Christian's Deserved World Title


Dark Match Jobber
I am a massive Christian Fan and have been since The days of the Brood,
and when he went to TNA thats the reason i started watching or making sure i found out what happend week by week and when he then came back to WWE, i wasnt as interested dont get me wrong they are some good talent on TNA, i wasn't a fan of bringing him back on ECW , just the fact he was such a well known charector i thought he should of gone to one of the major shows.
During his time back on smackdown christian hasnt done much mostly due to injury ,
with christian making his return recently i wondered where you guys think he will go from here

also edge & christian was a similar duo and i wondered if christian never made the switch from company to company,
Could christian have been in a same posistion as Edge and had Lots of major title Reigns?
I, too, am a Christian fan.

But as much as I would like to see Christian have a world title run, I dont think it will happen. I read somewhere that McMahon sees Christian as a mid-carder, and thats it.

I think Christian should've stayed in TNA where he was a star, then be on WWE and waste his time.

Although, it seems like Vince finally gave Christian his push at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-veiw. I just hope he is used correctly, and not like Jack Swagger. [He held the WHC for like what, 2 weeks?]
To thegreekhero

Do you think if christian does the "jeff hardy switch" meaning if he ever was to go back to TNA for a second time similar to jeff. do you think he will yet again become a big star there though.
Yea im a christian fan to but not a huge one. Definitly deserves the title over guys like Swagger and ADR who had it or will eventually have it. Hopefully this means something good for christian for returning at EC.
i dont think he's ever going to get a world title because i dont think wwe can trust him. he's not one of those guys' who will never go to tna, obviously b/c he's been there before. i think they learned their mistake with jeff hardy and from now on only REALLY push the guys' who were brought up in the wwe and stay there for their whole careers, which is also why i dont get why they havent pushed john morrison farther and sooner
Although, it seems like Vince finally gave Christian his push at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-veiw. I just hope he is used correctly, and not like Jack Swagger. [He held the WHC for like what, 2 weeks?]

Swagger had it for 82 days. almost 3 months.

Christian, if he ever gets a title run, will obviously only get it on Smackdown. It could be a nice run if he gets some good feuds and not just one feud with Edge. Winning the title, then just losing it back to Edge lets say, in a month or two in a rematch to me isn't that good of a run.

At least when Kane was champion he had a rematch with Rey, then onto Undertaker, then finally Edge where he dropped it.
i love christian. i hope that wwe does the right thing by a guy that's been around forever and include him in the match at wrestlemania, and put the title around his waist.

and as far as christian being a bigger 'star' in TNA..

i bet if you asked christian, he'd rather be a mid-carder in WWE then a 'star' in TNA
If Christian was to hold the world title , i hope he doesnt do a swagger in the sence of being a former champion then gradually over time fadeing out of the main event picture , to losing to the IC champion week in wee out, i meen correct me if im wrong i might have just forgotten but was he part of last week's smackdown?
i def. dont want to see a guy whose ass i could probably kick to hold a title. If Vinny Mac hasnt been sold on Morrison b/c he doesnt have the muscular big guy physique, you really think Christian will ever? And I believe the only reason Rey Mysterio ever held the title was due to his popularity with kids and the latin american community. I remember Mysterio geting regularly beaten by the likes of Khali and Mark Henry on a weekly basis on Smackdown.
He still could, remember Christian has unfinished business with Del Rio who is challenging for the title at Wrestlemania. He's a top star, and whether or not he holds the title he definitely should be contending for it.
Despite everything Christian fans and non-Christian fans say about him, if given the opportunity, Christian could be a good, maybe great champion. He has all his peeps round him to support him. Now i admit, I am not a HUGE Christian fan, but I enjoy his work every time (One of my favorite matches I've seen from him was on ECW vs. William Regal for the ECW Championship) and he has yet to disappoint me. He definitely carries the title of "Captain Charisma", and he is awaiting one of the most anticipated feuds ever vs. Edge (IMO). He has good (not great) mic skills and can hold his own in-ring without a partner. Seeing Christian winning a world title would not surprise me as he deserves it, but I don't think his win should come from a gimmick match (ex. Money in the Bank). It should be a long, hard fought battle to prove to his fans (and some people with doubt) that he CAN display the skills and qualities of a true champion. I know I said I'm not a huge Christian fan, but I know of his work enough to let readers of WZ know that without a doubt, Christian is World Title material...Give me a reason why you would think otherwise.
If Jack Swagger, The Miz and most recently, Dolph Ziggler all received World Title belts, then certainly Christian deserves one.

