Tommy Dreamer Retirement Angle

I think what they're trying to do with it is put Dreamer at absolute rock bottom before he starts to climb to the top. June 6th is over four months away. There's just not enough guys on the ECW roster to stretch that out for. He needs to go very slowly right now because if he goes too fast, he'll run out of opponents way before June. This is being timed perfectly right now and it's by far the most intriguing storyline ECW had had in a long time. To rush it would be a shame. I like it so far, the little that I've seen of it. Please do the man justice WWE.
The only problem is that Dreamer is not MVP, it's tottaly different.

He needs to start winning, I don't say make him win every match, just let him feud with someone until No Way Out, and then make him number one contender right after Wrestlemania, so he can have a two months feud with the champion, he needs that more than anyone.
Dreamer... I'm not sure what to think about him. He is an ECW original, the last one for that matter, and he is obviously dedicated if he takes all that crap from the WWE and doesn't give up. He is a jobber in ECW. Thats worse than losing to Jamie Noble every night for a month. But the question is, could he come back from all that and become a true star of the brand? I think that this will all lead up to a big ECW championship victory at One Night Stand that nobody will really care about, and than a retirement and a tearful farewell as the last little piece of ECW floats away. And with that, ECW will cease to represent the brand it's named after, And become nothing more than a glorified version of FCW.
I really want Tommy Dreamer to win the title he deserves more than anyone on the ECW roster. The mark in me says he will win the title, and live happily ever after. The smark in me says Dreamer doesn't want the title, he likes to put people over unlike most legends.
I predict Tommy not winning, but asking the champ to a friendly non-title Extreme rules match at ONS. That way Dreamer can win in a brutal match using everything he has have the champ kick out of the DDT. Then have Dreamer get puonded on until He hits a Dreamer Driver of teh top rope through a flaming brabed wire table. a get the three count leaving on a spectacular high note. Then on the next ECW give Dreamer a retirement promo like what Flair got except only with people who wrestled for original ECW or got their start on new ECW. That would kick ass.
If Tuesday night's ECW did anything it pretty much told us where this angle is going, nowhere near the ECW title. Dreamer will retire and not gain the ECW title. I mean Tuesday was his first match since the angle began and what did he do? Seemly the same thing Dreamer unfortunately usually does, job. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see and ECW original hold that belt before him leaving, it'd be more than Sabu or Sandman got to do before they got the boot. And not for nothing Dreamer is one of the few guys that does deserve it as he is a hard dependable worker. Although I don't see Dreamer winning the ECW title, I hope this story does something for him when it comes to his win/loss status. I would hate for Dreamer to leave and be remembered as only a jobber with a lot of heart.
*sigh* It seems that yet again the WWE has dropped the ball on this one. Last week when Dreamer came out to face Mark Henry I expected him to win, but it seems that the WWE isn't too keen to let him win against the ''Worlds Strongest Man'' who has been defeated by Matt Hardy for Milions of times. I mean if they wont let Dreamer at least win matches against some people how in the world do they expect us to believe he has a chance at Jack Swagger's ECW title? Well it's too early to judge things right now, but I think that the creative team is going to screw this up and Tommy Dreamers last chance of a title for all his years spent in ECW.
I read on the Main site that this angle is more real than scripted. Meaning, I guess Dreamer and the company came to an agreement that if the company feels they should continue using Tommy Dreamer on-camera, that Dreamer feels he should be at least used in a positive role once in a while.

So I guess this leads to a staredown, or a stalemate of sorts. Dreamer is the last "original" within the company, on the E.C.W. brand. If he fails to become Champion, and leaves.. that could be just what the company needs to distance E.C.W. from it's original title.

However, I don't seriously think it'd hurt anything to give Dreamer the fucking title, only to help build someone else.

If you stop and think, as some have already mentioned, Dreamer is a legit jobber right now. When was the last time he won anything? Yet he's still seen as a big name to the E.C.W. Faithful. Thus, if he wins the title.. whomever defeats him for it, will likely get an even bigger push toward that top rung of the ladder.

