either christian or swagger and become the GM coz i don't see Tiffany as GM on the long run. dreamer would fit the role IMO. but if he will lose at ER and become GM, then the three of them should give us one hell of a match to send dreamer away
They may give him the belt out of respect...the guys been a solid contributer to the WWE for years now (off and on camera) and has never caused any sort of issues, and from what I understand, is pretty well liked in the back. Vince just may decide to award him with simple title reign to have him retire, then have him give the belt back to Christian or something and then become the new GM.
I love Dreamer and I hope he wins the title, but he likely won't and I don't want to see him as GM. The GM title on ecw isn't a big role so if he loses he might as well not be on tv. If he does lose I hope the following ecw shows highlights of his career before he gives his final speech at the end.

Hey who knows? Maybe he wins the title and announces on ecw that he signed like a 10 year contract. Even if he were to lose the title quickly, I'd still be happy as long as he wins it. He doesn't need to be a long-term champion.
I doubt he'll take it. Vince has long subscribed to the theory that if he didn't create it, it's not a good idea. He created Swagger and Christian, so why would he put Dreamer over one of them? I can't picture that happening for the life of me. Dreamer is a guy that doesn't want to be champion. His character does, but from evertying that I've read he wants to be in ECW and nothing more. That's fine by me, as it wouldn't be right for him to win in a certain regard. However, I just can't see it happening more because of Vince, and if it does he'll taint it somehow.
I have a feeling he will win this. Does he deserve it? Maybe he has done alot for this business. He might only be a jobber but he is a good one, and is entertaining to watch. If he wins this, I see him winning it like Trish did with the Womens championship. Where, He wins the title but retires like he said he would. The title gets put up, and Swagger & Christian compete for the belt on the next PPV. either that or

he wins it, but the General manager or somebody comes out and tells him that he can't be the official champion because his Contract is out. either way it could work.

I really think this will happen and he will finally win the big (little) one. but we will find out tommorow i guess.

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