Dreamer wins the WWe/Ecw Title!

I'm just glad he pinned Swagger instead of Christian. This way, Christian can get a rematch, with his arguement being he was never pinned.

That being said, I certainly wasn't expecting Dreamer to win, especially since his contract has expired. Perhaps it was WWE's way of ensuring Dreamer didn't ditch WWE and sign up with TNA.
Wow, if anyone ever deserved a thank you farewell run, its certainly Tommy Dreamer. Here is a guy that suffered witht he Heyman run business, and taking ECW over pretty much himself at the end, and now has become a main stay in the WWE. out of everyone from the original ECW, Tommy Dreamer has outlasted them all, including Rob Van Dam, that's quite the accomplishment, tos ay the least.

This man deserves this run. he may not have wanted it, but he damn well should take it. Tommy Dreamer is going to make someone look like a million bucks when he drops the title.
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I had a feeling he'd win. Even if it was just nostalgia telling me so, I had a feeling. I'm glad he did it at a show that was at one point dedicated to the old ECW, and I hope they don't just make him lost the title tonight, or in the near future to some noob who needs a push.

Tommy showed in ECW that he can work an angle, and make it work for a long time. Hopefully, whoever they have feud with him, will get some solid experience, and win this at a bigger pay-per-view than Judgment Day, giving Tommy a big stage to put on a show, and drop the title.

One thing I'm holding out for, is ECW to return to being hardcore, and having all matches under extreme rules. Will it happen? Probably not. But, Tommy won the title, so why not??
I can't even lie......I definately marked out for a couple of minutes when Dreamer hit the DDT and won the belt. Let's just blame it on nostalgia (its my story and I'm sticking to it). Glad to see Dreamer finally achieve this goal and have a title reign lasting longer than Kane's.

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