The problem is that he was TNA Champion. Vince McMahon would never elevate someone to the level they were in TNA - it was the same when NWA/WCW Champions arrived in the WWF and were then generally buried; Vinny Mac would never give someone the same credence they had there, apart from maybe Kurt Angle or Sting. The same thing would happen if Mr Anderson returned.

A great pity in all honesty because Christian wore the strap well in TNA and I think being elevated to that level is something that would work very well because he has the quality and experience unlike any of the names mentioned in the first paragraph.
Look... Christian will never get the big one. Come to terms with it. And it's not because that's only how Vince sees him, it's because he doesn't have that "it" factor. Sad, but true. Is he great in the ring? It's debatable. Like it or not, it is. He is solid in the ring. One of the more solid stars on the roster. But he doesn't blow you away. At no point when Christian enters the ring will anybody say the words, "This could be a classic." Yes he's had some amazing matches... but they're all either TLC matches, ladder matches, etc... They took advantage of great spots and huge bumps. Is he great on the mic? Yes. But he still lacks that intangible to make him a major player. He always has and always will.

Even back in TNA, Christian lacked that "it" factor. The World Title of any sort just doesn't fit him. I love Christian just as much as the next person, but he's not World Title material. No matter how much you love him, think how great he is, or how old he gets, it's probably not going to happen.
i def. dont want to see a guy whose ass i could probably kick to hold a title. If Vinny Mac hasnt been sold on Morrison b/c he doesnt have the muscular big guy physique, you really think Christian will ever? And I believe the only reason Rey Mysterio ever held the title was due to his popularity with kids and the latin american community. I remember Mysterio geting regularly beaten by the likes of Khali and Mark Henry on a weekly basis on Smackdown.

Does the name Miz ring a bell? You and I could probably whip up on him and he doesn't have the big muscular physic that Vince beats off over..

and I too am a big Christian fan, but i just don't ever see him being a World / WWE champ any time soon, if ever.. he might get one of the midcard titles again or something
There's no doubt that Christian would make a fine World Heavyweight Champion on SmackDown, I think that maybe him attacking Del Rio alluding to being a face and wanting to help Edge could all be a swerve in the making for down the line after WrestleMania if Edge retains, there's every possibility that if Edge does retain, then Christian theoretically could turn on Edge and have that culminate at SummerSlam. There's every chance Christian could win it.

If Christian wanted to be a world champion in WWE, then I think he would have been better off staying in WWE and not leaving and jumping ship to TNA because that could be a reason he's not getting near the 'big one' lately and has only had the ECW Championship, perhaps since being a champion in TNA, Vince could have some perception that people view him as a TNA main eventer.

I think Christian has 'it' on the mic, there is a reason why he's called Captain Charisma after all, I don't know if he'd be able to pull out classic after classic in the ring. I'd be too worried that his reign would be bland and stale like Jack Swaggers.
I really hate how people try to say that people like jomo, kofi, christian should be world champs. I think christians respect is based on longevity, but still, being a mid carder your whole career (excluding tna) doesnt warrant a world title run imo.

They arent champs for a reason theyre boring and shitty to watch ok. Christian is boring and will never be champ. get over it.
just to clear things up about Jack Swagger having a short title run was because he was being troublesome in the lockeroom, im not sure of the details but he basically was doing something the officals didnt like so they punish him by bringing him far back into midcard, and as for christian i like him and mostly everyone likes him but a while back he pissed Vince off and basically Vince is never going to give him the push he deserves he may be stuck in midcard until retirement, him returning at EC and saving edge doesnt really mean he is getting a huge push. As much as i would like to see him in main event i dont think it will happen unless Vince finally forgives hims. Now about that im not sure of the details either but you can easily look it up.
christian deserves it. why the hell not? he's a talented wrestler and gets a good natural pop as a face. give him a feud with edge before edge retires. christian deserves it and its about time. if u've watched wwe long enough u would understand how great a feud that could be.
Look... Christian will never get the big one. Come to terms with it. And it's not because that's only how Vince sees him, it's because he doesn't have that "it" factor. Sad, but true.