I would assume it'd be Jack Swagger to drop, then regain the title from Dreamer, helping both individuals. It'd help Dreamer by giving him a piece of the top spot.. and it'd help Swagger, because by losing to Dreamer he falls, yet by defeating a newly refreshed and "top quality" Dreamer, he raises much higher.
Somehow i doubt Dreamer will win the title.Considering that he's jobbed to everyone on ECW now.And it's a damn shame when think of what he's done for ECW and for young guys in the WWE.He's seems like a truly unselfish worker who deserves a little recognition.If Dreamer doesn't win the title it will be interesting to see if he jumps to TNA,goes the independent circut,or just outright retires.
I highly doubt Dreamer will win the strap. At first I thought this was an angle for Dreamer to go out on a high note. But now I believe Dreamer is gonna be a stepping stone for Swagger.His whole career has been about putting the other guy over. So why would now be any different. I think he'll get one last shot at the gold on the last ECW before ONS. He will lose this match in Extreme Rules and retire at the PPV. It makes more sense and Teddy Long can become Smackdown or Raw's new GM and Dreamer can become ECW's new GM and make Swagger's life hell.
Im gonna go out on a limb and say something will happen to Dreamer and reverse his streak or luck and he will win the title and retire on top or lose it and then retire..Then ECW would officialy end because it`s not ECW anymore per say. They should call it something else..
does the return of christian kill off tommy dreamer? maybe but i hope not. i'd love to see christian beat swagger for the title and start a fued with tommy leading up to his retirement. have him battle for contention to earn the shot at the title only to have him lose and retire from wwe with some dignity at a ppv. it can be done without either losing the face cred. for christian it's just business, he's back and means to make a statement but tommy can fight through and get his all or nothing moment. he was always an underdog in ecw fighting for respect there is no reason he can't do the same here. unfortunately this would kill swagger and i can't see that happening.
I like the angle, But as long as it doesnt end up being too much like Flair's then it will be decent.

the only thing I can see happening, Is if Christian does pick up the strap, Tommy will challenge him after WM, And Tommy will keep losing, But stay as a face, Until a month or so before the contract is up, Then he will turn to the hardcore, And attack Christian at every chance he get's, And after that he will either go out with the strap on his shoulder, And vacate it, Or Christian will beat his ass, And Tommy will end his WWE career, As he started it.
It has potential to be a good little angle for Tommy. Anytime a wrestler is getting a push of any size it's a good thing. After a while I think people will really get behind Tommy in his quest to win the ECW world title. I actually dont want to see him win the title. I'd rather see him come close at ONS but lose in the end. Then he can bow out of pro wrestling gracefully.
Well I suppose it's nice to see Tommy involved in an angle again. I struggle to understand why he has to lose every match though. It's like a blown up version of his original ECW storyline with Raven...couldn't beat him for years until the night Raven left for WCW.
So basically he is going to lose every match, and then win the title? That seems a little silly to me.

While it could be booked better, I do like the angle...and I will as long as Tommy wins the title in the end, hopefully at ONS or whatever it's called now in an extreme rules match. He has been the WWE's resident jobber ever since ECW folded and from what I'm to understand, he hasn't complained a lick. And with this ECW now completely distancing itself from the original coupled with WWE's PG shows, he has been taken completely out of what made him in the first place. He's a good worker, can put on a good match, and has probably tutored a bunch of young guys during his time in WWE. I don't think it would hurt anyone to have Tommy win the title and then retire. There could be a tournament or something after to freshen things up. Based on what he did in ECW and his willingness to put over everyone during his time in WWE, the man deserves it.
Welll Dreamer has a ways to go until he wins the title. He needs to get his passion and confidence back. "Rally up." as Ortiz said. I'd like to see Dreamer beat the snot out of Swagger, have a short title reign, then respectably lose it to someone who deserves it, then retire. I wosh they'd go back to true ECW territory for his retirment though. Like the Hammerstein Ballroom.
There are 2 things I'm looking out for when it comes to Dreamer's storyline - and oddly enough, neither of them involve Tommy Dreamer.

If Christian doesn't win the ECW title on Tuesday but still wins the match, I think its safe to say he won't win the title even at WrestleMania...ESPECIALLY if the match is a triple threat between Christian/Finlay/Swagger, as that allows Swagger to pin Finlay and retain and Christian still looks strong.

The draft is on right after Mania. Rumors have floated around that Christian was really the one planned to have attacked Hardy, but they switched it to Matt to surprise the fans. What happened as a result from that? Christian went to fill in Matt's spot on ECW. The plan was to have Matt move over to Smackdown ANYWAY, making it Edge, Christian, Matt, and Jeff on SD. So in my mind, I think if Christian doesn't win the ECW title, then it foretells him being drafted over to Smackdown in order to feud with Edge and Matt Hardy at some point.

Who could you draft over from Smackdown to ECW to help replace Matt Hardy/Christian? Two choices there - MVP and Mr. Kennedy, although Kennedy would be much better suited as MVP has a better shot at moving up to the main event and being a steady midcarder. There's your next challenge for Swagger, potentially, for the next little bit. This leads you closer towards June 6th, where Dreamer's storyline ends and the Extreme Rules ppv begins (June 7th).

What this boils down to is that I think if Christian doesn't win the ECW title, we're looking at Tommy Dreamer vs. Jack Swagger in some sort of gimmick match at Extreme Rules where Dreamer beats Swagger for the title. In the next few months, its centered around Dreamer trying to get his spirit back, as evidenced by the pathetic "rally up" comment from Ortiz, a guy who shouldn't be giving advice to anybody about being a better performer haha.
I can't see him winning it. The guy has zero interest in it. And if you don't want the title why would yoiu give it to him|? Tommy is ECW's version of HBK he chases and chases the title, gives the other person a great match they both get respected for it but he never wins. And he is fine with that. I can see him losing his last match against somebody he respects and it being his best match ever but i can't see him win it.

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