Chris Jericho


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last I heard I believe Chris Jericho is a free agent. Where would you like to see him go? TNA is pushing really hard trying to get him. Personally I think TNA would be a better fit for him because he's guranteed to get the push he deserves. After Jericho's title reign in WWE was a flop Vince said that Jericho wouldn't get the title again for many years so I don't see Jericho wanting to mid card in WWE. Also alot of people have been talking about DX needing a new member. I can't think of anyone else period who would fit in there besides Jericho. He's got the comedic/mic skills along with the wrestling talent to back it up.

So what do you think? Which company would you like to see Chris Jericho go to (TNA, RAW, Smackdown, ECW) and how would you want him to be used upon his debut? Do you have Any feuds or allies in mind for the company you picked?
I have to say he should return to the WWE and have a feud with Ken Kennedy...I feel they both have excellent mic skills and could cut some fantastic promos.

not to mention have a great match, PPV worthy.
I think Jericho should come back to WWE and be on Smackdown!
Since the roster is weaker, he can be in the World Title division along with
Batista, Booker, Kane, Taker, & Benoit. I think if he faced Benoit with some kind Contenders Match/Title on the line, they could probably put on as good a match as they did in the old days.
i think he should go to tna. would love to see him wrestle styles daniels joe. much more oppurtunity for him in tna to be a top star. wwe will hold him down because of his size.
to the above. WWE didnt seem to hold him down in his previous run with wwe, so i wouldnt worry about it. Chris has said that he is only going to return to the wwe when the time is right after he has finished up his projects and music tour.
I'd like to see him go to TNA if only because competition is better for the business and he;d help build some more for them. I think he would get to wrestle better there too. In TNA he would have more free time to do other things as well, but in WWE he would get a much larger promotional presence.

But if I had to pick where I thought he'd go, I think hed go back to WWE.
He needs to go back to WWE! Put him either on the ECW roster or the SmackDown Roster! Jericho would be champ in no time!!
I would love him to go to TNA and either fued or team with Christian because they always had great promos and great matches together.
I think Jericho will go wherever the best deal is. He was'nt exactly missused in WWE but he certainly was'nt used to the best of his abilities. Personally I would prefer him to go to T.N.A. there's so many more wrestlers that he could have great matches with. There is'nt really many in WWE who he has'nt already feuded with.
As much as I would love to see Y2J back and as much as I miss him, I personally don't think he should come back to wrestling full time. Much like The Rock, he doesn't need the $$ and he's achieved everything one can do within WWE so why not let his body rest and let him do what he loves doing? Though however personally I would love to see him come back for like a 4 week period for like One Last Match with someone that he can just have a 10/10 off the hook marquee retirement match.
From what I read in Power Slam he does need to come back to wrestling. Apparently he's quite a heavy spender, he's got a large mortgage, a wife and three kid's to take care of. His main stream media career has'nt gone very well apparently and within the nexy 18 months he will have to return to wrestling. Although that's just what i've read, I dont know if it's completley true.
By the way Jericho talks, it seems as if he'd like to make a return to the WWE. But in my opinion, all those little kids and girls in the audience just don't appreciate Jericho's excellent workrate. It wouldn't be a completely fresh start for a great talent like him if he were to head back to the WWE.

However, TNA is where he could practically start over. There would be a wide array of new guys for him to feud with: Styles, Daniels, Joe, Senshi, Homicide, etc. He would definitely thrive in a TNA ring and be widely appreciated by the fans.

I think he'll return to the WWE, but TNA is a far superior fit for him.

P.S. Now say if a guy like Goldberg returns, he'll forever tarnish a TNA ring. It's guys like him that WWE fans love...
I'm going with Jerichio in a return to WWE but not Raw or Smackdown! Can we say ECW kiddies?! Yeah Jericho in ECW.... First off you could have Benoit come over to ECW for alittle while and have a Benoit/Jericho feud. Or if that doesn't catch your fancy how about a CM Punk/Jericho feud! CM Punk/Jericho feud could be classic! Plus Jericho in ECW might give them some more credablity.
Y2J to tna is intriguing only because of the "what if" factor. He should go back to wwe, because his style worked well there. If jericho is so great, why would someone want him to play second fiddle to hbk and hhh? Thats not even interesting, and basically puts him at midcard again. I can't see a stable having its only three members in the world title picture. Dx needs a midcarder. Jericho could fill in a huge void on sd AS A HEEL!! they'll prolly stick him in ecw purgatory.
Chris Jericho does need to come back. He'd always put in quality time in the ring, and make a match very interesting.
I was watching Vengeances 2005 for the past few days, and this morning, I watched the Triple Threat match for the WWE Title with John Cena and Christian. Man, what an exciting match it was.
Jericho would be great on Smackdown! at the moment because all they have is Booker T, and I believe pushing Kennedy would be too early for his career, or he'll end up down the ladder faster than he went up.
Also, Chris Jericho has always had one of the most exciting enterances in the business.The countdown, the pyro, it works for him, and it will always work for him, albiet Y2J was a parody of the Y2K bug, it still gets the crowd going.
It was kind of sad to see him go out the way he did in 2005, but he will be remembered by me.
Chris Jericho, please come back, heel or face, because we miss you.
He should come back to the WWE in my opinion, and as much as I'd like so watch him on his show, RAW, he'd probably need to head to Smackdown! to actually make the show look good, since most people prefer RAW. He's said that he's definitely going to return to the WWE once he comes back, so I highly doubt he's going to TNA. I think almost everyone wants him to come back, and knock off it was basically done to him when Cena was semi-exciting, which he's pure horror to watch in the ring. He'll come back, sooner or later, and people will go nuts. JERICHO is WWE.
WRESTLEMANIA...cough, cough...