The hell he don't. He has "it" just as much as his old partner Edge. More than most of the rising stars. He's very over with the fans, the majority of which have been clamoring for a World title reign for him since he came back. The "it factor" is one of the greatest cliches in all of television. Basically a way of making a statement without backing it in any way. I could go that route and say: Your opinion doesn't have the "it" factor so therefore I win. But that's no fun is it.

Is he great in the ring? It's debatable. Like it or not, it is. He is solid in the ring. One of the more solid stars on the roster. But he doesn't blow you away. At no point when Christian enters the ring will anybody say the words, "This could be a classic." Yes he's had some amazing matches... but they're all either TLC matches, ladder matches, etc... They took advantage of great spots and huge bumps. Is he great on the mic? Yes. But he still lacks that intangible to make him a major player. He always has and always will.

He's certainly above average, especially in WWE's current product. And when was the last time Cena came to the ring and people anticipated a classic? Never, unless you say 'that match is classic John Cena' because it's exactly the same as his last one.

Intangibles, another great way to make a point without actually making one. Which intangible(s) are we talking about here?

Even back in TNA, Christian lacked that "it" factor. The World Title of any sort just doesn't fit him. I love Christian just as much as the next person, but he's not World Title material. No matter how much you love him, think how great he is, or how old he gets, it's probably not going to happen.

There it is again, "it" factor. Christian is past the point of proving he has "it". I'm not for giving away belts because of seniority, but to wrestlers who are good enough to hold it. And Christian is good enough.
christian doesnt have 'it'

hes ok in the ring and ok on the mic but hes just boring. thus he will never be heavywegiht or wwe champ. now get over it.
Maybe Edge is the only person who can elevate Christian to main event status. It could be epic. Wrestlemania 28 (maybe) Edge vs. Christian in a TLC match. Afterwards Edge could announce his retirement on RAW, making his last match against his best friend. Sounds like a typical storyline instead of a over-the-top gimmicky angle. What do you think?
Christian is not a Main Eventer in the eyes of Vince McMahon
If you want him to be, my suggestion is find a way to get more of his merchandise sold.
That's how Rey Mysterio did it.
Maybe Edge is the only person who can elevate Christian to main event status. It could be epic. Wrestlemania 28 (maybe) Edge vs. Christian in a TLC match. Afterwards Edge could announce his retirement on RAW, making his last match against his best friend. Sounds like a typical storyline instead of a over-the-top gimmicky angle. What do you think?

I think that's a great idea. and have a jericho HBK moment.

after christian wins hug in ring , EDGE turns around and christian gives him a low blow , christian would get major heat especially if edge announced it would be his last match if he lost. Always thought christian is a good heel
Christian is not a Main Eventer in the eyes of Vince McMahon
If you want him to be, my suggestion is find a way to get more of his merchandise sold.
That's how Rey Mysterio did it.

That's why Christian left in the first place.If you read Batista's Book Batista says Christian left because Christian felt the compant wasnt using him to his full potential.In an Interview where Batista even said Christian was underutilized.
it was the same when NWA/WCW Champions arrived in the WWF and were then generally buried; Vinny Mac would never give someone the same credence they had there, apart from maybe Kurt Angle or Sting. The same thing would happen if Mr Anderson returned.

I don't know if some of you guys suffer from short term memory loss or "selective" memory.

Booker T is a former WCW/WWE Champion and he isn't the only guy to do that. It's happened numerous times. One more guy I'll mention is....wait for it.....Ric Flair.

Seriously, guys. Think a little before making comments like this.

Oh, and Mr. Anderson is not, was not and never will be a credible main event level performer. His mic work is redundant and boring and his in-ring work is even worse.

Sorry to be "that guy", but it had to be said...

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