Christian WINS!!! or did he?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I first want to say that I 100% love that Christian is the WHC!!!

Okay so did Christian win really? I mean he won the match I saw that but was it actually him that won that match or was it edge's retirement that won Christian the match?

I have no idea where WWE was going with Edge and Christian but i would like to think of Christian turning heel and winning the title but i doubt he would win it in a near future.

So did he actually win the title or was it given to him because Edge retired?
He deserved it more than many superstars. He's worked his ass off and given so much to the WWE. He's a great athlete, as well as my favorite Smackdown superstar. I know he would've gotten it later this year maybe, but I think his title win this early is due to Edge's retirement.
In my opinon, I think he shoud have gotten it a LONG time ago, he's been in the WWE longer than Alberto Del Rio and WWE has treated Del Rio better than Chritian. I'm glad Christian got the WHC! Do I think it was given to him for Edge's retirement? No, not at all, it was coming this year anyways, WWE was giving Christian a BIG push when he stepped up to Del Rio and you can tell it was coming. Edge's retirement just made it come quicker.
agreed christain's feud with del rio started well before could tell it was coming if edge didn't retire i'm sure del rio would have not gone to raw won at ER and than christian would have beat Del Rio and possibly edge in a triple threat match for the wch any way...he was getting pushed hard not as hard as del rio but you needed to belive del rio could win because he was intended to win.....against edge not christian
Its arugeable that he would have had a title shot anyway but the simple answer is we will never truly no what the WWE would have done if Edge was still around.

I feel christian was about to turn heel and feud with edge but that may have not been the case.
If Edge would have stayed, Christian turning heel was very likely. I mean, back when Edge was heel on Raw, Christian and Edge had one hell of a match! Back and forth. Christian turning heel to go after Edge's WHC would have been a good idea for the WWE. It's hard to argue that an Edge vs. Christian fued would have been one of the best moves WWE had made in the past couple of years.
It was because Edge retired, its pretty obvious thats what happened.

Considering the WWE seemingly never had any plans for Christian to be champ before that as most of his WWE career has been him just messing around in the mid card. Christian won because Edge isn't there anymore plain and simple and if Edge was around, my guess is Del Rio would be champ right now and Edge and Christian would be having a feud, especially since they were teasing a feud right before Wrestlemania.

Note when I say this I'm not taking anything away from Christian. He is a great talent and I felt he deserved a WHC reign anyways but looking at the whole picture it didn't seem like Vince felt the same way until Edge was forced to retire. Truthfully I wish they built Christian as a main eventer before he became champ but then again he is there now and with his talent I think he will be able to carry himself as a legit main eventer and champ now that he is there.

Was Christians title reign because of Edge? Undoubtably but at the same time Christian should have been there a long time ago so its no big deal.
He was at the right place at the right time, that's all that matters.
I don't expect his run to be a long one, but at least he had his moment on top.
As long as he's doing what he loves, does it matter whether he's champion?

I think an Edge/Christian feud was looming, and Del Rio would probably have won the championship soon after winning the rumble. Edge and Christian's feud probably wouldn't have involved the championship, rather focusing on other points.
gotta be said though, couldn't be happier to see him with it. Well deserved, he wasn't handed anything on a plate. He worked.
I'm glad Christia fianlly won it, but lets not kid ourselves...that reign is as much Edge as it is Christian's. It's too much of a coinicidence that Christian just happens to become world champion after a aprupt retirement from his long time friend. Had Edge not retired, he and ADR would've fueded while Christian just did whatever...just like he's been doing since his return. I'm not trying to sound harsh, and yeah no on will never truly know now, but c'mon. If Christian was ever going to win it on his own merits it would've happened alot time ago.
I think it's a no brainer Christian's title win on Sunday had a lot to do with Edge's retirement. Don't get me wrong though; I'm not taking anything away from him as a wrestler and performer. He has amazing mic skills, he always brings good energy and a great effort in all his matches, and it's clear he works his butt off for the WWE and is very loyal to the company. BUT, if Edge hadn't had to retire, it would have been him vs Del Rio at Extreme Rules, and if THAT match had taken place, a number of things that happened in the past few weeks might have been different...alright, bottomline before I get ahead of myself here is that as deserving as Christian is to be the WHC at this point, Christian would not be champ right now if Edge was still cleared to perform.

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