Think we could see Y2J back for Mania? Would liek to see him come out and lay out whoever is champ for Smackdown, and announce that he is back...

Agreed Y2J rocked, and I would like to see him back at some point.

ECW could be interesting, but think he should go to Smackdown as Smackdown could use some good talent on there too.

TNA is interesting...Y2J vs Sting would be a dream match, but think Y2J is WWE all the way.
From wikipedia:
Jericho has stated many times that if he ever returns to wrestling it will be for Vince McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Jim Ross, in the J.R report, stated that Jericho might be returning sometime in 2006.

Jericho has stated many times that he doesn't know when, but he will return to wrestling some day.

On an interview in Diva Ashley Massaro's column on, Chris is asked when we [wrestling fans] can expect to see him, if ever again? Chris states, "Well, I never planned to be away that long, and absolutely I plan on coming back. I’ve just had a lot of projects I’ve been working on, and each time one finishes up, another one starts, but I do hope the time will come soon that I come back and I’ll be better than ever. The Jerichoholics and myself would expect nothing less!""

Its not a Question of if its a question of when.
Royal Rumble
Raw on 3/12/07

I dont really know,nore does anyonel else except y2j.
Ultimatly, I just what to see him back in a ring wether it's a TNA ring or a WWE ring doesn't matter a whole lot to me at the moment, I just want to see him back

I will say this however, if he does come back to WWE, then he should be put on Smackdown! where he will be used better (I hope), on Smackdown! he would be able to feud with Benoit, Kennedy, Booker, and Finley. I would especially love to see Benoit/Jericho again since that is one of my all time favorite feuds in WWE history

In TNA he would be able to feud with guys like Joe, Daniels, and Styles as well as Angle (wwe never really capitalized on a feud between them like they should have), Though for Jericho to really be able to showcase what he can do TNA would have to get another hour which they need anyways
He should go back to WWE and Raw..... because RAW IS JERICHO!!!

TBH going to SmackDown would be a good choice as he would get pushed higher than on Raw.
Why do we even have TNA in this conversation? Their matches suck, no one there can wrestle, with the exceptions of Sting, Angle and Christian. They should not be mentioned at all and will eventually be put out of business by WWE just like WCW was.
Dead_Man_316 said:
Why do we even have TNA in this conversation? Their matches suck, no one there can wrestle, with the exceptions of Sting, Angle and Christian. They should not be mentioned at all and will eventually be put out of business by WWE just like WCW was.
what the fuck does that have to do with jericho, couldn't you have post that under the WWE vs. TNA thread, and TNA puts on great matches, just look at the two prime time special, the Christian/Rhino match was incrediable, and when was the last time we saw somthing as innovative as the ultiamte-x match in WWE, I also don't see how you can say Styles, Daniels, and Joe can't wrestle, ioh yeah and lets not forget that TNA actually has a decent Tag Team Division unlike any of WWEs three shows.
justinsayne said:
what the fuck does that have to do with jericho, couldn't you have post that under the WWE vs. TNA thread, and TNA puts on great matches, just look at the two prime time special, the Christian/Rhino match was incrediable, and when was the last time we saw somthing as innovative as the ultiamte-x match in WWE, I also don't see how you can say Styles, Daniels, and Joe can't wrestle, ioh yeah and lets not forget that TNA actually has a decent Tag Team Division unlike any of WWEs three shows.

tna has SOME good matches overall it jus plain sucks dude...yea yea yea it has a decent tag team division that still doesnt mean shit if they cant bring in ratings like wwe does so while u say there good at this and this bla bla bla it still doesnt matter cuz obviously it isnt good enough to get ratings as high as wwe's does...and this HORRRRRRRIBLE ecw ppv probably got more buyrates then any tna ppv does so yea
Dead_Man_316 said:
Why do we even have TNA in this conversation? Their matches suck, no one there can wrestle, with the exceptions of Sting, Angle and Christian. They should not be mentioned at all and will eventually be put out of business by WWE just like WCW was.

You've never watched iMPACT! once have you...I saw it and, well, wow. Hell yea they can wrestle, it's just everything else about TNA is kind of bad. The promos made by most everyone is horrible. Idk what is the matter with you, but watch an X-Division match for once...yes, they can wrestle.

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